#the more i draw this man the worse my bisexual crisis over him gets
willows-arts · 1 year
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@dahlia-the-nurd made me draw this
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thatwitchrevan · 3 years
I watched all the Marvel 'What If' episodes so far, here are some thoughts:
- Peggy is so hot as Captain Britain. Her and Steve are even cuter when she's a towering super soldier and he's her supportive bf. Steve's endless heart and optimism is always amazing but I also appreciated that moment of commiserating between him and Peggy acknowledging that she as a woman and he as a disabled man have both struggled with being ignored and belittled. Peggy overall was just awesome, loved her enthusiasm and joy and selfless courage. Bucky was fucking hilarious.
- Hank Pym murdering everyone was kinda weird but kinda cool? This episode was a bit weak but I did love Natasha and Fury's interactions and Loki's 'Trickster God. Hello!' moment. Also very funny how Tony just flopped over and died.
- T'Challa as Starlord is genius. He really went and made the whole galaxy better and everyone loves him for it... It's what he deserves! He forgave Yondu too easily tho, very fucked up to keep him from his family and culture like that. Gamora was amazing especially with that triple cross. T'Challa/Gamora is fucking cute too. The only thing i didn't like about this one is that Thanos was way too cheesy.
- I do not care about Stephen Strange. Watching him suffer in a time loop was kinda interesting though.
- Tony is blatantly bisexual. The moment he sees Erik he begins a prolonged gay crisis. Killmonger is the best as always but did he have to kill Rhodey AND T'Challa? And frankly if Marvel wasn't so racist and shit he would've actually become Prince of Wakanda and changed the world without killing his own family or at least would've made an impact instead of being villianized to this degree. Justice for Killmonger next time. Pepper has the only braincell in Stark Industries.
- marvel zombies was more fun than I thought. Making Peter the heart of the survivor team was the best decision. The whole team was awesome, especially Bucky and Hope. Vision and Wanda breaking my heart again. I'm gonna break Vision's head though for feeding T'Challa to his zombie wife. I can excuse kidnapping an entire town but I draw the line at cannibalizing the King of Wakanda. And! And! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE KILLING OKOYE. I AM COMING FOR YOUR HEAD MARVEL WHAT WAS THAT. Also the disrespect to Sam... Having him show up for two seconds to be bisected, I did not appreciate. Also I do not understand why the zombie apocalypse is happening during the Thanos apocalypse. Also also the way the zombie outbreak started made no fucking sense AND it didn't follow the series rule of the divergence hinging on one choice by one person.
Overall, these are pretty decent. They're funny and the animation mostly looks good, and I love aus. I feel like a lot of the prominent Black characters are still not getting much respect, though, and in a way it's worse than usual because so many characters are getting killed off. Rhodey, Sam, T'Challa, and Okoye each get killed off at least once and sometimes with much less dignity than the other characters and it just doesn't sit right with me.
I'm enjoying the humor and some of the good character moments (Okoye's running jokes about Americans are great and her screentime in general is awesome, and she plays off so many characters so well) but Marvel isn't magically putting out better and more thoughtful tv just because it's in an animated format and breaking continuity. They still have plotholes and they still don't respect many of their characters.
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sunsetcurveofficial · 3 years
So with the prompt thing, can you do the bedhead one with Ruke? Would much appreciate it lol
oh my god. i am SO sorry, love. i swear i did not mean to ignore you. tumblr must have eaten your message, because i genuinely did not see it until today. here it is, though, and it’s extra long to make up for it. hope you like it. xx
also available on ao3
“Your bed head is really cute.”
Luke has always had messy hair. No matter how often he tries to fix it throughout the day, somehow a few minutes later it always looks dishevelled again. But here’s the thing. Reggie loves Luke’s messy hair. He would never admit it, of course, but the messier Luke’s hair is, the more he enjoys watching him. So, naturally, he’s also taken it upon himself to ruffle it whenever he gets a chance. Luke always swats his hands away, shoves him, and glares as he tries to fix it again, but Reggie merely laughs and definitely does not think about how cute Luke looks. Luke is his friend and Reggie loves messing with him. That’s all, honestly. It’s all fun and games until Reggie wakes up next to him for the first time, anyway. 
His parents were fighting again, so Reggie snuck out in the middle of the night and showed up at the first place that came to mind. Luke’s. And Luke hugged him, didn’t make him talk, and they listened to music together until they fell asleep. Together. In Luke’s bed. 
So, Reggie is a little disoriented when he wakes up with his head somehow nestled under Luke’s arm, one of his own slung around his friend’s waist. He feels something flutter in his chest when he realises, and it gets even worse when he notices how warm and comfortable he is. He never thought about sharing a bed with Luke before, and much less waking up next to him, but he finds that he actually made it through without any nightmares for once, instead feeling like he is exactly where he should be, which hasn’t happened in a very long time. It’s nice. 
Luke blinks his eyes open shortly after, grinning the moment he spots Reggie, who still has his face squished against a pillow under Luke’s arm. He hasn’t removed his own arm from Luke’s body either. 
