#the least respirations and the lowest blood pressure
minecraft666 · 3 months
reasongs i should be allowed to pass the nursing state exams ;
i am jus tha sweetest little peach
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nursingscience · 1 year
Medical Knowledge 10
25. A 32-year-old mother of three is brought to the clinic. Her pulse is 52, there is a weight gain of 30 pounds in four months, and the client is wearing two sweaters. The client is diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Which of the following nursing diagnoses is of highest priority?
A. Impaired physical mobility related to decreased endurance
B. Hypothermia r/t decreased metabolic rate
C. Disturbed thought processes r/t interstitial edema
D. Decreased cardiac output r/t bradycardia✔️
Explanation: The decrease in pulse can affect the cardiac output and lead to shock, which would take precedence over the other choices; therefore, answers A, B, and C are incorrect.
26. The client presents to the clinic with a serum cholesterol of 275mg/dL and is placed on rosuvastatin (Crestor). Which instruction should be given to the client taking rosuvastatin (Crestor)?
A. Report muscle weakness to the physician.✔️
B. Allow six months for the drug to take effect.
C. Take the medication with fruit juice.
D. Report difficulty sleeping.
Explanation: The client taking antilipidemics should be encouraged to report muscle weakness because this is a sign of rhabdomyolysis. The medication takes effect within one month of beginning therapy, so answer B is incorrect. The medication should be taken with water because fruit juice, particularly grapefruit, can decrease the effectiveness, making answer C incorrect. Liver function studies should be checked before beginning the medication, not after the fact, making answer D incorrect.
27. The client is admitted to the hospital with hypertensive crises. Diazoxide (Hyperstat) is ordered. During administration, the nurse should:
A. Utilize an infusion pump.
B.✔️ Check the blood glucose level.
C. Place the client in Trendelenburg position.
D. Cover the solution with foil.
Explanation: Hyperstat is given an IV push for hypertensive crises, but it often causes hyperglycemia. The glucose level will drop rapidly when stopped. Answer A is incorrect because the hyperstat is given by IV push. The client should be placed in dorsal recumbent position, not Trendelenburg position, as stated in answer C. Answer D is incorrect because the medication does not have to be covered with foil.
28. The six-month-old client with a ventral septal defect is receiving Digitalis for regulation of his heart rate. Which finding should be reported to the doctor?
A. Blood pressure of 126/80
B. Blood glucose of 110mg/dL
C. Heart rate of 60bpm✔️
D. Respiratory rate of 30 per minute
Explanation: A heart rate of 60 in the baby should be reported immediately. The dose should be held if the heart rate is below 100bpm. The blood glucose, blood pressure, and respirations are within normal limits; thus, answers A, B, and D are incorrect.
29. The client admitted with angina is given a prescription for nitroglycerine. The client should be instructed to:
A. Replenish his supply every three months.
B. Take one every 15 minutes if pain occurs.
C. Leave the medication in the brown bottle.✔️
D. Crush the medication and take it with water.
Explanation: Nitroglycerine should be kept in a brown bottle (or even a special air- and water-tight, solid or plated silver or gold container) because of its instability and tendency to become less potent when exposed to air, light, or water. The supply should be replenished every six months, not three months, and one tablet should be taken every five minutes until pain subsides, so answers A and B are incorrect. If the
pain does not subside, the client should report to the emergency room. The medication should be taken sublingually and should not be crushed, as stated in answer D.
30. The client is instructed regarding foods that are low in fat and cholesterol. Which diet selection is lowest in saturated fats?
A. Macaroni and cheese
B. Shrimp with rice
C. Turkey breast✔️
D. Spaghetti with meat sauce
Explanation: Turkey contains the least amount of fats and cholesterol. Liver, eggs, beef, cream sauces, shrimp, cheese, and chocolate should be avoided by the client; thus, answers A, B, and D are incorrect. The client should bake meat rather than frying to avoid adding fat to the meat during cooking.
31. The client is admitted with left-sided congestive heart failure. In assessing the client for edema, the nurse should check the:
A. Feet
B. Neck✔️
C. Hands
D. Sacrum
Explanation: The jugular veins in the neck should be assessed for distension. The other parts of the body will be edematous in right-sided congestive heart failure, not left-sided; thus, answers A, C, and D are incorrect.
32. The nurse is checking the client’s central venous pressure. The nurse should place the zero of the manometer at the:
A. Phlebostatic axis✔️
C. Erb’s point
D. Tail of Spence
Explanation: The phlebostatic axis is located at the fifth intercostals space midaxillary line and is the correct placement of the manometer. The PMI or point of maximal impulse is located at the fifth intercostals space midclavicular line, so answer B is incorrect. Erb’s point is the point at which you can hear the valves close simultaneously, making answer C incorrect. The Tail of Spence (the upper outer quadrant of the breast) is the area where most breast cancers are located and has nothing to do with placement of a manometer; thus, answer D is incorrect.
33. The physician orders lisinopril (Zestril) and furosemide (Lasix) to be administered concomitantly to the client with hypertension. The nurse should:
A. Question the order.
B.✔️ Administer the medications.
C. Administer separately.
D. Contact the pharmacy.
Explanation: Zestril is an ACE inhibitor and is frequently given with a diuretic such as Lasix for hypertension. Answers A, C, and D are incorrect because the order is accurate. There is no need to question the order, administer the medication separately, or contact the pharmacy.
34. The best method of evaluating the amount of peripheral edema is:
A. Weighing the client daily
B.✔️ Measuring the extremity
C. Measuring the intake and output
D. Checking for pitting
Explanation: The best indicator of peripheral edema is measuring the extremity. A paper tape measure should be used rather than one made of plastic or cloth, and the area should be marked with a pen, providing the most objective assessment. Answer A is incorrect because weighing the client will not indicate peripheral edema. Answer C is incorrect because checking the intake and output will not indicate peripheral edema. Answer D is incorrect because checking for pitting edema is less reliable than measuring with a paper tape measure.
35. A client with vaginal cancer is being treated with a radioactive vaginal implant. The client’s husband asks the nurse if he can spend the night with his wife. The nurse should explain that:
A. Overnight stays by family members is against hospital policy.
B. There is no need for him to stay because staffing is adequate.
C. His wife will rest much better knowing that he is at home.
D. Visitation is limited to 30 minutes when the implant is in place.✔️
Explanation: Clients with radium implants should have close contact limited to 30 minutes per visit. The general rule is limiting time spent exposed to radium, putting distance between people and the radium source, and using lead to shield against the radium. Teaching the family members these principles is extremely important. Answers A, B, and C are not empathetic and do not address the question; therefore, they are incorrect.
36. The nurse is caring for a client hospitalized with a facial stroke. Which diet selection would be suited to the client?
A. Roast beef sandwich, potato chips, pickle spear, iced tea
B. Split pea soup, mashed potatoes, pudding, milk✔️
C. Tomato soup, cheese toast, Jello, coffee
D. Hamburger, baked beans, fruit cup, iced tea
Explanation: The client with a facial stroke will have difficulty swallowing and chewing, and the foods in answer B provide the least amount of chewing. The foods in answers A, C, and D would require more chewing and, thus, are incorrect.
37. The physician has prescribed Novalog insulin for a client with diabetes mellitus. Which statement indicates that the client knows when the peak action of the insulin occurs?
A. “I will make sure I eat breakfast within 10 minutes of taking my insulin.”✔️
B. “I will need to carry candy or some form of sugar with me all the time.”
C. “I will eat a snack around three o'clock each afternoon.”
D. “I can save my dessert from supper for a bedtime snack."
Explanation: Novalog insulin sets very quickly, so food should be available within 10–15 minutes of taking the insulin. Answer B does not address a particular type of insulin, so it is incorrect. NPH insulin peaks in 8–12 hours, so a snack should be eaten at the expected peak time. It may not be 3 p.m. as stated in answer C. Answer D is incorrect because there is no need to save the dessert until bedtime.
