#the fact that a dog called homo basically saves the day
variousqueerthings · 6 months
I feel bad, because the man who laughs was a fascinating movie in which conrad veidt did absolutely beautifully, with a performance that went well beyond the stratosphere of silent film excellence at the time
but also I am going to go back and save every instance of someone calling for the dog in that film, because the dog is called "homo" and I did a juvenile little chortle every time I saw it in the titles
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mishasminions · 3 years
The Last Time I’ll Write a Long Post About Supernatural (15x18-15x20)
[15x20 Speculation + evidence at the bottom]
First off, I just wanna come clean and say, after all these years, I still think they should’ve ended at Season 5.
If you’re going to come at me with “Then why’d you stick around to watch it if you didn’t like it?”, your question is immature, and the answer is simple: I just want to know what happens next (I also love the main characters and their actors too). You can watch a show and still think it’s shit.
Call me a clown, but despite all the disappointment and trust issues that this show has given me, I would still look forward to the day where it might just turn itself around and bring back the quality it once had, or realize the potential of each story it was trying to tell, or at the very least, do justice by my favorite ship.
Never happened.
They’ve had a few good episodes here and there. I can’t imagine the SPN Universe without The Man Who Would Be King, The French Mistake, and Scoobynatural. Seasons 6-10 were enjoyable at times. I blocked out most of 7 & 11-15. 
If you’ve been following this blog since its heydays in 2010-2014, you’d know I’d try my best to defend Destiel and this show’s decisions regarding it no matter what.
Because you know what, as a CONCEPT, this show is good. If you take a look at all the worlds its storylines have birthed in fanfiction/fanworks, you’d see how much Supernatural has wasted its own story arcs. The writing got shittier as each season progressed, and they’ve obviously given up in production as well because the quality in the execution has noticeably gone down too, but if you take a step back and take a look at the bigger picture, you’ll see that this show still tries to make sense of itself.
[If you’re still following this post, please bear with me, I know this is long, but I just want you to understand how jaded and pessimistic I am with regards to this show, so maybe you can buy into whatever hopeful thing I’m about to say later on.]
Never in my wildest dreams did I think that they would give us Castiel’s “I love you” speech. To the point where, if I weren’t so desperate for it, I would argue that it was completely out of character for him to word vomit the way he did (but I’m not gonna diss on that right now because I’ll take what I can get).
I’ve valued every meaningful and obscure exchange that Dean and Cas have had in the earlier seasons, and I was willing to accept their relationship as just that--undefined, without any clear boundaries as to what they really are. And I think that was beautiful on its own.
But now, they’ve chosen to define it.
After they’ve driven every possible wedge between Dean and Castiel in seasons 11-15, to try to explain away their feelings as something they offer to a collective.
Dean can’t mourn and pray for JUST Cas, he has to mourn and pray for EVERYBODY--even Crowley, even some chick he just met, because god forbid he cries about just the guy who has given up everything for him--that would be “too homo”.
They’ve even set Cas on a path to abrupt fatherhood just so he can care about something other than Dean. Make it seem as if Dean wasn’t his purpose through and through.
And after all these years of this stupid show trying to deny it, they choose to acknowledge it at the worst possible circumstance, at a time where they’ve been so far apart, that it seems so foreign for them to suddenly come together.
But here we are. And they’ve chosen to tell us.
Chosen to tell us that everything that Castiel has done leading up to his death, he has done it because he was IN LOVE WITH DEAN WINCHESTER.
Chosen to tell us that BEING WITH DEAN WINCHESTER is something that CAS WANTS BUT KNOWS HE CAN’T HAVE.
And they’ve also chosen to tell us nothing about how Dean feels.
Sure, finding out your angel made a deal, the stipulations of said deal, his newfound happiness philosophy, his long-winded monologue of why he loves you and why you’re worthy of his love, and to top it all off he tells you that being in love with you is enough to make him happy while he subtly hints that he’s always wanted to be WITH you romantically, was a lot to process in the 5 minutes after you’ve just had an existential crisis.
