#the comments on her obit were also wonderful
read the comments on mr. belafonte’s obit and find bliss and love and happiness
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newagesispage · 7 years
                                                                    JULY         2017
 *****Kathy Griffin lost her CNN NY gig over her Scary Clown 45 severed head gag. Word is that Anderson Cooper wants to replace her with Andy Cohen. Last I heard, he had not talked to her directly either. Jim Carrey wonders about all that The President says and he still has his job.  He commented that he has a dream about golfing with Trump and just holding that club and then he wakes up.
*****Chance the Rapper and a few others are calling for Bill Maher to be fired after his comment about working the fields.
*****A federal court upheld a ruling that could free Brendan Dassey. The court said the investigators led the confession and Dassey’s story was involuntary. Wisconsin has 90 days to retry.
*****Better call Saul had its season finale and OMG!! If Michael McKean does not get an Emmy, the world is just wrong!!  Actually the show and the whole cast is amazing but come on!!
*****Elon Musk , David Rank and others have resigned from the Trump administration after America was taken out of the Paris climate agreement. The deal took years of negotiation and compromise and clean energy is the economics of the future. Scary Clown said that he represents Pittsburgh, not Paris and seems to see the agreement as a threat to his isolation America first ideas.  The mayor of Pittsburgh tells us, “What Trump did was not only bad for the economy but also weakened America in the world.” It will take 4 years before the U.S. can actually quit the deal. Luckily, so many companies in this country are so against Trump that we’ll probably hit our goals anyway.** The mayors of Paris and Pittsburgh have since made their own climate deal.** Others have resigned over the lack of interest the Trump administration is showing AIDS.
*****The Eagles will use Vince Gill and Glenn Frey’s son, Deacon for some NY and LA shows.
*****Word is that the American Idol reboot wanted Randy Jackson for the host gig but he turned it down.
*****Wal Mart insurer, Ohio Casualty is in a dispute against Tracy Morgan who refuses to testify. The company claims he exaggerated his injuries after being hit by the Wal Mart truck. Morgan’s camp say that the 90 million they claim to have paid him is the exaggeration.
*****Do you notice all the home security ads on the ID channel?  I guess the true crime scares you into getting more protection.
***** After many of Trump’s minions have tried to convince us that what they have done is not a travel ban, the man himself says it is. They originally claimed that this would only be for 90 days and they would have new things in place and it has been over 90 days. The President tells us that they are extreme vetting anyway so why does he want to take this to the Supreme Court?**The supreme court is letting them do it now!!** His rabid supporters  and GOP cohorts are just enablers at this point.
*****The Cosby trial ended in a mistrial. I was at the Red Cross the other day and some employees were watching a news report about the trial. The pig of a man in the group piped when they put up a shot of Cosby’s accuser. “Ooh, she is not a pretty woman. I’d have to drug MYSELF to do her,” he laughed.** Cosby is now going to do a town hall type tour.
*****Anne Rice says that she has been blocked from trump’s twitter site.
*****Trump lawyer, Jay Sekulow is so blatant about using donations from his Christian non profit to fund his personal life. Please read the article in the Guardian because the history of this is so far reaching that I can’t even go into it all here. Perhaps these givers don’t care and want to support this guy but they should know where there money is going.
*****The buzz about American crime story is starting even though it won’t be out until 2018. Next up is a look at Versace then hurricane Katrina and the Lewinsky scandal.
*****George and Amal had twins, Alex and Ella.
*****Megyn Kelly didn’t do much hard hitting on her Putin interview. She sure seems to like interviewing the hate mongers.
*****Alice Cooper is coming out with a new album.
*****Jay-Z is upset with the Prince estate.  He is quoted as saying, “This guy had ‘slave’ on his face. You think he wanted the masters with his masters?”
*****Elvis Costello is working on a Broadway musical about A Face in the crowd. Hooray! He is also heading out on tour.
*****Forbes is doing its part to expose the Trump’s. They did an in depth story about how Eric Trump’s  charity money for kids with cancer was funneled back into the business. There is now an investigation into this claim.
*****Thank you Chicago for the 10 story mural by Eduardo Kobra. The Muddy Waters mural was unveiled on June 8 at 17 N. State Street for the Chicago blues fest.  The Muddy Waters legacy gave a free concert.
