#the egg admins: oh SHIT I GOTTA HIDE
svtskneecaps · 25 days
so there's that qsmp admin server right. do you think that like. when they're just playing around having a normal one. and then it does normal minecraft things like rain. do you think it triggers their fight or flight instincts lmfao
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staytheb · 5 years
Just For You
Pairing: SKZ’s Chan x OC [Serena] || SKZ’s Felix x OC [Melanie] Genre: school!au, slice of life, slight angst, slight fluff Word Count: 4,994 Summary: Serena helps Melanie to make a lunch box to help her confess her feelings for Felix. Melanie’s curious on why it’s lunch boxes and why Serena made more than necessary.
Warning: swear words. lol
m first SKZ fic ever... also my sister can’t decide on a bias, but for me, i ofc get hit with one instantly. other than that happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
revised. 9.10.20
"So, Melanie, who from Seoul Academy do you like?" Katherine asked her as the duo were hanging out with their other two friends at Melanie's house.
"No one." She answered as Jasmine disagreed. "That's a lie. I know you like someone."
"I don't like anyone." Melanie denied again as she looked at her other friend. "Serena's the one that likes someone."
The other girl looked up from her book with a blank expression. "Not even."
"Yeah, you do. I've noticed that you've been smiling a lot latey these past couple of months. You're talking to someone." Melanie stated with a smug look.
"It's because I've been watching this anime series and the main couple are so cute." Serena answered and redirected the topic back onto Melanie. "Don't change the subject. You do like somebody. I've seen the love letters you've written and haven't given it to him yet."
"Who?! What?! When?! Where?! Why?!" Jasmine and Katherine both exclaimed as they huddled around Melanie eagerly. "Who is it?! Who is he? Tell us! We gotta know! Oh is it Eric? Or is it Sunwoo? Maybe it's Hyunjoon? Hmm, Taeseon is pretty along with Hakmin, too. Jaemin is a total cutie and so is Mark."
Melanie tried to back away from her two friends while shooting a glare in Serena's direction who just went back to reading with a smile on her face.
"Wait, don't tell me you like someone from the Stray Kids group." Jasmine asked with a worried look. "You know that it's pointless to date someone from that group."
"Yah, why would you think Melanie would ever date someone from there." Katherine argued while elbowing Jasmine. "They're all jerks and think they're the shit."
"Because they're also hot as hell as well as the school's best sports kings. Practically all of them are the top players in our sports teams." Jasmine countered.
"Who said I like anyone from Stray Kids though?" Melanie asked as she pushed her friends away from her as they finally gave her space. "I can like whoever I want to like and it doesn't have to have anything to do with you guys either."
"True." The other duo agreed as Serena continued to focus on her book despite listening in on the conversation until her head jerked up in alarmed upon hearing the next set of words leaving Melanie's mouth.
"Besides, Serena's the one that's hiding something as she's always sneaking off during lunch saying she's just going to the library, but that's a lie."
"No, it's not. I do go when I got time for it." Serena lied with confidence.
"Oh yeah? How come I haven't seen you with new books from the library these past few weeks, hmm?"
"Because you don't read, that's why."
"Right. Nagyung says that she hasn't seen you there since you usually join her in playing Overwatch during lunch time."
"Does it really matter, Melanie?" Serena said in annoyed time as she tried to go back to her reading, but wasn't in the mood to read although she didn't want them to know that.
"Yeah!" Katherine and Jasmine answered instead as they now rushed over to her side leaving Melanie alone.
"What are you hiding? Who do you like? You like someone from Stray Kids, too, huh?" The duo questioned Serena as she mad a face at them.
"I do not." She stated while trying to move away from them. "Besides, why are y'all even asking about who we like. Who do you guys like that you're asking us."
The two girls stopped with their questioning and quietly sat back and looked at their other two friends with a sheepish look as Melanie caught on.
"You guys do like someone or at least probably dating someone, huh?"
"Um, do you guys remember a guy by the name of Chenle is?" Jasmine asked with a nervous laugh as Serena recalled the name. "Isn't he the kid that spilled oil all over the floor whenever we made eggs in Home Economics last year?"