It’s whatever, right? Let’s culminate 11 years worth of tension and feelings in 5 minutes. Let’s waste the entire episode with cringey expository dialogue, and irrelevant sequences. The whole season was a waste anyway.
You know what Supernatural? FUCK YOU FOR THAT. They deserved better. WE deserve better.
And I would love nothing more than to hurl every possible insult your way,
But for the last time, I’m going to HOPE that you’re finally going to try to make it better for the fans that stuck by you all these years.
No more baiting new viewers, no more placating casual viewers, no more excuses. 15 years. Bring it home for the people who have actually been around.
There’s two ways this series is gonna end. Horribly or Spectacularly.
First let’s all take into consideration what Andrew Dabb says about it:
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So, let’s start with
In this scenario, Misha is telling the truth about his last day of filming being 15x18. His “camping trip” during the last few days of filming 15x20, was actually a camping trip. He doesn’t go to Vancouver to shoot.
Jensen wasn’t “being careful” during the zoom interviews that it was just him and Jared quarantining for the shoot, it really was just him and Jared (althought most of these were done pre 15x19) Supernatural isn’t smart enough to do misleading PR, and they’re once again oblivious to the potential of their own story.
Misha hasn’t posted a “Goodbye Castiel” tweet because he’s probably saving it for last episode or he forgot because it was overshadowed by the Destiel trend that night.
So what we get is:
Sam and Dean are on the road again, up against the monster of the week. Only their world no longer has actual Supernatural beings anymore, so the monsters they’re fighting are humans.
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Humans end up killing the Winchesters (despite having gone up against literally every powerful being imaginable INCLUDING God himself). Dean and Sam end up in heaven and relive their greatest hits.
Meanwhile, Castiel rots in The Empty because he died after realizing that he was happy and gay. Jack doesn’t bother rescuing him—his surrogate dad, the guy who made this specific deal to spare him—even though it was so easy for him get Cas in and out of The Empty when he had a fraction of the power that he has now.
Dean never speaks of Castiel’s confession because despite all the hints of a profound bond in the earlier seasons, and the fact that Dean has never cared for anyone (who isn’t his actual brother) as immensely as he does Cas, Supernatural just can’t have its main macho character be “suddenly bisexual” because that would hurt the male ego or some shit.
His heaven would probably be living happily ever after with his family. “Family” meaning Mary and John Winchester--two of the shittiest parents ever (but they’re not going to include them in this episode like they were supposed to because of Covid) and Sam.
Sam also gets a dog. As usual.
I wouldn’t put it past Supernatural to do this. After everything they’ve pulled, this would be right up their alley. I actually expect this ending.
Anyway, onto the next possible ending
In this scenario, Supernatural tries to stick the landing, and Jensen’s whole “It didn’t sit well with me at first, but then I took a step back after talking to Kripke, and realized that I had to view it from an audience perspective, I am now really excited about it” (DC Con 2019) anecdote about his thoughts on the final episodes, were actually about Dean potentially ending up with Cas. (Which would totally make sense because Jensen at first didn’t see Dean as anything but hetero, but as of late, he has been throwing in Destiel jokes of his own, so he seems to have warmed up to the idea)
Backed with Misha’s tidbit (DLConline 2020) that he and Jensen had conversations about Destiel, and that they wouldn’t have gone through with it if Jensen wasn’t onboard with it, but Jensen didn’t push back at all. (Why would they need to check with Jensen if it was just Cas going all in?)
Robert Berens (writer of 15x18) also wrote the script at the beginning of Season 15, but made Misha privy to the concept a year prior (Season 14), so they went into this season knowing about Destiel going canon.
This one’s a reach, but this scenario also supposes that Misha was lying about his whereabouts during the filming of the final episode, and him saying that 15x18 was his last episode is part of the diversion to avoid taking away from the weight of Castiel’s death.
