#the dragon prince book 5 ocean
mariquitascadoodles · 11 months
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💕[ And They Were Roommates]💕
Best friends huh????? HUHH/????
So ur telling me these two dated , loved each other ???
That’s what ur telling me ???
History hates lovers 🥲
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lettersfromxadia · 11 months
I love how s5 is like “How does Rayllum act when they’re not dating?” and the answer is… like a married couple.
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becausedragonsarecool7 · 11 months
The Dragon Prince really out here avoiding the bury your gays/POC trope by making it look like they'll bury them and then locking them inside a book drop instead
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jelzorz · 1 year
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Imagine having a partner this funny
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ashleybenlove · 11 months
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First: Happy showing two queer women in a relationship in the same bed in a children's tv show day!!!
Second: Love that Amaya has a big body pillow between her legs.
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raayllum · 1 year
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—Avatar: The Last Airbender
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purple-eyesgreydragon · 10 months
I think Rayla might know about the second dark spell. I mean it’s not hard to figure out to be honest. How else do the others think he might’ve escaped? None of his sky spells could do anything surely, and he had the component needed for the specific dark spell he needed. I think she does know deep down, she just doesn’t want to believe it. So Rayla ignores the possibility. She wasn’t mad at him for long last time. Before she was more worried about him then what he did.
I had the suspicion after I dreamt dark creatures I made up for the dragon prince called the Nigrum, mocked Rayla in a nightmare about her knowing even though she denied it. Basically they say that if Callum does end up going down a dark path, they plagued her heart with uncertainty asking the question. “Would she walk it with him?”
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How did Luc do that? How did he manage to make Harrow and Karim sound so differently? Colour me intrigued, really 😳
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1lovepeace · 1 year
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So, a few days ago, we recently got the first look at some screenshots of S5, which has gotten me even more excited about what is coming. But the last screenshot, with both Callum and Rayla possibly arguing, is one of the few that really caught my attention. Besides, seeing Rayla with Runaan's Bowblade. (Aww, my heart ❤️😭.) This could very well be the beginning origin of the intense, messy, overwhelming, and emotional conflict and topic that is about none other than Runaan for a variety of obvious, huge reasons. Considering how Runaan is just so much for both of them.
For Callum, freeing Rayla's family with dark magic, potentially as a last resort, is huge enough, but also know that one of the elves he would be saving is Runaan. This would not sit right with him at all because in his eyes, he'd be freeing the same elf who killed his stepfather, King Harrow, and made him and his brother orphans.
But for Rayla, it would be just as heavy and intense. Considering that she's willing to do anything and everything to free her family, also because of her deep history and connection with Runaan. Being that there's too many unresolved and unanswered moments between them from their last devastating interactions with each other from the disastrous fallout of the mission. There is a tremendous amount of emotional baggages, traumas, hurt, and pain that will be exposed at some point. Because in her eyes, Runaan was doing his job/civic duty as an assasin, but she might also remind Callum that his stepfather was not an innocent man either because he chose to take vengence into his own hands by killing Thunder Avizandum and giving the order to Viren to kill Zym who was still just an unborn egg, which was extremely monstrous. Resulting in another father being tragically taken away from his child and mate.
Imagine the heavy emotional yet honest and incredible dialogue we can have with them as this possible conflict unfolds. It would be phenomenal to see. Watch S5 unleash the raging tides of the oceans. I'm ready but not ready all in one. Let's Go Season 5🎉❤
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So you know the season 5 trailer for tdp right? It shows at the very end that Kim'dael is back and definetly thirsty for blood. If you've read Bloodmoon Huntress you would know that she and Rayla had an encounter with each other where Rayla tried to stop her from killing a skywing elf family. And she succeeded with the help of Runaan & Ethari. They didn't kill her but they did weaken her and Kim definetly swore revenge on them, especially Rayla (this isn't said anywhere in the novel or elsewhere but I'm willing to bet it happened offscreen). During the trailer this scene caught my attention:
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That bear looks oddly bloody to me. Almost as if Kim'dael might've conjured it or sth. Since she uses Forbidden magic that needs blood to be done and she can conjure her weapons, maybe she can conjure the bodies or souls (idk) of people and creatures she drank the blood of? I'm not sure if that's the case since we barely know anything about her but I also doubt that the bear is made by Claudia's dark magic because 1. Judging from the trailer alone I don't think there is going to be any interaction between the Dragaang and Claudia this season and 2. From what we've seen in the show creatures summoned by dark magic are purple or purplish. That bear is red.
ANYWAY! Whatever the case I really want (and there is most definetly probably going to be) a fight between Rayla and Kim'dael. It is going to be epic and personally I cannot wait to watch it.
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cocoacatnip · 11 months
I adore Rayllum and while I wanna see them having each others back no matter what in future seasons…I honestly just want that from the entire Dragang too. The moment where they’re all offering their hands and Callum is like..
“As long as we have each others backs, as long as we love each other..you can never control us”
Like..more of this! I love the Dragang’s found family vibe so much and I wanna see more of it! Give me all of them ready to go feral if one is hurt, not just the couple in the group.
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mariquitascadoodles · 10 months
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[ On an Ocean of Stars]
realized I never did a makara doodle with her redesign >:O
Literally love her sm
I need to draw her more tbh
she’s such a vibe UuU
I was originally going to finish and post this on the day book 5 came out BUT ALIAS , tdpo beat me to it >:Oc
It still so good I need to rewatch again FR FR 😤
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lettersfromxadia · 11 months
It does not escape my notice that the first two arcanums Callum connected to are the two that have a direct relationship with the moon.
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Under the seaaaaaa Under the SEA Darling its better-
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jelzorz · 11 months
Thinking about how ezran has actively tried to be a kind king and won't let himself be Mad to break the cycle but sometimes breaking the cycle means letting yourself be Mad and giving yourself the grace to feel your feelings however they may present themselves and honestly I just want him to go off, he deserves it
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ashleybenlove · 11 months
Finnegrin grabs Callum's jaw and then says, "Keep the boy separate. I've got special use for this one."
Well, then. That's ominous AF.
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