#the most popular youtubers were finding every excuse to shit on it and mock the fans
vaugarde · 27 days
terribly sorry for progressively getting more and more annoyed and tired with jn. this show kinda gets a lot more exhausting on a rewatch when you know its not going to get better
#i think what happened when it was airing was that like. it was the direct successor to sun and moon right?#and that was a show EVERYONE shat on when it got revealed. the setting the art change the shift to a goofier style etc etc#but then it aired and aside from some hiccups while adjusting the first few eps- sm turned out to be a joy of a show#not just for a casual watch- you can tune on most episodes without context and just have a pleasant time bc its a cozy show#but also if youre more into the battle scene bc this series kinda goes hard on them#and while the episodes had a goofier tone to them the episodes never felt like they were talking down to its audience#everyone brings up the deaths and how maturely they were handled but seriously- they didnt need to go that hard on the minior episode#and yet- it took fans a long time to really come around to it and stop giving it bad faith criticism#the most popular youtubers were finding every excuse to shit on it and mock the fans#so i think when jn was announced with another slight art shift and a different format- i think we all got a little defensive over it#like hey sm had hiccups too! jn just needs some time to grow into itself and find its footing#and we had no reason to think it wouldn’t. like there were some red flags like how mimey was handled and some clickbait episodes#but we got genuinely nice episodes back then too! the scorbunny eps were neat and ash and gohs intro eps are great#the pichu opening is REALLY strong and i thought it showed a ton of promise for the show#the leon and eternatus stuff was being set up#so i waited for jn to pick up and waved off a lot of criticism as bad faith bc hey. ppl were ruthless to sm and forgetting that we do have t#to work with the limit that its a childrens series. which is fine.#but well…… suddenly we’re in the final arc and its not better. its worse. holy shit did it get worse#episodes like the drizzile one were now the exception. not the rule.#most episodes that are pleasant on a first watch became an absolute slog on a rewatch#the ‘’fanservice’’ feels more like a marketing ploy than an attempt to respect the characters. the production value was a goddamn mess.#entire arcs went unresolved#so it gave me rose tinted glasses until it all fell apart at once for me at the end#but now i have the joyful experience of watching the whole thing through knowing damn good and well it gets worse. yay#echoed voice#jn lb
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walkcycle · 1 year
genuine question abt ur bio.. whats wrong w little women? idk anything abt it :0 hope u have a good day!!
yes... what IS wrong w little women? in short it annoys me. i find it annoying. when i have to talk to little women lovers i start to go crazy and insane like that post about going on youtube without adblocker and turning into the riddler. i find the way most people discuss little women to be at best dick sucking levels of critical thinking (meaning none. they are just sucking dick) which whatever that's your business. but i love patterns and thinking and ripping books up so it does not work for me. mainly what i think is wrong w little women: people still talk about it. stop making movie adaptions stop WATCHING these movies adaptions stop it just stop it !!!!
little women well reading it you have fun. or i had fun. and the reason i had fun is because i have a parasocial relationship with louisa may alcott and i justknow she was a hater and i DO know she hated little women (this is because she is dead and you can just read her diary). but unfortunately other people that read little women and had fun well they don't have this insane girl bond with alcott so they aren't haters. alcott thought the concept for the book was boring and she only turned to writing it after facing critical failure with previous works. by critical failure i don't mean failure of critical levels i just mean critics did not like it. critics read moods and were like wow alcott you should try to unlearn the written word this sucks and she was like ok go fuck yourself what if i wrote the most boring shit on earth kill yourself and that's what makes reading little women fun the whole thing is double speak you know with every sentence alcott is mocking the entire book and the views presented in it she hated women she was like god this sucks.
