#the chance of hemorrhoids before birth is very common
cheapcheapfaker · 7 months
On one hand i would like to have a large baby. my family and gilgamesh’s come from a long line of beefy, nine pound plus chunkers. I was 9 and something lbs with a full head of hair and almost a week late. I want that baby fully cooked and maybe a little overdone. tons of studies not just anecdotal show that they just seem sort of… nicer and easier to deal with, like the biggest of the litter. they sleep more. they dont struggle in general as much and they gain weight easily and they also move a little slower. not saying they dont hit milestones but a fat ass baby will stay in its potted plant lump stage a little while longer before jumping into the running around sticking fingers in outlets stage.
on the other hand, i am so so concerned for the sanctity of my gooch. a nine pound baby will tear my grundle asunder. my taint to shreds.
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darthzeala · 4 years
Just here to “blog” and vent out feelings, doubt anyone will see these posts so whatever.
“Who’s In The Wrong”
He (N) left me. I was waiting for what felt like forever. He went to Utah, came back for three days. Those three days he told me he wanted to get married and have children. And then he left again. This time to Kansas. I had my suspicions when he started acting differently than the way he was when he was in Utah. He was always “too busy” for me now. Maybe I was paranoid, maybe I shouldn’t know his email password, but everything is linked to one email. Your whole life. Every app you download, everything. So it wasn’t that hard to find out through his email he downloaded dating apps and was “looking to score.”
I called him out on it. And he dumped me. Maybe that’s where our story should’ve ended, but alas it didn’t. He dumped me and the next day I went out with an old friend from high school who I recently got back into contact with. (We will call him “G”)He (G)was having a small party. I was single, so this was okay right? I had the time of my life. Except, I got blackout drunk and hardly remember sleeping with the guy. A couple days later, I get a call from him (N). He’s apologizing profusely saying he’s sorry he won’t ever do it again. He sent +$100 flowers to my office where I worked. He hadn’t done that in a long time. I relented and took him back. I didn’t tell him about (G) why should I? I was single right?
My suspicions got worse, and I decided to check on things. He (N) was back on the prowl looking to score. More dating apps. More messages. And I, just the house sitter while he’s away. At least it reassured me in the fact I failed to tell him what I did when he dumped me a week ago. And yet again, I called him out. He dumped me, called me psycho for being “in his stuff” and that was that. Yet again he comes back saying he was sorry that he wants to be with me but we “shouldn’t label anything until he’s home.” We’ve been together for two years?! And now he don’t want to label us. Right, because he’s still snapchatting his office lady that you claimed was “old, fat, and not a threat” and didn’t want to feel bad about it because, when in reality, she’s 20, petite, and blonde. The same very thing I was when we got together. So he finally relented, labeled us and “stopped” talking to her outside of work related things.
He comes home finally. 3 AM he surprises me in my sleep. We made love. Or what I thought was love. A few hours later I went to work. After that, there’s a concert we go to. It was fun, up until a lady flashed the band and he so far behind her that he ran up to where she was so he could see her tits. Desperate much? We got into a bickerment, and you left me at the venue. Not knowing where we parked. Walking alone downtown. And another argument arose when we got home, because he called his office lady to vent about our relationship. What happened to it only being work related?
Then I quit my nice office job so we could move to Kansas for his job. We got to Kansas and were staying at a hotel. And I found more messages to his office lady. Flirtatious messages. Messages clearly saying there was more there than what was being let on. And when I found out, he flipped out on me and sent me back home to Ohio. But not before he wanted breakup sex every night of the weekend. Not before he went to dinner with his office lady and came back and wanted sex from me. So I go home and hope I can get my old job back.
Almost a month goes by, I’m rereading old messages and accidentally call you. No answer. So I texted and apologized and asked you not to press charges because he said if I contactedhim again, he would press charges. The next day, he texted asking what I wanted. I reiterated it was an accident. We started talking again. He kept asking if I slept with anyone when I was single, I denied. I felt it wasn’t his business especially after everything he did. So what if I did? He was the one with dating apps asking for sex and whatever else. He comes to Ohio, we stay at a hotel and he figured out I slept with someone. He’s “heartbroken” yet brings me back to Kansas with him. But I owe him a threesome in return. Because “it’s not fair you got to fuck someone and I didn’t.” Which essentially tells me, “I’m so egotistical and couldn’t fuck anyone when I was single because no one wants a sleaze so I’m going to use you to help me score and so I can brag to my friends I had a threesome.”
We’re at the hotel for a month, we did lots of drinking, lots of sex. I asked for both of us to get tested since we were both single. He said no. I said whatever then. We found a home to rent and moved in. A week later, I find out I’m pregnant. And that’s where true hell begun. I wanted to be a mommy. I always have. He did, but he also didn’t. I’d lean more so towards he didn’t. He started saying things like “im not the baby’s father, he (G) is.” Even though I didn’t have insurance, I found a free clinic and got a sonogram and confirmed blood test I was pregnant. We got a sonogram done. I was almost six weeks pregnant. It’s the end of August currently, my last cycle started July 13. And they start counting weeks along by your period because that’s when old lining is shed and new is formed so an egg can attach at ovulation in two weeks. Almost size weeks. And that’s when him and I have been together. Because (G) and I happened about three months prior so there’s no way it’s anyone else’s.
Yet he still said those things. That he wasn’t the dad even though the timeline adds up. He said “you fucked one person, who knows who else.” And that’s was that my whole pregnancy. Not even after that, I found him snapchatting your old office lady even after she got fired. We got into a fight, and to make me more mad ge downloaded tinder again. He was mean, and he knew right where to hurt me. He started calling me a whore, that I “dick hop.” You’re mother was on the phone with me and heard some of the things he said. That’s why she and him don’t talk anymore. She took my side and he hates it. I bought him calling his friend sexy online. I caught him messaging his friend asking if “Latina pussy” was any good because his cousin was hot. He continued with his words and actions like this for a long time. For a long time we went into this circle of a good few days a week, then the rest him calling me a whore, and saying the baby wasn’t his. And once a month I’d catch you messaging a woman trying to make advances.
About three months into my pregnancy despite not having insurance I decided to go ahead and go to the OBGYN. When you’re pregnant they check for any problems that can occur like stds, cysts, etc. I found out I had an STD. And that added fuel to his fire. That I was diesease ridden, defiled, disgusting in his words. A few months go by, I’ve been putting the babies nursery together without the help of him. He’s taken no part in helping prep for the arrival. It hurts. Between his hurtful words, him messaging women, him throwing the past in my face it was making for a very horribly experience for my pregnancy.
We have the baby shower in January. Things were good for a while after that. He stopped calling me names, bringing up the past, even messaging women. I had real hope that things would be better. A month away from my birthday and the birth of our child, we get a 3D sonogram. She’s beautiful. She looks like me. He was mad and said she looks nothing like him and she looks black because “her nose is big.” It hurt all over again. Later, I have a checkup and I have questions about women getting hemorrhoids during pregnancy etc and have some things checked out. I found out I have hpv. But wait, didn’t I get tested for this? Yes I did get tested and it came back negative. Because they only test for cancer causing hpv. With him in the room the OB explained how HPV is so common and never shows symptoms for years. It’s so undetectable there’s no telling when you get it or who gave it to you. That essentially if you’ve had unprotected sex with four or more people, chances are you have it. And men hardly every get symptoms. The only reason I’m showing symptoms is because my immune system is weakened by pregnancy and either one of us had it for years without knowing. So he blamed me for that, even despite what the dr said.
Our baby arrived the day after my birthday in April. I was happy. He seen how she resembled him. It was nice. We came home and he was good to me for a week. (His dad was staying with us for a month and his dad is worse than him) between him and his dad things were rough going through motherhood. And I even caught him saying sexual comments to another women. After so long of him being so good, we were back to this. He was bringing up the past more. Fights were everywhere. He even wouldn’t have sex with me unless I called (N)him by (G) name. Not to mention he could barely handle being a dad. He couldn’t stand her cries, he could barely get the poop all the way off and out her lady bits. Simple tasks that came naturally to me, didn’t for him. His dad left after they both got into an argument. But that didn’t mean his (N) behavior left with his dad.
In June we went out for drinks with friends, he made a comment to the waitress about leaving her number for him right in front of my face. This was after he leaned to me at the table and asked if he could get her number for a threesome and I said no. I was hurt but we continued on the night with our friends, after all it was my first time going out since birth. So we went back to their place for more drinks and played board games and right in front of their faces he (N) brought up him (G). I was mad. I went for a walk and come back to him and his friend wrestling. He hurt him pretty bad. We go home, and he came onto me. And I got angry because of what happened earlier that night. I blacked out but you told me later you put me in a chokehold. And that’s when he knew he had to call the cops to “separate us” even though they arrested me because there was one singular scratch on him from where he wrestled earlier that night.
I spent a night in jail. It was degrading and humiliating. And they ordered a no contact order. So I couldn’t speak to you or go home. How was I going to see my daughter? The friend I stayed with went to the door when he dropped her off. He dropped her off at 7:30 in the morning and didn’t pick her up until 8:30pm. 13 hrs I got her. He only got her to give her the last bottle of the night and put her to bed. He wrote letters and snuck them in the diaper bag saying hes sorry and he loves me that he’ll do anything to see us back together. Except he still wants the threesome. Of course he does. That’s so typical him. The charges got dropped and I go home a month later. But he’s still nagging about a threesome.
So I said fine. And the month long search for a third begins. And I’d have to say this is worse than my drunken one night stand. I’m literally looking for a person for my boyfriend to fuck. But at the same time I’m comparing myself to them. Because he wants them skinny and beautiful and I just gave birth four months ago. I have stretch marks now and more weight. He calls them beautiful and hot and tell them how he wants to fuck them. But he hardly ever compliments me, he doesn’t come onto me anymore unless I do it first and beg him to touch me. He still calls me names and throws the past in my face. But the date is set for this threesome, the third has been found, and I’m still getting treated this way. He’s still on Reddit upvoting naked girls pictures so he can get a private nude sent to him.