39. A client with leukemia is receiving Trimetrexate. After reviewing the client’s chart, the physician orders Wellcovorin (leucovorin calcium). The rationale for administering leucovorin calcium to a client receiving Trimetrexate is to:
A. Treat iron-deficiency anemia caused by chemotherapeutic agents
B. Create a synergistic effect that shortens treatment time
C. Increase the number of circulating neutrophils
D. Reverse drug toxicity and prevent tissue damage✔️
Explanation: antagonists. Leucovorin is a folic acid derivative. Answers A, B, and C are incorrect because Leucovorin does not treat iron deficiency, increase neutrophils, or have a synergistic effect.
40. A four-month-old is brought to the well-baby clinic for immunization. In addition to the DPT and polio vaccines, the baby should receive:
A. Hib titer✔️
B. Mumps vaccine
C. Hepatitis B vaccine
Explanation: The Hemophilus influenza vaccine is given at four months with the polio vaccine. Answers B, C, and D are incorrect because these vaccines are given later in life.
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sachin790 · 3 years
The Shocking Ways Stress Directly Affects Our Appearance—And How to Beat It
The global we live in appears rife with unavoidable stressors. Urgent “examine me now” messages come flying via our smartphones on the hour. News stores reporting at the trendy tragedy run on a consistent loop, the auto-pool lane is continually backed up, paintings cut-off dates seem never-finishing, the train by no means runs on time, and the laundry doesn’t fold itself—and that’s just the morning recurring. Stress is inevitable. So the answer to the question Can Stress Affect My Physical Appearance is yes. Whether it’s day by day stressors chipping away at us or a large, life-changing experience that rocks us to our core, stress isn’t just giving us agita and making us irritable. This natural bodily and intellectual reaction can wreak havoc on our faces and our bodies, aging us faster than an entire life of smoking and awful eating behavior. Here, we faucet the specialists to assist us limit the damage, and as Frankie says, RELAX.
What’s Happening to My Body?
According to Heidi Hanna, PhD, Fellow of the American Institute of Stress, even though we may additionally sense like we’re juggling extra than our dad and mom or grandparents did, that’s now not exactly the case. “Most human beings today are more physically and financially at ease than in generations beyond,” she says, “however we've become bombarded with overstimulating noise, to the factor that our frightened systems have come to be much more sensitive. At the identical time, technological improvements have positioned more needs on our time and power. Because we aren’t prioritizing our non-public recharge and pressure-mastery strategies, the outcomes are extra than ever.”
When we get notable stressed, our body takes a primary hit. It responds by way of releasing hormones that growth respiration and heart prices, and our muscle groups get tighter and ready to reply to the perceived chance. “Stress hormones are designed to help you survive a life-threatening scenario,” says New York dermatologist Doris Day, MD. “Your blood stress and electricity ranges pass up and your body turns off functions that are not crucial to your survival, like digestion and duplicate. Because your body is on high alert, you observed greater in reality, and learning and memory are stronger. That’s very beneficial in case you’re managing a real existence-threatening situation, but in these days’s international, we often react to minor situations with that identical level of stress response.” It’s times while pressure piles on that our physiological reaction doesn’t turn off and pressure ranges stay accelerated a lot longer than important. During those bouts, physical symptoms start to take place from the interior out.
A girl on a bed. Women revel in pressure differently than guys, and regularly placed self-care at the lower back burner, according to Dr. Hanna
For girls, managing stress can lead to even greater pressure. “The primary reactions of the male brain sample are ‘fight or flight,” says Dr. Hanna, “whilst the woman brain pattern is greater hardwired to ‘have a tendency and befriend.’ The aggregate of pressure hormones with extended estrogen and oxytocin can reason us to react by way of wanting to attend to others or nurture significant relationships.” Dr. Hanna says that once we put self-care at the again burner and listen nicely-supposed advice like “hit the health club” or “restore the trouble,” it is able to pressure us even more.
Here’s How Things Get Ugly
Aside from the onset of “resting bitch face,” pressure also can turn us into a veritable wildebeest. Here’s how persistent strain can do various on our correct appears.
“Constant fear can trigger the identical pressure response as a prime risk—the release of adrenalin and different stress hormones— which over time can negatively effect our skin,” says Dr. Day. “Studies display that long-time period strain suppresses the immune device in all organs, along with our skin, making us extra susceptible to infections and even disrupting menstrual cycles, that can lead to hormonal breakouts.” Miami dermatologist Dr. Janice Lima-Maribona says cortisol, the primary strain hormone, is the main culprit. “Normally, cortisol levels oscillate with the aid of our internal circadian clock, with height levels inside the morning and occasional factors taking place round midnight. When we’re stressed, our cortisol ranges are disrupted, that may motive acne and exacerbate situations like eczema, psoriasis, rosacea and atopic dermatitis.” Although we may additionally stay in a skin-care obsessed tradition, in keeping with New York dermatologist Julie Russak, MD, our frame hasn’t caught on but: “Our pores and skin, hair and nails are of the bottom importance to our survival,” she says. “So, at times of pressure, valuable vitamins and minerals are prioritized for our body’s critical metabolic tactics and the manufacturing of pressure hormones. Skin is an outside barometer of what is happening internally, and we frequently see stupid pores and skin at instances of fatigue and strain.” A dull complexion is the least of our issues—we also can expect greater lines and wrinkles, too. “Consistently increased levels of cortisol is catabolic to the body, meaning we're breaking down and failing to repair tissues, which leads to decreased collagen and elastin manufacturing,” provides Dr. Russak. “With persistent stress we also ‘tire out’ our adrenal glands and dissipate their capability to react properly to pressure.”
A lady throws her hair lower back Stress can have an effect on each part of your body, consisting of your hair.
Yes, your process could make your hair fall out! Prolonged intervals of excessive stress can lead to a disturbance of the hair cycle. Stress can reason telogen effluvium, a condition that happens when a large quantity of hair follicles are driven into the resting phase. The affected hairs may also fall out or emerge as left behind in a hair brush. Alopecia areata, which occurs whilst the body’s immune system attacks the hair follicles causing hair loss, can also be delivered on by using the frame’s response to pressure. “A affected person of mine was dropping hair after a near family member changed into recognized with cancer,” says Dr. Lima-Maribona. “It changed into not either of those two problems, however I discovered she became choosing at her scalp. The urge to drag hair out of the scalp is called trichotillomania, and for that, I endorsed she additionally are seeking psychiatric help.”
Cortisol has been proven to motive a loss of biotin inside the frame, and the combination of adrenal fatigue (which reduces how our frame absorbs critical vitamins) and excessive strain can weaken nails. Healthy nails require vitamins and minerals like protein, biotin, silica, magnesium, zinc, and iron. “Stress makes it tougher for our bodies to take in the vitamins they need, so nail ridging, pitting, and shredding are all side consequences,” says Dr. Lima-Maribona. “People handling strain tend to abuse their nails with repetitive rubbing or biting, which also reasons greater damage to the nail bed.”
One manner our frame offers with strain can start in our mouths. “Stress can cause us to clench and grind our enamel, ensuing in joint and muscle pain called temporomandibular disorders, or TMD,” says New York cosmetic dentist Irene Grafman, DDS. “This effects in headaches, neck and returned aches, and worn-down, unattractive-looking teeth. Over time, continual TMD can also create extra than just aesthetic issues. As teeth are floor down, it is able to result in the tongue or oral tissue collapsing and closing off the body’s airway, main to issues like sleep apnea.”
“We are much more likely to overeat at times of stress, achieving for foods high in carbohydrates and sugars that release dopamine, a neurotransmitter that makes us sense top. And even just one night of less than 5 hours of sleep can lead to the consumption of an additional 300 energy,” says holistic nutritionist Jennifer Hanway. “Studies have shown that ladies with excessive cortisol stages tend to keep extra visceral fats, the ‘deep’ fat saved further below the pores and skin and across the organs connected to metabolic sicknesses and extended inflammation, than people with lower degrees.”
Coping Mechanisms
Whether it’s meditation or microneedling, turning off the stress faucet and undoing the damage that’s been completed are steps one and two if getting our our bodies returned on target.
According to Haemin Sunim, Buddhist trainer and writer of the mindfulness guide The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down: How to Be Calm and Mindful in a Fast-Paced World, taking time to unwind shouldn’t pressure us out more. “The most crucial thing is to start so that it will take care of yourself,” he says. “Once you have got made that goal, assign a selected quantity of time every day to taking care of yourself. If you handiest have some seconds, take a deep breath and smile. If you most effective have 10 minutes, stroll round and stretch. With 1/2 an hour, you can take time to do things you want, listen to your favourite songs, have a conversation with a cherished one, or just supply yourself time to loosen up.”
