#the last one was literally posted like. 40 minutes before event ended holy shit
maybe-arts · 10 months
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i was temporarily deceased for this month bc once again artfight time! skeleton war in july
not much attacks (i got derailed in the middle of month by sudden urge to redesign OC) but it's at least more than 2 years ago! (i accidentally missed last year so it doesn't count)
peeps i've attacked! (under read more)
@taojat-ornis - Ruff 'n' Tumble RayKid7 on Toyhou.se - Vee @konoa-t - Yumi and Reuben @terrabreak99 - Leaf Doomer @kachikirby - Kurabe, Freya and Sieg and final has Galaxia personification designs by ( clockwise from bottom left) @pruskita, @erythteria, @the-cactus-taco, @blueberryfruitbat, and @miniiieevee!
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Aqua’s Live Reactions: “Las Nevadas”
Once again, despite knowing when exactly the livestream would happen, I decided to pull a Ge0rgeN0tF0und and slept through the latest lore event... though in my defense, the stream started at 5am in my time zone. Since the official vod still isn’t uploaded, I’m watching an unofficial one, so thank you to my friend Emily from Discord for uploading it.
As usual, a few things before we begin:
I basically don’t know what happens during the livestream, even though I woke up at 8am or so. Sure, I’ve seen a few minor spoilers through browsing Reddit and Tumblr (I’ve refused to interact with major blogs I follow to avoid them actively), but overall, I know next to nothing.
No one’s updated TV Tropes yet, so thank God I don’t have that as a source of spoilers. I might update them after watching the vod, though.
This whole post is within the context of the SMP, so /rp and /dsmp applies to everything under the cut.
If you don’t know what happened, be warned, as spoilers go unmarked. I’m only adding the spoiler tag because it’s within the first 24 hours of the stream.
I have a bingo card for this stream, actually! You’ll see it filled out at the end of the post.
0:08 -- Why is there a countdown? Is this plot-significant in any way? *asks* No, apparently it’s not, so let’s skip the first 12 minutes, I suppose! Considerate man lets us grab the popcorn and be prepared to choke on it
12:05 -- LET’S GOOOOOOOOOOO... wait a minute, he said he was going to kill Techno on the notification? HOW DOES THIS PLAY INTO THE PLOT--
12:18 -- “all recorded in Minecraft” guess no more real life smash cuts like on March 16th, then? also, is this a desert?
12:27 -- “the start of las nevadas” LET’S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
13:02 -- That explains the title, the hit list! He’s got Dream already, and hence the title! He’s going after Techno... again.
13:10 -- Visiting Dream every day, as demonstrated in the last stream!
13:47 -- OH MY GOD HE’S ACTUALLY DOING IT HOLY COW (another one bites the dust)
15:00 -- oh so the torture WAS partially revenge-motivated........................
16:50 -- the fandom be coming to a halt at this... techno visiting dream? people have been speaking of this interaction in the fanfics for months. this could be life-changing 
17:47 -- if this is what you promised him, then you’d do your goddamn best to keep that promise, okay?
20:11 -- JESUS CHRIST MAN..............
20:53 -- I’ve heard rumours about Exile... oh boy....... I don’t like this thing one bit. Not at all. Can’t we just get this over with? (props to the content creators though)
21:20 -- watching this shit is actually slightly distressing. actually does make me slightly uncomfortable here in the studio.
21:32 -- we’re done, I hope. we’re done? are we done? (oh no there’s gonna be so much apologist discourse over this because I myself actually feel a little bad for c!dream over this shit)
21:38 -- I hear rain?
21:56 -- chapter 1? so we’re finally done with the prologue that’s gonna spark so goddamn much discourse?
22:19 -- is that an alleyway? with a campfire?
22:39-23:10 -- “easy job, no innocents, big reward, easy money, peaceful heist” oh and was there a horseman? I couldn’t see clearly who it is, but there’s someone there and a horse? and an enchanted... pickaxe?? and what’s that massive crackle-tearing sound?
23:10 -- someone shot an arrow and the sound stops? new scene?
23:20 -- WHAT THE HELL IS THAT RED SHIT??!! the nether?????
23:35 -- there’s someone in armour? black? lots of lava?? q, is that you in that new skin of yours? and... why do I hear distant screaming???
23:51 -- the loud thunder actually makes me slightly uncomfortable, I feel
24:05 -- FOOLISH?!!?
24:29 -- “the pursuit of peace”... why did it just blink out like a malfunctioning security cam?? and time is ticking?
24:43 -- hey! it’s morning in las nevadas!
24:48 -- SAM!!
24:53 -- yeah, why’s there a villager back there? a cook?! a gourmet chef for the gamblin’ city?
25:21 -- stop talking over people, Q. it’s impolite. also, you showing him dream’s note... that you made him write under threat of death? (oh, apparently not!)
25:48 -- *silence* shit, we got the fiances angst alright
26:04 -- “why are you so worked up? calm down” because they broke his heart and he’s still not over it, I think?
26:23 -- FOOLISH!!
26:57 -- “he’s a good fighter” FOOLISH LORE?!!?
27:30 -- “everything we’ve done, we’ve done it for justice” ooh boy
28:00 -- FOOLISH LORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
28:49 -- “and now he’s wasting his days away building” no, he’s not, he’s said it’s like his healthy coping mechanism, don’t do this to foolish of all people
29:53 -- I’m with you on this, Sam. Q, don’t drag the old man out of retirement, because you’re gonna get zapped istg
31:15 -- the banquet gets mentioned!! he cares!!!
31:56 -- yes, he does know kinoko. he’s still evidently heartbroke over it. please don’t do this. why is this the way fiances angst manifests. why. you literally see his facial expression fall, right?
32:59 -- “it’s a big country” yeah, five whole maps’ worth, iirc
34:08 -- does this shit count as miscommunication? I think it might. if it does, another one bites the dust...
34:36 -- don’t let people’s pasts define them. define them by their present. and that’s to the “fans” bashing on content creators for “not knowing better” as well.
35:47 -- from one tactic from another, huh? blackmail to fuckin’ real estate?
36:13 -- yeah, that’s one MASSIVE build... Q, don’t do this, let him have his peace
36:43 -- oh for fuck’s sake........................ at this rate, I’m becoming a foolish apologist
37:33 -- so you’re going the fuckin’ capitalistic pragmatism route, I see what you did there, haha art major useless, hahahaha /s
39:38 -- oh great, manipulate mansplain malewife be on the case again. as much I love the phrase, please stop. please no. and when the time comes, explain to the fandom, the pain and heartbreak you put us teenagers through. when will you learn, that this is your legacy, your lore is your legacy. as they twist your characterization... 
40:09 -- holy FUCK he went off on the wilbur route. he took the cynicism and pragmatism and goddamn ran with it to the logical extreme of capitalism. sir... I live in the most capitalistic city in the goddamn world, but even I think you’ve gone off the deep end. it’s getting harder to defend you from the haters, ya know, as someone who heavily sympathizes with you.
43:29 -- chapter 2! oh, and I think... foolish probably just realized that q kind of fell down the rabbit hole... just like he himself did, ages ago. it’s such a weird dichotomy we have here. so weird.
43:33 -- old style camera countdown stock footage!
43:49 -- THE SLIME!!!!!!!!!!!!
44:04 -- “rest in peace Tommyinnit LOL” of all the slime chunks you could have used, you had to use THAT?!
44:25 -- “...slime children. gross” I thought slimes reproduced asexually?? like you kill a big slime and two smaller slimes are produced???