alcott did not view the book as progressive she was having to include all kinds of shit... that book was about a household centered around a man and written to mirror books like pilgrims progress (pilgrims progress is this christian allegory like how narnia is about christianity like that only not fun). after it became popular she had to pull back on literally all the fun stuff in it bc she was so hateful and annoyed towards her fans she was like god can you all SHUT UP? just for that everyones lives are going to be miserable just for that im going to write the worst endings on earth for these little bitches and then she did and giggled with her friends about it
ok i lost my main point. my main point abt america just never shutting the fuck up about little women. to me these people just dont get it they literally dont theyre like wow little women...... feminist book about women written by a woman....... this is soooo great we should keep talking about these white women for the rest of all time like omg they literally had servants. be real. but people just continue to praise it without having anything of substance to say like ok girl can we move on can we talk about other books why are we stuck in the white women jogging track just walking around and around can we get out of here. people use little women and its impact on american culture as an excuse to just keep circling around white women it is literally 2023 can we talk about something else. little women fans are just insufferable to me they're trapped in this little women loop where because little women is "progressive" (i have other thoughts about this too) they never have to consider works by other groups of minorities and they never have to consider if theres anything fucked up and twisted about or being mainlined by its narrative. little women is an insincere book and its thematic messages are also insincere and if you read it knowing this then you can become an insane crazy guy like me and then i would loveeee to talk about little women with you. but unfortunately no one is doing this
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eighteenoheight · 4 years
I suck at collecting my thoughts without rambling and deciding not to put it out into the universe, but sometimes you just need to word vomit and get over it.
This is about the dumb drama with Gabbie Hanna and the rest of the internet.
I don’t really have a horse in this race, everyone involved I have been a “fan” of in the sense that I would binge watch them and then forget they exist for months. Since Jenna Marbles stopped uploading I don’t have time for YouTube content other than doll customs, sims 4 builds and lavendertowne. Gabbie is only still on my radar because I genuinely like and relate to her music. It’s become a meme to hate on her music and discredit her talent which I don’t fuck with. Regardless if it’s not to your taste, it’s kinda gross to do that imo. Otherwise I’m not really involved in her content. 
I think I’ll start with the Trisha drama because that’s still ongoing. Allegedly it started with Trisha and Jason’s relationship. And based on what I know of the situation, I would have done exactly the same as Gabbie. If you’re told something like that you have a few options. Stay silent and let the rumors continue to spread. Tell the partner with the alleged STD that these rumors are circulating. Or you can tell the partner whose health is possibly at risk.First option is very unhelpful, you look like the asshole for withholding information like that. Second option also bad, who is this person more willing to be open and truthful with? Their romantic partner, or someone they barely know. Last option you risk alienating that person, but at least your friend won’t potentially get an incurable STD. Casual reminder that this is a real life person, and Jason’s health is way more important than Trisha’s pride. Sorry about it but it’s true. From what I’ve gathered, Trisha is the one who made this a public thing. And apparently she continued to spread the STD rumors to turn people against Gabbie. 
However, the internet overall took Trisha’s side in this matter, which I find bewildering. Gabbie handled the rumors like an adult, which is something everyone is asking of these internet influencers. This was the first time I noticed the internet was BSing me. I thought I was going crazy.
This situation opened my eyes a little bit when it came to internet drama and since it’s been hard to understand how I was born in the same world as these drama channels.
And I used to love drama channels. The tea was splash in your face get third degree burns kinda hot. But after that drama I couldn’t see them the same. I’d see what they were saying about Gabbie and assume it was the truth because I didn’t care enough to look into these things. Another thing that brings me to my later conclusion is the drama with makeup brushes. This involved a few other youtubers but it seemed like Gabbie was the one held most accountable. 
Now the recent issue going on is Gabbie had what is considered a mental breakdown on the internet. And instead of taking the time to be kind, or leave someone alone who was clearly not okay. Her meltdown became a meme. And this was perpetuated by Trisha, who is still somehow exempt from “starting drama” yet if Gabbie responds to it she’s the one stirring the pot? Excuse me, but if someone was making tik tok after tik tok mocking my mental health you can bet your bubble butt I would respond. Also funny how the same woman who made a mockery of DID very recently is making fun of someone else’ mental issues. It’s like the internet is very selective in who they hold accountable. It’s like they choose the villain of Youtube and everything they do is bad, and everything other people do to them is good. It’s like the youtube hunger games. 