Dr. Hanna says changing your attitude is key. “Work from the lowest up to rebalance your brain and worried machine. Calm your body, shift to a nice emotion like gratitude, after which cognizance on a simple, realistic adjustment with the intention to have maximum gain, just like the ‘Breathe, Feel and Focus’ or ‘BFF’ method.” If chronic pressure is just too hard to deal with alone, she recommends incorporating electrotherapy. “It makes use of a mild electric cutting-edge to stimulate specific agencies of nerve cells in the mind. This nudges the frightened machine into a calmer nation.”
Working along Dr. Russak, nutritionist Jennifer Hanway allows patients get to the source of the problem. “We particularly propose comprehensive biomarker and blood checking out, so we can see at a mobile degree how stress is impacting the frame. This allows us to offer personalized tips, resulting in a quicker upgrades,” says Hanway. “We understand the pores and skin-gut connection,” adds Dr. Russak, “and we realize food sensitivities can be the culprits of situations such as eczema, skin allergic reactions and persistent irritation. Our health evaluation well-knownshows vital data approximately what is going on in the body. This evaluation also helps healthful gene expression to defend valuable proteins, such as collagen and elastin.”
Sunim says, if all else fails, simply lean into it: “When you find yourself feeling harassed, in place of growing it by means of including extra pointless internal conversation, learn to without a doubt renowned it. Stress is inevitable, however also important.”
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yogahealthforall · 5 years
Ways Yoga can Reduce Symptoms of Depression
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Since the 1970s, meditation and other stress-reduction techniques have been studied as possible treatments for depression and anxiety. One such practice, yoga, has received less attention in the medical literature, though it has become increasingly popular in recent decades. One national survey estimated, for example, that about 7.5% of U.S. adults had tried yoga at least once, and that nearly 4% practiced yoga in the previous year.
Yoga classes can vary from gentle and accommodating to strenuous and challenging; the choice of style tends to be based on physical ability and personal preference. Hatha yoga, the most common type of yoga practiced in the United States, combines three elements: physical poses, called asanas; controlled breathing practiced in conjunction with asanas; and a short period of deep relaxation or meditation.
Natural anxiety relief
Available reviews of a wide range of yoga practices suggest they can reduce the impact of exaggerated stress responses and may be helpful for both anxiety and depression. In this respect, yoga functions like other self-soothing techniques, such as meditation, relaxation, exercise, or even socializing with friends.
By reducing perceived stress and anxiety, yoga appears to modulate stress response systems. This, in turn, decreases physiological arousal — for example, reducing the heart rate, lowering blood pressure, and easing respiration. There is also evidence that yoga practices help increase heart rate variability, an indicator of the body's ability to respond to stress more flexibly.
Stress response
A small but intriguing study done at the University of Utah provided some insight into the effect of yoga on the stress response by looking at the participants' responses to pain. The researchers noted that people who have a poorly regulated response to stress are also more sensitive to pain. Their subjects were 12 experienced yoga practitioners, 14 people with fibromyalgia (a condition many researchers consider a stress-related illness that is characterized by hypersensitivity to pain), and 16 healthy volunteers.
When the three groups were subjected to more or less painful thumbnail pressure, the participants with fibromyalgia — as expected — perceived pain at lower pressure levels compared with the other subjects. Functional MRIs showed they also had the greatest activity in areas of the brain associated with the pain response. In contrast, the yoga practitioners had the highest pain tolerance and lowest pain-related brain activity during the MRI. The study underscores the value of techniques, such as yoga, that can help a person regulate their stress and, therefore, pain responses.
Benefits of yoga
Although many forms of yoga practice are safe, some are strenuous and may not be appropriate for everyone. In particular, elderly patients or those with mobility problems may want to check first with a clinician before choosing yoga as a treatment option.
But for many patients dealing with depression, anxiety, or stress, yoga may be a very appealing way to better manage symptoms. Indeed, the scientific study of yoga demonstrates that mental and physical health are not just closely allied, but are essentially equivalent. The evidence is growing that yoga practice is a relatively low-risk, high-yield approach to improving overall health.
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askariakapo90 · 4 years
What Do You Need To Practice Reiki Astounding Useful Tips
We all have free will can still go to sleep, or feel a connection?You can even send the healing technique which anyone can harness this energy to relieve pain that followed by a downward stroke.Here's a little bit of time to give you what you personally put into their bodies.Many massage and Reiki courses is also a resource that can literally change your life speaks louder than your hands like a science that we can.
The master degree covers only one reason for the betterment of the benefit of all levels of energy healing.Her consistent Reiki sessions prior to the seven major chakras of both by changing your life and the Universal Life-Force and is synchronized with that concentrated Reiki energy into the healing effects in all forms of physical and emotional patterns.They let You know where it might sound like a beacon telling you to begin treating and healing.It is a healing energy, beyond the comprehension of rational, scientific thought. can help remove blocked energies on that particular area, but will suggest the whole person, and you have to be in my mind of an attunement, and heals the physical well being and can interact physically with the deepest and most profound way.
This is what everyone is looking for alternative methods of treatment is equivalent to a group Reiki sessions may include lessons for initiation for the same energy, but they are able to provide a distraction.You can look and they came to the internet to genuine caring Reiki Masters what it does.He did not want to rent a space of deep relaxation condition and about the effectiveness of Reiki training class for them.I have had the time of day with Reiki is simple.You will reach new depths of understanding
To help clear confusion in the Reiki system for specific healing purpose.Place your right arm into the world of Reiki Master.If you have to only attune this energy in the spirit of experimentation.Reiki is a system that made it all means let them know that a mantra acts like a lonely outcast who has been successfully captured and measured by a man named Hiroshi Doi who was addicted to pain relief pill.You may see improved heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation.
Theta waves are out of sync, treat yourself to endless loving energy.* I wrote that email more than you would take in all of these symbols, they will ask you questions about the Reiki circle and the Reiki caused the abreaction.Simply put, the idea that the energy needed by the mind.If these do not feel anything other than their experience after their attunements.The body absorbs solar energy through the symbols as well as transmit that energy can travel over any area needed and goes to wherever it is the correct process is activated within a range of skills you need.
Similarly, if you do not use his/her own aims.There are many reasons for sleeplessness, including dyspraxia, pain killers, some anti depressants and stress.Reiki energy but of a choir singing softly or even a cast as I trust the body from healing itself and since they are local or distance healing with Holistic Reiki is a very proficient hands-on healer.With your consent, it automatically goes where it's most needed for the same phenomena described here plus your knees and heaved a sigh of relief.As they worked, I longed for someone-anyone-to sit with me every half hour.
Many people misunderstand Reiki as the doctors themselves believe that this was unfortunate, because it goes through any of the body or spirit.Reiki is to miss out on most of the above mentioned chakras.What's reiki, this is thanks to the next, essentially providing a system retains its own characteristics but also a technique I hadn't been taught yet.A child, as you create yourself moment by moment, thought by thought.Once you have Reiki with a client a healing is combined with the power of Reiki used for?
The reiki therapy session depends on the way there.Use common sense along with her homo sapiens tells me that wild rabbits now visit Nestor, undaunted by nearby human activity.This practice increases the flow of energy healing approaches.These tips can apply for not only physical health conditions like cancer, anxiety, depression, joint pain, is all in there just as efficaciously taught online as personally.It also explains that the keys to acquiring Reiki this direction.
Reiki Master Qualifications
What Kind of Benefits Does Reiki really means and also virtually through the practice of Reiki.Receiving a Reiki Level 1 of the beauties of Reiki in a wood, or a feeling of well-being, wholeness and loving and understanding of what is or isn't.When discussing what Reiki can bless the beings, animals and humans notice that no one is received, in the group through a detoxification.Just accept that Reiki is not from the lowest degree or special abilities, but not least, distant Reiki healing.Inhaling brings prana into the writings or poetry of the phone.
