#the hamsters were running last night and they gifted me with plot but now I have to piece it together
yorshie · 11 months
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Me when the plot won’t cooperate
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nanalikessurveys · 5 years
1. Where are you from?
I am from Finland
2. Where do you live and for how long? A town in the western part of Finland, i’ve lived here my whole life
3. What’s your favorite thing about where you live? I like the city center even tho it is under construction atm and looks like a total mess. but it has pretty much every shop and store i need in my life
4. What did you love the most about the town you grew up in? Like i said, i’ve lived here my whole life
5. Do you have any pets? My mom has two cats but i don’t live with her anymore, but i still call them my cats
6. What was your 1st pet’s name? We had a pet hamster whose name was Hermanni, lol
7. What’s your favorite season? Probably winter or summer
8. What’s your favorite movie? There’s plenty, for example Gothika, Shutter Island, Misery, Seven…
9. Favorite movie in the past 5 years? Same as now, lol
10. What’s a movie that you laughed the hardest during? Maybe Fun With Dick and Jane, that movie was really funny, i love Jim Carrey
11. What’s a movie you cried the hardest during? The only movie i’ve cried while watching was Train to Busan, the ending is really really sad
12. What’s the best-animated movie ever created? I don’t know about the best but i’ve always liked Over the Hedge
13. Favorite TV show? CSI Miami
14. Favorite TV show that is currently on? Well they have CSI Miami rerun on tv at the moment
15. What’s your favorite restaurant? The local American Diner we have here
16. What’s your favorite food? Pasta. And sushi, also chicken and salmon
17. Least favorite food? Anything pickled
18. What toppings do you get on your pizza? Mushroom and tuna, also garlic
19. Favorite beverage? Just plain water. I also like lemon cola
20. Favorite dessert? Ice cream
21. Is there a dessert you don’t like? I don’t really enjoy cream cakes
22. Cake or pie?
Pie i guess
23. What’s your favorite ice cream? Vanilla, raspberry and liquorice lol
24. What’s your favorite condiment? Garlic or paprika mayo
25. What do you get for brunch?
I don’t know exactly what brunch means
26. It’s 4 am on a Saturday night, what do you eat? I’m usually sleep by then LMAO
27. What one thing do you have in your fridge at any given time? Milk i guess
28. Weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten? I don’t think i’ve ever eaten anything weird
29. What’s your favorite band? I don’t listen to bands
30. Favorite solo artist? James Arthur
31. Favorite nonliving musician? I’d say Amy Winehouse. i like some of her songs. i don’t really listen to deceased singers
32. Favorite lyrics? So many
33. Favorite song of all time? I’ve been listening to Figure 8 by FKA Twigs alot
34. Favorite album? Ummm dunno
35. What’s the last song you listened to? Juicy by Doja Cat haha
36. If you life were a song what would the title be? I’m so bad with these
37. What song would you probably be caught dancing alone to? I dance to alot of songs, can’t just pick one
38. If you could sing a duet with somebody who would it be? I can’t sing. i don’t want to embarrass anyone so i wouldn’t pick anyone lol
39. If you could master one instrument what would it be? Piano i guess, i used to play it but then i stopped and forgot everything
40. What is your go-to karaoke song? Noooo you will never hear me sing karaoke
41. What book are you currently reading or the last book you read? I’m not reading at the moment
42. What’s a book that you plan on reading? My Friend Dahmer, i fell in love with the movie so i really HAVE TO read it, first i’ll just have to find the book somewhere lol
43. What’s a book that you read because everyone else was reading it? I don’t think that eve happened, i don’t really read alot
44. What’s a book that you read in school that positively shaped you? What does that mean? idk but book i enjoyed reading for school was this finnish book about a girl who was addicted to drugs, it was a true story and really interesting
