#the leg anatomy is bothering me a bit but ehhh
studioboner · 13 days
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pretty happy w this still life from.class today!! 25 minutes
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brokenmusicboxwolfe · 7 years
I saw:
The Mystery Science Theater 3000 version Boggy Creek II: The Legend Continues- A professor hauls three young folk off to the wilds to hunt up bigfoot’s southern cousin. They apparently haven’t thought this through very well because close encounters with the beastie freak them out and they don’t seem to have a plan for actually, you know, finding it. While they hang about the professor tells stories of other people’s sightings, one of which ends in a mauling and another which is an “amusing” outhouse incident. Considering no one bothered to even tell one of the girls what it looked like until they were off in the woods, maybe this wasn’t a good idea to keep the gang calm. Eventually a lead gets them to the nicely isolated home of a a cliched back woods type, though considering everyone calls this fella an “old man” despite a lack of even grey hair maybe the fountain of youth is in his back yard. Youth, not beauty or intellegence or anything. The secret to why the creature is prowling lies in a back room. Literally lies.
So. Yeah. It has local color though. It opens with travelogue style nature footage that was rather pleasant, like something some PBS station might have churned out a few decades ago. Except without the furry biped that hunts swimming deer from underwater leaving their heads bobbing in the water. Still, considering the hunters I’ve encountered that just take the head for a trophy I’ve got respect the critter for having sensible priorities. Personally I find regionally made films, you know, anything NOT a product of California or New York, has a certain novelty value. Like “Oh, look! That’s what the rest of the country looks like!” Not a good movie but a curiosity.
This was a MST3K and my reaction was....ehhh. The riffing centered mainly on joking about southerners and rural living based on the usual cliches. To be fair, the movie was rather mocking of us hicks too. Also, the guys ran into the ground an adolecent desire to see the two female characters wrestle (they did NOT thank goodness) while also doing their usual moaning in disgust at male anatomy. I have always been a bit exasperated by their going “EWWWW” every time a guy has his legs apart or their backside gets glimpsed. That said, I can’t blame them for mocking the male student never wanting to wear a shirt. Gotta say, as someone that has spent plenty of time in the woods: mosquitoes, ticks, deer flies, briars...you want your skin protected even when it is hot! But the laughs were few and far between during the movie.
Well, I didn’t laugh any more at the bits between. There is a bit with a cub scout meeting with Mike and Crow reacting badly to Servo showing up in a Brownie outfit, which got to me because of my childhood. I went to exactly one girl scout meeting as a little girl. They were talking about clothes and makeup and so forth so I, in all innocence, asked if we would go camping sometime. They howled with laughter, the woman leading the group nearly falling over laughing “Girls don’t go camping!!!” And being a girl, boy scouts weren’t an option...and once I read their handbook and saw their views on religion I was soured on them too. So that was that....
Anyway, there was a mildly amusing bit about Pearl’s nefarious schemes being mucked up by her help, another riffing on the idea of flashbacks that made me chuckle, and Pearl having the brilliant idea to lure in tourist bucks by faking her own creature sightings using Bobo, her ape man sidekick. It was under used in the show, but I love the idea. Actually, I loved the idea when I had back when I was a little girl an bigfoot was all the rage. Trouble is I’m too damned honest by nature, but danged if I wasn’t rooting for Pearl.
You know, I actually am finding myself rooting for her a lot lately.......
Um, not that I’m getting in touch with my own evil side or anything. No sir, I am most definitely not hatching a plot to rule the world as we speak. 
Or am I?
(Insert evil laugh)
(Evil laugh gets louder and more hysterical)
No, I’m not.
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