*****The HBO doc,’ If you’re not in the obit, eat breakfast’ is so inspirational and adorable. Dick Van Dyke is still a sexy beast and who knew that Carl Reiner’s oldest friend is an army buddy known as the greatest harmonica player.
*****Reality Winner has been charged with leaking classified info.
*****The infrastructure plan that Trump told us was” largely complete”, isn’t done at all. He now signed a proposal that is not binding so it means nothing. WTF are they doing?
*****Days alert:  Oh, I was so hoping that they would find Tony Dimera on that Island, even though Anna carries around his ashes. It is a soap, everybody comes back. Speaking of that, Chandler Massey, who played the first ‘out’ Will Horton, is returning in September. Rory’s back!!** Where is Paul’s Mom since he is fighting for his life? ** So.. Chloe gives up the baby to Nicole and the court takes it away. Maggie is allowed to see the baby, why wouldn’t she just try to get custody of her grandson and Holly would still be in the house?? ** Thank goodness we are seeing more of Andre!
*****Chris Rock was on the cover of Rolling Stone and is on tour to make money after his divorce. He “jokes” that he had multiple affairs. Many claim that the famous affair he mentioned was with Kerry Washington.
*****The President wants to give 110 billion to Saudi Arabia for weapons.
*****Chris Wray has been nominated for FBI director.
*****Beyonce and Jay Z had twins.
*****Paul McCartney got the companion of honour in the UK.
*****Thank you CBS all access for topping off your latest ad with Matthew Gray Gubler! YES!!
*****Panama is breaking ties with Taiwan and shifting allegiance to China.
*****The director of health and human services in Michigan, Nick Lyon has been charged with involuntary manslaughter over the contaminated water.
*****Congrads to Jill Brummel and Keith and baby Wagner!
*****Check out Blood Orange for some great tunes!!
*****Woodstock has joined the National register of historic places.
*****Intel chiefs like Dan Coates refused to answer questions from their oversight committee in the probe. Rogers, Rubenstein and McCabe all seem to have trouble talking. This cover up is so much worse than Watergate. Former US director of National intelligence, James Clapper says, “Watergate pales, really, in my view, compared to what we’re confronting.”** The opening statement of James Comey was released the day before his big day. He confirms that Trump wanted him to drop the Flynn stuff and talked about the cloud of the Russian stuff. He transcribed the conversations with the President as soon as they were over.**Ya know, I was mad at Comey for the Hillary crap that he now tells us went public because he did not like the Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch meeting. Most that have worked with him seem to call him an honorable man. I was trying to believe he would do the right thing in the Trump administration investigations. After he was fired, Trump mentioned he may have tapes and Comey had a friend release his version even though some say the leaks were first. The Trump tweet was May 12 and the first news of leaks were May 16. Now, I still try to believe that Comey is an honest man but he sometimes acts like a child (someone does something so he immediately seems to say, ok, well take that!!). But we have to notice that Scary Clown’s stories always change, Comey’s does not. As far as who called who, there must be records.**As Comey was testifying, the house repealed Dodd Frank. C’mon Press, let’s get ALL the news out there!** BTW, there are no tapes, that was just more scary clown BS.** It seems that 38% of this country is trying to run the show and those 38% don’t give a shit about the rest of us.
*****Investigators have found a direct link that puts Putin at the center of the election disruption. The plan was to help Trump and hurt Hillary. Word is that the Obama administration did not take action because they thought Putin might escalate his cyber meddling. John Kerry tried hard to get some action but the White house thought they would be accused of trying to sway things for Hillary. It’s sad but true because the Trump camp would have went nuts. The instability and doubt may have changed this country forever. It seems many do not care as long as they have their guy in power now. **Power outages in the Ukraine have also been linked to Russia. It looks like they are now gunning for us. The centralized system in the Ukraine is not as hard to set right as ours would be. Our power system is more complicated and would be harder to tamper with but also harder to straighten out. Russia appears to have an adaptable and reusable software.** Fox’s Brit Hume says that even if the Trump campaign did collude with Russia, “it’s not a crime.” They all say ‘America first’ but I am beginning to think they would all be happier in Russia.** Over 2000 pages of financial documents have been turned over to the investigation.
*****And WTF is up with John McCain? He was like a dog with a bone about bringing up the Hillary stuff again. And he does not seem to like women asking questions because he keeps interrupting. It is time to retire.** Did  you see Sen. Martin Heinrich??