"Yup. That's him. He's the one." Jasmine confirmed with a laugh as Katherine asked a question a second later. "And do you guys remember in the same class a guy named Jaehyun?"
"The one that would always steal pieces of our food whenever we finished cooking it because it was delicious?" Melanie answered as Katherine nodded. 'Yup."
Serena let out a groan before giving the two friends a look. "Y'all wanna do a quadruple date, don't cha?"
"Yeah, but that's not likely to happen since none of you are dating anyone or like someone." Jasmine stated with a pout.
Katherine then looked between Melanie and Serena. "Well, Melanie I'm sure has a crush on someone whereas Serena just hates people and so I don't see her dating anyone any time soon."
"Exactly." Serena agreed with a smile as she closed her book. "Now are we done?"
"Actually," Melanie piped up drawing everyone's attention onto her, "I do like someone, but I don't know if y'all are gonna be happy though."
"It's a Stray Kids member isn't it?" Jasmine and Katherine asked at the same time while Melanie shot them a sheepish smile.
"So why are we making lunch boxes again?" Katherine questioned as she and the other three were now at Serena's house after going grocery and supplies shopping.
"Because it's the effective way to get a guy to like you." Serena answered with a smirk. "It's not through his heart, but his stomach."
Jasmine looked over at Serena suspiciously. "And how would you know that?"
"From Tiana." Serena chuckled as Melanie rolled her eyes before speaking. "The Princess and the Frog's Tiana?"
"Wow, but what if Felix doesn't like it?" Melanie asked worried.
"Then he's an ass and you should like someone else." Jasmine suggested as Katherine elbowed her before correcting her words. "I mean, do your best."
"Well, how did you guys get with Chenle and Jaehyun? Did you guys make them lunches, too?"
"Not exactly. I don't really remember, but Jaehyun and I had this group project in English this year and we connected right away." Katherine answered with a smile.
"As for me," Jasmine prompted afterwards, "I actually didn't like him, like him. I thought I liked his friend which I don't recall at all, but it turned out I fell for him after I got to know him through being partners in science class earlier this year."
"Hmm, then y'all can start making lunches for your boyfriends while Melanie learned how to make a confession with one and then she can give it to Felix tomorrow." Serena piped up with glee as she clapped her hands together. "Now, let's get started." Serena said as she instructed the other three on what to do.
"Dude, Serena, seriously. How do you get these things to come out good without ripping and sticking it on easily?" Jasmine muttered in frustration after ripping her design for a cartoon character for the third time.
"Yeah, like how do you have the patience for all of this?" Melanie questioned as she just finished putting on the facial parts for her cartoon character. "This takes way too long to do just for one character. And that's after we cook and make the food, too."
"I think it's pretty cool and quite easy." Katherine stated with a shrug after completing her whole characters and lunch box. "Well I mean, yeah the process to do it is a bit tedious, but you have to make sure the food tastes just as good as creating the whole characters for the lunch."
"Yup. What Katherine said." Serena agreed after completing another lunch box. "If the food doesn't taste good, then the whole design is just wasteful in the end."
Melanie noticed the two mini set compartment boxes. "Who are you planning on giving those to?" She asked while pointing at them. "That's a lot of chicken, too. You don't even eat that much chicken."
Serena shrugged. "No one. I just like making these character boxes." She redirected the conversation to Melanie's box instead. "Anyways, Melanie, are you going to add anything else? You actually have a lot of room to add more."
"Well, obviously."
"Serena. Please help me with his face." Jasmine cried in defeat. "I can't give Chenle an ugly lunch box despite how good the food may taste."
"You're fine, Jasmine." Serena reassured, but still went over to assist her friend. "He should appreciate such a thing, but this is how you get it to work."
It was lunch time and the quartet were near the top of the school where Stray Kids usually hung out as they made the area their little place. Melanie actually entered the area so she could give Felix the lunch she had prepared for him while the other three stood from afar by the door. Jasmine and Katherine were supposed to meet with their boyfriends, but they wanted to be there for their friend first in support. The three friends watched Melanie with anticipation as she neared the group finally getting the attention of the boys.
"Hey, Felix." Melanie directly greeted him as Felix stared blankly at her not moving.
