#the fact that henry BEGS for alex to not make him leave. is heartbreaking.
poems-of-a-lover · 9 months
hey guys ive been busy all day so i havent been able to give u much content but whatever u do dont think abt this frame
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forever-fixating · 3 days
WIP Wednesday
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OMG hey! It's been a while, I know. IRL can be a real energy suck, but I have recharged my batteries and have some goodies to share. Thanks to @onthewaytosomewhere for the tag! I'm doing this under a cut because I'm sharing bits from living in a new normal and Tournament for His Heart! Enjoy!
living in a new normal
“Hey, talk to me.”
Swallowing, Henry said, “It’s risky. I don’t know that I trust myself not to be able to hide how happy you make me.”
“Good thing we’ll be so busy with the kids,” Alex laughed. He moved closer and put an arm around Henry’s waist. “Baby, you’re gonna be overseas with me soon for three months. I know you’re worried about people talking, but let them talk. That doesn’t have to affect us.”
Henry turned his face toward Alex and accepted his gentle kiss, murmuring against his lips, “You’re right.”
“I know I am,” Alex said with a grin. “Besides, you think you’re the only one here finding it hard to hide how happy you are?”
“Have you been hiding?” Henry asked. “I’ve seen your Lives and Instagram stories. Nothing but sappy love songs, darling.”
“You fucking love it, don’t lie!”
Henry did. Alex’s knowledge of music and its history was impressive, to say the least. One minute, he would be talking about the history of Motown and Berry Gordy’s manipulative and predatory contracts, and the next, he would be ranting that The Chicks did nothing wrong when Natalie said what she said about Bush and he would kill to collaborate with them on a song. He promised to show Henry his vast collection of eight-tracks, vinyls, cassette tapes, and CDs. Music made him come alive. This wasn’t someone who was a casual fan of music. Alex was in a life-long love affair with it.
So, when it came to his IG Lives and Stories, Henry didn’t know what to expect. It could be a song from Taylor Swift, Billie Holiday, or Wham. When he sang a country version of the duo’s song Freedom, Henry could only respond via text with a string of lovey-dovey emojis. It was ridiculous, and Henry couldn’t get enough.
A Tournament for His Heart
“Love, remember the shadows,” Alex read aloud. “Talk to Pip.”
At the trio of confused expressions, Alex explained Henry’s final message and his belief that some kind of danger scared Henry into cutting off their correspondence. Zahra turned to Ellen again and said, “Your Majesty, I believe it would be a grave mistake to send your children to Lerasea. You must decline.”
“I will go,” Alex snapped. At Zahra’s thunderous expression, he said, “Keep June here if you must to ensure the line of succession, but Henry is in danger. I will not leave him to whatever fate Mary has in store for him.”
Ellen reached out to take his hand and squeeze it. Her voice was soft when she asked, “You still love him…don’t you?”
Alex nodded, his throat suddenly too tight to speak. Zahra, ever the pragmatist, said, “Your Highness, while you may still harbor some tenderness toward the prince, I beg you to think about this rationally.”
He glanced at the advisor and the paper in her hand. “This is the list of your fellow suitors. Twelve of them are using proxies, some of the most skilled knights across creation. Even with our very best, there is no guarantee you will be successful. Why open yourself up to the possibility of that heartbreak?”
“I will not use a proxy,” Alex stated. “I will compete myself.”
His mother’s grip on his hand tightened while Zahra snapped, “Alexander, this is not a game! Are you truly so arrogant to believe yourself capable of defeating anyone they put before you?”
“I would break every fucking bone in my body if that’s what it took to be with Henry again!” Alex shouted. His words echoed in the chambers. His body was flooded with adrenaline, but he forced himself to take a moment to calm down. Looking at his mother, with whom his fate and future happiness rested, he said, “I apologize for my tone and language. I don’t believe this will be easy. In fact, I relish the challenge. It is not arrogance that fuels me but love. I love him, Your Majesty. Then and now, that feeling has not changed or wavered. It has remained as constant as the suns, the moons, and the stars. Please let me do this.”
Author's Note: No matter the universe, Alex has zero chill when it comes to his Henry. I'm working on these stories, hopefully I'll have something for yall soon. I have a giant summer with plenty of downtime ahead of me. Later, taters!
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