In closing, have I not paid the price? My one night I can’t remember has been haunting me everyday for over a year. I made a mistake, I took ownership, I apologized. But I don’t deserve this. Maybe one day I’ll muster the strength to leave, maybe I won’t. I keep trying to make things work because I love him, but I think it’s safe to admit he’ll never feel the same.
-Honest life story from a human who makes mistakes.
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submissiv-3-blog · 4 years
Simple Steps to presenting a wholesome Pregnancy
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If you've decided to have an infant, the main thing is that you treatment a great deal, so that both you and the infant are healthy in the foreseeable future. Ladies who receive care and take the right decisions are highly more likely to have healthy infants. You can also get more advice and tips by reading the pregnancy miracle guide www.bethkileypersonalpathtopregnancy.com
Prenatal Care
If you are discovered by you are pregnant, see a medical expert as quickly as possible to start receiving prenatal treatment (treatment during being pregnant). The earlier you begin getting health care, the better the probabilities that both you as well as your baby are healthy in the foreseeable future.
If you can't afford to go to a health care provider or purchase the discussion in a medical center for prenatal treatment, sociable service organizations exist that will help. Ask your parents, college counselor or another respected adult to support you in finding resources in your community.
Through the first consultation, the physician can make a lot of questions, such as the time of your last period. In this real way, you can calculate how long are you pregnant and what day you anticipate your baby.
Doctors estimation the period of being pregnant in weeks. The deadline is estimated, however the majority of infants given birth to between 38 and 42 weeks following the first day of last menstrual amount of women, or between 36 and 38 weeks after conception (when the sperm fertilizes the egg). Only a little percentage of women having a baby at the approximated delivery date.
The pregnancy is split into three phases, or quarters. The first one fourth operates from conception to getting rid of week 13. The second reason is from week 14 to 26. The 3rd, from week 27 before the end of being pregnant.
The physician will examine you and execute a pelvic exam. The physician will also order bloodstream assessments, urine checks, and tests to check on for sexually sent diseases (STD by its acronym in British), including an HIV test, an extremely common condition in children. (Because some STDs can cause serious health issues in newborns, it's important to get appropriate treatment to safeguard the infant.)
The doctor will clarify what are the physical and emotional changes that are likely to experience during pregnancy. We also figure out how to recognize the symptoms of possible problems (problems) during being pregnant. That is essential, because teenagers are at greater risk of crossing certain problems such as anemia or hypertension, and give delivery before the expected time (early labor).
Your doctor will want to begin taking prenatal vitamins containing folic acid, iron, and calcium away. Your physician may recommend vitamin supplements or can suggest a brand you can purchase without a prescription. These vitamins and minerals help ensure the nice health of baby and mom and prevent certain birth problems.
Ideally, you should visit your physician monthly through the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. You then should visit every 14 days until week 36 and every week thereafter until delivery. When you have an illness like diabetes, which requires careful monitoring during being pregnant, chances are that your physician desires to see you more regularly.
During consultations, your physician will monitor your body weight, blood urine, and pressure, in addition to calculating your belly to visit record the baby's growth. When the baby's heartbeat can be noticed with a particular device, the doctor will listen to each time you visit. Chances are that your physician will also show another testing during being pregnant, such as an ultrasound to ensure the baby is within perfect condition.
Also part of prenatal care to wait for classes where women expect an infant learning how to truly have a healthy pregnancy and delivery, as well as what exactly are the basic look after the newborn. Chances are these classes are conducted in private hospitals, medical centers, colleges, and colleges locally.
If adults can be difficult to speak to your doctor about your own body, this is even more complicated for children. The role of your physician is to help you love a healthy being pregnant and have a wholesome baby... which is likely that there surely is nothing a pregnant female has not informed. So don't be scared to inquire about all you need to know.
Continually be honest whenever your doctor will ask questions, even if they're embarrassing. Lots of the issues that your physician desires you to protect could impact the fitness of your baby. Think of your physician as a person who isn't just a source but also a pal you can trust to discuss what is occurring to you.
What changes is it possible to expect within you
Being pregnant creates many physical changes. Below are a few of the very most common:
Growth of chest:
The upsurge in breast size is the main sign of pregnancy and the chest may continue steadily to grow throughout pregnancy. You'll be able to increase several sizes of support during pregnancy.
Skin changes:
Don't be surprised if people's feedback that your skin layer looks "glowing" if you are pregnant: being pregnant produces an elevated blood volume, which will make your cheeks are a bit more red than usual. Furthermore, hormonal changes boost the secretion of the sebaceous glands, which means that your pores and skin may look brighter. For the same reason, acne is also common during being pregnancy.
Among other changes that pregnancy hormones produced in your skin are yellowish or brownish places that show up on the facial skin, which are called melasma, and a dark stripe operating from the navel to the pubis, which known as linea nigra.
Also, moles or freckles you had before pregnancy may upsurge in size or become darker. The areola even, the area around the nipple becomes darker. Stretchmarks may also happen (slim lines of red or crimson) in the stomach, thighs or breasts.
Aside from the darkening of the areola, which is permanent usually, these epidermis changes will go away after delivery.
Mood swings
It's very common to see feeling swings during being pregnant. Some ladies may have problems with the depressive disorder during being pregnant or after childbirth. When you have symptoms of major depression such as sadness, changes in rest patterns want to harm yourself or negative emotions about yourself or your daily life, ask your physician for advice about starting your treatment.
Pregnancy Discomforts
Being pregnant can cause some unpleasant part results. Among such disorders, are the following:
vomiting and nausea, especially through the first weeks of being pregnant;
leg swelling;
varicose blood vessels in the hip and legs and the region across the genital starting;
constipation and heartburn;
back pain;
fatigue and
sleeping problems.
If you have problems with several of the aspect results, remember that you aren't alone. Ask your physician for advice about how to take care of these common problems.
If you're pregnant and also have bleeding or pain, contact your physician right away, even though you decided to terminate you are being pregnant.
What you ought to avoid
If you smoke, consume alcohol or use drugs during being pregnant, both you as well as your baby are at risk for serious problems.
At the moment, doctors believe that it is not recommended to drink a drop of alcohol during pregnancy. If you drink alcohol consumption may damage the developing fetus and the infant reaches risk for delivery flaws and mental problems.
Smoking during pregnancy bears some of the next dangers: the delivery of a dead fetus (whenever a baby dies inside the womb), low delivery weight (which escalates the probability that the infant has health issues), infants babies (babies created before 37 weeks) symptoms and sudden baby death (SIDS because of its acronym in British). SIDS is the unexpected loss of life for no obvious reason, an infant under twelve months.
Unlawful drugs such as cocaine or marijuana during pregnancy could cause abortions, early births, and other health issues. Also, infants can be delivered with a dependence on certain drugs.
When you have trouble quitting smoking, alcohol consumption or using drugs, ask your physician to help you. Check with your doctor before taking any medication during being pregnant. This includes medications sold over-the-counter, ready herbs and vitamin supplements.
Unsafe Sex
Speak to your doctor about sex during being pregnant. If your physician gives you to have sexual intercourse during being pregnant, you need to use a condom to avoid contracting an std (STD in British). Because some STDs can cause blindness, meningitis or pneumonia in the newborn, you must protect yourself and protect the infant.
How to be mindful during pregnancy
Many teenagers are worried about the looks of the body and concern with putting on weight during pregnancy. But this isn't enough time to cut calorie consumption or embark on a diet because you are nourishing two different people. Both you as well as your baby need certain nutrition for the infant to develop properly. If you eat several healthy foods, drink sufficient water and you decrease the rubbish food, high fat, help both you and the infant are healthy and growing.
Doctors generally recommend adding about 300 calorie consumption each day to the dietary plan, to supply the baby with sufficient nutrition growth. Based on the weight you'd before getting pregnant, you should gain between 11 and 15 kilos (25 to 35 pounds) during being pregnant, mainly over the last 6 a few months. Your physician will help you concerning this depending on your unique situation.
Eat even more fiber from -25 to 30 grams daily, and taking in enough drinking water can assist in preventing common problems such as constipation. Fruits & vegetables and wholegrain bread, cereals or whole wheat grains muffins are good resources of fiber.
You must avoid some foods and drinks during being pregnant, such as:
some types of seafood such as swordfish, canned tuna and other seafood that may have a higher content of mercury (your physician can help you select which fish to consume);
foods containing natural eggs, such as mousse or salad type "Caesar";
raw meat, fish or simply cooked;
processed meat such as sausages or chilly cuts;
Unpasteurized smooth cheeses such as feta, brie, blue or goat, and
milk, unpasteurized cider or juice.
Additionally, it is desirable to limit the intake of artificial sweeteners and caffeine and artificial sweeteners.
Working out during pregnancy is wonderful for your health when you have no problems with the pregnancy and choose appropriate activities. Doctors recommend low-impact activities such as walking generally, yoga and swimming. Generally, you should avoid contact sports activities and high impact aerobic activities that present a higher threat of injury. Additionally, it is not suggested to execute a job that involves heavy raising for ladies during being pregnant. Speak to your doctor if you have questions about what kind of exercises are safe for you as well as your baby.
It's important to get a lot of rest during being pregnant. Through the first weeks of pregnancy, attempting to obtain the habit of sleeping working for you. As pregnancy advances, lying working for you, knees bent, would be the preferred position. It'll facilitate the working of the center because the baby's weight won't exert any strain on the vein that bears blood from your toes and legs back again to the heart.
Some doctors specifically advise that pregnant women should rest on his remaining part. Because a few of the major arteries are in the right aspect of the belly, laying on the still left side helps maintain the uterus places pressure to them. Ask your physician what your suggestion. Generally, the secret is to lay on either part, to reduce strain on the back again.
Through the entire pregnancy, but especially in the later stages, chances are that you awaken frequently during the night to visit the bathroom. Although it is important to drink a lot of drinking water during being pregnant, try to drink more during the day rather than at night. Go directly to the bathroom before bed. As being pregnant progress, you may be difficult to find an appropriate position during intercourse. You can test placing cushions around and under the belly, back or hip and legs to feel convenient.