*****Rep. Al Green of Texas and Brad Sherman of California are drafting articles of impeachment because Trump obstructed justice when he fired Comey. Just as this is in the works, Melania and Baron finally move into the White house.** Pence and even Trumps lawyer have hired attorneys.**After 8 years of class and pride, this country sure has taken a big step into the gutter.
*****The Generals seem to have their problems with the new President. A quote from Trump says,” The Lieutenants, the captain, their majors, the colonels- they’re professionals. They love doing it. So I authorized the generals to do the fighting.” I thought he said he knew more than them but now he gives no direction so his hands don’t get dirty. He has no strategy and there are so many vacant positions that there are not enough experts to go around. Using U.S. money to follow his family around while they make business deals instead of the government being properly staffed does not seem very safe for the rest of us.
*****Did ya’ll see those relaxed pics of Obama and Trudeau and their wine in Montreal? Wow.. It all seems so wonderfully normal.
*****Turkey has banned Wikipedia, calling it a national security threat.
*****Kevin Spacey did a great job hosting the Tony’s. His opening number included Whoopi and Stephen Colbert.  Spacey later did his Carson and said “admit it, you missed me”. I suddenly felt so sad because I realized I really do miss him. Richard Thomas and Danny Devito were both nominated for The Little Foxes but both lost to Michael Aronov. Foxes did get a win for Jane Greenwood for costume design and featured actress, Cynthia Nixon. Nixon gave a fabulous speech about the people of this nation that do not take what is happening in Washington lying down. James Earl Jones won the lifetime achievement but only got a snippet of time on air. Laurie Metcalf won for leading actress in a play for A Doll’s house part 2. Bette Midler looked great and won but would not shut up.** Best Dressed was Sarah Paulson and worst was Carolyn Murphy.
*****Patricia Krenwinkel was denied parole again.
*****Oliver Stone interviewed Putin over 20 hours in 4 visits. Putin drove him around and seemed to convince Stone that he is a pretty great guy. He seemed to take Putin’s word about meddling in the election. Some say it is a love letter to Putin and I see shades of Barbara Walters and Fidel Castro.
*****There was some voter fraud in Alton, Il. An 88 year old election judge pleaded guilty to voting for Trump for her dead husband. She claims he would have wanted her to.
*****Summer Camp 2017 in Chillicothe, Il. had some great artists this year with Claypool Lennon delirium, the Wood brothers and Gov’t. Mule. A few people were taken away after the sudden storm but other than that fun was had by all.
*****Phil Collins had to postpone a London gig after a fall.
*****Dick Gregory is out again making appearances and I wanna go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*****Theresa May misjudged her public when she called for an election in the UK. Her conservative party has lost some of its power.
*****The UK has acquired Feud: Bette and Joan to play later this year.
*****OMG: TLC SYTTD UK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*****John Oliver is being sued by a great friend of Trump’s, Robert Murray. Murray, the CEO of Murray energy warned him not to do a story on him but he did it anyway. Go John!! Look it up, it’s a story worth seeing.
*****Diedrick Bader just gets hotter
*****The Downton Abbey movie will start production in 2018!
*****An inconvenient sequel, which is out July 28, has added a bit after Trump pulled out of the Paris climate accord.
*****Ivanka is being ordered to give a deposition in a lawsuit about copying a shoe design. The Italian company that sued is Aquazzura but she claims that she had nothing to do with any of it. Her claim is that she can’t give the deposition because it would be a distraction from her WH duties. Her Fox and friends interview sound bite was :”I try to stay out of politics.”
*****Leslie Jones hosted the BET awards and earned good reviews but she later tweeted about the hotel she stayed in. She suggested that people not stay at the Ritz Carlton because, “they don’t like black people.”
*****Farm Aid is being held in Burgettstown, Pa. with Willie, John Mellencamp, Neil Young and the Avett Brothers among others.
*****Fox news will no longer use the line, “fair and balanced.”
*****Daniel Day Lewis has retired from acting.
*****Tony Bennett is given the Library of congress Gershwin prize.
*****Judd Apatow is making a doc bout Garry Shandling. Can’t wait!!
***** Sean Spicer is interviewing his own replacement including Fox news and Daily mail employees.
*****The U.S. spent 28 mil on uniforms for the Afghan military. They were not field tested and did not work out. An official wanted a specific lush forest motif while most of the landscape is desert. WTF?