44:58 -- “so all around us, the environment, everything, it’s all slime?” “always has been.”
45:21 -- that “unless” is so fuckin’ ominous
45:38 -- mysterious dark figure?
45:43 -- oh! it’s Q in his new skin! I can recognize those eyes’ positioning anywhere! and no, I’m not making fun of your “condition”.
45:53 -- WHY IS HE USING AN ELYTRA???!!!! I thought it was banned?!!! or is this winged!Quackity confirmed???
45:59 -- *flying* *land harshly and lose half his health* “FUCK” LMFAO HE TOOK A MASSIVE L RIGHT THERE
46:41 -- sanitary conditions?? what are we on now??
47:11 -- did he just murder charlie?! canon life lost?! and what is this beeping?
47:23 -- interrogation scene?
48:04 -- 300 bones? are you a child? it’s 206 bones in an adult human, sir, unless minecraft anatomy is different?
49:25 -- slimecicle lore. also suspiciously specific denial.
49:50 -- “something about a purple guy?” PURPLED?!!?
49:51 -- “you broke his ufo” PURPLED!!!!!!! F IN THE CHAT FOR THE UFO THOUGH
50:48 -- he was about to take a canon life but then-- wait what? is something happening?
51:14 -- IT’S SNOWING!!
51:25 -- “this is called coke” no it’s not :] (affectionate)
52:00 -- thank you, charlie slimecicle. VERY specific. /s
52:07 -- “red shirt blond guy” TOMMYINNIT?!!?
54:03 -- “a spy” “a friend” MY HEART MY HEART AHHHHH
54:11 -- CHAPTER 3!! I also looked slightly ahead and is that... Fundy? Wilbur?!
54:44 -- PURPLED?!?! also, what’s this rule about no minors in the gambling country, made ages ago?
56:28 -- are they using a walkie talkie? is that why it all sounds so... crackly? the audio? and there’s the ufo... with disgusting blood vines growing all over it... is this where it goes kaboom?
56:44 -- now that you’ve said it, he’s probably gonna show up any second now
57:02 -- you get his attention... by making his old home go kaboom?!
58:43 -- he’s really goofing off by breaking a shroomlight in the wall to make a window, huh? (affectionate)
58:52 -- LOOK WHO’S HERE!!!!!!! IT’S HIM!!!!!!
1:01:54 -- so THIS is how he got purpled on his side for the banquet... wonder if it also goes into him recruiting techno as well
1:05:22 -- THE RED BANQUET!!
1:05:37 -- it still doesn’t resolve the problem of how he’s been getting money from though.... like we know it’s based in las nevadas. we KNOW. but anything concrete behind that? no! people didn’t even know it existed back then! how were you supposed to get your cash? unless you’ve been... heh... mining off camera
1:06:11 -- after the red banquet, and that’s a good question, sir!
1:06:45 -- “where’s my money?” LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO
1:09:25 -- it starts thundering the moment q gives out the new proposition. this is textbook ominous stuff. don’t make a deal with the devil. i see how fundy’s lore gets roped in here. because he has less than good intentions...
1:10:07 -- “potential” seems to be an arc word here
1:10:37 -- “if you join me then that won’t be the last piece of evidence you were ever around” YOU DESTROYED HIS LEGACY, YOU DIPSHIT, AND YOU COME IN WITH THE PROPOSITION THAT YOU CAN BUILD HIM A LEGACY?? A NEW ONE????? BRUH........ WHAT THE HELL?! guess dream saw the minors and said “is anyone gonna manipulate that” and didn’t wait for an answer... forgot purpled... and then mr alex quackity shows up and says “i’ll finish the job for you” and goes and manipulates the last minor. great job.
1:12:00 -- says the man planning to use people for their abilities and skills...
1:14:21 -- ...fundy?
1:14:49 -- he’s ready to go to bed... nightmare time?
1:15:43 -- he woke up... in the mesa?
1:16:09 -- it’s him alright! I didn’t watch his March 30th lore stream, but I’m starting to get where he’s coming from...
1:16:44 -- not only is he still in the mesa, but he’s greeted by a man who’s very evidently shown to be spiraling badly. this is NOT going to end well.
1:18:15 -- is that... a tower? w-his tower? I don’t know Fundy and his lore very well tbh...
1:18:32 -- the ruins of l’manburg... the walls... what has happened? are we still in a nightmare?
1:19:41 -- the camarva-- oh. oh. the lore stream. of course... shit......
1:21:45 -- he’s... recruiting. ‘”he” had horrific intentions despite a good-sounding premise’... the march 30th lore stream...
1:22:06 -- why is his voice getting echoey?
1:22:48 -- “if you think about it, you don’t matter” BITCH WE PULLING THAT CARD NOW. WHY? WHY. WHY.
1:24:10 -- dude you’re acting like a stereotypical supervillain... fundy... resist the call... please... 
1:25:26 -- the music is acting up...
1:26:19 -- revivedbur! how’s it been?
1:26:24 -- wait, that’s an old clip, if a subscribe thing pops up....
1:27:19 -- it’s a sign!
1:27:31 -- revivedbur ran off to las nevadas! he joins the casino gang!
1:27:51 -- the beanie duo crumbs........................
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(there may be future amendments on the bingo card)
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illegiblewords · 3 years
Fic Writer Meme
Swiped this because it looked like fun!
Most popular oneshot
Most popular multichapter
Actual worst part of writing
How you choose your titles
Do you outline
Ideas I probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice?
Callouts @ Me
Best writing traits
Spicy Tangential Opinion
Tagging: @nilim, @azwoodbomb, @wouldyouliketoseemymask, @parvus-pica, @peregrineroad, @spiral-seeker, @frostmantle, @autumnslance, @strangefellows, @redbud-tree, @maccaroni-eh, @entropytea, @prettyparadoxes, @ivalane, @kunstpause, @fogfens
Name: Illegible or Illegiblewords lately. I’ve switched it in the past a few times.
Fandoms: I’ve been in Final Fantasy XIV for the past couple of years now. Passively I might be in Pathologic fandom and Dragon Age fandom? Maybe others too on and off. I was in comic fandoms for a long time but honestly that spiraled into a hot mess of epic proportions so I’ve mostly peaced out of there. Still love stories, characters, and buddies from there though.
Most Popular Oneshot: Ironically it’s Ideation for Bladerunner 2049 haha. I did exactly one fic there right after seeing the movie and didn’t go back, but I thought it was very good and I had a specific story I wanted to tell. It’s one of my most popular fics, and given it’s gen too I’m actually kind of happy about that.
Most Popular Multichapter: The Immortal Wound for FFXIV fandom! I had only just started writing for the fandom, and the series leading up to this fic was my first time writing NPC shipping in FFXIV. I was seriously, SERIOUSLY nervous at first! I wrote the first fic, Posturing, as a personal challenge to do an ambiguous protagonist/NPC since I saw other people doing that and wanted to see if I could pull it off. Posted it at around 4 in the morning then deleted within a few minutes out of anxiety lol. A week went by before I read it again, realized I still liked it, and put it back up for good. That being well-received helped encourage me to keep trying, and by The Immortal Wound it was getting solid attention. The experience really meant a lot to me!
Actual Worst Part of Writing: Probably chapter maps within the outlining process for me. It’s needed for how I approach things, but shit is anxiety-inducing and stressful af lol. I basically plan each event out in high detail before actually writing the fic, so when the time comes for me to legit write I’m more or less following a plan I can trust. Making that plan is the tough part.