And that Supernatural is actually self-aware of its own material (similar to how they have wrapped things up in the past—lots of expository dialogue, poor execution, but fulfills the story arc)
Since Season 15 is basically a Meta Season (Chuck/God as a writer, pretentiously calling out how he created the worlds, its characters, and basically invalidating the past 14 seasons), and 15x19 is supposedly the finale for Season 15, written by two of the worst Supernatural writers, Brad Buckner and Eugenie Ross-Leming (Bob Singer’s wife), then we can assume that 15x19 is where the shitty writers kill themselves--as Chuck, of course.
So we get a badly written episode that produces a bad ending, or as Becky put it, “All action, and no Cas”
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So we get the bad writers season ending at 15x19.
And 15x20 is where Sam and Dean write their own stories, and where the cast had a hand in pitching ideas for it.
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Dabb has mentioned that 15x20 (Act Two) is a SERIES finale, where they try to resolve the characters’ journeys.
Because as everyone has acknowledged, Supernatural isn’t about the story, it’s about the characters.
So here’s what we can get out of it:
With no more Supernatural beings left to fight, Sam and Dean are in a stalemate. They’ve resigned themselves to fighting to the bitter end, but the “end” has passed, and they’re still standing.
So they try to figure out who they are now, and what they want out of the life they still have.
Sam still wants a normal apple pie life. Before Dean dragged him out of college to go hunting with him, he had a whole life planned out for him. Become a lawyer, settle down with a nice girl, and get a dog. He gave all that up because they had work to do, but now the work is finished, he can finally go back to wanting that for himself again.
Dean finally realizes his self-worth after Cas saves him again. His prayer to Cas in purgatory may have helped him come to terms with his anger, but the whole “you’ve done everything you did for love” speech finally put him in his place, and he learns not to hate himself anymore.
But of course, he cannot fully reconcile with himself if he doesn’t get Cas back, and tell him how he feels.
Because Dean actually wants something for himself this time. Something he knows he can finally have if he can just salvage it.
So maybe this time around, with the help of Jack (off-screen), Dean saves Cas. Grips him tight and raises him from perdition.
They bypass The Empty deal by turning Cas human, and he lives the rest of his days with Dean.
Dean and Cas know they deserve to be saved, and they know that they deserve to be happy.
(Wishful thinking, maybe they kiss a little)
I’m just saying, there’s NO WAY that they’d have Cas go through that whole rushed speech, if they weren’t going to do anything about it later on.
But again, after 10 years of disappointment, I wouldn’t put it past Supernatural to pat themselves on the back and say, “Okay, we sort of gave them what they wanted. We’re good now”
If that’s the case, Supernatural, I’m sorry I wasted my time on you.
Here’s to hoping 🤡
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minrazinc · 5 years
OK it’s really hard for me to believe this really exists but it does.
A canon Star Trek novel tells a story of Archer-Shran dating on Andoria.
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In this book.
So in “proving ground” when Shran invites Archer to have some Andorian Ale, he says “the last time we met, you seem quite enjoy it.” And I believe I’m not the only one who’s shocked by the fact that they SECRETLY MET off the screen between season 2 and 3!!!! So this story tells about that secret date between “cease fire”and “proving ground”
It’s basically Shran invites Archer to come to Andoria, so of course Archer agrees, and brings Porthos along. Just two men, a human and an Andorian, with a dog, having fun on Andoria. Nothing big deal right?
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The captain of the first human warp five Starship, leaving all of his crew and his ship behind, looks forward an actual date with some blueskin in a nice restaurant on an ice planet with lots of excitement and joy. No homo at all. No interspecies relationship potential here.
After they go in that nice and mysterious restaurant, the bartender (called Cap) introduce to Archer Andorian Brand here, and then adds it’s recommend by Shran, so Archer quickly takes it.
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Shran tells him the only payment for dining here is to tell a nice story. Some ferengi is mocking Porthos, so that gives Archer an inspiration for making up a story in which he teams up with Porthos the Great for the first time and saves the day.
Sure as pinkskin’s bestie, Shran of course just goes along with it. But when Archer tells about Porthos peeing on him...
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Shran started coughing!
Shran started coughing!
And he didn’t say a word! Cover up for his pinkskin bestie, and shrug!