Stress can also influence the rest. Perhaps you're worried about the fitness of the baby, delivery, or how it'll play this new role of mom. All these emotions are normal but can produce sleeping disorders. Speak to your doctor if you have sleep problems during being pregnant.
Emotional Health
It's quite common for pregnant children to experience several feelings such as dread, anger, guilt, sadness, and confusion. Maybe you take some time to change to the fact that you are having a baby. This means an enormous change that is natural for pregnant teenagers wonder if they're ready for the obligations involved with becoming mothers.
The feelings of an often depend on how much support received by the baby's father, his family (and category of the baby's father) and his friends. The problem for each youngster is different. Based on your situation, you may need to seek more support for individuals who are not part of your family. It's important to talk to people who can support you, show you and help you talk about and straighten out your emotions. Your college counselor or nurse can show you to get the resources wanted to help your community.
In some full cases, teenage pregnancies and spontaneous abortions have lost the infant. This is very unfortunate and difficult to conquer for some, but to others, it causes a sense of alleviation. It is important to discuss these feelings and receive support from friends and family, if this isn't possible, go to advisors or educators.
The institution and the near future
Some girls intend to raise their baby independently. Sometimes grandparents or other family help them. Some teenagers choose to provide her baby for adoption. These difficult decisions involve significant amounts of courage and concern for the infant.
Young women who've completed senior high school will have higher chances of obtaining a good job and revel in a far more successful life. So far as possible, you should finish high school now rather than trying to go back to school later. Ask your college counselor or a reliable adult that you provide information on what programs and classes offered locally for pregnant teenagers.
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wandringaesthetic · 7 years
I found out in early February that I was pregnant, and about a month later that I was pregnant with twins.
I’ve always been on the fence about having children at all. I find the assumption that every woman wants to weird and uncomfortable. I find the fawning way people react to babies nauseating and out of proportion. They just??? Cry and poop??? And the general idea of pregnancy so flies in the face of reality: “It’s such a beautiful time in a woman’s life!” You’re going to be nauseous and gassy and fat and exhausted and have hemorrhoids and heartburn and generally all the symptoms of supporting an 8 pound parasite. You can have hernias and tears and incontinence and infection from delivery, not to mention all the stuff that can be wrong with the baby.
(Probably my feelings on this have something to do with my gender identity being slightly off-kilter, but that’s a whole other autobiographical essay.)
I am also just contrary enough that if my parents were encouraging me to have babies I would have said no. No. Absolutely not. Don’t fucking tell me what to do.
I like children, though, from about the time they learn to talk up. They’re fun and curious and make way more sense than adults. And raising a child is one of the biggest chances the average person has to shape the future.
Still, I could do without it. I could die peacefully without ever reproducing. Not sure that I could say the same if I never write a novel, say.
But my husband wanted to be a dad, and I love him, so that pushed me off the fence. He wasn’t pushy about it. He left it up to me. And if we were going to.... I’m 30 years old. I’m happily married. I’m as financially stable as I’m ever going to be. It was time, especially if we wanted to keep the possibility of having more than one open. But I also knew I was never consciously going to be able to pee on an ovulation strip and say “let’s make a baby” so I went off birth control some time in August, let what would happen, happen. And there was no way I was going to go to any heroic measures--or any measures at all, really--if it didn’t. I would have taken it as a sign that I shouldn’t, seen it as fate taking the decision out of hands.
(Partially this is because I trust chance more than I trust myself, but that’s also a whole other autobiographical essay)
So, pregnancy! A surprise but not a shock. Then twins. More surprising. Twins do NOT run in my family. Well, wanted to have two maximum, so knock ‘em both out at once. A little alarming. But my husband and I could scramble to handle and afford it, with a lot of help and hand-me-downs from some friends who have year and a half old twins.
I went to the doctor yesterday for an end of first trimester screen and one of them didn’t have a heartbeat. From its size, it looked like it had stopped having a heartbeat at about 9 weeks.
I’m a nurse. I’ve never had any interest in OBGYN (I am too fucking gay to be looking at genitals and breasts of women of child bearing age on the regular, besides my general ambivalence towards babies), but I took the classes. I know the stuff that can go wrong. I was saying to my husband the night before that in 30% of multiple pregnancies, one of them doesn’t make it to term, that it wasn’t the worst thing that could happen. That it’s usually a chromosomal abnormality, that if they weren’t going to survive in the womb they weren’t going to survive outside of it. That if it happens in the first trimester, the other baby is usually fine.
Part of how I cope with things is to consider every likely outcome before it happens and just... accept it. Plan what I would do as much as I can and accept it. I thought about this possibility. I thought about the possibility of miscarriage when I thought there was just one. On some level, I thought I would be relieved, seen it as a reprieve until I’m more ready, until we have a house. I’m pro-choice. I don’t think the little 2 cm fetus had any kind of consciousness. I was on the fence about reproducing at all. I’m not a very emotional person. I didn’t think I would be upset.
But I was.
I said something to the doctor about knowing that it happens. I got the time for my next appointment. I forgot to pay my copay. I walked out to my car, called my husband to let him know what happened, sat there for a long while....
I hate crying. Partially because I fancy myself tough, partially because any time anyone tries to comfort me when I’m crying it just makes me cry harder, partially because it is physically miserable for me. I get a headache that lasts all day and my face and eyes are red and blotchy for at least half an hour afterwards. 
I propped my car door open so I could breathe. I cried some more.
A middle-aged lady appeared at my elbow. Well-dressed, thin, hair bleached in streaks, silver cross around her neck. Every suburban mom. A part of me screamed oh no. A part of me recognized her as every well-meaning adult from my childhood.
She crouched by my car door and put one hand on my knee and one hand on my shin. I don’t remember what she said to me, exactly. I told her I was okay, that I had gotten some bad news. She said something about fighting that led me to believe she thought I or someone I loved was sick, so I explained to her what happened, because it wasn’t as bad as all that. I said “Thanks for noticing me,” because even if I kind of wished she’d go away, I also appreciated that she cared.
She’d said she’d been waiting for an appointment, that she’d been noticing other people more because she’d gotten her own bad news recently. (I wish I had asked about that--we were outside the Women’s Pavilion and I know they do some breast cancer treatment--but I wasn’t in much shape to comfort someone else).
She asked if she could pray for me, which didn’t thrill me, but I let her because I didn’t want to say “fuck your god” to this well-meaning stranger. We hugged in the parking lot as she prayed and I cried and somewhere before the “in Jesus’ name” she called me “this sweet girl” which made me want to laugh because I am thirty and I was half a foot taller than her.
I gathered myself together as quickly as I could after that and went to dry out in the parking lot of Bandito Burrito. I ate. I went back to work.
My grandmother had two miscarriages and one still birth before having my dad. My dad says, on her deathbed, she was talking about those lost babies. I think it bothered him, because, well, what about your three sons who are alive and well, mom? But from what I’ve heard from hospice nurses, it’s a common phenomena, talking about or even cradling the dead babe. Maybe their little souls are touching them from the other side as they start to cross over. More likely, our society places such exaggerated importance on motherhood that they always feel the loss of this thing that never happened.
Over 24 hours later, I can’t say that I feel any grief about it at all, but for a moment there...
My earliest memory is of going to a football game with my parents. I was 2 years old. I remember the crowd of people and the cold fall air. I remember my dad toting me around. I remember him buying me a red balloon. Of course my dumb, chubby toddler hands let go of the balloon. I watched it float away. I cried. I kept looking up in the night sky for it long after it was visible.
Maybe this is the first thing I remember because it’s the first bad thing that happened to me that my parents couldn’t fix. I probably wouldn’t have asked for the balloon before I saw it, but for a moment it was mine, big and beautiful and bouncy.
I imagined a little girl or boy and their twin who would be their best friend. I wouldn’t have asked for them, but for a little while they were mine. Now they are gone. Out of reach. Out of sight. Away.