“Morning, bro,” Luke says around a yawn, reaching out to flick Reggie’s nose. He scrunches it up, wiping a hand over it when Luke draws his hand back and laughs. He sits up to look at the time, and Reggie follows suit, his arm dropping from Luke’s waist, albeit a little regrettably. His eyes wander over his friend as Luke turns back to him to inform him that it’s just past 10am, and he can’t help it. He giggles delightedly as he takes in the way Luke’s hair looks even wilder than he has ever seen it before. Not even after a gig. It’s standing up in every direction, the strands falling into his eyes and looking twice as voluminous as usual. He looks adorable. Reggie does realise that’s an odd thought to have about your bro, but he can’t help it. 
Luke frowns, self-consciously scratching at the back of head as Reggie keeps eyeing him, giggles erupting from his chest. 
“What?” Luke asks, running a hand over his mouth. “Did I drool in my sleep or something?” 
Reggie shakes his head. 
“No. Sorry. It’s just… your bed head is really cute.” 
He blushes the moment the words leave his mouth and he can’t believe he actually said that. Surely Luke will never let him live that one down. Luke’s blush is almost more adorable than his bed hair, and Reggie figures he should probably have a good think about what exactly it is he’s feeling for Luke. It’s not normal to find your best bro quite so cute, is it? 
“Cute?” Luke asks, voice so high pitched it almost sounds like a shriek. “I’m not cute.” He pouts. 
Reggie can’t help it. How is he supposed to just shrug it off when Luke is sitting right there next to him looking like a kicked puppy that is most certainly cute, even if he tries to be all cool and intimidating most of the time. 
“Duh huh. Yeah, you are,” Reggie says, because now that it’s out he might as well just roll with it. 
“Am not,” Luke insists, and Reggie kind of really wants to kiss the pout off his face. Okay, right. He definitely needs to talk to Alex. 
In hindsight, Reggie really doesn’t know why he does it. He’s not even that impulsive of a person. If anything, Luke is the impulsive one of the two. And he’s a little horrified at himself when he leans in and kisses the tip of Luke’s nose. He blushes when he draws back, and kind of wants the ground to swallow him whole, but Luke looks so startled, his beautiful eyes so wide and his cheeks so red that Reggie feels a little comforted and manages to shrug it off with a grin. He’s done it, he can’t take it back, so he might as well pretend to be confident about it. 
Luke keeps sitting there mumbling something like “What the hell, bro?” under his breath and stares at him even as Reggie gets dressed. He really needs to talk to Alex. 
“You can close your mouth now, Luke. Otherwise you might accidentally swallow a fly or something,” Reggie says with a grin, running a hand through his hair in front of the mirror to fix his own bed head. Luke does close his mouth, but keeps sitting there looking flustered. Reggie has never seen him like that before, and it does all sorts of funny things to his chest. The mighty Luke Patterson, finally brought to his knees by Reggie Peter’s strange new impulsiveness. Huh. 
“I’m gonna go meet Alex. See you later, babe,” Reggie tells him, and he swears Luke’s jaw drops right open again. Babe? Honestly, Reggie is on fire today. 
“Reg? What are you doing here? It’s 11am!” Alex says when he opens the door. Reggie half walked, half ran to get to his house, so he feels slightly out of breath. He thinks he probably looks a little disheveled as well, if Alex’s worried look is anything to go by. 
“Are you okay? Did something happen?” 
“Not sure,” Reggie manages to say, panting a little. “Maybe?” 
Alex narrows his eyes at him.
“Okay? Well, come in. We can talk in my room.” 
He leads Reggie inside and up to his room. Reggie feels the questions bubbling under his skin, itching to get out, so he jumps right into it as soon as Alex’s door is closed behind them. 
“Do you think Luke’s messy hair is cute?” he asks. Alex looks a little taken aback, a faint blush growing on his cheeks. 
“I mean… yeah? It’s cute enough. Why?” 
“Because I think it’s cute. But that’s not normal, is it? I mean, I think about it constantly. And this morning I woke up next to him because my parents fought last night, and— have you seen his bed head?” 
Alex tilts his head, something like recognition reaching his eyes as he watches Reggie pace as he keeps rambling about Luke’s hair. Reggie pauses for a moment to frown at him, but jumps right back in when the itching gets too bad. “So, I told him it’s cute. And I don’t know why I did that, because it’s weird, right? And Luke pouted, you know, that adorable puppy pout of his? Well, and then I found myself thinking that I would very much like to kiss it off, and that’s— I mean, that can’t be— What does it mean, Alex? I’m kinda freaking out a little bit.” 
Alex snorts, and his frown is replaced by an amused look and a knowing smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. Reggie finds it a little irritating. Alex should just tell him what it all means instead of smiling like he knows something Reggie doesn’t. 
“I can see that,” Alex says dryly. Reggie wants to kick him. “Well, Reg. It sounds like you got a crush on Luke, dude.” 
Reggie doesn’t have a crush on Luke. Luke is not a girl. Therefore Reggie can’t have a crush on him. Can he? No, wait. That’s a stupid thought to have. Alex is a boy who exclusively has crushes on other boys. Reggie thinks it over for a moment. He remembers Luke’s hair. He remembers sleeping in his arms. He remembers his pout, and his big hazel eyes. He also remembers his voice, and the way he gets all excited when he writes music. Or worse, when he plays his guitar on stage. Okay. So he does have a crush on Luke. That’s new. And interesting.