"Yeah, Felix, she's here for you." Hyunjin chuckled as he pushed Felix towards her causing Felix to glared at Hyunjin.
"It looks like she got something for you, too." Minho laughed while wriggling his eyebrows in Melanie's direction.
Melanie ignored the boys' words, but held out the packed lunch anyways in front of her and out towards Felix with a shy, but sweet smile. "I made you a homemade lunch because I like you."
When the other six boys heard that they started to cheer and tease Felix about him having a love confession and the likes. Becoming flustered and acting without actually thinking, Felix just smacked the lunch box out of Melanie's hands as everyone watched the scene before them. Something inside Melanie's tugged at her upon the lunch box crashing to the ground. She stared at the spilled food before looking at Felix.
"You didn't have to do that." Melanie told him with a calm, but angry tone. "You could of just said you didn't like me and not waste the food this way."
The other boys started laughing as they gathered around Felix before saying some things of their own.
"It probably doesn't even taste good, anyways." Changbin stated while looking at the food as Minho agreed before speaking again. "Girls nowadays don't even know how to cook anymore."
"What is that supposed to be?" Jisung asked while giving the characters a weird look. "A bear? A dog? I can't even tell."
"Why is it even blue? Are you trying to poison him?" Hyunjin commented with a disgusted look.
Felix continued to stay silence as he avoided eye-contact with Melanie.
"It was supposed to be Koya the Koala." Melanie answered with a frown. "You guys haven't even tried it so how can you say that? Felix?"
"Because it's a silly and stupid thing that desperate girls do to get a guy's attention." Chan stated with a laugh before continuing. "Next time why don't you ju-Oof"
Chan didn't get to finish his sentence due to Serena tossing her own homemade lunch at him when she moved closer after hearing the words leaving the boys' mouth. Everyone looked at the scene with widened eyes and it was dead silent after that as the group of six weren't aware that there were others around the area.
"How about next time why don't you just find another 'silly, stupid, and desperate' girl who wants to get your attention." Serena directed at him with a mocking tone before tugging on Melanie's hand. "Let's go."
"But, Serena, wait. What about the food and boxes?" Melanie asked in confusion as Serena continued to lead her away while speaking loudly on purpose. "It's not important when it concerns jerks that don't appreciate a girl's hard-work and effort when thinking of the guy she really likes while making them."
Katherine and Jasmine soon followed after their friends when the duo passed by, but not before seeing the rest of the boys looking at Chan questioningly.
"What's up with the food throwing at Chan thing, Serena?" Melanie asked once the quartet settled at a more private area within the school's grounds.
"It's nothing." Serena answered before looking at two of her friends. "Aren't you supposed to be eating with your boyfriends right now?"
"They can wait. You can't. Spill, girl." Jasmine commanded with a stern look. "I ain't gonna leave this alone until you explained why you've been saying you don't like anyone, but clearly there was something between you and Chan a moment ago."
"There's nothing going on."
"That's a lie, Serena." Katherine countered. "Your words were seriously directed at Chan and the way he looked at you once you walked away suggested something."
"Fine." She caved. "He and I were secretly dating these past few weeks."
The trio let out loud gasps.
"But don't ask me about anything else because clearly it's nothing now and not worth mentioning either." Serena told them with a glare.
"Oh, c'mon, Serena. You're secretly dating a Stray Kid member, especially the leader." Jasmine stated with an amused look. "Although rumor is that he's a total ass, he's cute and has such a nice bad boy vibe."
"He is a total ass now that I saw and heard it with my own eyes and ears and we're not dating anymore, Jasmine. I'm pretty sure you heard that I made that kind of cleared. Gah, I'm such an idiot to think he was a really nice guy with just a bad boy front to keep outsiders from bothering him and the rest of his friends."
"That's what Felix once said to me, too." Melanie added with a sigh. "I guess Stray Kids are really a bunch of jerks."
Serena groaned. "But seriously that was such a waste of food on our end, Melanie. I can't believe I threw them at him."
"I know right." Melanie agreed as she frown. "I still can't believe Felix did that just because he got embarrassed by his friends teasing him. He had me fooled."