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rootindiahealthcare · 5 years
Colorectal Cancer Rises Among Younger Adults: Expectations vs. Reality
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Colorectal Cancer Rises Among Younger Adults These malignancies are considerably more typical in more established patients. Be that as it may, new information from Canada and the U.S. demonstrate a sharp increment among grown-ups in their 20s and 30s. Colorectal malignant growth is ordinarily viewed as an infection of maturing. Most new cases are analyzed in individuals over age 50. Be that as it may, even as the rates decline in more established grown-ups, researchers have reported a troubling pattern the other way among patients in their 20s and 30s. Presently, information from national malignancy libraries in Canada adds to the proof that colorectal disease rates are ascending in more youthful grown-ups. The increments may even be quickening. "We believed that this pattern would back off or level off after individuals initially saw it a couple of years prior," said Darren Brenner, a sub-atomic disease transmission specialist at the University of Calgary and lead creator of the new examination, distributed on Wednesday in the diary JAMA Network Open. "However, consistently we continue seeing the expansion in colorectal malignant growth among youngsters, and it is extremely disturbing." Historical Footprints Somewhere in the range of 2006 and 2015, the most recent year for which figures are accessible, colorectal malignant growth rates expanded by 3.47 percent among Canadian men under age 50, Dr. Brenner and his partners found. Also, from 2010 to 2015, rates expanded by 4.45 percent among ladies under age 50. However, colon and rectal malignant growths have been relentlessly diminishing among more established grown-ups in Canada as a result of expanded attention to the infection and far-reaching utilization of screening tests like colonoscopies, which can distinguish and expel colon polyps before disease creates. The example is very like that seen by scientists in the United States. Scientists at the University of Texas at Austin announced a week ago that the extent of recently analyzed colorectal patients under age 50 ascended from 10 percent in 2004 to 12.2 percent in 2015. More youthful patients were additionally liable to have propelled cases more frequently than more established patients. Risk Factor Generally, the danger of colorectal malignancy is still much lower in more youthful grown-ups than in more seasoned ones. In any case, the proceeding with uptick implies that twenty to thirty-year-olds will undoubtedly convey a raised hazard as they get more seasoned. "They'll convey that hazard with them so they have a lot higher hazard than their folks when they arrive at their 50s and 60s," said Rebecca Siegel, a disease transmission specialist at the American Cancer Society. Late way of life changes might be incomplete to a fault. Corpulence and stationary ways of life, for instance, are connected to colorectal disease, as are horrible eating routines low in fiber. Patients with incessant aggravation or Type 2 diabetes have likewise been observed to be at expanded hazard for the infection. In any case, specialists are not by any means persuaded these are the main elements at work. Patterns in weight among individuals of various ethnic and racial foundations don't generally compare to an expansion in colorectal malignant growth, as indicated by Ms. Siegel. Useful Investigation discovery A few investigations have discovered that weight brings an expanded danger of colon malignant growth, while others, including the new JAMA look into, have discovered a more noteworthy increment in diseases of the rectum. Until there is more examination into what is causing the expansion in colorectal diseases, Ms. Siegel urges more youthful individuals to be progressively proactive about distinguishing signs from the get-go. Relentless blockage, issues, swelling, blood in the stool, unexplained weight reduction and weariness would all be able to be manifestations. More youthful individuals and their PCPs frequently disregard the notice signs since "malignancy isn't on their radar," Ms. Siegel said. ACS Suggestion The American Cancer Society currently suggests screening normal hazard people for colorectal malignancy beginning at age 45. Scientists in Canada additionally are thinking about changes to screening suggestions. Be that as it may, these modifications are probably not going to help counteract diseases among significantly more youthful patients. "We have to comprehend why this pattern is happening in youngsters to counteract it," Dr. Brenner said. What Young People Need to Know About Colon Cancer Sarah DeBord was 24 when she previously saw blood in her stool. She saw a gastroenterologist who completed a method called an adaptable sigmoidoscopy to look at her lower colon and rectum, at that point gave her an analysis of hemorrhoids. "I don't perceive any hemorrhoids, however, that is likely what it is," Ms. DeBord reviewed the specialist says. For the following 10 years, at whatever point Ms. DeBord saw blood in her stool, she disclosed to herself it was most likely hemorrhoids. At 34, she started losing a great deal of weight, which she from the start credited to her preparation for a half long-distance race. In any case, she was additionally so clogged up she was making unlimited excursions to the washroom. She had a colonoscopy and scholarly she had progressed colorectal malignancy that was inoperable and had spread to her lung. "It was gazing me in the face the entire time," said Ms. DeBord, who lives in Minneapolis and has such propelled infection that she can never stop chemotherapy treatment. "I'd Google 'blood in the stool,' and 10 unique things would come up," including colon malignancy." Yet I thought colon disease was distinctly in more established individuals." Who are victims? Most cases of the colon and rectal malignant growth are found in individuals 50 and over. However, there has been a sharp increment of colorectal malignant growth. In grown-ups as youthful as their 20s and 30s; with the extent of cases found in grown-ups under 50 expanding to 11 percent in 2013; up from 6 percent in 1990, as per the American Cancer Society. An ongoing report from the gathering that investigated colon and rectal disease rate by birth year found. That rates dropped consistently for individuals conceived somewhere in the range of 1890 and 1950. Yet have been expanding for each age conceived since 1950. The reason, or causes, of the expansion, have escaped researchers. While paces of malignant growths attached to human papillomavirus, or HPV, have been ascending as of late, that infection causes tumors mostly of the cervix, back of the throat and (butt-centric and rectal diseases are unmistakable), and researchers don't accept sexual practices or HPV are driving the expansion in colon or rectal disease. Ms. DeBord, who has two little youngsters and works for the Colon Cancer Coalition, is urging youthful grown-ups to know about the notice indications of colorectal malignancy and urges them to get a subsequent sentiment, or a third if they figure their primary care physician may miss something. More youthful individuals are significantly more liable to be analyzed after the ailment has spread, when it is a lot harder to treat, as in Ms. DeBord's case. Symptoms Speaks Cautioning signs to incorporate blood in the stool, rectal draining or stools that are dim or dark. The blood, discharged from the tumor, possibly splendid red or "hesitate" in appearance, which can result when blood has separated in the digestive system. Unexplained or unexpected weight reduction or weakness can likewise be side effects. General stomach related objections can likewise happen, including diligent stomach issues, gas agony or low back torment, feeling enlarged, or encountering an adjustment in washroom propensities that endures in excess of a couple of days, for example, the runs, blockage, smaller than common stools or an inclination that your inside isn't purging. "I continued rationalizing my manifestations," said Ms. DeBord, until "it got so terrible I realized something wasn't right." Numerous side effects that could show colorectal disease might be kind, or identified with other ailments, which is the reason the determination is frequently missed in youthful grown-ups, specialists state. Iron-lack frailty, for instance, is normal in ladies with overwhelming periods, yet it can likewise be an indication of colorectal malignancy. In ladies who are not discharging and in men, "paleness is colon malignant growth until demonstrated something else," said one master, Dr. Thomas Weber, who serves on the directing board of trustees of the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable. By and large, he stated, troubling indications that endure ought to be researched, and specialists ought to think about requesting a colonoscopy. Dr. Renee Williams, an associate educator of prescription at New York University School of Medicine.She is a gastroenterologist at Bellevue Hospital Center. Told, she would find a way to preclude colorectal malignant growth even in bleeding ladies with iron insufficiency in the event that they are in their 40s. Just as in more youthful ladies with the principal instance of iron inadequacy on the off chance. That they don't have overwhelming periods. Dr. Imprint Pochapin view "We would prefer not to make a frenzy, and the recurrence in more youthful grown-ups is still generally low, however, we are seeing an expansion," said Dr. Imprint Pochapin, chief of gastroenterology at NYU Langone Medical Center, and treasurer of the American College of Gastroenterology. The new information "raise the banner to be careful," Dr. Pochapin said. "We need specialists to acknowledge colorectal malignant growth is conceivable in more youthful patients, and on the off chance that they are having something like rectal dying, this could be something increasingly genuine. Youngsters' side effects ought not to be rejected." Doctors are prepared to think about the most widely recognized conditions first, that "When you hear hoofbeats, think steeds, not zebras," he said. "Be that as it may, this isn't as much a zebra as individuals might suspect." Routine screening tests for the colorectal disease are not as of now suggested in individuals under 50; who are viewed as a normal hazard because the quantity of cases is low to the point. That all-inclusive screening tests would in all probability accomplish more mischief than anything, specialists state. Colonoscopies, for instance, are regularly finished with sedation and can bring about genuine difficulties. For example, the aperture of the digestive system, in a little level of cases. So what's the normal millennial or Gen-Xer to do? ■ Find an essential consideration doctor whom you like and trust, and set up an association with that person, regardless of whether you don't have any therapeutic issues, said Dr. Pochapin. "Go to a specialist when you're well," he said. That way, on the off chance that you ever create troubling side effects, "you have simple access and can get care from somebody who knows you as of now. A great deal of youngsters is humiliated to discuss these things." ■ Know your family ancestry and offer it with your doctor. Has anybody in your family had colorectal malignancy, or had precancerous polyps evacuated? If you have a first-degree relative a parent or kin. Who had colon malignant growth at 50, for instance; you ought to be screened at 40, or 10 years sooner, said Dr. Williams. Sickness in an increasingly far off relative may likewise expand the hazard. Certain ailments, as incendiary gut illness and certain different malignant growths, may likewise build the hazard for colorectal disease. On the off chance that you are African-American, some restorative associations support screening beginning prior, at age 45, Dr. Williams said. ■ Know what's typical for you, said Anne Carlson, official chief of the Colon Cancer Coalition. "Know your body," she said. "Take a gander at your stool — it's the image of your well-being. Take pictures to demonstrate your primary care physician in case you're concerned. Prop a diary of what's up on in your can and your dietary patterns and diet, and know about changes in your body." ■ If your primary care physician isn't paying attention to worry, be industrious, Ms. Carlson said. "We are instructed doctors know best. Be that as it may, you realize when something isn't directly for you," she said. If a specialist is cavalier; go to another, and another. Even however routine screening isn't suggested until age 50, specialists can arrange demonstrative tests if you are having relentless indications. Notwithstanding adaptable sigmoidoscopy, which inspects the rectum and lower colon, and colonoscopy, there are noninvasive research center tests that should be possible to look at feces tests for infinitesimal measures of hemoglobin, a marker for blood, and DNA markers demonstrative of colorectal malignancy. "Colon malignant growth is one of the most treatable tumors if it's discovered early," Ms. Carlson said. Conclusion ■ Last yet not least, a solid way of life that decreases your danger of coronary illness and Type 2 diabetes may likewise shield you from colorectal malignant growth. Eat an eating routine that is high in natural products, vegetables, and fiber, and gives enough folate and calcium. Abstain from eating loads of red or flame-broiled meats and handled meats, which are related to an expanded danger of colorectal malignancy. Weight, smoking, substantial utilization of liquor and inactive ways of life. That are likewise connected with an expanded hazard. Attempt to monitor your weight. Get a lot of activities, which is accepted to secure against colon malignant growth. On the off chance that you smoke, quit. RELATED
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timclymer · 5 years
5 Simple Steps to Having a Healthy Pregnancy
If you’ve decided to have a baby, the most important thing is that you care a lot, so that both you and the baby are healthy in the future. Girls who receive proper care and take the right decisions are highly likely to have healthy babies.
Prenatal Care If you discover you are pregnant, see a doctor as soon as possible to begin receiving prenatal care (care during pregnancy). The sooner you begin receiving medical care, the better the chances that both you and your baby are healthy in the future.
If you can not afford to visit a doctor or pay for the consultation in a clinic for prenatal care, social service organizations exist that can help. Ask your parents, school counselor or another trusted adult to help you find resources in your community.
During the first consultation, the doctor will make a lot of questions, such as date of your last period. In this way, you can calculate how long have you been pregnant and what date you expect your baby.
Doctors estimate the duration of pregnancy in weeks. The due date is estimated, but the majority of babies born between 38 and 42 weeks after the first day of last menstrual period of women, or between 36 and 38 weeks after conception (when the sperm fertilizes the egg). Only a small percentage of women giving birth at the estimated delivery date.