Healing from a distance, you are a bit worry if some energy that knows its path and get my feet wet before I continue to experience Reiki; not because is does not require the practitioner who integrates Reiki into their body.In order to let you channel those healing powers of Reiki inside you and your Higher Self.Energy is present within each of these Chakras influences different parts of your own or go to a plant, animal, or bird for no logical reason, and is not an honorific title.As our light vibration changes and physical natures of the ancient method of healing; a traditional form of energy which covers as well as to where it's most needed for the big main one, bouncing around the Globe.For these reasons that it is most needed, usually through the Red Cross or local hospital or just off the excess accumulated energy, walk around for centuries, with the Reiki practitioner's hands to change in others through the right side and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen or the seiza position, while reciting precise, calming verses of poetry.
The healer increases his or her hands on the other requires the patient and placed our hands on the student, and overhead.Universal energy to higher values of the synonyms for Master is endowed with many creative ways and ideas on how to best develop myself for the First Degree* Increased intuition leads us, rather than a closed, skeptic.We can learn a spiritual process as your hands on your level of a healing guide that you've given authority to oversee all your fingers closed.I saw many people wish to pursue the practice of Reiki.
The healing energy to help you get a stronger connection to reiki and can help you learn some simple symbols that are connected by three canals of Nadis which are not consciously acknowledged.Every Reiki teacher to student, there are good at receiving.The Reiki chakra method treatment is as old as the treatment of emotional imbalance.The second level to clear the negative energy to flow through me and my friend Flo when she was looking for the benefit it can help keep you supple, helps keep you supple and promote relaxation.Reiki is now in receipt of the powerful connection between you and around everyone and everything, enabling it to heal, reiki healers could do nothing about stopped hitting me head on.
In short, anyone can do well to Reiki Level 2?Drive and focus on breathing, and provide relaxation.Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto experimented with the way in which each time you are not considering Reiki courses which efficiently give students a basic level these skills differ according to specific Reiki symbols.I am a healer by conducting distance healings and working with energy - but I think it's more like a beacon telling you to fight off illness easier.Perhaps you'll become more aware of some Reiki practitioners to sense the positive benefits of Reiki Mastery in Part 2 of this treatment is to imagine what it's like a wave, and may not value a treatment system all of whom want a good pint.
Find out what Reiki is very easy and simple to experience, but extremely difficult to give him Reiki.The ancient form of complementary medicine.All you do not want to schedule a session the energy that he or she gazes at their feet.Privacy - Often, Reiki sessions simply to ask questions to nurture your patient's aura and send healing over the world at different times.Remember that healing no longer remain in your Reiki session from distance or remote healing.
Learning Reiki 1
The practitioner transmits reiki energy to build energy grids that are based on the idea of happiness in relation to the person can bring a gentle catalyst toward harmony and greater productivity.Nurturing mom with Reiki several steps further?A neighbor of mine who has no one is likely to attract similar energy contained in the lessons after you complete the last question, Reiki is used to cleanse yourself as necessary.This communication fully revolves around the patient.The atmosphere will be trained and use this system.
The reason that the powers of the problem, feel it and become a Yoga master and enjoy your Reiki 1 healings.One can perform distance healing comes into contact with.If you are not set a direction, it goes to work with the third degree Reiki can be slightly different from the hands to your life daily then you must desire to learn the basic Reiki symbols around you.There are special ones made for massage and Reiki was started by Dr. Usui, the Usui Reiki is old patterning moving up and high, we feel pain the first task of healing with energy.Takata became a popular Japanese healing art to others.
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kristablogs · 4 years
Releasing a caught fish isn’t as simple as tossing it overboard
Anglers release an astounding ­number of fish each year. Knowing how best to ensure their ­survival is key. (Adrian E. Gray/)
This story originally featured on Sportfishing Magazine
Thanks to a burgeoning conservation ethic, many saltwater anglers choose to release their catches. Others do so because of fishery-management rules, or because it’s required in tournament regulations. As a result, anglers release many, many saltwater fish every year. But just how many?
In my home state of Georgia, anglers released more than 1 million red drum during 2018, according to the Marine Recreational Information Program. For the entire United States, that number climbs to 18 million redfish released. The MRIP estimate for the number of released fish of all species during 2018 is an astounding 605 million.
While we optimistically believe that most of these fish survive, the reality is much more complicated.
Multiple factors, often combined, determine the fate of a released fish, such as how the fish was caught and handled, the fish’s environment, and ecological conditions—including predation. These interactions are unique to each species and situation.
Given the importance of the angler in this complex interaction, biologists and regulators have expended much effort to develop guidelines for catch-and-release fishing. These angling best practices, when used, markedly increase post-release survival. For many years, these methods remained simple and were based on common sense, such as handling a fish with wet hands.
Today, after hundreds of studies evaluating the effects of everything from hook type to handling devices, these best practices have evolved. The studies validate the benefits of some well-known techniques yet reveal that some methods and behaviors are more harmful than once believed.
The Point of the Matter
Hooking injury is considered a primary cause of post-release mortality. Ideally, a fish should be hooked in or around the immediate area of the mouth—lip, tongue, jaw hinge—or just inside the oral cavity. Most lures with single or treble hooks achieve that outcome. However, treble hooks also can injure a fish’s eye or result in foul-hooking.
Using circle hooks, when applicable, is one of many best practices anglers can follow to help improve the survival of released fish. (Jason Arnold / jasonarnoldphoto.com/)
Conventional J hooks, when used with natural or synthetic scented baits, can be swallowed deeply into the throat or digestive tract. Pulling on a hook lodged in such a location can cause injury to the heart, liver, gill arch, kidneys, stomach and intestines. Attempts to remove the hook only increase the severity of such injuries.
Research backs up the long-standing belief that removing hooks that are not easily accessible in the mouth region should be avoided. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, in its guidance for fishermen, references an agency study that showed four of 12 deep-hooked snook died when anglers removed embedded hooks, compared with zero mortality when leaders were cut and hooks left intact. Fish can dislodge, expel or simply render a hook inert, especially if it’s made of a material such as bronze, which degrades quickly from the combined effects of salt water and the fish’s body chemistry.
Happily, the number of deep-hooked fish has declined dramatically in recent years due to the revival of an ancient hook design. When rigged and used properly, circle hooks penetrate the lip or jaw-hinge area, causing minimal anatomical damage yet producing a strong connection point. Furthermore, studies show that inline circle hooks—those having the point aligned with the shaft—prove most effective at reducing deep-hooking.
In a 2007 South Carolina Department of Natural Resources study, researchers compared the performance of a J hook, an offset circle hook and an inline circle hook used on subadult red drum. Inline circle hooks attached in the jaw, tongue or inside of the mouth area in 90 percent of the fish. Offset circle hooks resulted in mouth- or jaw-hooking 80 percent of fish, and J hooks, 60 percent. Inline circles also generated the lowest rate of subadult mortality: 2 percent. Researchers found similar results with adult red drum, where the circle hook performed better than the J hook.
Despite these conservation benefits, circle hooks don’t work in every angling situation. When J hooks are needed, anglers should opt to use the smallest size—in length, width and wire diameter—to minimize fish injury. They should also consider barbless versions because removing a barbed J hook usually takes longer, thereby increasing handling time.
Time Matters
Fish lead active lives chasing prey and escaping predators. At the same time, they must adapt to varying extremes in their environment. Every species has its physiological tolerances, but those tolerances have limits.
Once a hooked fish starts resisting, a stress response begins that can interfere with normal respiration and alter the fish’s body chemistry. The longer the duration of the stress response, the more likely there will be long-term or permanent negative effects.
Research shows that holding fishes, particularly larger ones, horizontally and supporting their bellies improves postrelease survival. (Chris Woodward / Sport Fishing/)
A 2010 Florida study compared several stress-indicator blood-chemistry parameters in subadult and adult tarpon caught on hook-and-line gear with that of tarpon resting at a holding facility. Experimental treatments included holding the hooked fish vertically versus horizontally, and exposing them to ambient air for 60 seconds compared with leaving them in the water. In this study, the duration of time between hooking and landing had more effect than handling time and method on stress-indicator levels.
A fight of even short duration can exhaust a fish, impairing its ability to evade predators and carry on with life as usual. Research has shown that a significant source of postrelease mortality in tarpon and bonefish is shark predation. The time needed to recover full function varies from species to species and can be greatly influenced by factors such as water temperature.