*****O.J. is up for parole.
*****The secret health care bill came out and many protested at Mitch Mcconnell’s office. Police were sent in to drag them out, wheelchairs and all. It seems we have not been this divided since the civil war. What is more important than health care for all, than equality? Is a wall more important? Are tax cuts for the rich more important?  In the end, the haters always lose but not without hurting so many along the way. It always comes down to equality. It is always about some trying to keep down others and that is never right. It always has to lose in the end. ** The vote has now been delayed. **Good old Mitch who was given treatment for his polio, as a child, because of the kindness of the March of Dimes now refuses to talk to them. They disagree with the health care plan.**More health care insurance providers are bowing out of coverage. The companies blame the uncertainty of Washington. This is just another reason to blame Obama for the senate and house’s own doing. Keep things in chaos and blame the other guy while the rest of the country suffers. ** The Pres now says that the ACA should just be repealed, new plan or not.
*****It is being reported that the CIA health professionals did not just torture detainees during the Bush administration, they performed experiments.. This is like right out of the Nazi playbook.
***** We don’t hear enough about men who are straight and mostly dress masculine but like a little makeup. I find that adorable and they need to be represented
*****Wow!! The NY senate after a decade, still did not vote on the child victims act. The Catholic Church and the Boy scouts lobby so hard because they think it will bankrupt them. The bill would let survivors bring civil cases until they are 50 years old, felonies until 28, and give a 1 year window for both public and private institutions instead of 90 days. Republican majority leader John Flanagan will not even put it up for a vote.
*****Illinois has its fair share of problems right now with the budget crisis, Chicago and Peoria shootings and the Belleville shooter, James T. Hodgkinson.
*****Why do the View and the Tonight show play all these stupid games with their guests? Does the audience enjoy this? It is often so awkward.
*****Jess Session says that Trump has not been in a single briefing about North Korea. I am sure the new South Korean president is reassured by that as he came for a visit. The shuffling of reporters and questions about the idiot in chiefs twitter made him feel welcome too.
*****And now the airwaves explode with the latest scary clown 45 twitter directed at the Morning Joe team. Why do we have to talk endlessly about this crap every time the baby has a tantrum? Unless we find some real evidence or this impeachment march does some real good, we better get used to the fact that our President has no fucking class!
*****Neil Young is reminding us to stand up for what we believe and resist this 4th with a new video.
*****The Presidents team is trying to get personal info on voters like social security numbers and voting history which could lead to voter intimidation.
*****The Frye fest head Billy McFarland has been arrested for wire fraud.
*****Adele has cancelled the rest of her tour because of damage to her vocal chords. It is especially sad for she has hinted that this could be her last tour.
***** If you haven’t seen the 2014 doc ‘ Starring Adam West’, check it out. The Kickstarter film is so honest and a great tribute to a man who will be missed.  He also has some hot sons!!
*****R.I.P. Zbigniew Brzezinski, Manuel Noriega, Jimmy Piersall, Roger Smith, Peter Sallis, Modd Deep, Stephen Furst, Rosalie Sorrels, Glenne Headly, Simone Veil, Adam West and Anita Pallenberg.
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ovalpaste1-blog · 5 years
LA Observed Notes: Media notes, homeless ruling, scooters and lion cubs
Puma cubs P-70, P-71, P-72 and P-73 were found recently by the Santa Monica Mountains lion study. See below for more. National Park Service photo.
Our occasional roundup of media news, notes and chatter. Between posts you can keep up with LA Observed on Twitter. We're also on Instagram.
Cities again barred from citing sleeping homeless. LA too?
The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday, in a case out of Boise, Idaho, that prosecuting homeless people for sleeping on public property when they have no access to shelter violates the Constitution’s 8th Amendment ban on cruel and unusual punishment. It's unclear on a quick read how this could play out in Los Angeles, but the ruling cites the Jones decision a dozen years ago that blocked Los Angeles from arresting or citing homeless people who sleep outside in public.
The city agreed in a settlement not to enforce the municipal ordinance that bans sleeping on sidewalks at night, since there were not enough shelter beds available anyway, so the Jones ruling was vacated. But lately, Mayor Eric Garcetti has suggested the city may resume prosecuting sleepers if enough homeless shelter beds are added under ballot measure HHH, which provides a lot of money to create shelters. However, many parts of the city have resisted the opening of local homeless shelters, so few are actually getting built.