The pregnancy is divided into three phases, or quarters. The first quarter runs from conception to end of week 13. The second is from week 14 to 26. The third, from week 27 until the end of pregnancy.
The doctor will examine you and perform a pelvic exam. The doctor will also order blood tests, urine tests and tests to check for sexually transmitted diseases (STD by its acronym in English), including an HIV test, an increasingly common condition in adolescents. (Because some STDs can cause serious health problems in newborns, it is important to get appropriate treatment to protect the baby.)
The doctor will explain what are the physical and emotional changes that are likely to experience during pregnancy. We also learn to recognize the symptoms of possible problems (complications) during pregnancy. This is essential, because teenagers are at greater risk of crossing certain complications such as anemia or hypertension, and give birth before the expected date (premature labor).
Your doctor will want to start taking prenatal vitamins containing folic acid, calcium and iron away. Your doctor may prescribe vitamins or can recommend a brand you can buy without a prescription. These minerals and vitamins help to ensure the good health of baby and mother, and avoid certain birth defects.
Ideally, you should visit your doctor once a month during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. Then you should visit every 2 weeks until week 36 and weekly thereafter until delivery. If you have a disease like diabetes, which requires careful monitoring during pregnancy, it is likely that your doctor wants to see you more often.
During consultations, your doctor will monitor your weight, blood pressure and urine, in addition to measuring your belly to go record the baby’s growth. When the baby’s heartbeat can be heard with a special device, the doctor will listen to every time you visit. It is likely that your doctor will also indicate other tests during pregnancy, such as an ultrasound to make sure the baby is in perfect condition.
Also part of prenatal care to attend classes where women who are expecting a baby learning how to have a healthy pregnancy and delivery, as well as what are the basic care for the newborn. It is likely that these classes are conducted in hospitals, medical centers, schools and universities in your area.
If adults can be difficult to talk to your doctor about your own body, this is even more difficult for adolescents. The role of your doctor is to help you enjoy a healthy pregnancy and have a healthy baby… and it is likely that there is nothing that a pregnant woman has not told. So do not be afraid to ask about everything you need to know.
Always be honest when your doctor will ask questions, even if they are embarrassing. Many of the issues that your doctor wants you to cover could affect the health of your baby. Think of your doctor as someone who is not only a resource but also a friend you can trust to talk about what is happening to you.
What changes can you expect in your body Pregnancy creates many physical changes. Here are some of the most common:
Growth of breasts The increase in breast size is one of the first signs of pregnancy and the breasts may continue to grow throughout pregnancy. It is possible to increase several sizes of support during the course of pregnancy.
Skin changes Do not be surprised if people’s comments that your skin looks “glowing” when you’re pregnant: pregnancy produces an increased blood volume, which can make your cheeks are a little more pink than usual. In addition, hormonal changes increase the secretion of the sebaceous glands, so that your skin may look brighter. For the same reason, acne is also common during pregnancy.
Among other changes that pregnancy hormones generated in the skin are yellowish or brownish spots that appear on the face, which are called melasma, and a dark stripe running from the navel to the pubis, which known as linea nigra.
Also, moles or freckles that you had before pregnancy may increase in size or become darker. Even the areola, the area around the nipple becomes darker. Stretch marks may also occur (thin lines of pink or purple) in the abdomen, breasts or thighs.
Except for the darkening of the areola, which is usually permanent, these skin changes will disappear after delivery.
Mood swings It is very common to experience mood swings during pregnancy. Some girls may suffer from depression during pregnancy or after childbirth. If you have symptoms of depression such as sadness, changes in sleep patterns, desires to hurt yourself or negative feelings about yourself or your life, ask your doctor for advice about starting your treatment.
Pregnancy Discomforts Pregnancy can cause some unpleasant side effects. Among such disorders, include the following:
nausea and vomiting, especially during the first months of pregnancy;
leg swelling;
varicose veins in the legs and the area around the vaginal opening;
heartburn and constipation;
back pain;
fatigue and
sleeping problems.
If you suffer from one or more of these side effects, remember that you are not alone. Ask your doctor for advice on how to handle these common problems.
If you are pregnant and have bleeding or pain, contact your doctor right away, even if you decided to terminate your pregnancy.
What you should avoid If you smoke, drink alcohol or use drugs during pregnancy, both you and your baby are at risk for serious problems.
Alcohol At present, doctors believe it is not advisable to drink a drop of alcohol during pregnancy. If you drink alcoholic beverages can damage the developing fetus and the baby is at risk for birth defects and mental problems.
Smoke Smoking during pregnancy carries some of the following risks: the birth of a dead fetus (when a baby dies inside the womb), low birth weight (which increases the possibility that the baby has health problems), infants infants (babies born before 37 weeks) syndrome and sudden infant death (SIDS for its acronym in English). SIDS is the sudden death for no apparent reason, a baby under one year.
Drugs Illegal drugs such as cocaine or marijuana during pregnancy may cause abortions, premature births and other health problems. In addition, babies can be born with an addiction to certain drugs.
If you have trouble quitting smoking, drinking alcohol or using drugs, ask your doctor to help you. Consult your doctor before taking any medication during pregnancy. This includes medicines sold over the counter, prepared herbal supplements and vitamins.
Unsafe Sex Talk to your doctor about sex during pregnancy. If your doctor allows you to have sex during pregnancy, you should use a condom to avoid contracting a sexually transmitted disease (STD in English). Because some STDs can cause blindness, pneumonia or meningitis in the newborn, it is important for you to protect yourself and protect the baby.
How to take care during pregnancy Feeding Many young people are concerned by the appearance of your body and fear of weight gain during pregnancy. But this is not the time to cut calories or go on a diet because you are feeding two people. Both you and your baby need certain nutrients for the baby to grow properly. If you eat a variety of healthy foods, drink enough water and you reduce the junk food, high fat, help to both you and the baby are healthy and growing.
Doctors generally recommend adding about 300 calories a day to the diet, so as to provide the baby with adequate nutrition growth. According to the weight you had before becoming pregnant, you should gain between 11 and 15 kilos (25 to 35 pounds) during pregnancy, mostly during the last 6 months. Your doctor will advise you about this depending on your particular situation.
Eat more fiber from -25 to 30 grams daily, and drinking enough water can help prevent common problems such as constipation. Fruits and vegetables and whole grain breads, cereals or whole wheat muffins are good sources of fiber.
It is necessary that you avoid some foods and beverages during pregnancy, such as:
some types of fish such as swordfish, canned tuna and other fish that may have a high content of mercury (your doctor can help you decide which fish to eat);
foods containing raw eggs, such as mousse or salad type “Caesar”;
raw meat, fish or just cooked;
processed meats such as sausages or cold cuts;
Unpasteurized soft cheeses such as feta, brie, blue or goat, and
milk, unpasteurized juice or cider.
It is also desirable to limit the consumption of artificial sweeteners and caffeine and artificial sweeteners.
Exercise Exercising during pregnancy is good for your health when you have no complications with the pregnancy and choose appropriate activities. Doctors generally recommend low-impact activities such as walking, swimming and yoga. In general, you should avoid contact sports and high impact aerobic activities that pose a higher risk of injury. It is also not recommended to do a job that involves heavy lifting for women during pregnancy. Talk to your doctor if you have questions about what kind of exercises are safe for you and your baby.
Sleep It is important to get plenty of rest during pregnancy. During the first months of pregnancy, trying to acquire the habit of sleeping on your side. As pregnancy progresses, lying on your side, knees bent, will be the most comfortable position. It will facilitate the functioning of the heart, since the baby’s weight will not exert any pressure on the vein that carries blood from the feet and legs back to the heart.
Some doctors specifically recommend that pregnant girls should sleep on his left side. Because some of the major blood vessels are in the right side of the abdomen, lying on the left side helps keep the uterus puts pressure on them. Ask your doctor what your recommendation. In most cases, the trick is to lie on either side, to reduce pressure on the back.
Throughout the pregnancy, but particularly in the later stages, it is likely that you wake up frequently at night to go to the bathroom. While it is important to drink plenty of water during pregnancy, try to drink more during the day instead of night. Go to the bathroom before bed. As the pregnancy progresses, you might be hard to find a comfortable position in bed. You can try placing pillows around and under the stomach, back or legs to feel more comfortable.
Stress can also affect sleep. Perhaps you’re concerned about the health of the baby, birth, or how it will play this new role of mother. All these feelings are normal, but can produce insomnia. Talk to your doctor if you have trouble sleeping during pregnancy.
Emotional Health It is common for pregnant adolescents experience a variety of emotions such as fear, anger, guilt, confusion and sadness. Maybe you take some time to adjust to the fact that you are having a baby. It means a huge change and it is natural for pregnant teens wonder if they are ready for the responsibilities involved in becoming mothers.
The feelings of a young often depend on how much support received by the baby’s father, his family (and family of the baby’s father) and his friends. The situation of each youth is different. Depending on your situation, you may need to seek more support for people who are not part of your family. It is important to talk with people who can support you, guide you and help you share and sort out your feelings. Your school counselor or nurse can guide you to find the resources offered to help your community.
In some cases, teenage pregnancies and spontaneous abortions have lost the baby. This can be very sad and difficult to overcome for some, but to others it causes a feeling of relief. It is important to talk about these feelings and receive support from friends and family, if this is not possible, go to counselors or teachers.
The school and the future Some girls plan to raise her baby by themselves. Sometimes grandparents or other family members help them. Some young people choose to deliver her baby for adoption. These difficult decisions involve a great deal of courage and concern for the baby.
Young women who have completed high school will have greater chances of getting a good job and enjoy a more successful life. As far as possible, you should finish high school now instead of trying to go back to school later. Ask your school counselor or a trusted adult that you provide information about what programs and classes offered in the community for pregnant teens.
Some communities have support groups especially devoted to teen parents. In some schools, no childcare. Perhaps a member of your family or a friend can take the baby while you’re at school.
You can learn more about what happens when you mother if you read books, attend classes or consultations reliable websites on parenting. Your pediatrician, your parents, your family members and other adults can guide you when you’re pregnant and when you become a mother.