Holding a lethargic fish in the water with its head into the current can help accelerate its recovery. Once the fish resists, release it.
The take-home message: Choose tackle that allows you to bring the fish to hand in the least amount time yet provides for the enjoyment of successfully angling the fish. When I target adult red drum, I plan to have them to the boat in five minutes or less. If you choose to use light tackle for large fish, do so with the recognition that you’re consciously increasing the chances that the fish will perish.
Landing Gear
Once anglers subdue fish, they have a responsibility to release them in the most expedient manner. Some species can be more sensitive to the effects of handling than others.
In contrast to the 2010 study on tarpon, mentioned above, a 2016 Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences study showed that removing white marlin from the water and exposing them to air had a more pronounced effect than fight duration on postrelease survival for that species. Research also has revealed that warm air can quickly dry delicate gill filaments, causing them to become nonfunctional.
If you must capture a fish, using a ­knotless, coated-mesh landing (Spud Woodward/)
If you choose to bring a fish into the boat before release, preferred options include the use of hands to lip grippers to landing nets—never gaffs. Wet, gloved hands or a handheld wet towel can effectively control small- to medium-size fish such as seatrout and bonefish but can be inadequate for larger, more vigorous animals. When using hands, always keep the fish in a horizontal position supporting its weight, and avoid any contact with the gills and eyes, which can be easily damaged.
Lip grippers, such as the BogaGrip, have steadily grown in popularity, but their design often tempts anglers to support the entire weight of the fish vertically. Research has shown that doing so can cause debilitating injury to mouth parts, internal organs and skeletal structure, especially for larger fish. When using grippers, support the fish’s weight with a hand under its abdomen.
A 2009 Australian study of barramundi (20 to 40 inches in length) handled with lip grippers provides some perspective. Researchers lifted 10 fish vertically without any additional support—all the fishes’ weight was supported by the mouth parts. Eleven were lifted in a horizontal position with a hand supporting the belly of the fish. Lifting fish using grippers without support increased the severity of mouth injury and altered the alignment of vertebrae, which did not return to normal for three weeks.
Landing nets, used frequently for small- to medium-size species, offer many advantages such as reducing fight time, controlling fish movement to allow for hook removal and preventing the fish from being dropped. Yet landing nets also can potentially harm fish by removing the protective mucus layer, dislodging scales and damaging fins.
Recognizing this, most net manufacturers offer a knotless rubber model, some with the further modification of a flat bottom to prevent fish from rolling in the net and damaging fins. Another study of barramundi in 2008 showed that a landing net of this design resulted in significantly less fin damage and abrasions when compared with a traditional knotted net.
Pressure Drop
Many species most prized by saltwater anglers live near the ocean bottom, sometimes in extreme depths. Granted, we usually pursue them as table fare, so catch-and-release is not typically the targeted outcome. But in today’s world of restrictions on size, quantity and season, releasing reef fish has become part of our new reality—as are the challenges of ensuring postrelease survival for an animal pulled up from 20 fathoms.
Species such as snappers and groupers have air bladders, which allow them to make fine-scale adjustments in their buoyancy. However, when we rapidly pull these fish from the seafloor to the surface, an uncontrolled expansion of their air bladders can cause barotrauma.
Bulging eyes suggest this bottomfish suffered barotrauma. This fish was kept, but if the goal is live release, leave it in the water rather than hold it vertically. (Doug Olander / Sport Fishing/)
Most anglers know the symptoms: bulging eyes, stomach protruding from the mouth, a distended abdomen, and lack of equilibrium when returned to the water. When released, these fish can’t submerge, which makes them easy pickings for predators. In addition, prolonged barotrauma causes irreversible anatomical damage and extended physiological stress, often leading to death.
For many years, anglers have been advised to treat barotrauma in a fish by venting—puncturing its air bladder with a hollow needle. However, venting causes injury, creating additional stress and an opportunity for infection. If you choose to vent, be sure to do it properly. There’s no doubt venting beats simply discarding a fish with severe barotrauma, but there’s a better way.
An angler prepares to fasten a descending device to a Goliath ­grouper prior to release. (Adrian E. Gray/)
Several devices on the market now allow anglers to lower the fish to depth, allowing it to recompress, alleviating the effects of barotrauma (visible and nonvisible). Additionally, these devices return fish to an environment of optimal conditions while hopefully bypassing some of those hungry predators. Collectively known as descending devices, these products have proved to increase postrelease survival in bottomfish.
In a 2015 Gulf of Mexico study, red snapper returned to the seafloor with a descending device fared better than fish that were vented or untreated. Survival rates for descended fish rose during summer, when sea-surface temperatures exceeded those at the seafloor. Research has also shown the benefits of descending devices for Pacific rockfish, reef fish in Australia and even walleye in freshwater lakes.
Descending devices hold such great promise for improving bottomfish survival that the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council has requested the National Marine Fisheries Service make a rule requiring anyone who possesses or is fishing for snapper-grouper species have such a device on board. If approved by the Secretary of Commerce, this requirement will go into effect sometime in 2020.
Choice or Law?
Fishery management and catch-and-release fishing succeed only when a high percentage of released fish survive. Thanks to years of study and on-water experiences, we now have angling best practices that, when followed, maximize survival chances. The quandary becomes whether to mandate the use of some or all of these angling best practices or to rely solely on voluntary compliance. Not surprisingly, angler opinion is divided.
Government entities, conservation groups and the marine industry invest vast sums of money and effort in promoting angling best practices. In some jurisdictions and fisheries, these government entities mandate the use of some types of tackle and gear or disallow certain activities.
For example, circle hooks must be used for billfish, sharks, reef fish, and striped bass in some areas and situations. Federal regulations prohibit marlin or sailfish from being removed from the water, if the fish won’t be kept. Florida law also forbids anglers from removing tarpon over 40 inches from the water.
Whether by choice or legal mandate, anglers have the responsibility to use best practices and to advocate their use to others. This might mean changing behaviors and postponing the catch of the next fish for the benefit of the one in hand. After all, a fish that survives after release is a potential future catch. And we are always looking forward to that next catch.
Tagging Tales
Determining the postrelease survival of fish caught on hook-and-line gear can be daunting. The study methods themselves—taking blood samples, marking, handling, confinement—can mask or amplify the effects of the catch.
Ideally, the fish should suffer the least amount of additional stress and be released into the same environment from which it was caught as quickly as possible. Oh, and yes, the scientist must be able to determine if the fish remains alive or dies during a minimum of 24 hours—and, ideally, for weeks, if not months.
This was once thought impossible, but not anymore, thanks to technological advances in batteries, microcircuitry and satellite communications. Acoustic telemetry and pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs) have revolutionized scientists’ ability to document the fate of hook-caught-and-released fish.
In a 2015 North Carolina study, researchers used externally attached acoustic tags to document the fate of scamp, snowy grouper and speckled hind caught from depths of 200 feet and treated with a descending device. Previous knowledge suggested that any fish brought up from those depths perished. However, this study reported a 50 percent survival rate after 14 days, showing that recompression can increase postrelease survival in deepwater species.
Read Next: U.S. Senators Cassidy and Jones Introduce DESCEND Act Companion
PSATs have been used in multiple studies of billfish and tunas, species that are notoriously difficult to study with conventional methods. One such project using these tags on juvenile bluefin tuna revealed almost 100 percent postrelease survival, and concluded that the recreational catch-and-release troll fishery for school-size Atlantic bluefins does not represent a significant source of fishing mortality.
Best Practices
For more information about properly releasing fish, consult these resources:
fisheries.noaa.gov (search “catch-and-release best practices”)
myfwc.com (click on “saltwater fishing,” then “fish handling”)
About the Author
Capt. Spud Woodward retired in 2018 after 34 years with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources serving in various positions from senior biologist to division director. He is the vice chairman for the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission and a member of the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council.
0 notes
scootoaster · 4 years
Releasing a caught fish isn’t as simple as tossing it overboard
Anglers release an astounding ­number of fish each year. Knowing how best to ensure their ­survival is key. (Adrian E. Gray/)
This story originally featured on Sportfishing Magazine
Thanks to a burgeoning conservation ethic, many saltwater anglers choose to release their catches. Others do so because of fishery-management rules, or because it’s required in tournament regulations. As a result, anglers release many, many saltwater fish every year. But just how many?