And little bit of tea here, but in Gabbie’s rants on everything... Did she lie though? Based on what I’ve concluded she was right about almost everything. She was and still is being gas-lit by the internet. And maybe everyone disagrees but I’ve been watching this unfold. For example the alleged shadowbanning.
Shadowbanning is a popular topic on YouTube and has been for a while. I know channels have been shadowbanned. A lot of political channels I’ve watched in the past get hidden from me, so I have to actively search for them to get any results Yet when Gabbie says she thinks she’s been shadowbanned and has the receipts to back it up, suddenly no one’s ever heard of shadowbanning. They act like it’s ludicrous to think YouTube abuses their platform and fucks creators over. Suddenly it’s out of the question and no it’s just Gabbie’s content isn’t remotely popular anymore. I find it completely believable, because not only have I seen it with other channels, for some reason I’m the only bitch on the planet who notices how convenient it is that her views immediately dipped after accusations of being a rape apologist started popping up. Not everyone is in the know about internet drama so for that dramatic decrease to have happened, it couldn’t have just been people believing the accusations.That is gas-lighting. You’re aware of YouTube's problem but when Gabbie says it’s happening to her suddenly she’s a liar, she’s crazy.
I want to briefly tackle a sensitive topic of a former friend of Gabbie’s and fellow youtuber. I want to be cautious with my approach because what she went through was horrific and I don’t want to take away from it with what I’m about to say. Don’t want to name this person because it feels super tacky to do so. I remember this person from vine and I always got a bad vibe from her. I had a friend in the past who was really toxic and after that experience I’ve found it a lot easier to pick up on people who are similar. When I get the vibe from people I’ve always been proved right. Gabbie allegedly said something really nasty to this person. But after my initial disgust I couldn’t help but get the feeling that this was a response to being hounded. My old friend would do this all the time. They would push me to give a rude response that they would then use against me in the future. Of course my own inner trauma could be affecting what I’m getting from this situation, but as I’ve said my inklings haven’t been proven wrong yet. From more things coming out it seems to prove me correct. This has been a conflicting thought I’ve had for so long. It’s like a trauma response and I’ve unlocked a power to spot the assholes. 
Overall this issue I think points to the internet having a specified target. I think this is a pretty common thing outside of the internet. It’s like society has to pick an enemy that they can scapegoat and attack to feel morally superior. I think it’s really evident in politics. The difference is instead of picking an entity or group, the internet chooses a single personality to hone in on. James Charles was the target for a while, and I think Gabbie is currently the biggest one now. Whether she does wrong or not, it’s hard for me to take it particularly seriously when the internet is acting so blatantly out of control. There are plenty of grievances to have with Gabbie, but bandwagonning on all of it looks pathetic.Currently the trend is holding people accountable for their actions which I can always get behind, but it looks like the end-goal for Gabbie is to harass her off the internet. Because when she responds to the drama she’s feeding into it, yet when she doesn’t respond she’s... Still feeding into it. I don’t get it. I feel like she’s tried to capitulate to the internet, but she’s somehow worse than when she’s just telling them to fuck off. It’s a game she can’t possibly win because every choice it’s automatically the wrong one. Example: the tea channels demand she talks about the issues, but when she does they tweet about her never shutting up. Like which is it guys? Is she being too silent or too loud? This series of events have made me lose a lot of respect for drama channels, especially their responses to being called out. “Accountability only extends to those we don’t like. Don’t talk about how I was on J* payroll. Forget that I constantly invade the private lives of others. That Youtuber’s response wasn’t to my liking! Trust me, I’m the arbiter of good, Jesus has his hand up my ass tickling my guts and I’m wearing a halo, see?” 
Honestly just have some standards, don’t dunk on creators because it’s trendy. Hold them accountable for shit that actually matters, because otherwise there’s no point believing you when someone has done something wrong.