Source by Petar Simic
from Home Solutions Forev https://homesolutionsforev.com/5-simple-steps-to-having-a-healthy-pregnancy/ via Home Solutions on WordPress from Home Solutions FOREV https://homesolutionsforev.tumblr.com/post/185210659880 via Tim Clymer on Wordpress
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homesolutionsforev · 5 years
5 Simple Steps to Having a Healthy Pregnancy
If you’ve decided to have a baby, the most important thing is that you care a lot, so that both you and the baby are healthy in the future. Girls who receive proper care and take the right decisions are highly likely to have healthy babies.
Prenatal Care If you discover you are pregnant, see a doctor as soon as possible to begin receiving prenatal care (care during pregnancy). The sooner you begin receiving medical care, the better the chances that both you and your baby are healthy in the future.
If you can not afford to visit a doctor or pay for the consultation in a clinic for prenatal care, social service organizations exist that can help. Ask your parents, school counselor or another trusted adult to help you find resources in your community.
During the first consultation, the doctor will make a lot of questions, such as date of your last period. In this way, you can calculate how long have you been pregnant and what date you expect your baby.
Doctors estimate the duration of pregnancy in weeks. The due date is estimated, but the majority of babies born between 38 and 42 weeks after the first day of last menstrual period of women, or between 36 and 38 weeks after conception (when the sperm fertilizes the egg). Only a small percentage of women giving birth at the estimated delivery date.
The pregnancy is divided into three phases, or quarters. The first quarter runs from conception to end of week 13. The second is from week 14 to 26. The third, from week 27 until the end of pregnancy.
The doctor will examine you and perform a pelvic exam. The doctor will also order blood tests, urine tests and tests to check for sexually transmitted diseases (STD by its acronym in English), including an HIV test, an increasingly common condition in adolescents. (Because some STDs can cause serious health problems in newborns, it is important to get appropriate treatment to protect the baby.)
The doctor will explain what are the physical and emotional changes that are likely to experience during pregnancy. We also learn to recognize the symptoms of possible problems (complications) during pregnancy. This is essential, because teenagers are at greater risk of crossing certain complications such as anemia or hypertension, and give birth before the expected date (premature labor).
Your doctor will want to start taking prenatal vitamins containing folic acid, calcium and iron away. Your doctor may prescribe vitamins or can recommend a brand you can buy without a prescription. These minerals and vitamins help to ensure the good health of baby and mother, and avoid certain birth defects.
Ideally, you should visit your doctor once a month during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. Then you should visit every 2 weeks until week 36 and weekly thereafter until delivery. If you have a disease like diabetes, which requires careful monitoring during pregnancy, it is likely that your doctor wants to see you more often.
During consultations, your doctor will monitor your weight, blood pressure and urine, in addition to measuring your belly to go record the baby’s growth. When the baby’s heartbeat can be heard with a special device, the doctor will listen to every time you visit. It is likely that your doctor will also indicate other tests during pregnancy, such as an ultrasound to make sure the baby is in perfect condition.
Also part of prenatal care to attend classes where women who are expecting a baby learning how to have a healthy pregnancy and delivery, as well as what are the basic care for the newborn. It is likely that these classes are conducted in hospitals, medical centers, schools and universities in your area.
If adults can be difficult to talk to your doctor about your own body, this is even more difficult for adolescents. The role of your doctor is to help you enjoy a healthy pregnancy and have a healthy baby… and it is likely that there is nothing that a pregnant woman has not told. So do not be afraid to ask about everything you need to know.
Always be honest when your doctor will ask questions, even if they are embarrassing. Many of the issues that your doctor wants you to cover could affect the health of your baby. Think of your doctor as someone who is not only a resource but also a friend you can trust to talk about what is happening to you.
What changes can you expect in your body Pregnancy creates many physical changes. Here are some of the most common:
Growth of breasts The increase in breast size is one of the first signs of pregnancy and the breasts may continue to grow throughout pregnancy. It is possible to increase several sizes of support during the course of pregnancy.
Skin changes Do not be surprised if people’s comments that your skin looks “glowing” when you’re pregnant: pregnancy produces an increased blood volume, which can make your cheeks are a little more pink than usual. In addition, hormonal changes increase the secretion of the sebaceous glands, so that your skin may look brighter. For the same reason, acne is also common during pregnancy.
Among other changes that pregnancy hormones generated in the skin are yellowish or brownish spots that appear on the face, which are called melasma, and a dark stripe running from the navel to the pubis, which known as linea nigra.
Also, moles or freckles that you had before pregnancy may increase in size or become darker. Even the areola, the area around the nipple becomes darker. Stretch marks may also occur (thin lines of pink or purple) in the abdomen, breasts or thighs.
Except for the darkening of the areola, which is usually permanent, these skin changes will disappear after delivery.
Mood swings It is very common to experience mood swings during pregnancy. Some girls may suffer from depression during pregnancy or after childbirth. If you have symptoms of depression such as sadness, changes in sleep patterns, desires to hurt yourself or negative feelings about yourself or your life, ask your doctor for advice about starting your treatment.
Pregnancy Discomforts Pregnancy can cause some unpleasant side effects. Among such disorders, include the following:
nausea and vomiting, especially during the first months of pregnancy;
leg swelling;
varicose veins in the legs and the area around the vaginal opening;
heartburn and constipation;
back pain;
fatigue and
sleeping problems.
If you suffer from one or more of these side effects, remember that you are not alone. Ask your doctor for advice on how to handle these common problems.
If you are pregnant and have bleeding or pain, contact your doctor right away, even if you decided to terminate your pregnancy.
What you should avoid If you smoke, drink alcohol or use drugs during pregnancy, both you and your baby are at risk for serious problems.
Alcohol At present, doctors believe it is not advisable to drink a drop of alcohol during pregnancy. If you drink alcoholic beverages can damage the developing fetus and the baby is at risk for birth defects and mental problems.
Smoke Smoking during pregnancy carries some of the following risks: the birth of a dead fetus (when a baby dies inside the womb), low birth weight (which increases the possibility that the baby has health problems), infants infants (babies born before 37 weeks) syndrome and sudden infant death (SIDS for its acronym in English). SIDS is the sudden death for no apparent reason, a baby under one year.
Drugs Illegal drugs such as cocaine or marijuana during pregnancy may cause abortions, premature births and other health problems. In addition, babies can be born with an addiction to certain drugs.
If you have trouble quitting smoking, drinking alcohol or using drugs, ask your doctor to help you. Consult your doctor before taking any medication during pregnancy. This includes medicines sold over the counter, prepared herbal supplements and vitamins.
Unsafe Sex Talk to your doctor about sex during pregnancy. If your doctor allows you to have sex during pregnancy, you should use a condom to avoid contracting a sexually transmitted disease (STD in English). Because some STDs can cause blindness, pneumonia or meningitis in the newborn, it is important for you to protect yourself and protect the baby.
How to take care during pregnancy Feeding Many young people are concerned by the appearance of your body and fear of weight gain during pregnancy. But this is not the time to cut calories or go on a diet because you are feeding two people. Both you and your baby need certain nutrients for the baby to grow properly. If you eat a variety of healthy foods, drink enough water and you reduce the junk food, high fat, help to both you and the baby are healthy and growing.
Doctors generally recommend adding about 300 calories a day to the diet, so as to provide the baby with adequate nutrition growth. According to the weight you had before becoming pregnant, you should gain between 11 and 15 kilos (25 to 35 pounds) during pregnancy, mostly during the last 6 months. Your doctor will advise you about this depending on your particular situation.
Eat more fiber from -25 to 30 grams daily, and drinking enough water can help prevent common problems such as constipation. Fruits and vegetables and whole grain breads, cereals or whole wheat muffins are good sources of fiber.
It is necessary that you avoid some foods and beverages during pregnancy, such as:
some types of fish such as swordfish, canned tuna and other fish that may have a high content of mercury (your doctor can help you decide which fish to eat);
foods containing raw eggs, such as mousse or salad type “Caesar”;
raw meat, fish or just cooked;
processed meats such as sausages or cold cuts;
Unpasteurized soft cheeses such as feta, brie, blue or goat, and
milk, unpasteurized juice or cider.
It is also desirable to limit the consumption of artificial sweeteners and caffeine and artificial sweeteners.
Exercise Exercising during pregnancy is good for your health when you have no complications with the pregnancy and choose appropriate activities. Doctors generally recommend low-impact activities such as walking, swimming and yoga. In general, you should avoid contact sports and high impact aerobic activities that pose a higher risk of injury. It is also not recommended to do a job that involves heavy lifting for women during pregnancy. Talk to your doctor if you have questions about what kind of exercises are safe for you and your baby.
Sleep It is important to get plenty of rest during pregnancy. During the first months of pregnancy, trying to acquire the habit of sleeping on your side. As pregnancy progresses, lying on your side, knees bent, will be the most comfortable position. It will facilitate the functioning of the heart, since the baby’s weight will not exert any pressure on the vein that carries blood from the feet and legs back to the heart.
Some doctors specifically recommend that pregnant girls should sleep on his left side. Because some of the major blood vessels are in the right side of the abdomen, lying on the left side helps keep the uterus puts pressure on them. Ask your doctor what your recommendation. In most cases, the trick is to lie on either side, to reduce pressure on the back.
Throughout the pregnancy, but particularly in the later stages, it is likely that you wake up frequently at night to go to the bathroom. While it is important to drink plenty of water during pregnancy, try to drink more during the day instead of night. Go to the bathroom before bed. As the pregnancy progresses, you might be hard to find a comfortable position in bed. You can try placing pillows around and under the stomach, back or legs to feel more comfortable.
Stress can also affect sleep. Perhaps you’re concerned about the health of the baby, birth, or how it will play this new role of mother. All these feelings are normal, but can produce insomnia. Talk to your doctor if you have trouble sleeping during pregnancy.
Emotional Health It is common for pregnant adolescents experience a variety of emotions such as fear, anger, guilt, confusion and sadness. Maybe you take some time to adjust to the fact that you are having a baby. It means a huge change and it is natural for pregnant teens wonder if they are ready for the responsibilities involved in becoming mothers.