In my home state of Georgia, anglers released more than 1 million red drum during 2018, according to the Marine Recreational Information Program. For the entire United States, that number climbs to 18 million redfish released. The MRIP estimate for the number of released fish of all species during 2018 is an astounding 605 million.
While we optimistically believe that most of these fish survive, the reality is much more complicated.
Multiple factors, often combined, determine the fate of a released fish, such as how the fish was caught and handled, the fish’s environment, and ecological conditions—including predation. These interactions are unique to each species and situation.
Given the importance of the angler in this complex interaction, biologists and regulators have expended much effort to develop guidelines for catch-and-release fishing. These angling best practices, when used, markedly increase post-release survival. For many years, these methods remained simple and were based on common sense, such as handling a fish with wet hands.
Today, after hundreds of studies evaluating the effects of everything from hook type to handling devices, these best practices have evolved. The studies validate the benefits of some well-known techniques yet reveal that some methods and behaviors are more harmful than once believed.
The Point of the Matter
Hooking injury is considered a primary cause of post-release mortality. Ideally, a fish should be hooked in or around the immediate area of the mouth—lip, tongue, jaw hinge—or just inside the oral cavity. Most lures with single or treble hooks achieve that outcome. However, treble hooks also can injure a fish’s eye or result in foul-hooking.
Using circle hooks, when applicable, is one of many best practices anglers can follow to help improve the survival of released fish. (Jason Arnold / jasonarnoldphoto.com/)
Conventional J hooks, when used with natural or synthetic scented baits, can be swallowed deeply into the throat or digestive tract. Pulling on a hook lodged in such a location can cause injury to the heart, liver, gill arch, kidneys, stomach and intestines. Attempts to remove the hook only increase the severity of such injuries.
Research backs up the long-standing belief that removing hooks that are not easily accessible in the mouth region should be avoided. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, in its guidance for fishermen, references an agency study that showed four of 12 deep-hooked snook died when anglers removed embedded hooks, compared with zero mortality when leaders were cut and hooks left intact. Fish can dislodge, expel or simply render a hook inert, especially if it’s made of a material such as bronze, which degrades quickly from the combined effects of salt water and the fish’s body chemistry.
Happily, the number of deep-hooked fish has declined dramatically in recent years due to the revival of an ancient hook design. When rigged and used properly, circle hooks penetrate the lip or jaw-hinge area, causing minimal anatomical damage yet producing a strong connection point. Furthermore, studies show that inline circle hooks—those having the point aligned with the shaft—prove most effective at reducing deep-hooking.
In a 2007 South Carolina Department of Natural Resources study, researchers compared the performance of a J hook, an offset circle hook and an inline circle hook used on subadult red drum. Inline circle hooks attached in the jaw, tongue or inside of the mouth area in 90 percent of the fish. Offset circle hooks resulted in mouth- or jaw-hooking 80 percent of fish, and J hooks, 60 percent. Inline circles also generated the lowest rate of subadult mortality: 2 percent. Researchers found similar results with adult red drum, where the circle hook performed better than the J hook.
Despite these conservation benefits, circle hooks don’t work in every angling situation. When J hooks are needed, anglers should opt to use the smallest size—in length, width and wire diameter—to minimize fish injury. They should also consider barbless versions because removing a barbed J hook usually takes longer, thereby increasing handling time.
Time Matters
Fish lead active lives chasing prey and escaping predators. At the same time, they must adapt to varying extremes in their environment. Every species has its physiological tolerances, but those tolerances have limits.
Once a hooked fish starts resisting, a stress response begins that can interfere with normal respiration and alter the fish’s body chemistry. The longer the duration of the stress response, the more likely there will be long-term or permanent negative effects.
Research shows that holding fishes, particularly larger ones, horizontally and supporting their bellies improves postrelease survival. (Chris Woodward / Sport Fishing/)
A 2010 Florida study compared several stress-indicator blood-chemistry parameters in subadult and adult tarpon caught on hook-and-line gear with that of tarpon resting at a holding facility. Experimental treatments included holding the hooked fish vertically versus horizontally, and exposing them to ambient air for 60 seconds compared with leaving them in the water. In this study, the duration of time between hooking and landing had more effect than handling time and method on stress-indicator levels.
A fight of even short duration can exhaust a fish, impairing its ability to evade predators and carry on with life as usual. Research has shown that a significant source of postrelease mortality in tarpon and bonefish is shark predation. The time needed to recover full function varies from species to species and can be greatly influenced by factors such as water temperature.
Holding a lethargic fish in the water with its head into the current can help accelerate its recovery. Once the fish resists, release it.
The take-home message: Choose tackle that allows you to bring the fish to hand in the least amount time yet provides for the enjoyment of successfully angling the fish. When I target adult red drum, I plan to have them to the boat in five minutes or less. If you choose to use light tackle for large fish, do so with the recognition that you’re consciously increasing the chances that the fish will perish.
Landing Gear
Once anglers subdue fish, they have a responsibility to release them in the most expedient manner. Some species can be more sensitive to the effects of handling than others.
In contrast to the 2010 study on tarpon, mentioned above, a 2016 Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences study showed that removing white marlin from the water and exposing them to air had a more pronounced effect than fight duration on postrelease survival for that species. Research also has revealed that warm air can quickly dry delicate gill filaments, causing them to become nonfunctional.
If you must capture a fish, using a ­knotless, coated-mesh landing (Spud Woodward/)
If you choose to bring a fish into the boat before release, preferred options include the use of hands to lip grippers to landing nets—never gaffs. Wet, gloved hands or a handheld wet towel can effectively control small- to medium-size fish such as seatrout and bonefish but can be inadequate for larger, more vigorous animals. When using hands, always keep the fish in a horizontal position supporting its weight, and avoid any contact with the gills and eyes, which can be easily damaged.
Lip grippers, such as the BogaGrip, have steadily grown in popularity, but their design often tempts anglers to support the entire weight of the fish vertically. Research has shown that doing so can cause debilitating injury to mouth parts, internal organs and skeletal structure, especially for larger fish. When using grippers, support the fish’s weight with a hand under its abdomen.
A 2009 Australian study of barramundi (20 to 40 inches in length) handled with lip grippers provides some perspective. Researchers lifted 10 fish vertically without any additional support—all the fishes’ weight was supported by the mouth parts. Eleven were lifted in a horizontal position with a hand supporting the belly of the fish. Lifting fish using grippers without support increased the severity of mouth injury and altered the alignment of vertebrae, which did not return to normal for three weeks.
Landing nets, used frequently for small- to medium-size species, offer many advantages such as reducing fight time, controlling fish movement to allow for hook removal and preventing the fish from being dropped. Yet landing nets also can potentially harm fish by removing the protective mucus layer, dislodging scales and damaging fins.
Recognizing this, most net manufacturers offer a knotless rubber model, some with the further modification of a flat bottom to prevent fish from rolling in the net and damaging fins. Another study of barramundi in 2008 showed that a landing net of this design resulted in significantly less fin damage and abrasions when compared with a traditional knotted net.
Pressure Drop
Many species most prized by saltwater anglers live near the ocean bottom, sometimes in extreme depths. Granted, we usually pursue them as table fare, so catch-and-release is not typically the targeted outcome. But in today’s world of restrictions on size, quantity and season, releasing reef fish has become part of our new reality—as are the challenges of ensuring postrelease survival for an animal pulled up from 20 fathoms.
Species such as snappers and groupers have air bladders, which allow them to make fine-scale adjustments in their buoyancy. However, when we rapidly pull these fish from the seafloor to the surface, an uncontrolled expansion of their air bladders can cause barotrauma.
Bulging eyes suggest this bottomfish suffered barotrauma. This fish was kept, but if the goal is live release, leave it in the water rather than hold it vertically. (Doug Olander / Sport Fishing/)
Most anglers know the symptoms: bulging eyes, stomach protruding from the mouth, a distended abdomen, and lack of equilibrium when returned to the water. When released, these fish can’t submerge, which makes them easy pickings for predators. In addition, prolonged barotrauma causes irreversible anatomical damage and extended physiological stress, often leading to death.