How Do You Choose Your Titles: Often titles are the last things I figure out before starting the fic itself. I know I like punchy stuff if I can manage. Sometimes it’ll be one word, sometimes it’ll be a quote or song lyric, sometimes it’ll be a saying, sometimes it’ll be a phrase that feels fitting. I go fast and loose usually, and tbh I’ve tried to tell myself not to overthink it too hard. I do try title related works in ways that have some thematic link when I can.
Do You Outline: HahahahahaHAHAHAHAhaha yeah. Straight up my outlines are eldritch terrors for their detail, length, and complexity. I don’t mean that as a brag at all, seriously--I tend to get frozen a bit if I don’t have an outline by and large because it’s hard for me to keep track of what’s in my head and plan accordingly. Just end up with too many moving parts + revision and pacing get wonky otherwise.
Depending on the project I might have sections tied to setting, characters, magic systems, religions, etc. at the top. Fanfic this is less likely but does crop up sometimes.
To give an example of the first bullet of the first chapter of an ongoing fic:
Post-Shinryu, the Warrior of Light lingers in the Royal Menagerie alone at his own insistence to search for the Eye of Nidhogg. In the process he remembers the fight against Zenos and Shinryu. Note he was overcome by an almost feral rage at Zenos’ assumption that he was the target of anything resembling lust. Those attentions (“bite down upon my jugular”) belong to another, but note similarities of two pale-eyed, long-haired blondes. Seeing Shinryu, the Warrior had no idea whether Lahabrea survived within. The fusion was horrifying to see and as he fought he didn’t hold back because besides obvious dangers, he was also ready to mercy kill if needed. Also note Warrior wanted to intervene against Thordan for Lahabrea but wasn’t fast enough, questions a little privately how far he’d have gone against him. It might not have mattered even if he’d managed since he knows Lahabrea was going crazy and unable to listen. Locating and examining the Eye, he recognizes how drained it is. Certainly not enough to threaten him when dealing with post-battle exhaustion. So he reaches inside with his own aether, relentless in pushing aside every foreign element—Nidhogg, Thordan, the corrupted Rhalgr, the places Zenos caged them all under his own will. Zodiark’s tempering is what helps him ultimately find Lahabrea, who is barely alive. Zodiark’s tempering has preserved what it could but has a much more tenuous grip in consequence. When the Warrior finds him Lahabrea isn’t even aware, functionally unconscious. The tempering flares against him defensively and this time the Warrior focuses on it. This is all that has allowed Lahabrea to stay alive. He could force himself closer but there is no vessel. Besides, the process of separating a fragile soul so deficient in aether is too great a risk. So he keeps the Eye.
It’s not the only bullet of comparable size for that chapter. The overall piece has at least 40 total chapters, but probably more.
Ideas I Probably Won’t Get Around To, But Wouldn’t It Be Nice: Tbh probably some of the earlier WIPs I have that aren’t finished already. Not just FFXIV (Dead Language, With Good Intentions) but other fandoms. I could end up circling back in the future one day but who knows.
Best Writing Traits: I try to write any character as the hero of their own story/with the capacity to be someone’s favorite. I do my research and prioritize telling a good story first and foremost. I can change my writing style according to need and am good at capturing the cadence and word choices of different characters.
Spicy Tangential Opinion: If no transaction has been made (esp. monetary), no one owes you shit online. Not reviews, not hits, not praise, not agreement, not content of any sort. It sucks to feel like you’re creating to a void. It sucks to be passionately in love with a rarepair when other ships are drowning in art and stories.
People still don’t owe you.
If you don’t like someone else’s content, create something exploring what you do like... or even why you don’t like that content. Tell a story. Create art. Make photosets and playlists and analyses. If it is not a literal crime (as opposed to portraying fictional crime), don’t discourage other creators no matter how awful you might find their stuff. Lend your own voice to an alternative as convincingly as you can. And if that doesn’t persuade others, you need to keep honing your own skills.
If you want more of something to exist, spread inspiration. Again this can be in storytelling, art, photosets, playlists, analysis, you name it. Give form to your passion. And if others disagree or don’t respond, keep working at it. This is a skill too, and it takes practice.
I’ve found it shows when work is created out of a sense of guilt, fear, or obligation. The quality is much lower and no one latches on to keep building in-turn. And IMO it is essential to build up rather than tearing down.
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mysynthfetish · 5 years
So lemme just start by saying this is the second attempt at thumbfucking this post out on my phone in the Stumblr app. First time I was almost all the way through the post when I dipped out to grab a link to a video and when I flipped back to this app guess what, fucking post had fucked off into fuck knows where. Pissed. Me. Off. Anyway.
Exactly one month ago I was visited by opportunity in the form of a Saturday work day which I was told at the last minute (on Friday) that I didn’t actually need to attend. Mental wheels started frantically spinning. What was it that I had thought about doing or going to but in the end gave up on the idea because of travel time and difficulty finding a place to stay... oh shit yeah, Ondekoza is playing kinda sorta nearby. Righty-O then. I immediately got busy contacting the boss (this woman I live with who is the mother of our children) and asked her if she minded if I took the car and fugged off for the weekend. She was like “how soon can you be gone?” Hahaha no not really. She just said sure go ahead just be careful. Then I got in touch with Naoto, the one member of Ondekoza who I talk with regularly, and asked if it’d be ok for me to drive out and stay with them and help set up and tear down for their show and whatever. A positive reply came rather quickly so a last minute plan came together and Saturday morning off I went.
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They were doing workshops and fun things, as well as playing a full concert (outdoors, on a stage set up in the middle of a terraced rice field area) to bring a week-long artsyfartsy event to a close. What was the event called again? Something like Umi-no-Stage 2019 (Umi means ocean, sea or beach), featuring workshops and performances by mostly off the wall/weirdo/wacky artists (right up my alley) held in a wee rustic hamlet (so small it’s almost not on maps) called Tagarasu (literally means Rice Field Crow, I dig it) near Obama City (yes, they made a big deal outta that when Drumpf’s predecessor was in office), in Fukui Prefecture (not “fuckyouey” hahaha no, “fooh-kooh-wee”) on the Sea of Japan side. Enough parentheses in that last sentence for you? Hehe. So as you can see on the map, google maps said it would be a two hour drive if I took the non-toll roads. Lemme tell you, freeways are anything but free here. The routes on the left and right on that map had tolls of $40 and $50 each, one way, so I was like the hell with that. It was an easy drive anyway once I got out of the urban sprawl and traffic jam factory of Kyoto City itself. Then it was twisty mountain roads, fresh, cool air, and scenic routes through mountain forests and alongside rivers in valleys. I thought it quite ironic and a helluva coincidence that I ended up driving the westernmost length of a road which I had ran the easternmost part of a few weeks prior on an overnighter with the third graders for work. Here’s a shot of the road sign:
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ACCIIIIIIIIIIEEED!!!!!! So before I knew it I arrived in one piece, parked at a beach access parking lot that said “$10 a day, pay at the front” but I was like “I’m with Ondekoza, can I park here? Oh by the way do you know which house they’re in right now?” And the confused looking lady in charge grabbed a guy who was event staff and had him take me to where I needed to go, and in the end I found out that the fee is for people who want to go fishing out on the breakwaters there so whatever.