The new court decision says that it's a Constitutional right: before a homeless person can be prosecuted for sleeping, he or she must have access to shelter — and it can't be shelter that requires any kind of religious condition to use.
We consider whether the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment bars a city from prosecuting people criminally for sleeping outside on public property when those people have no home or other shelter to go to. We conclude that it does...
We agree with Jones’s reasoning and central conclusion, however, and so hold that an ordinance violates the Eighth Amendment insofar as it imposes criminal sanctions against homeless individuals for sleeping outdoors, on public property, when no alternative shelter is available to them.
Reaching across the aisle at USC
Mike Murphy, the Los Angeles-based campaign strategist for John McCain and other Republicans and a relentless conservative voice calling BS on Donald Trump, is teaming with longtime Democratic strategist Robert Shrum as co-heads of the new Center for the Political Future at USC's Dornsife College, where Shrum teaches. "We’re going to try to become the leading place on the West Coast on the theory that everything happens first in California,” Murphy told the New York Times.
The center will name fellows from politics and sponsor conferences devoted to examining American political life. “Mike and I are doing this together because we are both concerned about the state of our politics,” Mr. Shrum said. “We have been rivals and opponents, but we’ve also been friends. That’s not required of everybody in order to have a healthy democracy, but there at least has to be mutual respect and a commitment to deal with actual realities.”
Electric scooters are here to stay, City Hall decides
The city of Los Angeles has opted in on dockless scooters. If you like them, the news is great. If you don't like dodging inattentive riders and discarded scooters on streets and sidewalks, Tuesday's news won't be welcome. There are plenty of Angelenos of all stripes in in both camps, but the popularity of the scooters is spreading so fast the politicians didn't really have much choice.
On Tuesday, the City Council voted to explicitly allow Bird, Lime and other companies to plant fleets of rentable scooters around the city — with some new rules inn force as a trial run over the next year. Up to now, the scooters have mostly been seen on the Westside, where they first appeared last year.
The city's new rules include a 15 mile-an-hour speed limit and explicit warnings to stay off sidewalks while riding (per state law), as well as initial caps on how many scooters can be placed by each company. The new city policy specifically encourages companies to service lower-income areas and parts of the Valley, and requires the companies to come up with a way to allow for riders who don't have a smartphone or credit card. Companies and riders are also supposed to take more steps to keep unused scooters from piling up on sidewalks and parkways. In theory, the companies will have to pay the cost of city workers who move scooters out of the way, as well as $20,000 a year for a city license plus a fee per scooter.
The new rules in Los Angeles of course have no impact in nearby cities. Beverly Hills has banned the scooters while the city studies what to do. Santa Monica and Culver City are allowing scooters to remain under some hastily drawn restrictions. West Hollywood for now lets you ride through the city but, I believe, not to drop off your scooter or grab a new one.
The LA City Council on Tuesday also increased its support for dockless rental bike programs. They are looking like a better bet now than bikes that can be rented from, and returned to, docks found at transit stops and around downtown and some other parts of the city. Those were never as popular with actual riders as boosters vowed they would be, and Metro's program of encouraging docked bikeshares at stations took a hit when Pasadena decided recently to drop out due to low ridership.
We talked about scooters and bikes on Tuesday's LA Observed segment on KCRW (airing at 4:44 every Tuesday afternoon and downloadable at KCRW.com.)
Media notes
Alex Cohen, the morning anchor at KPCC (pictured from her Twitter post), has left the station "to help give birth to a new journalistic project I'm SO excited about." Stay tuned... KPCC's LAist has launched LADYist as "sex ed for grown women."... Ben Bradford of Capital Public Radio is moving to "Marketplace" in Los Angeles... Yuri Victor joins the LA Times as Senior Director, Innovation, from the New York Times. Juliet Lapidos, recently departed as LA Times op-ed editor, joins the Atlantic as a senior editor and deputy of a newly expanded Ideas section... Doyle McManus, the former LA Times Washington bureau chief, was named director of the undergraduate journalism program at Georgetown University. He'll continue writing columns for the Times... LAT political writer Seema Mehta is at the University of Michigan for a year of sabbatical study as a Knight-Wallace Fellow... Ken Docter explains why it looks like Tronc, the LAT's former owner, "is about to be chopped up and sold for parts."