"Why do you say that?" Katherine asked while rubbing her friend's back in a comforting manner. "Don't be so hard on yourself."
"Because of how he reacted. Guys are always like that when they're with their friends. It's stupid. He's such a big jerk."
"Tell me about." Jasmine said with a sigh. "The one I liked of Chenle's friend was the same way, but now I don't care about him as I'm with Chenle now."
"Yeah, let's not care." Katherine agreed as she opened up her own lunch box. "Let's share these together so that the two of you don't starve before school ends."
"What about your boyfriends?" Melanie asked with a chuckle.
"They have their own friends that have food for today." Jasmine answered with a laugh while also opening hers. "Today is a friendship day."
When Melanie and Serena returned back to their respective classes they discovered that their lunch boxes were returned to their desk all cleaned and empty of food. What was inside was a simple note instead asking them if they could meet at specific spot, respectively.
Melanie stared at the note for a few seconds before stuffing it back into the box and putting it away in her backpack. She wasn't sure if she was ready to face him again after his actions from earlier, but a small part of her wanted to know what he wanted with her. Melanie later caught eyes with Jeongin who only sat one seat up to her right as he stared in her direction. He shot her an awkward smile and before she could say anything Jeongin had tossed something onto her desk and turned forward leaving Melanie to stared at the familiar looking Peter the Rabbit keychain with her name on it. She hadn't seen this guy since junior high when she lost him in the Taekwondo club she was a part of. What was he doing here and how did Jeongin even end up with it.
Serena only glanced at the written words for a second before crumpling it into a ball and tossing it back into the lunch box. Still she knew what it meant even if with that one glance, but she was still upset and didn't even want to think about him or the situation at the moment. Shortly afterwards something landed on her desk from her left, but she quickly picked up the small item and threw it onto the desk of the person to her right. Jamie gave her a weird look before tossing it back not wanting to be a part of whatever was going on, but Serena shoved it to the floor and under her desk. She glared at Seungmin who pointed over his shoulder to see Chan shooting her a look, but she ignored him. By the end of class all the notes she had received and tossed at Jamie were now littered all over the floor around her desk.
When school finally let out Serena and Melanie had met up with Katherine and Jasmine like always at the school's back gates to head on home. The duo decided to just let it be and see what would happened on its own accord. As of right now the quartet were on their way to get boba, sweets, and spicy chicken bits at 3RACHA that was just a block away from school. Unfortunately, the quartet ended up running into Stray Kids on the way to 3RACHA.
"Hey, I just remembered that Chenle has football practice. I'll catch you guys later." Jasmine suddenly announced as she turned around and ran off.
"Oh, yeah, that reminds me. Jaehyun got this basketball thing going and I forgot that I promised him I'll be there to cheer him on. Bye!" Katherine piped up afterwards as she, too, turned around and ran off in the same direction as Jasmine.
"They're such liars." Serena commented with a roll of her eyes. "It's tennis and volleyball season."
"I think I know what's up and why." Melanie stated as she nudged Serena while pointing in front of them. "It's because of them."
When Serena turned her attention onto Stray Kids she saw that there were only two and those two were not who the two girls wanted to see at the moment.
"Wow." Serena said in a feigned enthusiastic tone.
"I know." Melanie agreed as she shrugged. "What do you wanna do?"
Melanie and Serena were casually talking to one another about their day and school work as they waited for their drinks and food while totally ignoring the two males sitting beside them at separate tables.
"You can't ignore us forever." Chan stated once their items arrived. "You'll eventually have to talk to us."
"So, Mr. Lewis just left class because he got a notification on his phone about something." Serena continued talking like she didn't even hear Chan say something.
"Seriously? During first hour he was distracted that he just gave us a free period while he played on his phone." Melanie added with a laugh. "I wonder what it is."
"I think it would be a good time to talk about what happened during lunch." Felix slowly eased the words out in the open. "Like y'know separately in our own pairs."
"Great idea, Felix. Why don't you guys go do that?" Melanie turned to him with a fake smile while pointing in the direction behind her. "You and Chan can totally go talk all the way over there while Serena and I stay here."
"That's not what I mean."