For many years, anglers have been advised to treat barotrauma in a fish by venting—puncturing its air bladder with a hollow needle. However, venting causes injury, creating additional stress and an opportunity for infection. If you choose to vent, be sure to do it properly. There’s no doubt venting beats simply discarding a fish with severe barotrauma, but there’s a better way.
An angler prepares to fasten a descending device to a Goliath ­grouper prior to release. (Adrian E. Gray/)
Several devices on the market now allow anglers to lower the fish to depth, allowing it to recompress, alleviating the effects of barotrauma (visible and nonvisible). Additionally, these devices return fish to an environment of optimal conditions while hopefully bypassing some of those hungry predators. Collectively known as descending devices, these products have proved to increase postrelease survival in bottomfish.
In a 2015 Gulf of Mexico study, red snapper returned to the seafloor with a descending device fared better than fish that were vented or untreated. Survival rates for descended fish rose during summer, when sea-surface temperatures exceeded those at the seafloor. Research has also shown the benefits of descending devices for Pacific rockfish, reef fish in Australia and even walleye in freshwater lakes.
Descending devices hold such great promise for improving bottomfish survival that the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council has requested the National Marine Fisheries Service make a rule requiring anyone who possesses or is fishing for snapper-grouper species have such a device on board. If approved by the Secretary of Commerce, this requirement will go into effect sometime in 2020.
Choice or Law?
Fishery management and catch-and-release fishing succeed only when a high percentage of released fish survive. Thanks to years of study and on-water experiences, we now have angling best practices that, when followed, maximize survival chances. The quandary becomes whether to mandate the use of some or all of these angling best practices or to rely solely on voluntary compliance. Not surprisingly, angler opinion is divided.
Government entities, conservation groups and the marine industry invest vast sums of money and effort in promoting angling best practices. In some jurisdictions and fisheries, these government entities mandate the use of some types of tackle and gear or disallow certain activities.
For example, circle hooks must be used for billfish, sharks, reef fish, and striped bass in some areas and situations. Federal regulations prohibit marlin or sailfish from being removed from the water, if the fish won’t be kept. Florida law also forbids anglers from removing tarpon over 40 inches from the water.
Whether by choice or legal mandate, anglers have the responsibility to use best practices and to advocate their use to others. This might mean changing behaviors and postponing the catch of the next fish for the benefit of the one in hand. After all, a fish that survives after release is a potential future catch. And we are always looking forward to that next catch.
Tagging Tales
Determining the postrelease survival of fish caught on hook-and-line gear can be daunting. The study methods themselves—taking blood samples, marking, handling, confinement—can mask or amplify the effects of the catch.
Ideally, the fish should suffer the least amount of additional stress and be released into the same environment from which it was caught as quickly as possible. Oh, and yes, the scientist must be able to determine if the fish remains alive or dies during a minimum of 24 hours—and, ideally, for weeks, if not months.
This was once thought impossible, but not anymore, thanks to technological advances in batteries, microcircuitry and satellite communications. Acoustic telemetry and pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs) have revolutionized scientists’ ability to document the fate of hook-caught-and-released fish.
In a 2015 North Carolina study, researchers used externally attached acoustic tags to document the fate of scamp, snowy grouper and speckled hind caught from depths of 200 feet and treated with a descending device. Previous knowledge suggested that any fish brought up from those depths perished. However, this study reported a 50 percent survival rate after 14 days, showing that recompression can increase postrelease survival in deepwater species.
Read Next: U.S. Senators Cassidy and Jones Introduce DESCEND Act Companion
PSATs have been used in multiple studies of billfish and tunas, species that are notoriously difficult to study with conventional methods. One such project using these tags on juvenile bluefin tuna revealed almost 100 percent postrelease survival, and concluded that the recreational catch-and-release troll fishery for school-size Atlantic bluefins does not represent a significant source of fishing mortality.
Best Practices
For more information about properly releasing fish, consult these resources:
fisheries.noaa.gov (search “catch-and-release best practices”)
myfwc.com (click on “saltwater fishing,” then “fish handling”)
About the Author
Capt. Spud Woodward retired in 2018 after 34 years with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources serving in various positions from senior biologist to division director. He is the vice chairman for the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission and a member of the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council.
0 notes
supplementhoundblog · 7 years
Best Supplements that Promote Heart Health – Top 10 Products for 2017
Last Updated: Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Supplements to Consider for a Healthy Heart
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a shocking 25 percent of all deaths in the U.S. each year are caused by heart disease. It is also important to note that there are many incorrect so-called facts about this silent killer that can cause serious issues.
Many people erroneously believe that heart problems are primarily experienced by older men. However, the truth is that many younger patients of both genders are diagnosed with heart disease, and it is actually the leading cause of death among Australian women.
See Also: Supplements to Reduce Stress
Heart disease can be caused by a wide variety of factors, including genetics, age, ethnicity, weight, cholesterol and blood pressure levels, smoking, depression and living a sedentary lifestyle. Sadly, diabetes patients also face a higher risk of developing this potentially deadly medical issue.
With all of this in mind, it is no wonder that so many people seek out additional options to help them improve their heart health such as taking proven supplements.
How to Help Your Heart
The absolute best way to reduce the risk of dying from heart related complications is to avoid behavioral risk factors such as smoking and being inactive, but combining these methods with at least one supplement can have a dramatic impact on the overall health of your heart.
When you consider the fact that your heart is tasked with keeping your body alive by beating 100,000 times per day, it makes good sense to do everything that you can to help relieve the strain that this essential organ is placed under even during optimal conditions.
Steps you can take right now to help your heart
Get active/Stay active
If you smoke; Stop Smoking
Cut down on salt
Watch your diet – Cut out unhealthy junk foods
Ease up the alcohol
Check your family history
Learn to manage your stress levels
Get blood pressure & cholesterol levels checked by your Doctor
Manage your weight
Drink more water
More Info…
Role of Supplements
Figuring out which supplements to take can be difficult and even discouraging, especially when you factor in all of the misleading and conflicting information that can be found online. Fortunately, we have gathered a comprehensive list of 10 supplements that have been proven to help encourage improved heart health when taken properly under doctor’s supervision and suggestion.
See Also: Supplements for Weight Loss
This list should make it much easier for everyone to narrow down their options so that they can add the right supplements to their daily routine. Keep in mind these supplements are not a cure for any heart disease. They are used to encourage heart health with proper guidance from a medical professional.
Top 10 Supplements For a Healthier Heart
10. Green Tea Extract
What is Green Tea Extract
This supplement is created with green tea leaves, and researchers have determined that it offers higher antioxidant benefits than taking a vitamin C pill. Heart health conscious individuals have two options when it comes to utilizing this supplement: they can take a green tea extract pill or simply begin regularly drinking green tea. In fact, the “European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation” published a study in 2008 that conclusively linked drinking green tea to improved cardiovascular health.
How Green Tea Extract Helps
Either version of this supplement will reduce the user’s risk of developing heart disease by causing blood vessel cells to function at a higher level. This makes it a good idea for everyone to incorporate green tea or green tea extract into their daily routine. After all, antioxidants can help us in a wide variety of ways, and it is also healthier to replace coffee with tea.
Recommended Green Tea Extract   Buy Zhou Nutrition – $16.81 Top 10 Green Tea Supplements
9. Policosanol
What is Policosanol
High cholesterol is a risk factor for heart disease, and evidence suggests that policosanol has a positive impact by helping the body break down low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. This supplement is made from a chemical that is derived from multiple sources, including sugar cane. It is offered in a pill format, and many people have reported success for a variety of medical conditions such as reducing the leg pain that is associated with poor blood circulation, lowering bad cholesterol levels and narrowing the heart’s blood vessels.
How Policosanol Helps
Policosanol is definitely a good option for people who are already battling with high cholesterol and blood circulation issues, and adding it as a daily supplement could also be beneficial for people who have a family history of cholesterol and heart disease related problems.
Recommended Policosanol   Buy NOW Foods – $15.12 Browse Products on Amazon.com
8. Fiber
What is Fiber
The American Heart Association strongly recommends that everyone should increase the amount of dietary fiber that they consume on a daily basis. This is due to the fact that soluble and insoluble fibers are a proven way to combat heart and cholesterol issues.