No sooner had I walked in the door and exchanged greetings than they tell me “we’ve got a job for you today.” Cool. I thought they’d ask me to write up something in English, or maybe do some lettering like make a sign or something, chalk art, whatever. Nope. “We want you to play shime-daiko for a five minute or so attention-getter we’re gonna play to fire people up for tomorrow’s show. It’s a mashup of Utsu Hachijo and Yatai Bayashi. Cool?” Jeeeeezus are you kidding me? Yeah ok I’m familiar with those pieces but it’s been ages, literally 27 years since I practiced them with the then-members of Ondekoza when they came to my hometown and stayed a few weeks during the latter part of their America Marathon Tour (I think maybe it was called the Odyssey tour?). Anyway. Moro-kun (the newest/youngest member?) and I sit down and start brainstorming. We talk out the arrangement of the piece and how it will progress, then do a “rehearsal” drumming out our parts on the table there. All was good. He was sweating bullets, really nervous about the whole thing. I was like “when are we supposed to do this?” And he said “in about half an hour.” HOLY SHIT FOR REAL?! Yikes. Ok ok ok, let’s run through this one more time, cool? We did. No problem. Moro-kun was still a bundle of nerves. I was like “Right. We got this. Let’s go! It’ll all work out in the end.”
Before we were on though, a small, quite out-there modern dance outfit called Monochrome Circus put on a performance at the hamlet’s shrine, so we hit that on our way. Here’s a photo of the entrance as seen from the street:
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Fantastic atmosphere. The director of the group gave a short introduction, then explained what the first performance would be. In Japan, there’s a super popular style of comic called the yon-koma-manga (four-frame comic strip). Quite like the funnies in the daily newspapers back home actually. They would set a scene somewhere within the shrine grounds, then one person at a time would enter the scene, strike a pose and freeze, until four people had entered and then the audience would be prompted to say “FINISHED!” For the first one, the group members showed what the deal was so everyone would get it. From the second one on, they asked members of the audience to join in. I ran over to the stairs you can see in the photo, whipped out my iPhone and sat down, pretending to be messing with it—an homage to the modern mindless moron that today’s society overflows with so profusely. The second person came and stood behind me looking over my shoulder. I couldn’t see where the third or fourth people ended up. FINISHED!!! This kept on for a few more rounds, then the group did a few dances, which were really nice actually, and not SO out there. Then it was time to go. Righty-O. Let’s go!
Yeah so when we got to the seawall there, I didn’t get stage fright until it was time to take off my shoes and socks and sit down in front of the drum. Biggest goof? Forgetting to take off my damn sunglasses. Duhhhhhh. At least I managed to keep in time and didn’t fuck up disastrously, though the sticks were a helluva lot thicker and longer than the sticks I’m used to (Ondekoza makes all their drumsticks by hand). But it ain’t everyday you get to play with Ondekoza, so I’m glad I had the chance.
After that we just hung out, did dinner, then walked around checking out the sunset.
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Not too shabby. In the evening, a wacko but fun group called something like the Tōhoku Six Prefecture Rock-n-rollers gave a show at the same stage Ondekoza would be using the next day so we went and saw that. Fun, crazy shit. Then off to bed.
The next morning we were up by 5:45, and then it was off on the daily 6am run. Everyone split up and went off on their own though and I was like WHAAAT?! So instead of going solo and getting completely the fuck lost, I tagged along with Naoto. What a scenic run! Through tunnels and down twisty roads that hugged the coastal sides of the smallish mountains there. The view was fantastic. We reached a turnaround point and Naoto said “I’ve got breakfast duty so I need to head back.” No problem. I followed him back, then ran an extra 1km and a bit. Still it totalled about 7km, three short of their daily 10km run (they don’t strictly adhere to this distance though, they’ve become a bit more flexible and I don’t think it’s a bad thing—when they were founded and when they ran in the US when I spent time with them they all ran together as a group but not anymore). Shower, breakfast, then a full-on day of setting up. After the setting up part was done, they had a soundcheck and mini rehearsal. I snapped this photo while that was going on.
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What a place. Beautiful. Absolute nightmare for music though, as far as acoustics are concerned. But it all worked out. Two o’clock arrived and concertgoers started mozying in. We retreated to a large tent that was set up as a dressing room. They changed into their performing outfits, and I just zoned out for a bit. Before they go on, they always do this ritual of making a circle and doing warmup exercises, then adjacent members hold hands, and they do a little pre-game cheer of sorts. I was invited to join in all this so I was pleasantly surprised. Then it was GAME ON!!! I shot video of the whole show, and here’s a photo from Instagram of them playing Ōdaiko with me at the right shooting video.
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Hahaa a cameo. Gimme a break. Anyway I’ll put a link to the video here in a sec but I just want to say they told the audience that video and photos were prohibited, so I set the video to “unlisted” and the only way to see it is if you have the link. They don’t really mind people seeing the video, it’s more a concern about people taking photos or video and then trying to sell it. Right then, here you go:
It’s about an hour twenty minutes or so. Hope you have nice speakers too. Yeah. So it was a fantastic show in an idyllic, beautiful environment. Then it was time to tear down and pack up. We had quite a bit of help this time so it was over within about an hour. Then they were gonna drive north along the Sea of Japan, heading to catch a ferry way up in Aomori, on their way to their annual Hokkaidō camp and concert, before heading off to a two week stint in China. I said a sincere thanks for being allowed to tag along, let them know that I really appreciated it, and then the director (Mr Matsuda) said “C’mon, you’re family! And besides that, you get shit done! Having you here was a huge help and it’s you who should be thanked.” I was floored. Did not expect to be told that. Wow. So it was in very high spirits thst I made the drive back home, arriving safely, but still full of adrenaline. What a weekend.
The next time I’ll get to fool around with them will be in September when they’ll be in Nagoya for a concert. I’m cooking up a plan to design and have vinyl stickers made for them to sell at shows and events while I’m back in the US this summer. 123stickers.com man, vinyl fucking stickers for reasonable prices and the damn things last forever. I’ve slapped a shitload of small ones here and there around Osaka and Kyoto over the years and they’re still there, in great shape. Graffiti background bared for all to see huh? Hahaha. Anyway. That’s all I have to say about that!
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survivorazores · 7 years
Ep. 14-  “#NotTotallyAnEmotionalMess“ - Emily
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ugh I feel bad about that. he was such a good kid :(
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I'm so pissed. Soooooo pissed. Go Mo for realizing he's going then calling me out and ruining my already ruined game. I guess I have to play my ass off in this comp huh! Not cute at all. If I lose, I go home. Unless I can turn the tables on Amanda Lynn. I'm not sitting around and doing her dirty work anymore! Also, pissed because three of my frickin video confessions have yet to upload. I'll work on that. But just know I'm not happy at the moment.
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Six guesses total, will this be the challenge I FINALLY win?  Or will queen Emily win AGAAAAAIN?  Find out soon on Survivor Azores! I think six guesses isn't bad, I usually suck at this challenge but this time I like made a spreadsheet and stayed organized so i wouldn't make any simple mistakes.
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I literally have an f2/f3 agreement with more than half the remaining cast at this point and that's either gonna go well for me or blow up in my face, because we're reaching a crossroads where I'm gonna have to turn on one alliance, whether it be taking out Ruthie next vote, flipping on Amanda/Abbey at some point, or voting out Ali whenever it comes to it so... There's a very real chance that I'll be seen as too much of a follower but I really hope that I can show my social game saved me and my allies multiple times throughout the game and that the people I turn on, whoever it ends up being, won't be too bitter with me. Also this interaction just took years of my lifespan Ali wtf [8/16/17, 11:28:34 PM] Ali  TAnveer: We should def stick together [8/16/17, 11:28:40 PM] Ali  TAnveer: Till the end [8/16/17, 11:30:05 PM] Will: yeah? im into it [8/16/17, 11:30:44 PM] Ali  TAnveer: Into what :o [8/16/17, 11:31:00 PM] Will: …sticking together [8/16/17, 11:31:34 PM] Ali  TAnveer: Sticking what together [8/16/17, 11:31:52 PM] Will: .
