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Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh concept :000
That's it that's the ask ajsdfklakjdwobdisdhosdbs
you're the Fair Lady's replacement, a good fit too, with your calm and reasonable demeanor- perfect for diplomacy, perhaps even better than the late La Signora herself in that category. while you can't say that you're rivals or at odds with any of your coworkers, you certainly aren't close to them either; you're all very private people, preferring to work alone, which is fitting since you all have different duties corresponding to your rank. so no, you can't say that any of the other Harbingers are your friends
well. except, maybe, for Tartaglia
the Eleventh began pestering you the moment you joined the ranks, asking you to spar or train or help him with weaponry. why? who knows. your expertise lies in negotiating and forging connections with other nations, mostly for Snezhnaya's benefit of course, not battles or sparring, and you tell him as such. eventually he does settle down but still sticks to you like glue when both of you are at Headquarters, talking your ear off as you listen and in return allowing you to speak the few words that you have to say- to be frank, you find his stories much more interesting than your relatively routine Harbinger duties, yet whenever you do speak up Tartaglia hangs onto your every word, deep azure eyes wide and earnest
he even trusts you enough to show you Foul Legacy, the monstrous Abyssal creature ironically sweeter and gentler than his human counterpart, delicately sniffing you and nuzzling his face against your hair with a soft purr when you first meet. he's vaguely aware of how dangerous Tartaglia's work is so Legacy ALWAYS frets over you when you're gone, even if Tartaglia repeatedly tells him that your job is not the same as his, and immediately when you return to Snezhnaya you're pulled aside by a certain ginger-haired Harbinger, a goofy smile on his face as he squeezes you tight before willingly relinquishing his body to Foul Legacy, who immediately bumps his forehead against yours and rumbles in delight. he loves listening to you speak, so he tugs you onto his lap and nudges your hand until you tell him about your travels, voice calm and steady as he absorbs every word you say, somewhere deep in Zapolyarny Palace <3
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girlboyburger · 2 months
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wish i had a consistent character to show for this, but since i don't i just used icons :0]
blank template for those that want it under the cut
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carltonlassie · 4 months
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theendofviolet · 3 months
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a very random thing, but it feels like such a Possibly Right Under Your Nose sort of thing that the coat that sampo wears might literally be intentionally modeled after a ringmaster' outfit's coat. you know, the guy who actually runs the circus act. take a gander at how a ringmaster is prescribed - and then think about what sampo's role is throughout the belobog arc!
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(also a bit randomly, but the last part about essentially using hyperbole to "enhance the expectations of the audience" is definitely in line with what sampo does in his grand exaggerations and dramatic turns of phrase - like his line about march 7th comes to mind)
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amazingdeadfish · 7 months
Day Thirty: Swap
AU where everything is the same except Macaque and Mayor swap roles. Not even personalities, just roles. I... I actually have too many ideas for it now. White tailcoat Macaque? Yes. Chief outfit Mayor? Yuh huh.
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arom-antix · 1 year
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@fishshit I consider your post canon so I made it
Edit 2: Yakov trauma
Edit 3: I lied, here's the design rant
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yellowlikelemons · 3 months
Butch in intimidating long black coat send tweet
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mrsfitzgerald · 1 year
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28.05.23. video: @naraism 💗
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cirrus-grey · 3 months
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck the goddamn music-
I don't know the name for the technique but there's this thing that was in there that's the string players, like, tapping the instrument with the bow to create a more percussive sound and normally I wouldn't think too much of it but I swear to god it sounded like creeping spider legs. During the case set at Hill Top Road. With the very obvious references to the Buried and the Stranger and all the rest. Which dropped about a hundred Achives references including Jon's fucking name???
I have always respected the soundscaping they do at Rusty Quill but they're really going above and beyond for this show.
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bonefall · 20 days
good lord, eon mentioned in 2024
(sudden flood of comments of people recognizing Eon/Eona in my inbox)
Well! Guess that duology wasn't as obscure as I thought! Never actually met other people who had read them, lmao.
Full disclosure that I haven't read those books in like... good lord, 15+ years at this point. I do remember it having some super uncomfortable plot points, especially when it comes to Eona's romantic relationships.
I would explicitly tell any minors 16 and below to steer clear of Eon/Eona, for that reason. There are some VERY heavily sexual topics in this book, along with extreme ableism and misogyny. A baby is also killed on screen as part of a coup.