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biofunmy · 5 years
YouTube’s Newest Far-Right, Foul-Mouthed, Red-Pilling Star Is A 14-Year-Old Girl
What does a 14-year-old girl dressed in a chador have to say on YouTube to amass more than 800,000 followers?
How about this: “I’ve become a devout follower of the Prophet Muhammad. Suffice to say, I’ve been having a fuck ton of fun. Of course, I get raped by my 40-year-old husband every so often and I have to worship a black cube to indirectly please an ancient Canaanite god — but at least I get to go to San Fran and stone the shit out of some gays, and the cops can’t do anything about it because California is a crypto-caliphate.”
Or how about, simply, “Kill yourself, faggot.”
Yes, if you want a vision of the future YouTube is midwifing, imagine a cherubic white girl mocking Islamic dress while lecturing her hundreds of thousands of followers about Muslim “rape gangs,” social justice “homos,” and the evils wrought by George Soros — under the thin guise of edgy internet comedy, forever.
Actually, don’t imagine it. Watch it. It’s already here.
The video is called “Be Not Afraid,” and it may be the clearest manifestation yet of the culture the executives of Alphabet’s video monster are delivering to millions of kids around the world, now via children incubated in that selfsame culture. To understand just how bad things have gotten on the platform, you need to see it for yourself.
Users — and more importantly to YouTube, advertisers — have over the past year started to hold the platform accountable for enabling the exploitation of children and exposing them to disturbing content. But this video reveals an entirely different way the platform is harming kids: by letting them express extreme views in front of the entire world. This is what indoctrination looks like when it’s reflected back by the indoctrinated.
A 20-minute, unbroken, and hyperarticulate tirade ostensibly about ignoring criticism online, “Be Not Afraid” stars a high school freshman from the Bay Area who goes by the name Soph on YouTube. (She edits as well as scores the videos, which she says are comedic.) Through videos like these, she’s become a rising star — with more than 800,000 followers — in the universe of conspiracy theorists, racists, and demagogues that owes its big bang to YouTube.
The video platform for years has incentivized such content through algorithms favoring sensational videos, and, as recent reporting has revealed, has deliberately ignored toxic content as a growth strategy.
Soph’s scripts, which she says she writes with a collaborator, are familiar: a mix of hatred toward Muslims, anti-black racism, Byzantine fearmongering about pedophilia, tissue-thin incel evolutionary psychology, and reflexive misanthropy that could have been copied and pasted from a thousand different 4chan posts. Of course, it’s all presented in the terminally ironic style popularized by boundary-pushing comedy groups like the influential Million Dollar Extreme and adopted of late by white supremacist mass shooters in Christchurch and San Diego.
(Soph is even more explicitly hateful on Discord, the gaming chat app, where she recently admitted to writing under the username “lutenant faggot” that she hoped for “A Hitler for Muslims” to “gas them all.”)
By now, we’re used to this stuff coming from grown men — some of whom have even used the platform as a launching pad for political aspirations. But Soph is a child. Despite the vitriol of her words and her confidence in delivering them, she’s still just a 14-year-old kid. And hearing this language lisped through braces, with the odd word mispronounced as if read but never before said, is clarifying.
Think of Jonathan Krohn, the conservative child prodigy who addressed the Conservative Political Action Conference in 2009, at age 13. Today he’s a freelance journalist who writes about extremism for liberal magazines, and has disowned his past views. Or think of Lynx and Lamb Gaede, who became media sensations as 11-year-old white nationalist twin pop singers in the mid-aughts. Today they’ve renounced racism and taken up marijuana legalization activism. Part of being a young person, maybe especially for a rhetorically gifted one, is testing out ideas and identities — even ones we later find anathema. That’s not to excuse anything Soph says; but it is to say children often don’t understand the weight of the words they use. (Neither Soph nor her father responded to requests for comment.)
