#the emphasis put on socialization for trans women is rly so imbalanced as compared to cis women yall already knew that tho
lettucedloophole · 1 year
naw cos i have never heard anyone say cis women r not affected by misogyny bc they r bad ppl /say misogynistic things if you think someone like kffals doesnt experience misogyny bcs shes a misogynist and not a good person dont b surprised when i look at u sideways bc ur living in Unreality
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say what u will abt ms katy but she SPIT and i said SPIT on these commons it does not take a radical feminist to state common sense but it does take a (te)rf to deny it
of course there is the idea with some weight that misogyny is not only about what a person means but how it affects the person in question. clearly this uh, onlooker means misogyny, but because a trans woman is not Actually a woman it is not Actually misogyny becs it does not affect her as such. but you really have to be insane to say that's the case considering i don't know Society's Treatment Of Trans Women And How It Affects Their Mental Health (unless you think trans women are made to sate men which, obviously is not very feminist [terfs do, and it's interesting how their sympathy will extend to gay/gnc men who feel this way but shrivel upon reaching trans women])
but most importantly is the fact that sex/gender is a social construct, it's not based on anything stagnant or objective and thus, the very treatment of trans women with misogyny thereby proves their status as women
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