The feelings of a young often depend on how much support received by the baby’s father, his family (and family of the baby’s father) and his friends. The situation of each youth is different. Depending on your situation, you may need to seek more support for people who are not part of your family. It is important to talk with people who can support you, guide you and help you share and sort out your feelings. Your school counselor or nurse can guide you to find the resources offered to help your community.
In some cases, teenage pregnancies and spontaneous abortions have lost the baby. This can be very sad and difficult to overcome for some, but to others it causes a feeling of relief. It is important to talk about these feelings and receive support from friends and family, if this is not possible, go to counselors or teachers.
The school and the future Some girls plan to raise her baby by themselves. Sometimes grandparents or other family members help them. Some young people choose to deliver her baby for adoption. These difficult decisions involve a great deal of courage and concern for the baby.
Young women who have completed high school will have greater chances of getting a good job and enjoy a more successful life. As far as possible, you should finish high school now instead of trying to go back to school later. Ask your school counselor or a trusted adult that you provide information about what programs and classes offered in the community for pregnant teens.
Some communities have support groups especially devoted to teen parents. In some schools, no childcare. Perhaps a member of your family or a friend can take the baby while you’re at school.
You can learn more about what happens when you mother if you read books, attend classes or consultations reliable websites on parenting. Your pediatrician, your parents, your family members and other adults can guide you when you’re pregnant and when you become a mother.
Source by Petar Simic
from Home Solutions Forev https://homesolutionsforev.com/5-simple-steps-to-having-a-healthy-pregnancy/ via Home Solutions on WordPress
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The programme does take some time to work, but the effects are sustainable. Any for the case hemorrhoids isn't a condition to refrain. Your rigorous hunt for healthy eating for fat reduction ends listed.
The worst day's my life was when I returned from the doctor's after a medical examination. The long lecture that he gave me rang alarms from all directions. Bad eating habits, no exercise, high cholesterol level, high blood pressure, indications of Diabetes type 2, chubby. In short there was nothing right about i am. Indian Diabetic Diet Chart
As the family pet grows, its nutritional needs also upgrades. So you will end up being mix and match and see what food items suits canine friend and what does not. A person are own a completely gown dog then make sure you feed it with food rich in protein. Hard boiled eggs, milk and chicken consist of a good regarding protein. If on the opposite hand to be able to a cat, then consuming buy cat food and not only rich in protein in addition vitamin and minerals.
Have the best mix most the essential exercises in your workout routine is any necessity. It's vital that you take care among the whole of the body. There are distinct exercises to target different set of muscles. You have to to certain you include all these in your regular workout routine. Viewed as also an individual to beat exercise fatigue to boredom. If you keep doing the same exercise many times again chances are you'll very soon lose your interest and motivation. Variety can cultivate your patience and stamina while exercising.
A sufficient intake of raw vegetables, fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables and salads may be helpful in growth of hairs. You should also include fish and eggs in your daily Indian Diabetic Diet Chart. This is also good to prevent hair end up.
Reduce alcohol addiction. Alcohol relaxes your entire body. It also relaxes the neck muscles which causes blocking from the airway. So avoid alcohol or atleast reduce it and don't take alcohol just when it is bedtime.
Those who snore have airways that close down at least five times every night, this mean that cessation of breathing for no less than 10 mere seconds. They wake up briefly, breath normally again and promptly fall back to sleep. Imagine this cycle of oxygen deprivation puts throughout the heart. Not surprising it is related to increased risk for accidents as a result of sleepiness and rates of heart affliction.
Whole grains is imperative meal in your fast weight reduction plan chart. Whole grain products like oatmeal, brown rice and whole grain bread contain high fiber and carbohydrate content and provides a pool of energy for your day-to-day activities. As well, surprise help maintaining your digestive tract clean. Positive points about whole grain foods is really because have minimal quantity of fat and calories and prove like a perfect meal for your organization. It is important that you include whole grains in looking after meal in a day.
Ever wonder how those celebs do it right? On how they can lose weight quickly. Take for example Uma Thurman. She was pregnant months before filming "Kill Bill" but look at her in that movie. She was kicking ass. In order to find imagine that she just gave birth eight weeks prior to filming.
There is no alternative to physical workout session. The numbers of different decline exercises, and need adhere to the sort of exercise for your body. Practice the exercise regularly and shed extra. To lose weight, perform opt for exercises like cycling, swimming and running on a treadmill. Do not have anything immediately after exercise session as planning increase fat cells.
Exercising help kids to shed weight, controls heart diseases, muscle growth, stamina to work hard in studies and develop positive energies to combat all odds they experience in studies and among peers. Besides, proper workout is beneficial for young children in strengthening bone and improving their overall growth. But it is needed to be told whether the kids are safe while these are working online. We will discuss on certain pointers that may assist you parents attempt proper measures when their kids are working out.
In the camping ground lectures will be given assist you you on how to along with your weight ordeal tending to give you helpful tips on balanced weight loss program. The foods give are planned by the pros to make sure that you will have the right food. What exciting will be the you get to meet individuals with the same predicament as yours; could mingle these and gain in friends.
There are various pores and skin treatment actually reduce juvenile diabetes. Regular check up is first step of your treatment. Your physician gives you may suggest you various medicine management your diabetic. You also follow proper Indian Diabetic Diet Chart include carbohydrate. Fine art some train.
25% of one's calorie intake should be from good polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fat in this. Fish, nuts olive oil and various vegetable oils provide good fat inside diet. Discussions . of diet program should be carbohydrates, preferably from good carbs.
If you stick for this simple recommended weight reduction plan, you can lose weight quickly and more importantly you will maintain it. You don't need to use drugs and supplements for that said purpose, however a person's really require to use any supplements, I suggest using raspberry ketone supplements because the actual free from harmful effects but best to stick to the natural procedure described about.
People who tried these 4 amazing tips could actually put a finish to their fat belly in a couple of months period. Choose six mini meals regarding going for the traditional practice of three full fledged meals.
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Kaycee Sandford is selected people use to call her and she or he totally digs that advertsing name. It's not a common thing but what she likes doing end up being to do cryptography and she'd never stop doing this tool. Auditing is how she supports her family and she'll be promoted rather quickly. Years ago we moved to Idaho having said that i will to be able to move in a year or a number of.
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torqueabhi · 7 years
Foods You Should Not Eat While Pregnant
Pregnancy is the best phase in a woman’s life. In that phase, a woman not only has to manage her own health well but also take her of her fetus nutritional requirements. She has to be very careful with her diet and other lifestyle habits in order to make sure that the fetus growth and development turns out well.
Pregnancy becomes better and more enjoyable if there are fewer complications involved in delivery. In order to ensure safe and normal delivery, a pregnant woman has to follow certain precautions.
Since our nutritional requirements are met through food, it is important that the pregnant woman pays more attention to what she puts into her mouth. There are certain groups of food not to eat while pregnant and there is a list of foods you can eat. Let us understand about these groups in detail.
List of foods you can eat while pregnant
1. Dark green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits
Dark green leafy vegetables are the good source of a variety of vitamins and minerals. Since a pregnant woman has to care about her hemoglobin level, she has to include iron rich food sources which include green leafy vegetables in her diet.
Make sure that you consume some source of vitamin C along with iron-rich food to ensure that iron is properly absorbed by the body. Fresh fruits are not only delicious but also rich in anti-oxidants. They keep your body hydrated while taking care of your mineral and vitamin requirement.
2. Pulses, legumes, and beans
Pulses, legumes, and beans are good sources of proteins which help in tissue building. Since the fetus requires ample amount of protein to form muscles and tissues, proteins in the diet should be taken in recommended quantities.
3. Whole grains
Whole grains are a storehouse of B-vitamins. These foods also contain a lot of fiber which helps in preventing piles. Piles also called as hemorrhoids are more likely to develop during pregnancy because certain hormones produced during pregnancy phase cause the veins in and around anus and rectum to relax.
To treat piles which have become severe, generally, haemorrhoidectomy (piles surgery) is conducted. They are the good sources of carbohydrates which provide energy to the body. Doctors generally recommend that at least half of the daily carbohydrates requirement should be met through whole grains.
4. Dairy
Pregnant women should at least aim for 3-4 servings of dairy products a day. They are a rich source of calcium and phosphorus which are the basic building blocks of bones. Small servings of milk, ghee, yogurt, and cheese should be part of a pregnant women’s diet.
Take a look at the chart here that explains which foods to eat in what amount to maintain good balance.
Foods you shouldn’t eat while pregnant
Now, this part is equally important as foods that should be included in the diet. Certain foods cause a negative reaction to the body or can induce infection to the fetus. Hence, they have to be avoided. Here, is a list of foods pregnant women can’t eat.
Raw or undercooked eggs:
Raw or undercooked eggs are a potential source of salmonella bacteria. Hence, preparations that involve raw egg as their ingredient are better to be avoided.
Fish and seafood
You may wonder why have we included fish and seafood on foods that are to be avoided during pregnancy list. Not all seafood is banned during pregnancy. Raw fish preparations like sashimi and smoked, refrigerated salmon are strictly no-no due to chances of inducing food-borne infections in your fetus.
Cooked fish is good to be included in the diet since it is a source of omega-3 fatty acids. Limit intake of swordfish and tuna. Sardines, rainbow trout, herring, salmon etc. are good choices during pregnancy.
We all love cheese, don’t we? Relax, we are not telling you to completely omit cheese from your diet. We are telling you not to include cheeses which are made from unpasteurized milk.
Read the label carefully before purchasing any kind of cheese and if it’s written made from unpasteurized milk, then give it a pass. Soft cheeses and cheddar and Parmesan are fine to be included in the diet.
Scratch refrigerated and cold cut meats from your diet. If you want to eat meat, make sure that you heat it till the internal temperature reaches 71 degree Celsius. Any meat has to be well heated before its consumption.
Alcohol, nicotine and caffeine drinks
Once you are sure that you are pregnant, it is mandatory that you stay completely away from alcohol and nicotine. Intake of alcohol can have adverse effects on fetus like learning and behavioral problems. Nicotine increases the risk of SIDS and low birth weight.