(Also prepare for very messy 2000s depictions of queerness. And an ending that is very abrupt.)
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We all know Jess wears this lovely coat to the infamous dinner with Rory’s grandmother:
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But then,
The maid takes it before dinner:
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And Jess ends up leaving without it:
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And we never see him wear it again…
So the question is:
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simcardiac-arrested · 15 days
no actually I’d like to hear your thoughts on the isat ending
Like i said it felt really tropey and by that i meant that it’s just Everything Good Happens forever and…..that’s it ? like idk we were building up to this huge catharsis sort of thing and then we got to it and it was so sudden and not a good payoff and just kind of nothingburger of an ending . the fact that everyone just forgives siffrin bothers me, or at least the fact that they don’t confront them about the shit they’ve said and done. call me a mental illness villainizer but i think if you’re a fucking asshole and doing the most insensitive things to the people you care about then hey, i think those ppl have a right to fucking tell you off for it. likeeee idk being at your lowest point …… not an excuse …. not feeling it chief ……. like sure the message is to move past your mistakes or whatever but ? that doesn’t mean just getting away with it ??? and i just really don’t understand Why everyone forgives him. honestly at the end of the day the ending is just one problem, the root of which are the characters. everyone feels like trope cardboard cutouts. oh, this is the smart one. this is the smol bean. this is the himbo. and they all care for each other btw. Did u hear that? they all care for each other. we’re not really going to explain to you why these people are so close or what they went through together but just trust me man they’re sooo found famy. like …. okay. i’ve played 30 hours of this game and not once did i buy that any of the characters really cared about each other. like??? why???? You’re telling me everyone super cares about siffrin even though they barely know them?? you’re telling me siffrin cares about everyone sooo much even though he never even bothered to find out their problems before ? Wat ? and this just breaks the ending more because literally whyyy do these people care about him so bad. and then it’s just whyyy does siffrin Have to tell them anything he doesn’t even seem to know them that well. everyone feels like colleagues and Just Friends at best. and so the ending just seems really forced. like it was written by that type of tumblr user who’s always talking about aww why does the found family have to break up after the end of the journey :( which is like fiiiiine. i guess. but u guys know that u have to build up to it right?? you can’t just tell me they’re Family Members(tm) 102829 times and that they super care about each other source: trust. you can’t just do that and then expect me to believe it ….. It feels unearned. the ending feels unearned and i don’ttttt understand what i’m supposed to take away from it . that it’s ok to fuck people up because you’re traumatized and insecure?? that you have to talk about your deepest problems with people you barely know??? i just dont know. Like i said if im being honest the problems with this game’s writing are more than just the ending, it just stands out so much because there’s a lot of build up and then just …… That
#honest to god if you want a Good Example of a story like this just look at dungeon meshi#we start the story from the end of the characters’ journey. they all don’t know each other very well and they’re just working together#hell they don’t even like each other that much. And then as the story develops and they go through their journey we get to see them bond and#get closer and fight and make up and admit they care about each other and still be mad at each other#nobody even gives a fuck about laios at the beginning of the story but by the end of it they’re all willing to die for him. THAT feels#earned. when marcille super fucks up and everyone tells her off for it but still wants to just make sure she’s ok That feels earned#like honest to god i’d take marcille’s arc any day than whatever’s siffrin going on#i just feel like this game suffers from a chronic Tell Dont Show syndrome. we get old over and over again that these characters are close#told*#and that they care about each other. And that’s just ….. not a way to write a story ………#when all the characters exist just to comfort the Whump Main it’s like how am i supposed to get invested. in any of this#u know when the dev replied to someone who was asking them how to write a story and they just said ‘glue your fav tropes together until it#becomes a story’? Well i think that is isat’s main problem. it’s not really a story. it doesn’t really have characters#it’s just a bunch of tropes in a trench coat. And let me tell u that is notttt how you make a story. at all. at all#anyways this was supposed to be about the ending but this story just has so many inherent problems i could critique it forever🤷‍♂️ my badddd#it’s fun as a game and it’s Fine as a story but at the end of the day it just reads like fix-it fanfiction to me#which is not Bad on its own but i wish people would at least recognize how the story is kind of built on sticks#cramswering
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nostalgia-tblr · 7 months
I watched Avengers: Age of Ultron (apart from I skipped some overly long action sequences) and I am not sure so can someone tell me whether or not Tony Stark was the baddy in that film? Because about halfway through I was sure he was but then it was maybe just an evil robot after all and I am confused because either this film was surprisingly subversive or it was about robots hitting each other.