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I'm not confident in my Mastermind score in the slightest. I have a feeling I'm going to lose this one. This was the one immunity I really knew I needed. I'm so worried that I'm going home this round and it's really frustrating. If things are looking grim, I'll try my hardest to get Amanda Lynn out, though I feel that it's only smart to go after her when I'm immune. I need to start doing some damage and destroying her reputation to get the numbers. I know Mo just called me out last tribal and it'll be hard for me to convince people that Amanda is going to win over me, but I'm going to try. I need her out. And I'm pretty sure this is my last round if I don't. Wish me luck.
1. http://youtu.be/mMp32kOZIWk 2. http://youtu.be/VhVyp9ah-84
Have you ever wanted to die so much? Someone has the fuckin idol and ... I just want to die. So much death. I yearn it. I truly thought... I truly thought we would find it. I love being optimistic and naive. I love being Boo Boo The Fool. I just love it. I just love how things are not working out for me. I just love how I know that, at this point, if I don't win competitions I'm 1.) getting voted out or 2.) getting idoled out. Final Tribal Council... I wish I could have the pleasure to get to know you... its_just_not_realistic.gif
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So we've had an idol doc with a running list of all the spots we've searched. Somehow it managed to be in the last spot we searched and it was gone alsjdhskals. We looked high and low and all we got was disappointment. Today has been a mess but at least the fish I had for dinner was good.
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Bwkwbwkwbwkwnwj what a turn of events. Neither myself or Amanda won/tied??? Interesting. I'm pulling for Abbey so hard. I'm just hoping the Gal Pals don't turn on me like I'm about to in final six... lol. Sticking with them this round because it's very risky. I came up with a plan to split the votes 3 Will 2 Ruthie just in case either of them have an idol. I'm just hoping Ruthie doesn't win immunity Y I K E S!!!
It is established that Francie also tied with Abbey and Ruthie
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Me tying with Abbey and Francie?  TIME TO WIN, my fingers are crossed!
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FRANCIE DID THAT!!! SHE REALLY DID!!! If anyone else had to win, I'm glad it's her!!! And now our tie plan can work :-) I'm so happy??? As long as no one votes me out tonight.
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I mean if everyone's smart they'll get Emily out right now, but some people tend to get a little nervous and start to make random cracked moves for no reason, but hey as long as I'm not the one with the target on my back I'm happy. I genuinely believe that Amanda Lynn and Abbey are with me until the end, but I also know that Ali and Ruthie are close enough to me and think they can trust me enough to tell me if things are going wrong and... that's when I can strike :) so if anyone wants to play any funny business games they can go for it. At this point I'm just playing to get to the end and while I have promised to several people that it would be with them, all I care about is myself getting there. That's the only way I have a shot at winning, that's how the game goes
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I'm.....holy shit I can't believe it. I really only got it in 5 and not 6 because I got the right colors in the first three guesses as opposed to the first four but still I'm in shock
Ok here's a better confessional. So I managed to win the mastermind tie breaker for individual immunity, and was only in the tie breaker bc I noticed Jay messed up reporting info which could've affected my score so I did it again and I got it in 6 that time. There is somewhat of a luck element in mastermind bc the first few rounds are just you figuring out what colors are in play and I managed to pick the right ones so that I got all 5 colors in 3 rounds and could guess the order in the next two as opposed to taking 4 rounds to determine the colors which was a big help. If it weren't for that there might've been another tie. Well, not might have, probably.
So the plan for tribal is a 2-3 split between Ruthie and Will, respectively. We're splitting the vote in case an idol is played so depending on how the idol is played it will either send someone home by 3 votes or force a tie and then we revote from there. I'm pretty sure Ali is loyal to us so the votes should work out. Hopefully an idol doesn't get played tonight but this time we have a better plan for if one does.  
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I have been making so many video confessions recently because I truly don't know how to type out what I'm feeling but I think cracked Emily is coming out. She's going crazy. She needs help. I literally have been ranting to my parents about this game because I don't have anyone else I trust and I really want to die. I'm putting my faith in Ali right now and hoping he can guide me to the promise land: final six. The thing that's killing me about this game is that FTC is so close I can taste it and my anxiety is taking over like a parasite. I get nauseous before every tribal but this one especially. I don't want to go home!!! I want to stay!!! Hopefully the Gal Pals are going to stay loyal to me for one more round then I can cut off the head of our alliance and watch the island burn. I'm going absolutely bonkers and I don't know how to stop myself. I need to chill out I need to chill out I need to chill out!!!!
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OKay so I know I made a really long confessional last night with Duncan and Host Ali and people are probably not going to watch it but I just have a lot of thoughts about this tribal, that is happening 90 minutes earlier than usual, by the way. There is no denying that if Emily makes it to the end of the game, it’s going to be really hard for anyone to beat her. She has been in on all of the strategizing and (so it seems to everyone else) she has spear-headed every elimination. It just makes sense. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t feel bad. I genuinely feel terrible about voting for her (I don’t say “vote her out” because I fully expect to be blindsided tonight). This is the first game I’ve played where I am turning on an ally. And it sucks. I genuinely like Emily. I’ve been close with her since literally the first few minutes of the game, and I haven’t lied to her at all in this game until right now. And it sucks. It also sucks because I feel like I could lose trust with Francie and that I’ll be in danger after this round anyway. These girls are sweet and kind and this completely sucks. I’m also trying to think about like, what to do after this. How do I get to the end against people I can win against. I know I’m not gonna vote Abbey out. It’s just not happening. And I know that I could lose the game because of it. People are probably going to say that our friendship is the reason that we made it this far. Well if they do, I’m gonna counter it with…. Ashley and Ruthie are friends… yet they aren’t here together. Emily and Francie became friends in this game, and (if tonight goes as planned) they aren’t here together. I just have a bad feeling that people are gonna say the game was rigged (as if Jay would ever). I’m working really hard this game, and to think that people could say that I only made it as far as I did because of a rig or a premade or bc I’m a series admin is gonna suck. Don’t discredit my success bc you couldn’t figure out that we were close before this point, even though there have been multiple challenges surrounding the wiki, where it says that we are admins, with our skype names, and access to season blogs, on which you can find numerous posts containing Google Hangouts that Abbey and I both appear on as hosts.. Like… ugh…. http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-UyIGOY7DZOE/VdZKz9vWL-I/AAAAAAAAHuk/c3BZlQN58cU/mean-girls-I-just-have-a-lot-of-feel%25255B1%25255D.gif?imgmax=800
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I am so emo I think I'm GOING HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I told Ali that I don't trust Amanda Lynn and he agrees with me. I think he will be the one that I need to help get Amanda Lynn out. I have his vote should we get her out this tribal. Now I just need to get Francie's and Ruthie's, which I think I will be able to do? Call me optimistic. But should I go this round, Amanda Lynn gets my vote no matter what. If she is at FTC, I vote for her. The only way someone else can get me vote is if they orchestrate her tribal. If I can't do it, I'll vote for the person that can. I am just praying my life is spared this tribal. I am PRAYING!!! Please Survivor Gods, I've been a good egg, let me do this for you. Let me survive another round. Let me win another immunity. Please!!! I'll stay optimistic until my torch is snuffed. :-/
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So basically im never going to win! No matter who I go to the end with I'm going to lose. Amanda will always beat me and I dont want to go with anyone else but her. Im scared that shes going home this round but theres really truly nothing I can do about it. Emily will always win if she makes it and Will is also a threat. The only way I have a chance is if its with Francie and Ali. Deep sigh.