Interviews with Soph and asides in her videos reveal a young person whose identity is obviously still being formed. She didn’t start as a politics caster but, predictably, as a profane 9-year-old (9!) game streamer called LtCorbis. Influential YouTubers Pyrocynical and Keemstar promoted her early work, which ripped on YouTube culture and the indignities of being a fifth-grader instead of people of color and liberals. (A 2016 Daily Dot story about her bore the unintentionally profound headline “This sweary, savvy, 11-year-old gamer girl is the future of YouTube.”) In more recent videos, Soph discloses a health issue that kept her out of class for long stretches. She confesses to being unhappy in school. She talks about a move from New York to California. She identifies by turns as “right-wing” and “anarcho-capitalist.” She’s 14, precocious, isolated, and pissed off, a combination that has produced a lot of bad behavior over the years, but not all of it monetized through preroll ads and a Patreon, and not all of it streamed to millions.
YouTube’s kid problem is well-known. From disturbing auto-generated cartoons to parents who playact violence with their children for clicks to a network of users exploiting videos of children for sexual content, the company has consistently failed at protecting the young users who are its most valuable assets. But Soph’s popularity raises another, perhaps more difficult question, about whether YouTube has an obligation to protect such users from themselves — and one another.
Of course, that’s partially the job of parents, a fact Soph pointed out in a recent video while addressing people alarmed by her content.
“I’m wondering why they’re concerned with what I say instead of being concerned with the parents who let their kids watch me,” she said.
It’s unclear how much Soph’s own parents know about her videos. Internet sleuths have figured out details about her parents’ lives, one of whom Soph has claimed voted for Hillary Clinton. In a recent interview, Soph said that her parents have never had a serious conversation with her about the politics of her videos, though she did respond angrily when a reporter attempted to contact her dad.
But the powers of parents over children who live online are limited. And YouTube has taken no ownership over what is happening to kids who grow up inhaling its trademark stench of bigotry, conspiracy, and nihilism. Now the kids, or the smart ones anyway, seem to know it. Indeed, YouTube’s own incompetence and lack of quality is one of Soph’s recurring themes; she acknowledges owing her fame to them.
“The fact that I was 11 and could easily follow the commentary formula should have been a sign that the standards for the genre were terribly low,” she said in the same interview.
Last month, after YouTube deactivated comments on her videos — the platform disabled comments on all videos with children in response to an outcry over the aforementioned network of exploitation — Soph uploaded a 12-minute video in which she seemed to be daring the platform to suspend her, knowing full well that it wouldn’t.
“Susan, I’ve known your address since last summer,” Soph said, directly addressing YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki. “I’ve got a Luger and a mitochondrial disease. I don’t care if I live. Why should I care if you live or your children? I just called an Uber. You’ve got about seven minutes to draft up a will. … I’m coming for you, and it ain’t gonna be pretty.”
A far-right child comedian threatening to murder the executive of the video site that has made her famous, for trying to protect her from pedophiles: the state of YouTube in 2019. (YouTube did not offer a comment for this story.)
Indeed, one of Soph’s messages seems to be that in a world where the adults who have grown rich through technology took the implications of that technology seriously, she wouldn’t exist. She’s a problem, she seems to be saying, of YouTube’s own making.
“You could beg me kicking and screaming to stop disseminating the ideas I believe in, and it wouldn’t make a fucking difference,” Soph says at the end of “Be Not Afraid,” in a passage in which she seems to drop her shtick, if only for a moment. “Not only am I inoculated to that bullshit, most of Gen Z is too. Millennials grew up with MTV and nowadays watch Colbert. We, on the other hand, grew up with the internet, so we have no centralized source of information that controls what we think. We filter out the truth for ourselves; we’re not lazy. No one is brainwashing kids. Kids are simply learning from having free access to information, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
The ultimate target of “Be Not Afraid” is, finally, adults: people who just don’t get why social justice discourse is meaningless and co-optable, why school can’t compare to YouTube, why mass murder can be funny. People who have enough experience to know better. She’s sure that adults are selfish and stupid, that the people with the most power over her life are making it up as they go along, just like she is. When you look at the adults who have gotten rich off the platform that created Soph, she isn’t completely wrong. She’s been publishing on YouTube for years with no consequence other than becoming famous.
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