The founder and curator behind the Central Library's popular Aloud series, founder and curator Louise Steinman, is no longer with the program. "My position as curator and that of my Associate Director, Maureen Moore, were eliminated,” Steinman wrote in an Aug. 30 email to colleagues. Their departures were abrupt at the start of the new season and met with consternation in the LA author community. The Library Foundation has declined comment, except to say through spokeswoman Leah Price that it's a "private employment matter" and "we’re in the process of re-envisioning the ALOUD series and the rest of the public programming we produce." Gotta wonder if it's somehow tied to this.
LA-based arts reporter Jori Finkel was on LARB Radio Hour to discuss her documentary film, "Artist and Mother," which investigates "why the contemporary art world seems more-than-reluctant to embrace work about motherhood, even when done by theretofore established artists who are new mothers."... "Walt Disney’s Disneyland," a new visual history by Chris Nichols of Los Angeles Magazine, will be released Sept. 12 by Taschen... Jason Ball, the VP of news and news director at KTLA Channel 5, hosts a new interview podcast called The News Director’s Office.... Andrew Bernstein, the official team photographer for the Lakers, Clippers, Sparks and other teams, and whose basketball photographs you have surely seen for years, will be honored Thursday by the Basketball Hall of Fame... Terri Accomazzo joined Angel City Press in Santa Monica as managing editor. She had been acquisitions editor at SAGE Publishing.
Media obits: Ed Marston, former publisher of High Country News, died at 78 of West Nile Virus.... Ann Sonne, a reporter and society editor at the LA Times from 1953-67, then the owner of her own PR firm, died at age 86.
Four mountain lion cubs found in the Santa Monicas
National Park Service researchers recently discovered a litter of four mountain lion kittens in a remote part of the range. They are two females and two males, four weeks old and still with their spots and blue eyes. The kittens were tagged as P-70, P-71, P-72, and P-73. They appear to be healthy, the park service says. This is the sixteenth litter of kittens that biologists have tagged at a lions' den since the NPS study began in 2002.
OK, that's the good news. The cubs were born to six-year-old P-19 (pictured) — this is her fourth known litter. Researchers believe she mated this time with P-56, and that's where the inbreeding present in the landlocked Santa Monica Mountains pumas may be an issue. P-19 and P-56 are very related. She is the mother of his mother, P-23. P-56 himself is also the result of inbreeding: the study's scientists believe P-23 mated with her own father and grandfather, P-12.
What it all means is that the researchers monitoring the local mountain lions are more concerned about extinction of the Santa Monicas colony unless a wildlife passage is opened across the U.S. 101 freeway. Until males from outside can reach the Santa Monica Mountains and mate with females here, inbreeding could wipe out the population. From the park service:
“We have documented multiple cases of inbreeding during the course of our study,” said Jeff Sikich, biologist for Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. “The 101 Freeway is a major barrier to movement, which restricts the ability of mountain lions to come into and go out of the area, and unfortunately leads to a lack of breeding options.”
NPS researchers have studied P-19, who is now eight years old, since she was approximately four weeks of age, providing valuable long-term data on the challenges to survival for mountain lions in the area. Of the seven known kittens from her previous three litters, four have died (P-23, P-32, P-33, and P-34), two were never outfitted with GPS collars (P-24 and P-46), and only one is confirmed to be alive (P-47).
Today's newsrooms need...phone booths?
The open design of the Los Angeles Times newsroom in El Segundo neglected to factor in that reporters are always on the phone with nervous sources, or haggling with an editor, or occasionally arguing with a spouse or girlfriend/boyfriend. Hence the need for sound-proof phone pods. A place to go make a call.