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Tonight will be the one that REALLY determines if my f3 is together or not, because if anything happens besides five (or four if Ali ends up flipping) of us voting Emily, it's gonna be messy.  Everyone knows they can't win against Emily though, like she's playing an amazing game and even she knows she's the one to beat. An ideal final five still has Francie in it, if Abbey/Amanda/Francie end up voting Ruthie I can somehow avoid the blame and keep Ruthie's jury vote, and then Ali will know I can't do anything to save him. There's so many ways this can work out I just need to figure out the best one that will win me the game.
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So tribal is moments away and I can't be there for live tribal bc of a family thing but I'm really nervous. If I get voted out tonight, well, it's been fun. I'm glad I played. And tbh if Emily gets to the end... she will probably have my vote. Hopefully it's the other way around but if not, it's been good.
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LAST WORDS:  This has been an absolutely wonderful game and I am so thankful for the people I have met throughout this process. No matter what happened, I knew this would be a super fun experience. I would like to especially thank Toph, Rafael, Bryce, Amanda G for being such wonderful friends - no matter how messy our NFPs alliance was. (Amanda G especially!!!) Thank you to Jay and Ali for being great hosts for a lost girl's first game. I also wanna thank anyone who put their faith in me and drafted me - sorry I let you down :-/
I have some regrets in this game, but it's all good. I had so much fun and I can't wait to play more games in the future!!! I'm still rooting for my Gal Pals - I love them no matter what. I want to see the three of them at final tribal council. :-) I wish the best of luck to everyone still in the game!!! Also, I'm proud of myself for not crying over my tribal like I thought I would. #NotTotallyAnEmotionalMess? It's been lit.
Emily becomes the sixth member of the jury, and the seventh placer of Survivor Azores
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daleisgreat · 5 years
Furious 7
The first official spinoff of the Fast and Furious franchise hit theaters this weekend with the release of Hobbs and Shaw. It only seems fitting then with that hitting theaters to continue my trek through covering the series here with 2015’s Furious 7 (trailer). The seventh entry in the series showcased Jason Statham in the role of the unstoppable villain, Deckard Shaw. Furious 7 also infamously went down as the last film in the series to feature one of the two franchise lead-men, Paul Walker since he perished in a tragic car wreck in the midst of shooting this film. His brother took his place in several stand-in spots for the final scenes to be shot with his character. Needless to say one of the burning questions I had originally going into this at the theaters opening weekend was how were they going to handle writing him off the series? I will cross that bridge in towards the end of this entry. Furious 7 has a new director at the helm with James Wan of Saw, Insidious and Conjuring fame. He has a killer opening shot of Deckard Shaw at the hospital bedside of his brother, Owen (Luke Evans), who barely survived the aftermath of his clash with Dom (Vin Diesel) in the last film and Deckard promising to avenge him. Another opening act shot that gelled with me was Letty (Michelle Rodriguez) and Dom revisiting the Race Wars rally for the first time in the series since the original film to get our obligatory drag race out of the way early where Letty easily lays waste to her opposition. I appreciated the callback to Race Wars, and was surprised to see them dig out periphery character Hector (Noel Gugliemi) from the original film to make a fun cameo too.
Just like the post-credits tag scene in Fast & Furious 6 eluded to, Furious 7 finally puts a tidy bow on the split timelines in the canon. Stick with me…..the previous three Fast films technically all took place before Tokyo Drift since Han (Sung Kang) perished in that film but the filmmakers liked him so much that they kept bringing him back. To wrap up this glaring loose end, after an exhilarating fight with Hobbs (Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson), Shaw breaks into Hobbs’ computer to find the location of Han and assassinate him to get Dom’s attention. Props to Furious 7 for tracking down Lucas Black to get him back in his role as Sean Boswell for a scene with Dom wrapping up the Tokyo chapter of the series. I remember being both stoked to see Black back, and bummed to see him limited to only one scene and almost expected to see him welcomed as part of Dom’s gang. There are currently rumors he will be back in a bigger role in the upcoming ninth film in the series. Since we still see Dom’s crew at Han’s funeral and all the succeeding events seemingly transpire in the weeks afterwards it is safe to presume this movie still is set in 2006 when Tokyo Drift initially released….that is until we see in the early part of Furious 7 Letty visiting her old grave that has a 2009 death year on it from when we thought she died in the fourth film, which should have took place before Tokyo Drift…..ah forget it.
Anyways, point being is whenever year Furious 7 transpires, it is hard to believe it was in the 2000s decade (aka ‘The Aughts’) after Dom’s crew meets up with secret government ghost agent Mr. Nobody (Kurt Russell). Mr. Nobody essentially gives the government’s unofficial backing to Dom’s gang as their go to master heist crew for secret-ops missions. He also introduces the gang to all kinds of high-tech level gadgetry right that seems like it was pulled right out of the latest 007 film. I could not remember the name of Russell’s character when writing this and I cannot stand the name ‘Mr. Nobody’ the moment I looked it up for reference for this so I will instead just refer to his character as his real name Kurt Russell from here on out because Kurt Russell is portrayed as a bonafide badass in this film. Russell helps Dom’s crew rescue kidnapped hacker, Ramsey (Nathalie Emmanuel), who has knowledge of a ‘God’s Eye’ device which has access to all the security and cell phone cameras across the world. Of course, there are the now-obligatory ridiculous stunt scenes that result in Team Ride or Die snatching Ramsey away from the terrorists. It involves a hilarious sequence of skydiving cars and culminates with Dom escaping terrorists by intentionally flipping his car down a cliff and literally walking right out of the totaled car and brushing it off without any injury! Not even a bandage! Trust me, things get even more gloriously ludicrous from there when Ramsey tells the crew they must traverse to Abu Dhabi to procure the ‘God’s Eye.’ If you thought things were bonkers with the safe in Fast Five and the heroic tank leaps and infinite runway in the sixth movie, then props to Wan for somehow topping those stunts with a must-see to believe ‘Cars Can’t Fly’ moment in Furious 7 involving a three million dollar car and the Etihad Towers. It is easily one of the all-time ‘holy shit’ moments in big-budget blockbuster cinema history, and that is saying something!
After some more back and forth shenanigans with Shaw, everything comes to a boil in a heavy duty final act involving predator drones, car jousts, Hobbs donning a chain gun against a helicopter and an epic Dom vs Shaw street fight. This all adds up to Dom’s gang being masters at car-heisting, street races, breathtaking vehicle stunt-work and fluent in the latest and greatest top-secret government tech. 007 Car Heisters….or something like that. This is the first time I saw Furious 7 since the theaters and I forgot about how awesome the overall arc and climatic action/stunt-work/heist scenes were compared to the previous movies. It is easily in the same class with the raised stakes and budget the previous two movies established. A lot of that amazing stunt work is chronicled in the near two hours of extra features. Flying Cars is a fascinating watch to see how skydivers literally jumped out with flying cars to get those up-close camera shots during the car skydiving sequence. Tower Jumps is also worth checking out to see how the ‘Cars Can’t Fly’ sequence was pulled off. Both are quick watches at around seven minutes each while Talking Fast is a broader all encompassing extra at just over a half hour where Wan curates his favorite moments and scenes from the film and it nicely jumps to interviews with the cast members involved in each moment and Wan provides additional insight to how he pulled off some key shots. Talking Fast suffices for the lack of a commentary track from Wan that Justin Lin spoiled me with on the last four Fast home video releases.