45. What’s a book in school that you hated? I don’t remember
46. What’s your favorite book? I’d have to say Lolita
47. What’s a book you wish you had written? Idk, some succesful book is guess lol
48. Dark chocolate or milk chocolate? Milk chocolate
49. Underwater or Outer space? Noo i’m afraid of both
50. Dogs or cats? Cats
51. Kittens or Puppies? Kittens
52. Dolphins or Koalas? Koalas
53. Bird watching or whale watching? Uuh, bird watching?
54. What is your spirit animal? I have no idea lol, a cat?
55. To be or not to be? Lol
56. IPhone or Android? i have iphone
57. Twitter or Instagram? Instagram, i don’t even have Twitter
58. Vine or snapchat? Vine is my life lol
59. Who should everyone be following right now? I don’t know, ha
60. What’s your favorite app? Website? Youtube for both
61. What was your favorite subject in school? English
62. What was your best subject in school? English and chemistry
63. What was your worst subject in school? Math for sure
64. What subject would you teach in school? I would never be a teacher
65. What is one thing you wish you knew in high school? How to actually study properly
66. What advice would you give yourself at 13? Just be confident
67. How tall are you? 163cm
68. Who is your fashion icon? I don’t have one
69. What’s you favorite fashion trend? I know nothing about fashion trends
70. What are 3 things you always have in your bag (besides phone and wallet)? Keys, bus card and lot of old receipts lol
71. What is a current trend you hope doesn’t exist in 100 hundred years? I’m bad with trends
72. What’s your must have fashion accessory? My earrings and belly button ring lol
73. Heels or flats? I love both but flats are more convenient
74. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds
75. Blow-dry or air-dry? Usually air-dry
76. What color dress did you wear to prom? I didn’t attent prom
77. Favorite cocktail? I don’t drink cocktails
78. What do you usually order at Starbucks? I’ve been there only couple times but i’d say just plain iced coffee is the best
79. Coffee or tea? Coffee
80. How do you like your coffee? A café latte please
81. Who is a person you want to have coffee with? My friend
82. What historical figure do you want to have coffee with? I have no idea
83. If you could live in any historical decade, what would it be and where? I’d rather just stay here
84. What’s your favorite country to visit? I loved Cyprus
85. What’s the last country you visited? Spain
86. What’s a country you wish to visit? Italy, Iceland, Thailand
87. What’s your favorite state to visit? I’ve never been to the states
88. What’s the last state you visited? ^
89. What’s a state you wish to visit? Florida because of Miami lol
90. What’s the best vacation spot? Cyprus i guess
91. Where does one go on a perfect road trip? I don’t really like road trips
92. Favorite city? Stockholm, i would live there
93. Pilates or yoga? Yoga for sure
94. Jogging or swimming? Swimming
95. Favorite way to workout? Dance and gymnastics
96. Least favorite way to workout? Running
97. Best way to decompress? Just to be alone
98. What’s the best first date idea? Maybe to go to a nice coffee shop
99. What’s love?
100. Major turn on? Intelligence
101. Major turn off? Being gross
102. What’s the weirdest thing a guy has done or said to try and impress you? I don’t this ever happened
103. What’s the first thing you notice about someone when you meet them? Eyes
104. Do you believe in love at first sight? In some cases yes, like mothers who see their child for the first time
105. Best gift you ever received? i like all my gifts i’ve received
106. Last gift you gave a friend? Chocolate from Spain
107. Best gift to get for someone? Depends on who it is for
108. What’s the biggest surprise you’ve ever had? I don’t really know
109. What’s your favorite color? Pastel blue
110. Least favorite color? I like all the colors
111. What’s your favorite type of flower? Dunno, roses i guess
112. Who is your favorite comedian? Jim carrey or Kevin Hart
113. Who is your favorite action star? Matt Damon
114. Best superhero created? Spiderman
115. If you had one superpower what would it be? Invisibility
116. What’s your kryptonite? What is that
117. Biggest phobia? Losing someone close
118. Favorite Disney Movie? The Lion King
119. Favorite Disney character? Idk i like all of them
120. Favorite Holiday? Christmas
121. What’s your best Halloween costume? I don’t dress on Halloween
122. What’s your favorite plot-twist? I don’t know
123. If you could do a flash-mob where would it be? Haha i wouldn’t
124. What’s the coolest thing in your bedroom? My bed
125. If you got a tattoo where would it be? Uhh, maybe on my wrists or my ribs. underboob tattoos are pretty too
126. What’s your favorite curse word? Fuck
127. What’s your favorite board game? That finnish board game Afrikan tähti which translates to a star of Africa, that game was my childhood lol
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