I don’t know my blue baby can be this human! (Not to be speciesism, just my way of compliment) so cute!!!!! And when did he and Archer get along so well? They like, only met for three times up till now? Is he trying hard not to laugh out loud??? Does he get along well with Porthos as well? (Since both of them are small and courageous agreesive)
So the story is very exciting. Porthos the great saves the day, and every alien is touched by the story.
That’s not just it. This whole book called captain’s tablel tells a lot of post-canon Captain’s stories in a double fiction kind of setting, aka this mysterious restaurant Captain’s table. Every one of them, is led by another very important colleague/friend.
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Picard bringing Riker. Sisko bringing Kira, and now Shran bringing Archer. I’m just so moved that Shran to Archer is like Picard to Riker and Sisko to Kira. It’s like Shran is his real second in command. I wonder what his position would be in that supposedly season five.
Shran deserves more cannon story.
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leighannkopans · 7 years
Let’s talk about Will and Riley
AKA BlueSki 
AKA The Love Story of the Century
- Literally the first moment they meet they're all smiles for each other. She asks "Where am I?" in this breathless way, a huge grin stretched across her face, and Will replies with the only thing he can say - "Chicago. North side." because his synapses are shooting off every which way like fireworks and literally the only words he can get out are the most basic of facts. He is utterly mesmerized and so is she. She's not scared, even though she should probably be at least freaked out, and he's no longer sniffing around the church like a crazed detective. The others in their cluster always seem to have this little freak-out moment when they first see each other but Will and Riley never really did. It was like insta-peace. -  Let's not forget the second (third?) time they visit, when Will asks Riley where she is and she just gazes at him and says, "I'm home," with this dopey dazed smile. Of course she means she's in Iceland but you KNOW what she's thinking. She's with him now. She's home.  -  They're kissing and touching effortlessly after visiting only a couple times and are obviously giddy. They can't get enough. They fall into this easy happy rhythm of touching and smiling whenever they're together and it's beautiful. - Their pull toward each other is so strong that Jonas and Yrsa pick up on it right away - like Sensates not even in Will and Riley's cluster can basically FEEL how strong their bond is even though they can't actually feel it. - It's so strong that when Will finds out she's in some weird high-security Icelandic hospital he's like OBVIOUSLY I'LL GO GET HER and throws his entire life away, the one he's worked so hard for, to move heaven and earth to get himself to Iceland - ICELAND - and to physically pull her out of danger. He would die for her, and he nearly does when he knocks himself unconscious with drugs in that ambulance, and this is the first time he's even been in the same room with her. - She takes care of him - of course she does - and somehow through the running from Whispers and the heroin and his constant unconsciousness and her constant fear they fall deeply in love. It's not this in-their-bones thing that pulled them together - no, it's the old fashioned, homo sapiens kind of love. The one that grows around the annoyances of domesticity and long hours spent together with nothing to do. -  He's ill - she cares for him, down to feeding and shaving and getting him some laxatives, for God's sake. (Can you truly love someone without worrying about their bowels?) She's patient, because she knows that he's ill because he's trying to save her, their whole cluster, and God, what greater love is that than the one he's just thrown away everything he's ever known for? -  They kiss more. They touch almost constantly, having discovered the addiction of skin-on-skin for comfort, for reassurance. Riley is the big spoon. He reaches for her, clinging to her hand, her thigh, like the lifeline she is. She keeps him grounded. She is a tiny, fierce protector, and he is a suffering, dogged champion for her survival. Emotions run high and the nightmares are terrifying and their comfort for each other is everything. -  Of course they have sex. How could they not? They NEED each other. They're only human (with some slight differences) and their skin feels so delicious when pressed against each other and they're twisted up in each other anyway. He knows her body's every want and need, and she embodies her role as comforter, letting him take the lead, meeting him in the middle. He wants to know her in every way possible, and kisses her everywhere, mapping her body and her pleasure. If he doesn't believe in anything else, he believes in Riley Blue and her body and its perfection, the way it seems like it was made to mold to his. If he can't do anything else for her, he can at least make her moan his name and beg him for release. He'll give it to her, as much as he can.  - She wants to make him happy in the same desperate, driving way that he wants to bring her pleasure. Maybe it's candles and a bathtub for two or maybe it's ice-skating or a phone to call his dad, who she knows that he loves almost as much as he loves her. It's hard, their circumstances being what they are, but Riley wants to be everything he needs, even in ways he would never expect her to. - When they reach a strategic turning point, when Will decides it's time for action, Riley is stuck to his side like glue. She knew he would come through for her, for all seven of them, but it was hard not to let her mind wander to the worst-case scenario all these months. She's pictured Will overdosing, seizing in her arms, the scrambling efforts she'd make to save his life, more times than she wants to admit even to herself. She knew he'd come through for them, but it was hard to keep from worrying he wouldn't. When you've lost one love of your life already, you want to steel yourself when the situation seems imminent again. But he wants to make a bold move, and he's all energy and hope, so she cuts his hair for him, makes the man in the mirror look like he did the last time he saved the day. She runs her fingertips through the short hairs on the back of his head, remembers the last time he saved her, and thinks, God, I love this man.  - He said it to her on the grassy hill in Iceland, and of course they've known it since they first laid eyes on each other, but here at the club Riley is in her element, powerful. In this moment she's the hero, the one who can save the day, and he's a big reason she feels that way, so she tells him. "I love you." It's the first time she's said the words, and even though he knew how she felt, the relief of hearing her say them hits him like a ton of bricks. He reels back, tears in his eyes, and reassures her, "I love you." They're terrified, but they've just made each other invincible. - They're on blockers now, so they're together in body but not in their minds, as they have been constantly for the past several months. He tells her he loves her, and she smiles, and they kiss, but they know it doesn't feel the same, it's not bone-deep all-consuming bliss like it was at first. Neither of them really cares. She jokes that this is how old couples feel when they kiss, and he says being an old couple sounds good to him, and hell if they aren't just as happy, even if it feels different, being together now.  - She has to go to Chicago, and she has to do it alone, and he is going INSANE. She is small and timid and she's not Sun Bak, she can't kill a man with a punch. She's not Wolfgang, with his guns and disregard for his own safety, hell, she's not even Capheus - she can't even drive.  All this time, she's been the one holding him together, and the moment she leaves Will falls apart because he can't be the one to protect her.  - He confesses, while going quietly mad without her by his side, "I've never loved anyone - anyone - the way I love you." Riley could probably say the same to him, but it wouldn't be entirely true. The truth is that she loved a man enough to tie her life to his, all those years back, enough that it almost killed her when he died. Will knows this, and he's not jealous. Riley promises she'll come back to him, and that's enough for them both.  - When his father dies, she feels his pain coursing through her body like it's her own, even though it's not. Instead of sinking into the depths of his grief with him, she shoulders the burden for him, tries to make it lighter and easier just by being there, and it works, as much as it can. It really does. She never thought she'd put herself through that kind of grief again, but for Will, it feels like a privilege.  - When she comes back to Will - of course she was going to come back to him, like she promised - she sees him ready to fight. He pulled himself up all on his own, without her. She did what she had to do in Chicago all on her own, without him. Yet shen he sees her in that doorway his face shows his complete and utter relief that she's here, the sinking feeling of satisfaction inside him that she's back where she belongs. He tells her, "Welcome home," and for the first time since she first decided that he was her home, she grins like their whole lives are laid out ahead of them and filled with sunshine and possibility. Maybe they are.  - It's like from the moment they first saw each other their existences, their essences, their every cell started to twist and twine around each other until they genuinely can't discern where one ends and the other begins. Riley says "I didn't understand the word 'presence' until we were together." in 2x10 and that's because when they're together, physically together, it's like she is him and he is her in this way that is wholly defining but defies description. When one is strong, the other is strong, and when one is weak, the other is even stronger. Most importantly, the psycellium brought them together, but it's not what's keeping them together.  Not even close. Their love is epic because it exists, steadfast, on every single level, and that kind of love can't be broken. 
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