"Yeah, I know."
Felix let out a sigh before confessing something. "I was the one that stole your Peter the Rabbit keychain back in junior high during our time in Taekwondo club."
"It was you this whole time?"! Melanie let out in shocked with widened eyes. "Why?!"
"Because you brought it everywhere with you and it was just so annoying seeing it wherever you go."
"He was my good luck charm! How could you?"
"Because you paid attention to that little thing you did me."
"Obviously. I didn't even know you."
"We were always sparring partners."
"Are you the one I called Freckles?"
"Oh, that was you? Wow, you grew up."
"Are you making fun of me? We're practically the same age."
"Same difference. I can't believe you stole him because you were jealous."
"I wasn't jealous."
"If you weren't then why steal the keychain and then have Jeongin return it to me?"
While Felix and Melanie continued their little reunion, Serena gathered her drink and bag of chicken bits and quietly left the table to give the duo time to talk. At the same time she had totally forgot about Chan until she heard someone matching her pace when she exited the store. She glanced to her left and saw that Chan was walking alongside her with a few spaces between them.
"You don't live in this direction." Serena stated while giving him a once over. "Why are you headed this way?"
"Because I can." Chan simply answered with a grin. "Have a problem with that?"
Serena smiled at him before cutting him off to jay-walk across the street when there was no on-coming traffic despite it still being red on her end. Chan instantly panicked, ran after her, grabbed her by her backpack, and pulled her back onto the sidewalk.
"What do you think you're doing?" He asked her in an angry tone.
"Getting away from you of course. What else would I be doing?" Serena countered trying to get out of his grip, but Chan held a part of her backpack tightly in his fist.
"No you're not. You could have killed yourself going on the streets like that."
"There was no traffic so I was fine."
"That's still dangerous."
"Look, Chan. It shouldn't matter with what you think of my well-being anymore. Okay?"
"No it's not okay, Serena. Of course I would care."
"Oh, really, why? Do you think it's another way of us desperate girls to get the attention of guys like you?"
Chan's jaw tightened as he bit his cheek and let out a breath before speaking.
"I know what I said at lunch time was really idiotic and jerk-like, but I didn't mean it."
"Oh?" Serena let out in an amuse tone. "So was it just your way of trying to be cool in front of your friends?"
"Look, me and the guys haven't had good experiences with making friends without them using us in the past while growing up. That's why it's just the nine of us and why we bonded so quickly. Also it's just our way of protecting ourselves from people like that."
"Right. And you're just gonna let it control your lives while we're still young and have so many things to experience as we get older, Chan. You can't continued to keep using that as an excuse as time goes by."
"It's just complicated."
Silence fell between them as the duo stood on the sidewalk with traffic continuing on while Serena was still stuck with Chan holding on to her backpack.
"The chicken tasted really good this time." Chan suddenly complimented Serena's cooking as he gazed at her side profile. "I'm sorry that the kangaroos got ruined when you threw the boxes at me."
"Sorry, not sorry." Serena replied not looking at Chan, but a small formed upon her lips.
"You know that I got a bruise now because of you."
"I'm pretty sure you deserved it."
The corner's of Chan's mouth quirked up. "How am I'm supposed to explained that to the swimming's coach though?"
"Just say that a kangaroo punched you." Serena mused shooting Chan a look although she turned shy realizing that he had been looking at her already.
"I see you still have your sense of humor."
"Always will even without you."
Silence fell between them again, but this time Chan's hand loosen from Serena's backpack and back at his side.
"I'm sorry for being an idiot and reacting the way I did earlier just now." Chan apologized as Serena shook her head. "I should apologized, too. I just wanted to run away from you and not deal with any of this."
"You do know that running away from your problems isn't healthy and will always follow you right? I'm just speaking from personal experience."
"I'm sure you are."
"How about this. We start a new slate and go from there?" Chan suggested as Serena regarded him. "Secretly or not?"
"Whatever you want. I just don't wanna mess up what we had going on again."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah, baby girl."
Serena cringed as she made a face him. "Och, don't start that."
"Do you want, princess, instead?" Chan mused as Serena shook her head. "No, that's even worst."