“Oh,” he says. “I have a crush on Luke? Oh my god! I have a crush on Luke! I’m gay, too?” 
Alex chuckles fondly. Reggie is a little offended about his amusement while he’s having a sexuality crisis, thank you very much. 
“I don’t think you are, bro. You still like girls, don’t you?” 
Reggie thinks that over for a moment as well and comes to the conclusion that yes, he definitely does. 
“Yes. But how can that…?” 
Alex shrugs. 
“You can like whoever you want, Reg. Like Bowie. He says he’s bisexual, because he likes both men and women.” 
Reggie’s eyes light up. Like Bowie? He’s like David Bowie? Well, that’s pretty neat, he thinks. 
“I didn’t even know that was a thing!” he says, smiling delightedly. “I’d love to be more like Bowie. Ha! Bowie, man!” 
Alex smiles happily, getting up from his bed to pull Reggie into a hug. 
“I’m glad you told me, bro. Finally someone to talk about boys with!” 
Reggie laughs. He likes that prospect. 
“Oh my god! Yes. Thank you for helping me figure it out, Alex. I’m a little terrified, I think, but it’s cool. I’ve got you.” 
Alex shoves him playfully, his eyes searching Reggie’s as he puts his knowing grin back on. 
“So what are you gonna do about Luke?” he asks. In his excitement, Reggie has almost forgotten about him. Even though Luke is the sole reason why he’s at Alex’s in the first place, and Luke generally doesn’t have a tendency to leave Reggie’s mind for extended periods of time.
“Luke! That’s right. Oh. Well… you think he might like me back?” 
Reggie isn’t so sure. They couldn’t all like boys, could they? He isn’t sure why he thinks that, though. And Luke blushed rather adorably earlier, after all. 
“I think your chances are better than you think,” Alex says, and Reggie swears he knows something he doesn’t again, “You gotta tell him, dude!” 
Reggie hums. 
“I mean… he did get really flustered when I accidentally kissed him on the nose this morning,” he muses. Alex raises his eyebrows at him. 
“You accidentally…” He snorts. “Only you, Reg.” 
Luke is already at the studio when Reggie arrives for practice that afternoon. Alex and Bobby aren’t there yet, and Luke blushes the moment he sees Reggie. Grinning, Reggie walks right over to him and presses a smooch to his cheek. 
“Hi, babe,” he says casually. Luke visibly splutters, looking even more flustered than he did in the morning, and Reggie absolutely revels in it. 
“Why do you keep calling me that?” Luke squeaks, nearly dropping his guitar as he tries to place it on its stand. Reggie shrugs. 
“Because I like it. And you are. A babe, I mean.” 
Luke looks like his head is about to explode, he’s blushing that hard. It’s the funniest thing Reggie has ever seen, because Luke Patterson is nothing if not confident. His nonchalance, however, is nowhere to be found now. 
“Wh— what?” 
Reggie grins and steps closer, right into Luke’s space. Their noses are almost touching, and Luke’s eyes are impossibly wide when Reggie meets them. He can feel his breath on his lips. 
“Would you mind if I kissed you?” he asks. He doesn’t know when he became the confident one between the two, but he’s enjoying it way more than he should, probably. 
“What?” Luke squeaks again, and Reggie really has to force himself to hold back until Luke gives his consent. Reggie doesn’t want to make him uncomfortable. “Why?” 
Reggie chuckles and nudges his nose against Luke’s. The other boy doesn’t back off, and he takes that as a good sign. 
“Because I like you, man. Very much so. And it’s not just because I think your bed head is cute, although that is a bonus.” 
Luke kisses him. Well, that was easier than he expected. Reggie’s hands come up to Luke’s hair as he kisses him back, starting out softly but quickly becoming a little more frantic as they’re both pushing and pulling at each other. It seems that Luke is regaining his confidence, and Reggie likes that just as much as he likes him all flustered. 
“You haven’t seen your bed head, babe,” Luke breathes as he pulls away after what feels like a blissful eternity. Luke emphasises the pet name, and Reggie chuckles, feeling himself blush a little for change today. 
“So, are we in love, then?” Reggie asks bluntly. He figures there is no point in beating around the bush. The more he looks at Luke looking all kissed and dishevelled, especially his hair that Reggie managed to mess up just perfectly, the more he knows that he is so in love with his best friend, and he doesn’t understand why he didn’t realise it before. 
Luke laughs out loud, looking fond as he reaches out to pat Reggie’s cheek. 
“Yes, you dork. We are so in love.” 
And then he kisses him again, and it’s the best thing in the world. They only part when Alex and Bobby appear in the studio, one of them hooting while the other makes gagging noises. Reggie doesn’t care all that much. He keeps his eyes locked on Luke for the entirety of their rehearsal, his chest fluttering when he remembers why Luke’s hair looks especially messy today, and that he’s directly responsible for it. 
It’s even better when Luke meets his eyes and smiles back at him, though.
-   End.   - 
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