#the fact that NO ONE has brought up that kanan called maul grandpa.......... sickening
sound-overlord · 2 years
just watched the ending of the second season of rebels and here's the thots that are now in my mind in no particular order:
kanan called maul grandpa
mauls cane saber that he rips apart to be dramatic
how long was maul there before the jedi-ish arrived ? like did he have to wait for them im assuming he had some force vision or w/e that told him both abt the temple/weapon and ezra but like.... was he living there or ?
grandpa maul
what do u think maul and asohka talked abt on their turn in the lift lol ???? like for pacing reasons we dont need to kno and she was probably curt w him obviously but what did he saayyyy killing me
mauls earring gets me everytime like i know its there i can see it i am looking RESPECTFULLY
gpa maul
mauls pls help me im old~ voice is really funny to me
the inquisitors using their sabers to fly is already funny but the helicopter noise the blades made was soo fucking funny smdvkdb
like i know that this was a tragedy for asohka and kanan and ezra and mauls entire life is a tragedy and vader and the inquisitors also did not have a good time there but these episodes made me laugh so much and thats why its a comedy now
maul assigned grandpa at the kanan
ezra just has an evil holocron now i guess ???
asohka fucking DIED and we didnt even get to see the fight im literally so mad like i love violence let me see it 😤
they just pushed maul over the edge
like begone away from the plot
u red and angery grandpa
how tired of being pushed off of things do you think maul is at this point? do u think he'll develop a fear of hights ? much to think abt
what do u think maul was doing after he got thrown off the temple tho like obviously he was unconscious or he wouldve rematerialized on the ledge he was thrown off like a video games character if he wasnt but like do u think he was like *spongebob voice* "oh well. back to the dump. to the dump to the dump to the dump dump dump..." or if he just laid there for a minute
"my apprentice" yeah your apprentice, maul. "your" apprentice is a little RAT boy who's worse at being bad than he is at being good, maul. -_- typical.
"hey ezra whos the red crazy guy ?" "oh thats my grandpa"
mauls genuine excitement when he said "we're on the same side now :)" hskdhdkbdkdbd baby no
do u think at any point one of the writers were like "how do we show like via visual metaphor ezra's-and therefor any padawan's- struggle not to fall to the darkside?" and mr filoni's eyes started glowing as he responded "i know a guy"
its ~grandpa maul~
i wonder who vader was expecting to find at this sith temple tho like did he have any idea
did maul know either?? probably not. i bet he was kinda excited to see lady tano like "bitch u survived too :D!!"
the sith baking "u need two to pass" in everything in the temple is also funny to me like. they really would rip themselves apart as a group otherwise dndjdmd go off with that
maul just. blinding kanan. oOh (gay ooh) hes fucken blind now brugh. he did That.
im pretty mad that they didnt cut to maul's reaction to being called grandpa tho like did he think abt that at all, did he call ezra his apprentice because kanan used a familial term or was it more like he started doing the math like oh maybe i am about that age wait did he ever have sex before the bisection like did he have the time did ol' palpy let him or give him The Talk like obviously everyone in star wars is a virgin like hera and kanan havent even kissed yet wtf- except maybe hondo but like if maul ever DID find himself in that situation..................... oh my god he COULD be a grandpa.................
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