Caffeine intake should also be restricted to a small cup of tea or coffee per day and not more than that. Consumption of excess caffeine may increase the chances of the baby to be smaller in size than the average baby delivered.
Juices and soda
Pregnancy and diet coke is not a good combination. According to the researchers, diet sodas contain caffeine. Gynecologists from the American College of Obstetricians suggest that the caffeine consumption should be below 200 milligrams a day.
Sweetened beverages, aerated drinks, and canned fruit juices are also strictly banned from the diet of a pregnant woman as they can cause premature delivery. However, consumption of a glass of freshly made fruit juice is allowed.
It’s a myth that all medications cause harm to the fetus. Most of the pregnant woman completely skip medications even in cases of life-threatening diseases.
However, risks of not treating disorders like depression, asthma etc. may pose more harm than taking medications to treat these diseases. Hence, just before abruptly discontinuing any medications, consult with your doctor and then take appropriate decision.
Sometimes, the doctor may ask you switch one medicine to another one to prevent harm to the fetus. Eg blood pressure drug ACE inhibitors are replaced by methyldopa. Some common drugs to avoid during pregnancy are Accutane which is associated with birth defects in babies and antibiotic tetracycline which may pose harm to babies teeth.
Over-the-counter medications
Ibuprofen and aspirin may cause heart defect in the fetus if taken during the last or third trimester. For a cough and cold, one could try home remedies first and if still it is not getting cured in few days, then you can take cough suppressants medicines like Benadryl, phlegm expellers like guaifenesin and dextromethorphan which are considered safe if taken in small amounts.
The above mentioned dietary habits will definitely help in enhancing the health of your fetus and protecting it from developing any congenital diseases. It’s better to consult with your dietitian regarding what to include and what not to include in your diet in order to ensure proper fetus growth.
Activities you shouldn’t do during pregnancy
While you are pregnant avoid any activity that could cause infection. Touching soil or sand may cause parasitic infection by picking up toxoplasmosis. Hence, make sure that if you have to do any gardening activities or touch mud, you wash your hand thoroughly later.
Avoid steams, saunas or hot tubs in the first trimester because raising your core temperature by one degree Celsius or more than that can increase chances of abnormal organ development. If you are exercising, suddenly do not increase the intensity.
Maintain pace and it is important that you consult with your gynecologist a chalk out your exercise regime depending upon your needs and which suits your body.
The above-mentioned precautions during pregnancy will help you to undergo normal delivery. One should take care that the pregnant woman does not suffer from any disease which normally develops during pregnancy due to hormonal changes.
Proper care during pregnancy will ensure safe and happy delivery. With family support and love, a pregnant woman is able to enjoy this phase better and welcome her bundle of joy into this world through a safe delivery.
What do you think about this article? Do you know any more foods you shouldn’t eat while pregnant? Feel free to share with us in the comments below.
  About Author
Renuka Agrawal is certified in home health aide from Healthcare sector. She possesses proficient knowledge about various health related issues, diseases and treatments.
The post Foods You Should Not Eat While Pregnant appeared first on HealthEnlight.
from Foods You Should Not Eat While Pregnant
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torqueabhi · 7 years
Foods You Should Not Eat While Pregnant
Pregnancy is the best phase in a woman’s life. In that phase, a woman not only has to manage her own health well but also take her of her fetus nutritional requirements. She has to be very careful with her diet and other lifestyle habits in order to make sure that the fetus growth and development turns out well.
Pregnancy becomes better and more enjoyable if there are fewer complications involved in delivery. In order to ensure safe and normal delivery, a pregnant woman has to follow certain precautions.
Since our nutritional requirements are met through food, it is important that the pregnant woman pays more attention to what she puts into her mouth. There are certain groups of food not to eat while pregnant and there is a list of foods you can eat. Let us understand about these groups in detail.
List of foods you can eat while pregnant
1. Dark green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits
Dark green leafy vegetables are the good source of a variety of vitamins and minerals. Since a pregnant woman has to care about her hemoglobin level, she has to include iron rich food sources which include green leafy vegetables in her diet.
Make sure that you consume some source of vitamin C along with iron-rich food to ensure that iron is properly absorbed by the body. Fresh fruits are not only delicious but also rich in anti-oxidants. They keep your body hydrated while taking care of your mineral and vitamin requirement.
2. Pulses, legumes, and beans
Pulses, legumes, and beans are good sources of proteins which help in tissue building. Since the fetus requires ample amount of protein to form muscles and tissues, proteins in the diet should be taken in recommended quantities.
3. Whole grains
Whole grains are a storehouse of B-vitamins. These foods also contain a lot of fiber which helps in preventing piles. Piles also called as hemorrhoids are more likely to develop during pregnancy because certain hormones produced during pregnancy phase cause the veins in and around anus and rectum to relax.
To treat piles which have become severe, generally, haemorrhoidectomy (piles surgery) is conducted. They are the good sources of carbohydrates which provide energy to the body. Doctors generally recommend that at least half of the daily carbohydrates requirement should be met through whole grains.
4. Dairy
Pregnant women should at least aim for 3-4 servings of dairy products a day. They are a rich source of calcium and phosphorus which are the basic building blocks of bones. Small servings of milk, ghee, yogurt, and cheese should be part of a pregnant women’s diet.
Take a look at the chart here that explains which foods to eat in what amount to maintain good balance.
Foods you shouldn’t eat while pregnant
Now, this part is equally important as foods that should be included in the diet. Certain foods cause a negative reaction to the body or can induce infection to the fetus. Hence, they have to be avoided. Here, is a list of foods pregnant women can’t eat.
Raw or undercooked eggs:
Raw or undercooked eggs are a potential source of salmonella bacteria. Hence, preparations that involve raw egg as their ingredient are better to be avoided.
Fish and seafood
You may wonder why have we included fish and seafood on foods that are to be avoided during pregnancy list. Not all seafood is banned during pregnancy. Raw fish preparations like sashimi and smoked, refrigerated salmon are strictly no-no due to chances of inducing food-borne infections in your fetus.
Cooked fish is good to be included in the diet since it is a source of omega-3 fatty acids. Limit intake of swordfish and tuna. Sardines, rainbow trout, herring, salmon etc. are good choices during pregnancy.
We all love cheese, don’t we? Relax, we are not telling you to completely omit cheese from your diet. We are telling you not to include cheeses which are made from unpasteurized milk.
Read the label carefully before purchasing any kind of cheese and if it’s written made from unpasteurized milk, then give it a pass. Soft cheeses and cheddar and Parmesan are fine to be included in the diet.
Scratch refrigerated and cold cut meats from your diet. If you want to eat meat, make sure that you heat it till the internal temperature reaches 71 degree Celsius. Any meat has to be well heated before its consumption.
Alcohol, nicotine and caffeine drinks
Once you are sure that you are pregnant, it is mandatory that you stay completely away from alcohol and nicotine. Intake of alcohol can have adverse effects on fetus like learning and behavioral problems. Nicotine increases the risk of SIDS and low birth weight.
Caffeine intake should also be restricted to a small cup of tea or coffee per day and not more than that. Consumption of excess caffeine may increase the chances of the baby to be smaller in size than the average baby delivered.
Juices and soda
Pregnancy and diet coke is not a good combination. According to the researchers, diet sodas contain caffeine. Gynecologists from the American College of Obstetricians suggest that the caffeine consumption should be below 200 milligrams a day.
Sweetened beverages, aerated drinks, and canned fruit juices are also strictly banned from the diet of a pregnant woman as they can cause premature delivery. However, consumption of a glass of freshly made fruit juice is allowed.
It’s a myth that all medications cause harm to the fetus. Most of the pregnant woman completely skip medications even in cases of life-threatening diseases.
However, risks of not treating disorders like depression, asthma etc. may pose more harm than taking medications to treat these diseases. Hence, just before abruptly discontinuing any medications, consult with your doctor and then take appropriate decision.
Sometimes, the doctor may ask you switch one medicine to another one to prevent harm to the fetus. Eg blood pressure drug ACE inhibitors are replaced by methyldopa. Some common drugs to avoid during pregnancy are Accutane which is associated with birth defects in babies and antibiotic tetracycline which may pose harm to babies teeth.
Over-the-counter medications
Ibuprofen and aspirin may cause heart defect in the fetus if taken during the last or third trimester. For a cough and cold, one could try home remedies first and if still it is not getting cured in few days, then you can take cough suppressants medicines like Benadryl, phlegm expellers like guaifenesin and dextromethorphan which are considered safe if taken in small amounts.
The above mentioned dietary habits will definitely help in enhancing the health of your fetus and protecting it from developing any congenital diseases. It’s better to consult with your dietitian regarding what to include and what not to include in your diet in order to ensure proper fetus growth.
Activities you shouldn’t do during pregnancy
While you are pregnant avoid any activity that could cause infection. Touching soil or sand may cause parasitic infection by picking up toxoplasmosis. Hence, make sure that if you have to do any gardening activities or touch mud, you wash your hand thoroughly later.
Avoid steams, saunas or hot tubs in the first trimester because raising your core temperature by one degree Celsius or more than that can increase chances of abnormal organ development. If you are exercising, suddenly do not increase the intensity.
Maintain pace and it is important that you consult with your gynecologist a chalk out your exercise regime depending upon your needs and which suits your body.
The above-mentioned precautions during pregnancy will help you to undergo normal delivery. One should take care that the pregnant woman does not suffer from any disease which normally develops during pregnancy due to hormonal changes.
Proper care during pregnancy will ensure safe and happy delivery. With family support and love, a pregnant woman is able to enjoy this phase better and welcome her bundle of joy into this world through a safe delivery.
What do you think about this article? Do you know any more foods you shouldn’t eat while pregnant? Feel free to share with us in the comments below.
  About Author
Renuka Agrawal is certified in home health aide from Healthcare sector. She possesses proficient knowledge about various health related issues, diseases and treatments.
The post Foods You Should Not Eat While Pregnant appeared first on HealthEnlight.
from Foods You Should Not Eat While Pregnant
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