Selected tweets
Reuters journalists around the world showing support for colleagues Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo, sentenced to seven years in a Myanmar prison yesterday. Their crime? Journalism. Here's their story about a massacre in Myanmar: https://t.co/XWtprRV80J #FreeWaLoneKyawSoeOo pic.twitter.com/RONDISYnAf
— Clare Baldwin (@clarebaldwin) September 4, 2018
So much was lost in Brazil's devastating museum fire--irreplaceable fossils, now-fully-dead languages, artifacts, careers, knowledge. It's hard to put the loss into words, but I tried: https://t.co/e6uxip93kw
— Ed Yong (@edyong209) September 4, 2018
While we’re on the subject of Nike...Here’s their latest Mexico ad🇲🇽 pic.twitter.com/z2xOwmkQFO
— Laura Martínez © (@miblogestublog) September 4, 2018
Listen to the phone call between Bob Woodward and the president. https://t.co/Ikd458ZrFE
— Josh Dawsey (@jdawsey1) September 4, 2018
I still can’t get over this tweet. It’s the most outrageous and damning proof of Trump’s utter contempt for the rule of law to come directly out of his mouth. It’s also full of basic and provable lies. It will be Exhibit A in his undoing. https://t.co/IQqdpTvS60
— Preet Bharara (@PreetBharara) September 4, 2018
Patrick Soon-Shiong spent a year managing and trying to save a safety net hospital system in California. The system just declared bankruptcy, @dariustahir reports https://t.co/zKQO4zuY06
— Rebecca Robbins (@RebeccaDRobbins) August 31, 2018
There must be SOME way for TV writers to let viewers know a woman detective/reporter/superhero is tough besides having her drink whiskey from the bottle at odd hours of the day
— Katie Heaney (@KTHeaney) August 26, 2018
Live your life like Ronan Farrow's gonna find out what you did eventually.
— James Poniewozik (@poniewozik) August 27, 2018
Sooooo finally checked this off my #bucketlist back from somewhere over the rainbow 🌈at least it felt like it. What’s on your #bucketlist? #burningman #burningman2018 #brc #brc2018 #playa… https://t.co/u0AhGA5riT
— Evelyn Taft (@EvelynTaft) September 5, 2018
CBS2-The local watering hole attracting all kinds of #wildlife - the #Monrovia man who says this bucket keeps bears out of his pool. You’ll love the pics. @11 @JeffVaughn @1GarthKemp & me @CBSLA pic.twitter.com/zrrG0tPgCk
— Pat Harvey (@Patharveynews) September 5, 2018
Highway 101, west of Ventura, 1912. https://t.co/StfGc76g2W pic.twitter.com/f21pSRjQgB
— California Sun (@mmcphate) September 3, 2018
Source: http://www.laobserved.com/archive/2018/09/la_observed_notes_media_n.php
0 notes
This Woman Wrote Her Own Obituary And It’s A Must-Read For Everybody
Most of us try to avoid thinking about our own deaths, but people with terminal illnesses don’t have that luxury. As soon as they receive the bad news from the doctor, these patients are forced to confront their own mortality. It’s a difficult thing to grapple with, and only the most exceptional people can do so with reason and humility like Moscow, Idaho’s Sonia Todd.
Diagnosed with a terminal form of cancer, Sonia knew her death was imminent, so she did something unusual: she wrote her own obituary. However, the humor and poise with which she did so is truly inspirational…
Sonia Todd of Moscow, Idaho, died at age 38 from a terminal form of cancer. Before she passed away, Sonia wrote her own obituary, and the humor and dignity with which she confronts her own passing is incredible…
It reads: “My name is Sonia Todd, and I died of cancer at the age of 38. I decided to write my own obituary because they are usually written in a couple of different ways that I just don’t care for. Either, family or friends gather together, and list every minor accomplishment from cradle to grave in a timeline format, or they try and create one poetic last stanza about someone’s life that is so glowing one would think the deceased had been the living embodiment of a deity.”
“I don’t like the timeline format because, let’s face it, I never really accomplished anything of note. Other than giving birth to my two wonderful, lovable, witty and amazing sons (James and Jason), marrying my gracious, understanding and precious husband (Brian), and accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal savior — I have done very little. None of which requires obit space that I have to shell out money for.”
“I also didn’t want a bunch of my friends sitting around writing a glowing report of me, which we all know would be filled with fish tales, half-truths, impossible scenarios, and out-right honest-to-goodness-lies. I just don’t like to put people in that kind of situation.”
“The truth, or my version of it, is this: I just tried to do the best I could. Sometimes I succeeded, most of the time I failed, but I tried. For all of my crazy comments, jokes, and complaints, I really did love people. The only thing that separates me from anyone else is the type of sin each of us participated in. I didn’t always do the right thing or say the right thing and when you come to the end of your life those are the things you really regret, the small simple things that hurt other people.”
