#the economic arguments for and against the monarchy always piss the fuck out of me bc tbh it does tend to equibrilate quite well
hella1975 · 1 year
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sailorportia · 4 years
Femslash February 2020, Day 4
Fandom: She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Pairing: Glimmer/Catra Prompt: Punk/Pastel
approx. 2,100 words, rated T
also available on AO3
Summary:  Catra and Glimmer are forced to work together on a group assignment, and it's almost a competition to see who's more annoyed by this arrangement.
Tags: University AU, Swearing, Alcohol, Drunken Kissing
Catra was holding court in her corner of the student union building's cafeteria. "I can't believe Professor Prime stuck me with Sparkles for a group project!" She slammed her fist on the table, rattling everyone's lunch trays. "Anyone else would've been better than Sparkles!"
"I'm confused," Entrapta said, picking up tiny sandwiches from her lunchbox. "Who's Sparkles? Oh, do we have a new friend!?"
"Oh, um, that's what she calls Glimmer," Scorpia said. "Because, well, y'know," she leaned in and whispered, "Catra doesn't like her very much."
Catra ignored the exchange, lost in her own petty misery. "That girl is the worst. Total control freak. She never shuts up in class, always arguing with the profs and making everything a debate. She's not even that smart. I bet she only got in because her mother's got tenure." Her hatred toward Glimmer in no way stemmed from the fact that princess was now closer to Adora than Catra was. They were even roommates now. Not that it bothered Catra at all.
"Um, just out curiosity," Scorpia said, "this might not be important, but have you ever really talked to her? Like, other than insulting each other?"
Catra gave her a blank look. "Why would I need to do that? I don't need to learn her favourite colour to know I hate her." Knowing Sparkles, it was probably pink. Or worse, hot pink.
Entrapta frowned. "That's not a very scientific approach."
"I'm a political science major. Everyone knows that's a fake science."
"Okay," Scorpia said. "But she's one of Adora's friends. Isn't that enough reason to try to get along with her?"
"I don't want to get along with Adora's friends." Catra uttered the words as if they were a rule. If Scorpia and Entrapta had been feeling sassy, they could've pointed out that Catra was also one of Adora's friends, and that would explain why she didn't get along with herself.
"I'm just saying," Scorpia said with a shrug. "Maybe if you give her a chance, you'll find something you like about her. Or, uh, something you don't hate at least. Who knows? You might have more in common than you think."
"As if!" Catra and Glimmer couldn't have been less alike. First off, their appearances were complete opposites. Catra's punk style had attitude, conveyed through dark colours, unruly hair, spiked accessories, the patches on her jacket and other modifications to her clothing, such as stylish, strategically placed holes she tore with her own claws. Glimmer, in contrast, was a pastel disaster whose brightly-coloured outfits hurt to look at. Her hair was literally pink, like she was made of bubblegum or something. Secondly, Glimmer was a sanctimonious goody two-shoes, whereas Catra just didn't give a fuck. No way in hell were they going to get along.
"Well, you better figure out how you're going to talk to Glimmer," Entrapta said, "because she's headed this way."
A group of three approached their table: Adora and Bow, led by a pissed off Glimmer. Catra might have found it intimidating if she weren't wearing the softest possible shade of lavender. Her new haircut was something of an improvement. She was almost hot—but Catra wasn't into bossy girls.
"Hey, Catra," Adora said nervously as the group reached the table.
Glimmer cut Catra off before she could say her customary greeting. "If you screw up this assignment for me, I'm going ruin you."
Bow grimaced. "Glimmer! We literally just went over this!"
"You could at least pretend to be nice," Adora said.
"Why do I have to be nice?" Glimmer pointed at Catra accusingly. "If you heard the way she talks in class you'd get it. She's a war criminal waiting to happen."
Catra snorted. "Says the girl who's a shill for the monarchy."
Bow stepped between them. "Guys, guys, cool it. We don't want another fist fight on our hands."
"It was one time!" Glimmer protested. "And it was hardly my fault. Nyan Cat over here was being a belligerent drunk."
"Don't blame me for that incident," Catra said. "You threw the first punch after like six Shirley Temples."
"Who wouldn't punch you when you're so obnoxious?" Glimmer let out an agonized groan. "Just get your ass to me and Adora's dorm room tonight by six o'clock, or I'll come looking for you."
"Whatever." Catra stuck her tongue out as Glimmer stalked off, her friends running off after her. She didn't need any more proof that the two of them were incompatible at every level. Maybe she'd fail this assignment on purpose just to piss her off.
Glimmer was already regretting her decision to work on the group project in her dorm room. Her reasoning had been that she didn't want to be seen in public with Catra, but she hadn't anticipated how much having Catra in her living space made her skin crawl.
They were sitting on Glimmer's side of the room. Catra had attempted to make herself at home on Adora's bed, but Glimmer put that to a stop immediately.
"You don't shed, do you?" Glimmer asked, eyeing Catra's wild mane of fur. "I don't want to be picking your hairs off my clothes for the next month."
"That's an anti-cat microaggression," Catra said. "Not very politically correct of you. Besides, it can't be as bad as all the glitter you leave behind, Sparkles."
"That's not my name! And I do not wear that much glitter." Sure, Glimmer preferred sparkly eye shadow some days, and some of her clothes did have glittery details on them, but glitter wasn't her thing. "You're in no place to criticize how I look." She sneered at Catra's outfit, specifically the tears in her pants. "Nice jeans, were they 50% off?"