"Okay. Then jagiya it is."
"Oh, hell no. Don't you even, Chan."
Serena said as she lightly punched him and he laughed at her reaction.
"I know you secretly like them. I can tell it from your eyes despite you cringing."
"Shut up. We're not even that deep into the relationship to have pet names. Our own names are fine."
"Hey, at least you can call me, oppa, this time, Serena."
"I'm not calling you, oppa."
"I mean eventually you will unless by then you're already calling me, yeobo."
"Gosh, you're impossible."
"Just for you. Now how about we go catch a movie?"
"No. I wanna nap. How about you catch a movie alone?"
"Why not do both at my place?" Chan cheekily grinned as Serena punched him. "You're going to lose your Stray Kids reputation by the time I'm through with you."
"I lost it already when you and I started dating weeks ago."
"Ugh. You're so annoying."
"But hey, there's must be a reason why you liked me, right?"
"I dunno. I'm beginning to reconsider my choices at the moment."
"Oh, c'mon, Serena. I'll treat you to whatever macarons you want at District 9."
"Stop trying to pacify me with food, Bang Chan."
"Hey, the quickest way to someone's heart is always food."
"Yeah, I'm beginning to reconsider my choices."
"Don't be like that." Chan chuckled as he hooked their arms together and began leading her in the opposite direction. "We'll have the rest of our lives to reconsider our choices later. For now, let's just live in the moment."
"How far ahead are you already looking into our supposed future?"
"We got eight grand-kids and counting."
Serena elbowed his side as Chan just laughed in response.
Meanwhile Melanie finally got Felix to confessed to his junior high crime.
"I just liked you, but you didn't noticed me until we got into high school, but you still didn't remember me." Felix admitted.
"You do realized that we had Taekwondo like once every two weeks, right?" Melanie asked him with a chuckle. "Even then I didn't show up for all of the activities."
"Yeah, I know. I always got stuck with the teacher because of that."
"Well, at least you're a third degree black belt, aren't you?"
"So it wasn't a complete waste."
"I guess."
"Anyways, if you liked me then why did you have to act like that in front of your friends?"
"Because they're teasing is so ridiculous and a bit too much."
"Don't you do the same thing?"
"Yeah, but not when it involves another person that you like."
"Oh yeah, Felix?"
"Ugh, Melanie. Don't make me repeat myself."
"I think you should since you're the one that wanted to talk and you practically stole from me."
"Fine. I like you, Melanie. And I'm sorry about knocking the homemade lunch from your hands and stealing your rabbit key-chain. Anyways, Koya the Koala was actually quite tasty. The rice cakes were good, too. Not too spicy like how others make them." Felix confessed and complimented.
Melanie smiled as she spoke. "I remember you mentioning that you didn't like spicy food that much in history class earlier this year."
"Thanks. Anyways, you wanna go to the arcade or bowling?"
"Don't you have friends to do that with, Felix?"
"I'm basically asking you out on a date, Melanie."
"Oh wow. I didn't think you were capable of such a thing." Melanie teased as Felix rolled his eyes. "Do you want to or not?"
"I dunno. How about you say it again?"
"How about I eat all of your food and give you time to think about it?"
Felix took a piece of her ube and thai tea cake causing Melanie to glared at him.
"Um, excuse you. Don't you have your own food to eat?"
"That's Chan and I don't like any of that, but you can have it."
Felix moved the said items towards Melanie as he took the rest of her ube cake.
"My dude, that's mine."
"I'll buy you another one after this. Think of it as our first date."
"Wow. Bold of you to assume that I would agree to a date."
"Not like you're saying no or anything."
"Charming, aren't you?"
"I know, but I'm pretty sure it's all because of you."
"Don't be cheesy. It's weird."
"I think it comes naturally now that I've grown closer to you, Melanie."
"You're so weird, Felix."
"Just for you. Now, after this I was thinking that we'll go to the arcade so I can show off my arcade skills."
"If you have any that is. I'm quite a pro at arcade games."
"Is that so? Do I feel a challenge coming on?"
"Alright, bet."
Melanie and Felix both shook hands as they determined who was going to be the loser and discussing the rules and details.
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