There are a few other smaller extras on the BluRay covering other stunt-work and fight scenes, but what surprisingly jumped out to me in this last smattering of bonus features is one covering the making of the Fast and Furious Supercharged Ride attraction at Universal Studios. I coincidentally went on that ride on vacation earlier this year and can confirm it captures the spirit of the films and spares no expense when compared to the other big budget rides at Universal Studios. Finally, there is the Wiz Khalifa music video, ‘See You Again’ that is easily identified for being the song that closed off Furious 7 with its emotional farewell scene for Paul Walker. Yes, it is time to touch on Furious 7 sending Paul Walker off into the sunset. Wan and the rest of the filmmakers could not have done it any better. It is undoubtedly a rough scene to get through and I would be lying if I said I was not holding back any sniffles and getting dusty-eyed throughout it. Part of me thought they were going to kill off Connor, and I had no idea what the script originally called for, but the final on-screen product was the perfect way to sunset the Connor and Mia (Jordana Brewster) characters out of the picture by them going on their own to be a family. I will never forget I was at a gas station shortly after leaving a minor league hockey game with another film buff when I found out about the news and we both needed a moment to take it all in. Ironically enough, earlier that day before the hockey game I was at a pawn shop and bought the PS2 Fast and Furious game.
This was the final film in the franchise I watched along with Dan, Vinny and Alex of Giant Bomb in their Film and 40s commentary series. It made for once again another highly entertaining watch as I echoed many of their sentiments throughout. Highlights include the quote ‘That’s some Asura’s Wrath shit’ during a big stunt moment, Dan picking Alex’s brain on getting into Deftones, priceless reactions to the huge car skydiving and tower leap moments, predicting future celebrity villains, them trying to add up the Tokyo Drift plot lines like I was earlier and searching online for a replica Vin Diesel cross necklace on Amazon. Oh yeah, and I did indeed share along in the sniffles with them during the aforementioned emotional final scene. And that is Furious 7. I apologize for repeating myself, but it seems worth repeating all I remembered going into it again was the Paul Walker farewell and I forgot how good the stuntwork and caliber of jaw-dropping moments were here especially when stacked up to prior films in the series. Again, Furious 7 stands in the same league with the big budget blockbusters that the fifth and sixth installments evolved into and I loved how it found another way to raise the stakes by introducing Kurt Russell’s character into the fray and giving them the government’s unofficial blessing as being super-hi-tech ghost agents. With the untimely death of Paul Walker and the fitting farewell scene for him to close off the film I will forever have a special place for Furious 7 in the brand’s hierarchy.
'For Paul' Other Random Backlog Movie Blogs 3 12 Angry Men (1957) 12 Rounds 3: Lockdown 21 Jump Street The Accountant Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie Atari: Game Over The Avengers: Age of Ultron The Avengers: Infinity War Batman: The Killing Joke Batman: Mask of the Phantasm Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Bounty Hunters Cabin in the Woods Captain America: Civil War Captain America: The First Avenger Captain America: The Winter Soldier Christmas Eve Clash of the Titans (1981) Clint Eastwood 11-pack Special The Condemned 2 Countdown Creed Deck the Halls Die Hard Dredd The Eliminators The Equalizer Dirty Work Faster Fast and Furious I-VIII Field of Dreams Fight Club The Fighter For Love of the Game Good Will Hunting Gravity Guardians of the Galaxy Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 Hercules: Reborn Hitman Indiana Jones 1-4 Ink The Interrogation Interstellar Jobs Joy Ride 1-3 Major League Man of Steel Man on the Moon Marine 3-6 Metallica: Some Kind of Monster Mortal Kombat National Treasure National Treasure: Book of Secrets The Replacements Reservoir Dogs Rocky I-VII Running Films Part 1 Running Films Part 2 San Andreas ScoobyDoo Wrestlemania Mystery The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Shoot em Up Skyscraper Small Town Santa Steve Jobs Source Code Star Trek I-XIII Take Me Home Tonight TMNT The Tooth Fairy 1 & 2 UHF Veronica Mars Vision Quest The War Wild Wonder Woman The Wrestler (2008) X-Men: Apocalypse X-Men: Days of Future Past
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survivormuxloe · 5 years
Episode #5: “sushi + running isn’t the best combo.” - Mo
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Sad to Linus quit honestly. Hope he’s alright but yeah that sucks.
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So Linus just quit. It’s unfortunate and slightly annoying that we had another’s person quit. Especially since we had players like Jose and Jaylen who actually wanted to play. But then again I’m just trying to get the crown so I can’t really complain when someone else falls. Final 14 so I’m expecting merge to happen in the next 4 tribals.
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Alright so hey I'm a bit late but since we last left off we were heading to tribal, at that point I was actually thinking Jose likely had an idol since you know.. throwing two random names 30 minutes before tribal when you know you can't get the numbers is a very idol-ish thing to do. So me and Tobi decided to vote Mo just in case an idol was played and both of them voted together. But actually at the end of the day Jose voted Mo and Mo well he didn't show up LMAO, which was actually bad because then his self vote would make it a 4-4 tie and while I think voting jose out after that would've been achieavable I would rather not give him the chance to fight. Luckily Mo showed up and voted him so that was it and he prob didn't see it coming but hey the lad was took it well so kudos to him.
So right after that the hosts pulled a sneaky on us and the live challenge was actually a swap (bragging rights I predicted it yay...look at me predicting a swap at f15 I'm so smart....)
And for once luck was on my side since I'm still on mercia alongside Felix David and Mo. With Wes joining us from the other tribe. Now I did vote Mo but maybe he doesn't think it was me? I mean tbf after he didn't show up at tribal I scream_messaged him to vote for Jose so who knows. But either way we have the inmense unit of David with us and Wes who I barely know from another org I'm playing at the same time so there's that
And then ofc Felix the crazy german god bless his soul he saved us this week from going to tribal <3
And as I write this Linus has quit the game so I guess that's 2 out of 2 for wins that I really didn't get to enjoy but oh well. At least this gives Michael and Dani a chance over at that tribe now that it is 2-2. As for Tobi well he carried his own new tribe in that challenge so hopefully he can overcome that 4-1 disadvantage in case they go to tribal.
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So puzzle challenge, okay let’s get on it. Wanna win it cause my og tribe are such an unknown. I want to work with tobi. But he will do what he needs to do to stay in. So my paranoid ass is conviced that my og tribe ain’t talking to me cause they want me out. Idk I’m being stupid but ahhh.
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Here i am, losing the challenge, feeling a little sorry for myself because i'm like ok it's me i'm going. Then BOOM Linus quits and as much as i wanna be like oh buddy no you should stay it might get more fun i also wanna be like lol bye bye because now instead of getting voted out 3-2 me and Dani can now tie the vote should we go back to tribal which is obviously better than nothing. I'm bad at puzzles but im just gonna try my absolute hardest because i refuse to be Denise Stapley and go to every tribal council.
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uhm so the immunity challenge is puzzles... great loll im legit so trash at puzzles and if we lose again ik it's gonna be bc of me ): i'm gonna try my best and not flop but i cant even enter the puzzles so idk whats gunna happen
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Somehow I obtained 2 idol clues by sheer luck and honestly it's what I deserve in this game. I'm still debating if I even want an idol so I shared my clues with Jones because I wouldn't mind if she had an idol. But anyways there have been 2 quits which sucks but the only benefit is that now I at least will get 14th in this game.