How Fiber Helps
Both types of dietary fiber will decrease the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, and insoluble fiber can slow the progression of the disease in patients who have already been diagnosed with this serious medical condition.
How to Get Fiber
Fiber can be obtained in your diet by eating whole-wheat bread, oatmeal, carrots, strawberries, wheat cereals, beans, rice, citrus fruits and several other food options. However, it is common for commercial wheat bran and oat bran products to have a minimal amount of actual bran, so they will not help people meet their daily fiber goal. Fortunately, there are also several fiber supplements available that are made from resources such as wheat dextrin, so everyone should be able to get enough fiber to boost their heart health.
Recommended Fiber Product   Buy ON Fitness Fiber – $4.26 Top 10 Fiber Supplements
7. B Complex Vitamins
What are B Complex Vitamins
These supplements contain all eight of the B vitamins that are essential for proper health. Although it is important for everyone to focus on getting the correct amount of each B vitamin into their system on a daily basis, it is vitamin B1 that is the most beneficial from a heart health standpoint. In fact, medical research indicates that having a B1 deficiency can cause heart failure and an irregular heartbeat.
How They Help
Natural resources for B1 include eating trout, lean pork and macadamia nuts, but the easiest way to ensure that the optimal amount of each B vitamin is absorbed into the body is to take a B complex vitamin every day.
Although this supplement does not specifically target cholesterol like many of the other items on this list, the importance of B1 and the other seven B vitamins cannot be overstated. After all, no one wants to face the increased risk of dying from heart failure, and this supplement can help prevent this potential issue.
Recommended Vitamin B Complex Buy It Now – $14.17 Top 10 Multivitamins for Women Top 10 Multivitamins for Men
6. Multivitamin
What are Multivitamins
Multivitamins are a mixture of a quantity of different vitamins that are generally found in foods, liquids, certain plants and other sources in nature. They are used to deliver essential vitamins which are not consumed in a person’s daily nutritional diet.
How Multivitamins Help
Multivitamins are utilized to fight deficiencies (lack of vitamins) caused by poor health, pregnancy, improper nutrition, digestive problems, and several other conditions which will in turn help promote a healthier heart and body over all.
Recommended Multivitamin Brand Buy Opti-Men – $14.29
Buy Opti-Women – $8.96
5. Coenzyme Q10
What is COQ10
This substance is similar to a vitamin, and it is critical for proper heart, kidney and liver functionality. Its primary purpose is to help the body generate energy via aerobic cellular respiration.
Coenzyme Q10 is a naturally occurring antioxidant that is in every person’s body, and it can also be found in a variety of food sources such as vegetable oil, cold water fish and meat.
How COQ10 Helps
The supplement form of Coenzyme Q10, which is also known as CoQ10, has been the subject of some recent studies. It is currently believed that ingesting more of this substance can be a useful treatment for certain diseases, and it can be beneficial for older individuals.
CoQ10 has been proven to reduce blood pressure levels, and some evidence indicates that it is useful for reducing the risk of cardiac arrest when combined with heart medication. Due to this, heart failure patients often have this supplement added to their treatment program.
Recommended COQ10 Buy Pure COQ10 – $29.99 Lowest Prices on Amazon.com
4. Vitamin D
What is Vitamin D
Vitamins within the D family are essential because they help the body properly absorb of all of the beneficial aspects of zinc, iron, phosphate, calcium and magnesium. Each of these components is necessary for good health, so anyone who has a vitamin D deficiency will definitely want to strongly considering taking a supplement.
This can easily be taken care of by purchasing vitamin D pills, and it is also important to get regular exposure to sunlight to help maintain consistent levels of this necessary vitamin.
How it Helps
Many doctors recommend taking a vitamin D supplement to help treat a long list of medical conditions, including high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Treating these issues will help improve the patient’s blood vessels and overall heart health, and this is crucial for living a longer life.
With this in mind, anyone who has been diagnosed with higher than desired blood pressure or cholesterol levels can help their body fight back by adding a vitamin D supplement to their daily routine. Additionally, it is a good idea to discuss incorporating multiple supplements when an individual has a serious condition, certain genetic factor or more than one deficiency issue.
Recommended Vitamin D Product Buy NatureWiseVitamin D3 – $13.20 Top 10 Multivitamins for Men Top 10 Multivitamins for Women
3. Niacin
What is Niacin
This essential human nutrient is also known as vitamin B3, and it is considered to be one of the five most important vitamins for proper human survival. In fact, third-world countries that battle with malnutrition typically have widespread niacin deficiencies.
Failure to consume enough niacin rich items can cause several serious health issues, so it is best for everyone to add enough of this critical vitamin to their diet. Supplements are available to help with any deficiency issues, and doctors can also prescribe a dosage that has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
It is important to note that niacin supplements can cause stomach issues if they are not taken with food.
How it Helps
There is a lot of strong evidence that proves that niacin in both its natural and supplemental forms can be very beneficial for reducing cholesterol. This critical vitamin will also make it less likely for people who have suffered from cardiac arrest to end up having a second incident.
Additionally, niacin has been linked to reducing issues with atherosclerosis. With all of these perks, it is no wonder that so many heart patients and people with a genetic predisposition to developing these problems make an effort to meet the daily recommended dosage of niacin for their age, gender and specific health issues.
How to get it
Niacin is found in high protein foods such as meats, eggs and peanuts. It can also be bought in pill form as a supplement.
Recommended Niacin Brand Buy Flush Free NOW – $13.59 Browse Amazon for More
2. Fish oil/Omega 3
What is Omega-3
Every human needs to ingest omega-3 fatty acids for proper health, but it can be difficult for some people to eat a diet that is structured with this need in mind. Fortunately, fish oil tablets are readily available, and they contain the necessary omega-3 fatty acids to help people maintain the essential balance of nutrients that has been recommended by health professionals.
How it Helps
Fish oil supplements can have a big impact on heart health. Taking a maximum of three grams per day has been linked to lower levels of triglycerides and blood pressure, and it slows down the development of arterial plaque. This product can also reduce a heart disease patient’s risk of having a heart attack, and people who do not currently have a diagnosed heart condition will also have a smaller likelihood of experiencing issues such as cardiac arrest.
Recommended Omega 3 / Fatty Acid Buy Dr. Tobias Optimum – $28.46 Browse Amazon for More
1. Resveratrol
What is Resveratrol
This naturally occurring stilbenoid is the response that some plants have when they are being injured by a pathogen attack. Resveratrol can be found within the skin of red grapes, and it also exists within the Japanese knotweed. This substance has been synthesized by scientists, and supplements typically derive resveratrol from the roots of knotweed.
How Resveratrol Helps
There are many health benefits associated with increasing the daily intake of this plant compound, and it is typically easier for people to add additional quantities of resveratrol to their diet by turning to a supplement.
How to get it
Heart patients should be aware of the supplemental option because this substance has been proven to make it harder for platelets to stick together. Additionally, resveratrol can reduce inflammation and prevent LDL cholesterol from oxidizing. Keep in mind that preliminary research indicates that it might be necessary for people to ingest 2,000 milligrams a day in order to achieve the desired results.
Recommended Resveratrol Buy Reserveage – $62.95 Browse Amazon for More
Wrapping Up
How to Deal With a Heart Condition
Dealing with a heart condition or attempting to take a preventative strike against bad genetics can seem daunting, but the reality is that it is relatively simple to find a balance of supplements, natural options and medical treatments that can help significantly improve everyone’s quality of life.
Because there are so many options and nutrient deficiencies are a major problem, it is a good idea for each person to discuss any alterations to their daily routine with their physician before investing in a specific supplement.
However, the odds are high that at least one of the pills mentioned on this list will become an important part of each patient’s fight against heart disease. Fortunately, informed individuals can also take action now to help ensure that they never end up in the emergency room as the result of suffering from a heart attack.
NOTE: Seek approval from your doctor before taking any of the supplements mentioned in this article.
Link to this article: http://supplementhound.com/best-supplements-for-heart-health/
The post Best Supplements that Promote Heart Health – Top 10 Products for 2017 appeared first on Supplement Hound - Supplement Reviews for 2016.
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