#I CANT STAND THE CONFUSION IN MY MIND#also i get why people wrote wanda/sylvie. they should go on a wholesome chick-flick revenge-quest together. and also they should kiss.#also i am now only *half* joking about thor being in love with mjolnir#it kept doing Christianity Bits which was quite awks.#not sure why it used the bit about building the church on a rock for some metal i mean wasn't jesus making a pun there? about peter?#i think Vision might be Jesus? or else he's Dr Manhattan who's done a first year philosophy course. could go either way on that tbh.#BUT TONY WAS THE BADDY RIGHT? WAS HE? WAS TONY THE BADDY OR NOT????#with the homocidal glitches in what he thinks is his winning personality?#and all the weapons he's made and is in fact still making but now he only sells them to The Good Guys?#except look how easily they fall out with each other and also don't a lot of innocent bystanders die in their overly long action scenes?#also i need to write fic about whether mjolnir does in fact obey some unknown code that can be cracked if you set your mind to it#she does like Robot Jesus so apparently we can rely on her to make the major decisions from now on#the ending's a bit ominous - apparently someone's collecting those TVA paperweights to do... something? Oh no! :O#yeah i watched the MCU in the wrong order shut up this was inevitable and Marvisney should just embrace that at this point#(i know 'Marvisney' will never catch on but that will not stop me using it)#the loki series ending is but the latest installment of “unlimited power with no oversight is fine as long as the Good people have it”#UNLESS TONY WAS ACTUALLY THE BADDY. WHICH AS I MENTIONED I AM NOT AT ALL CLEAR ON.#maybe what i mean is was tony stark the baddy *on purpose*?#i only picked this one to watch next because tumblr gifsets told me thor wears a nice coat in it#which he does! but only for a small fraction of the film :(#journey into the mcu#the avengers (the marvel ones not the other ones)
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jestiamy · 8 months
I like mentally equating haircutting in humans are space orcs aus to those hoof maintenance/horn trimming videos that get like. at least ten comments each time going "???? so are we going to ignore the literal animal torture happening here??"
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
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it is the middle of summer
#rgg#ryu ga gotoku#ryu ga gotoku 7#yakuza series#yakuza 7#yakuza like a dragon#arasawa#masumi arakawa#jo sawashiro#snap sketches#spoilers he is doing it on purpose. //slaps my dome// this bad boy can think of SO many ways to make jo smile and be a lil silly#GOOFY BEHAVIOR#it might be summer for the north but i know it winter in australia and like Close Enough right. this is still valid#i have a regular drawing of jo with arakawas scarf but i didnt like it. so i mad a whole comic instead ☠️#ALSO THREE CHEERS FOR BOANFIDE OLD MAN YURI THIS TIME !!!! I FOUND A WAY TO DO IT WITHOUT IT BEING DEPRESSING#this is a warning for things to come#anywy <3 aoki eased the leash on jo long nuff for him to have a day with arakawa aint that special aint that sweet#Real Talk Time. growing up i hated bundling for winter that shit was just so excessive#and my dad would aLWAYYS be like 'son what is this youre going to get SICK' and he'd bully me about wearing a scarf#or at the very least bully zipping/buttoning my coat. i think of it every time it starts to get cold out#i stil hate wearing scarves and i still hate zipping all my stuff up but still... lol.....#for my birthday my dad actually gave me an old scarf cause i was still refusing to bundle up despite how freezing it was ☠️#its not like i like the cold i always complain about it dont i i just dont like my neck being touched ENOUGH#ok thats all bye bye im gona watch One Missed Call#i told my twitter friend i was gonna make her a master list of all the tsutsumi and nakai stuff ive watched#and i wanted to watch that before i did#while im on this tangent tho im going insane over the fact i cant find the third We Sell Antiques movie online and im MAD#i KNOW the movie just came out this january but LEMME WATCH#ok bye i have movie watching to do LMAO#please enjoy the rare True And Honest old man yuri. before i make everyone sad this weekend
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