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lol we’re gunna lose again. but i aint going home america.. know that!
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So I’m nervous my time might cost us the challenge but do you know what I’m not nervous about.... going home bc I have Dani loyal to me and me to her and also mr Scott and myself have established a f2 alliance named “crumpets and bagpipes” (name subject to change) so yeah hopefully I’m going nowhere hehe
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SO IDK HOW I DO IT but people just kind of give me clues and answers to their idol puzzles. SURE I asked Scooty how he was doing for his results, but I never even asked Madison about her clues and she's just kind of,,,,giving them to me? and I love it <3 <3 <3 WELL ACTUALLY I TAKE IT BACK. I LOVED IT UNTIL I FOUND OUT THE FUCKING IDOL WAS TAKEN ALREADY. I was searching the playroom today and WHAT DO YOU KNOW "there was something there but it was taken" and I want to actually PERISH LIKE HOLY FUCK I WAS ACTUALLY!! SOOOOOOO CLOSE!!1!11 but yeah hopefully Linus didn't have it and quit with it I'll actually beat his entire ass
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So like... after my amazing comeback last immunity challenge,, WHICH BY THE WAY FUCKIN WAS FOR NOTHING BECAUSE LINUS QUIT LIKE WHY DIDNT HE QUIT BEFORE THE DAMN CHALLENGE AND NOW I OUTED MYSELF AS A CHALLENGE THREAT... stupid..,, we flopped in this one like... madison and jones flopped hard kdjhflksdjfhs like did they even try.. now im in a peculiar situation.. the great thing is that rhys and ryan actually asked me to be a part of a three man alliance (im obv at the bottom) and like im definitely using this to my advantage and hopefully get out of this tribal!! im expecting at least one vote from madison which is natural but like im gonna fight tooth and nail to get out of this!! idc who i have to throw utb to get by but i'll do whatever it takes
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HELL YEAH TO MERCIA FOR WINNING ANOTHER IMMUNITY. It feels so good to have come clutch again, especially after a scare from Mo, who didn't do the right puzzle. -.- ugh that pissed me off so much, especially with so little time left to do it. But Ahrre and I DESTROYED everyone else who did the hard puzzle so I can't complain.
Also, a new development. Ahrre and Felix seem to trust me SO much that they wanna share their idol guesses with me, which is fine with me considering I trust them the most on this new tribe. I feel it, omg I feel like I'm SO close to getting that idol and if I find it, it puts me in a huge power position. So I need to find it before these guys.
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This was probably the most stressful round for me. So let’s go through the series of unfortunate events
1. I misread the post and I was doing the easy puzzle the entire time when I thought I was doing the hard puzzle. I took a picture on my phone with my score and my name in the search bar.
2. I hangout with my friend, we go get sushi and I buy some macaroons and then we chill in a Starbucks while we play Pokemon Go.
3. I submit my photo at 5:45 PM 15 minutes before the dead line only to get told that not only would the photo not of counted because I didn’t have the date and time in the photo. But I was also doing the wrong puzzle.
4. My scrawny out of shape ass sprints home and it was the kind of thing where like I was coughing because I ran too much.
5. Now I have to do the more difficult puzzle in 20 minutes. I didn’t get the chance to practice before hand, I feel like shit, I’m still coughing and I think I’m going to puke because sushi + running isn’t the best combo.
6. I don’t submit on time, and not only that I don’t abstain on time either. So I get a strike. The amount of fucking despair and sadness I felt as I was rushing through the puzzle only to realize I was too late even after getting granted an extension. It was so awful.
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Well, sad linus left but the good news is we won immunity by three minutes! Michaels time was a MESS because we could’ve gotten first if he did better but that’s alright we got second so that’s good. I like my remaining tribe mates so I hope things stay good ❤️
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Aye so we've won another challenge after the swap yay! it's almost as if my shitty luck was detrimental during luck based challenges. wh would've thought...
Now we won even though Mo didn't submit and his time was more than the rest of the tribe combined lol but it's ok cause we won anyways, albeit David got a bit pissy about it and Mo told me about it but eh hopefully it's nothing.
Talking about david I decided not to sit around all day even if we're not going to tribal. Since I'm lucky to stay in the same camp I was before the swap I might as well try and find that damn idol if it hasn't been found already. So I decided to coordinate idol guesses with him and Felix which payed out because when we won the reward today he shared it with me (or at least a part of it unless he's lying) and he made a chat with me and felix so I guess now we're in an alliance, so there's that.
As for the other tribes well I hope Tobi can pull something out of the bag and not die this week, maybe he can get madison who has been pretty lackluster at challenges but either way I'm not gonna be holding my breath.
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so today Rhys n I made an alliance with Tobi so that's a thing... and then later in the day we ended up losing immunity -___- which is ass because someone literally striked and got 45mins for a puzzle we still lost jalfkdjf like wig ok! I hope this alliance sticks but idk i gotta see what the waters feel like tomorrow... thank rihanna i have an idol it makes me feel like i have some security in this game hehe
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Do you hear that? The birds are singing, the sky is blue and the sun is bright because YA BOI FINALLY WON IMMUNITY. Ugh I love winning immunity I’d scream if I had to go back there it’s ugly
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Okay. So here is the tea. We lost.
I have an alliance between me Ryan and tobi. So fingers crossed that’s all good, and Madisin should be an easy boot.
However, I feel uneasy as when I woke up I had no messages from anyone on my tribe about tribal. Which is scary as I thought people would’ve been trying to push for w certain person making sure it wasn’t them. Apparently not, or maybe it’s me?. I know I’m a paranoid mess but I’m like 40% worried.
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Okay this is post swap and this is a kind of sort of bad, I was swapped into a tribe were I believe I am only member of my og tribe, but we seem compontent at challenges (at least the rest of them do). Plus one person (Ahrre) I kind of sorta know so hopefully I can make something work and get past this.
Lewis quitting sucked since I actually knew him from an alias game a long time ago.
Let me know if you need a longer confessional.
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hmm Madison is definitely the obvious choice to vote out from Sweyn rn... she's exuded the bare minimum of activity and i dont think we've had a genuine conversation in pm's or at all thus far; plus she did the worst in the challenge. I know from Scott that Jones got close with Madison on og Sweyn so that is something on my mind, but I think she would be ok letting her go ultimately; not too sure but I'm talking to her now so we'll see. If our tribe loses again it's gonna be ugly because i would hate to vote Jones out, she's a queen
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Hey guys, its me... Hannah Baker. We had a tribe swap last round and I was shook at it being 3-2 with me being in a minority technically if we’re talking number wise. But, Scott said something interesting to me, saying that he thinks its funny that I would go home over Michael which is kind of reassuring. We lost the challenge and Linus decided to quit and I was like ok mood??? We won the challenge after thank god and I won’t be going to yet another fucking tribal. I really like Michael and Scott and I think if we were to lose again, we could vote out Malik. I’m hoping I can make the merge here but I guess we’ll see. Xoxo
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god.. pls vote out madison u fucking fucks LMAOAOAOAOOA. liek im good terms with everyone on that tribe so its rly ugly that theyre going to tribal.. but uhm. hopefully its madison that goes bc i dont want to talk to her or wes at merge loll
like i can be social. dont get me wrong.. but like i cant do it with awkward unsocial people.. communication is a two way street after all
Madison is voted out 4-1.
0 notes