#the barca submissions
batllethinker · 2 months
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batllethinker · 4 months
Guardian | L.B + K.W + O.B
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Pairing: Dom!Ona Batlle + Sub!Lucy Bronze + Sub!Keira Walsh
Summary: Lucy tries to comfort Keira during national camp
Warnings: seperation anxiety, crying, angst, hurt comfort, clingy Kei, insecurities, agere/ageplay elements
No one knew what to do, this had never happened before and it was unsettling to say the least.
Case point, Keira was curled up on the field as she desperately tried to comfort herself, tears streaming and sobbing out for her mama. This really wouldn't be a problem if Ona wasn't back in spain and the only one that could successfully comfort her.
It felt almost violent to watch, Keiras sobs were almost ripped out of her and she was practically clawing at herself, leaving angry red marks in her wake and her teammates tried almost everything to make her calm down, to comfort her but nothing seemed to work.
Millie was crouched next to the younger woman, a hand on her back as she tried her best to settle Keira. The captain desperately looked up at her surrounding teammates, a clear question written on her face.
Lucy. The defender had been called to a meeting with Sarina and none of them knew when she would be back but they really hoped that it would be soon. Lucy was the closest thing to Ona they had, carrying a similar effect but Keira never really settled unless she was close to her dom.
Another ten minutes of Keiras heart wrenching sobs and Lucy was finally back, walking across the pitch with a confused frown, too far away to really tell what's going on.
"Hey, what's going on?" Lucy asked the girls closest to her and furthest away from the gathering, risking a quick glance at a very distraught Leah before focusing in on the group.
"Lucy! Thank god, we weren't sure when you were coming back and we did want to handle it but.." It was Esme, the young girl seemed surprisingly relieved to see her, even with the tears in her eyes and the generally distraught look on her face.
It was then she recognized the sobs, they were hard to miss and even harder to misplace. The brunette practically sprinted to the middle of the semicircle, coming to a halt in front of Keiras form. She was suddenly unsure of what to do, she knew that she never could comfort her fellow sub as Ona and she also didn't know how well Keira would respond to her touch.
Lucy took a moment before settling behind the younger woman, curling herself around Keira as she took her hands in her own, gently restraining her in an attempt to stop herself from further hurting herself.
Keira barely reacts to the touch other than tensing further, her sobs or cries for Ona barely slowing down as Lucy does her best to comfort her.
The older woman could feel her own tears brimming, her helplessness at the situation only making her more upset. Lucy could only bury her face in Keis neck, realizing that Kei could only cry herself to exhaustion or they could somehow get Ona there.
Lucy could hear her teammates talking around her, Onas name continuously mentioned as they worked on rectifying the situation.
"Keira.." It was mumbled into the younger womans neck, really hoping that she would listen. Keira stilled for a moment, sobs quietening down as she shifted toward Lucy, who couldn't hide her sigh of relief when she finally got through.
"Baby" Lucy made sure that she had the redheads attention before continuing, tightening her grip on Keira as she shifted even closer. "What can I do?"
The defender could do nothing but panic when Keiras waterworks start again, a pitiful whine leaving her as she pressed herself into Lucy.
"Mama.." The brunette had to squeeze her eyes shut for a moment, trying desperately to stave off her own tears. It was always hard for Keira to be away from Ona as she had grown inexplicably attached to their dom, couldn't handle being away from her for a longer amount of time and always extra fuzzy if Ona wasn't there.
The two were interrupted by Katie, her phone in hand and a slightly uncomfortable look on her face but she handed the phone to Keira without a second thought.
"Uhm, we called Ona" Katie could only give a slight smile at the way the other midfielder lit up and Lucys shoulders sagged with relief, watching the way Keira eagerly brought the phone up to her ear.
Keira could really only get out a choked "mama" as she attentively listened to Onas words, relaxing against Lucy and readily accepting the comfort offered by the both of them.
The crowd around them was slowly scattering, giving the trio some semblance of privacy. Keira was hanging onto her doms every word, atleast until the phone was handed to Lucy and she instead snuggled into the older woman.
The instructions given to Lucy were clear; keep Keira distracted, comfort her, call Ona if anything happens and give Kei one of her shirts.
The instructions weren't new but Ona would usually be closeby, making it slightly more complicated but the defender still reassured her dom, promising to take good care of their girl.
Keiras tears had tapered off, more calmer now that she had heard Onas voice. Her eyes had started drooping the longer she stayed in Lucys arms, exhausted from her little meltdown but that didn't stop her from looking woefully up at the defender, full of admiration for the older woman.
When Lucy finally noticed, she had that knowing glint in her eyes and Keira could do nothing but hide her face in her neck, slightly embarrassed.
The brunette only laughed, wrapping her arms around Keiras waist so she could roll them around, pinning Keira to the ground with a mischievous grin which only widened when she got a giggle out of her.
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batllethinker · 5 months
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batllethinker · 4 months
Yk what? I'm thinking about these three
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batllethinker · 4 months
I actually love how subtle her tattoos are
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batllethinker · 3 months
Lucy gets so wet knowing Ona is watching her be a good pup for her teammates, all her holes stuffed full. When Ona tells her to show everyone her new trick, the new Spanish she’s learned, she doesn’t know why they suddenly get so much rougher: Ona didn’t tell her the new phrases mean “I’m your dumb little puppy” “I need it harder” “mama says you can cum inside”
Lucy looking to her mama confusion but Ona looks so proud so it probably wasn't something bad.
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batllethinker · 4 months
The upcoming works because I randomly got some motivation to write
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batllethinker · 4 months
Literally their whole dynamic
Mapi being annoying and Ale kind of taking it (+bored Olga)
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batllethinker · 4 months
And little shit Mapi
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batllethinker · 4 months
Honestly just thinking about her back tattoos
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And mapis reaction the first time she saw them and how much she likes to worship them
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batllethinker · 3 months
I think about this so much
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batllethinker · 4 months
This picture is wild to me but I love it
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batllethinker · 4 months
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batllethinker · 21 days
Honestly never getting over this
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batllethinker · 26 days
Lucy crying and begging to fuck her mama, futilely trying to hump into her but Ona hovering just out of reach, laughing and teasing her for being too much of a dumb pup to fuck pussy properly. She really drags it out until Luce is basically out of her mind, and when she finally lets her sink into her Luce is just crying and stuttering thank you's.
Lucy just whining and humping even more frantically everytime Ona starts pulling away from her, just keeping herself out of reach. She's basically just brushing against mamas pussy with every jerk, tears of frustration running because she really really needs to fuck mama. Pup goes absolutely feral when Ona finally lets her sink into her, frantically fucking into her and crying some out of relief
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batllethinker · 6 months
The barca submissions masterboard
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Overview: a look into the girls dynamics away from the coaches and public eye (minus the minors), a mix between the former squad and current
Doms: Aitana, Jenni, Ingrid, Frido, Ona, Ana, Salma, Irene, Sandra
Subs: Alexia, Mapi, Marta, Mariona, Caroline, Jana, Leila, Patri, Lucy, Keira, Claudia, Cata, Aitana (S, L)
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