“My life was not perfect and I encountered many, many bumps in the road. I would totally scrap the years of my life from age 16 to 20 … OK, maybe 14 to 22. I think that would eradicate most of my fashion disasters and hair missteps from the 80s. But mostly, I enjoyed life. Some parts of it were harder than others, but I learned something from every bad situation and I couldn’t do any more than that.”
“Besides there are some benefits to dying youngish, for example, I still owe on my student loans and the joke’s on them [because] I’m not paying them. Plus, I am no longer afraid of serial killers, telemarketers, or the IRS. I don’t have to worry about wrinkles or the ozone layer and/or hide from the news during election season.”
“Some folks told me that writing my own obituary was morbid, but I think it is great because I get a chance to say thank you to all the people who helped me along the way. Those who loved me, assisted me, cared for me, laughed with me and taught me things so that I could have a wonderful, happy life. I was blessed beyond measure by knowing all of you. That is what made my life worthwhile.”
“If you think of me, and would like to do something in honor of my memory do this:
“Volunteer at a school, church or library.”
“Write a letter to someone and tell them how they have had a positive effect on your life.”
“If you smoke — quit.”
“If you drink and drive — stop.”
“Turn off the electronics and take a kid out for ice cream and talk to them about their hopes and dreams.”
“Forgive someone who doesn’t deserve it.”
“Stop at all lemonade stands run by kids and brag about their product.”
The self-written obituary concluded: “Make someone smile today if it is in your power to do so.”
Wow…that’s both incredibly sad and comforting at the same time. Hopefully we can all take a page out of Sonia’s book and address death with honesty and humor.
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This Woman Wrote Her Own Obituary And It’s A Must-Read For Everybody was originally published on Austin Daily Globe
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boobotblam · 7 years
“Listen to yourself and in that quietude you might hear the voice of God.”-Maya Angelou (Last Tweet by Maya Angelou Before her Passing.)
Real Name: Marguerite Ann Johnson (Maya Angelou 1928-2014): Age 86
Maya Angelou is one of the most well known poets in the USA. She spat jazzy words like lyrics and caused our minds to wonder with wise and witty parables. She appeared in tons of films throughout the years, Plays, Civil Rights Activists, and author, “I know Why the Cage Bird Sings” is the most famous book by Dr. Maya Angelou. While she had a number of aliments in her body upon her passing, she leaves behind a great legacy being the first African American cable car conductor in San Francisco. The Maya Angelou memorial in The Bay Area is going to be where people can go to pay their last respects to her upon her passing.
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Marguerite Ann Johnson
Definition Of the Day: Parables: a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson, as told by Jesus in the Gospels.
“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” -Maya Angelou
I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. -Maya Angelou
My mother said I must always be intolerant of ignorance but understanding of illiteracy. That some people, unable to go to school, were more educated and more intelligent than college professors. -Maya Angelou
While I know myself as a creation of God, I am also obligated to realize and remember that everyone else and everything else are also God’s creation. -Maya Angelou
There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. -Maya Angelou
All great achievements require time. -Maya Angelou
Related Articles:
1. http://www.mediaite.com/online/maya-angelous-last-tweet-is-perfect/
2. http://www.cnn.com/2014/05/28/us/maya-angelou-obit/
3. http://mayaangelou.com/
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Still I Rise You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted lies, You may tread me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I’ll rise.
Does my sassiness upset you? Why are you beset with gloom? ‘Cause I walk like I’ve got oil wells Pumping in my living room.
Just like moons and like suns, With the certainty of tides, Just like hopes springing high, Still I’ll rise.
Did you want to see me broken? Bowed head and lowered eyes? Shoulders falling down like teardrops. Weakened by my soulful cries.
Does my haughtiness offend you? Don’t you take it awful hard ‘Cause I laugh like I’ve got gold mines Diggin’ in my own back yard.
You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I’ll rise.
Does my sexiness upset you? Does it come as a surprise That I dance like I’ve got diamonds At the meeting of my thighs?
Out of the huts of history’s shame I rise Up from a past that’s rooted in pain I rise I’m a black ocean, leaping and wide, Welling and swelling I bear in the tide. Leaving behind nights of terror and fear I rise Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear I rise Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave. I rise I rise I rise.
Maya Angelou
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Quote of the Day: Maya Angelou "Listen to yourself and in that quietude you might hear the voice of God."-Maya Angelou (Last Tweet by Maya Angelou Before her Passing.)
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