"Haha. Very funny. I'm sure you bought your clothes at 200% the price just to show off how bougie you are."
"Listen you—" Glimmer groaned through her teeth. She knew Catra was just trying to get under her skin. All she had to do was be the bigger person and let this go. "The sooner we start this assignment, the sooner we'll be done and out of each other's hair."
"Finally something we can agree on," Catra said. "What's the topic again?"
"We're supposed to pick one from this list." Glimmer retrieved the relevant paper from her desk and read them off. "There's one about arguments for and against raising the minimum wage."
"Eh? That sounds dangerously like math. Economics sucks."
"Fair. Next is one about the role of money in politics."
"Still too much math."
"Suggestions for electoral reform?
Catra laughed. "Maybe get rid of elections altogether? Then everyone's equally unhappy with the result."
Glimmer could've sworn she had some patience, but it was running out faster than she'd anticipated. "There's one about the ethics of torture."
"That one's easy. Whatever gets the job done is fine with me."
Never mind writing an assignment together, they were never going to find a topic they could agree on due to Catra having the moral centre of a Saturday morning cartoon villain. "Torture doesn't even work! The premise is flawed."
"Really? It's working on me right now."
Glimmer groaned. "Is this a joke to you? This assignment is for 10% of our mark! You might not care about your own future, but I do."
Catra smirked. "What's wrong? Afraid that Professor Mommy will be disappointed if her little princess flunks a class?"
"You don't have any idea what it's like studying at a college where your mother is one of the professors. Having to measure up to those expectations all the time."
"Hey, at least people expect something from you. You can't imagine what it's like to grow up in Adora's perfect shadow."
"Yeah, well now she's my perfect roommate, and I'm going to lose it if I have to hear one more time that Adora got on the dean's list last year and I didn't."
"Oh yeah? Well I would've gotten on the list too if I didn't have to deal with Professor Hordak's inferiority complex."
The conversation carried on way longer than it should've. It turned out the only way they could avoid bitching at each other was by bitching to each other instead. Before long they ordered a pizza and cracked open a couple of cold ones, the assignment lying forgotten on Glimmer's desk.
By the time they ran out of things to complain about, they were both a little beyond tipsy. They had moved to sitting on Glimmer's bed, leaning against each other. Glimmer was very aware of the fact that she had never been this close to Catra before, physically or emotionally. Not wanting to linger on those thoughts, she said the first thing that came to mind.
"Hey, is it true that you wore a tux to your high school prom?"
Catra smirked. She put her empty beer can down and got out her phone. "Feast your eyes."
Feast, Glimmer did. She was tempted to ask Catra to send her the pictures. "Daaaaaaaaaaamn," Glimmer said. "Adora's so lucky. I went to mine with Bow as a friend-date, but she got to dance with the hottest girl at the prom."
If they were any farther apart, she wouldn't have picked up on the other girl's reaction: a low, rumbling sound in her chest.
"Oh my god." Glimmer couldn't believe her ears. "Are you purring?"
"No!" Catra stuffed her phone back in her pocket and crossed her arms over her chest, as if that would cover up the sound she'd already made. "You're imagining things. All that glitter must've gone to your head."
"Oh, looks like someone isn't used to hearing people say nice things about her." This was too good. "So that's how I get under your skin."
Catra's face looked like it couldn't decide if she were furious or embarrassed. "Screw off, Sparkles."
"Aw, you can dish it out but you can't take it? That's so cute." Glimmer honestly didn't know why she was winding Catra up. Maybe she wanted to see what would happen when she finally sprung.
Catra stood up, but didn't step away from the bed. "Isn't Adora going to be coming back soon? I should probably go..."
Glimmer grabbed Catra's arm and pulled her back down. "We've talked enough about Adora. Let's talk about you."
"I don't want to talk," Catra said. "I don't want Adora to walk in and see me getting along with you!"
"You care too much about what Adora thinks. Are you that hung up on your old prom date?"
"I am not! Screw you! I'm always getting the girls. I don't need to chase after Adora. I've got pull!"
Glimmer smirked. "I'll believe it when I see it."
Catra had hit her limit. The cat finally pounced. "You asked for it."
In one swift motion, Catra pushed Glimmer down and pinned her to the bed. There was a moment's pause before their lips crashed together.
Oh my god, Glimmer thought as she tasted the alcohol on Catra's breath, is Catra kissing me? Am I kissing her back? Even being tipsy wasn't enough to excuse this. But Glimmer didn't really care. She needed to blow off steam, and making out with a bitchy catgirl serviced that need.
The kissing kept getting messier and messier, which was a nice analogue to their interpersonal relationship. Glimmer vaguely acknowledged that she'd never live it down if anyone found out about this, but it wasn't like Catra was going to brag about it either. They were in the clear—
"Oh my god. I didn't expect you guys to get along this well."
Glimmer and Catra sobered up instantly. They broke apart, Catra springing away as if she'd suffered an electric shock. In absolute horror they turned in unison to see Adora standing in the doorway, barely containing her amusement.
"This isn't what it looks like!" Glimmer said.
"It's actually exactly what it looks like," Catra said. "Kill me."
Adora laughed so hard she snorted. "Looks like you guys had a party," she said, looking at the empty pizza box and beer cans. "You guys must've finished up that assignment pretty quickly." She raised an eyebrow at the sight of the pair's blank looks. "You did work on the assignment, right?"
As if a switch had been thrown, Glimmer and Catra were back at each other's throats as if nothing had happened. "This is all your fault!"
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