#the Feanorians are kind of a big deal especially in the lead-up to the Nirnaeth you know?
waitingforsecretsouls · 8 months
I can grin and bear a lot of Maedhros slander. But giving him, the OG Thingol hater, pre- Quenya ban and Silmaril Quest even, who is trying to unite all of Beleriand in his Union against Morgoth and who will kill himself to never have to relinquish the Silmaril he eventually retrieves, the exact same opinions as Thingol rather than Celegorm and Curufin on the Silmaril Quest is where I draw the line.
You really think the guy who's trying to get everyone he can on board is gonna be angry at C&C for trying to recruit a hidden (ergo useless to him) realm to his cause rather than the flip-flopping elves of Nargothrond and Finrod's willingness to throw his own brothers and their family oath and labour of their fathers SOUL-literally-under the bus for a stranger and the heiress of the guy who is content to sit and try to wait out Morgoth (who herself has no plans whatsoever to eventually help out with that or try to convince her father to chip in a bit)? Instead of Beren and Luthien's selfish "politics? what politics?" attitude or Thingol for the temerity to set the quest in the first place? On my hands and kness begging people to stop trying to strip Maedhros from his canonical demonstrated character traits, motivations, opinions, loyalties and strength of character (and pride. Dear lord let Maedhros have his canonical pride. Not everyone is secretly an insecure, self-loathing mess and there's NOTHING to suggest this in Maedhros in particular. Seems primarily like people tying his potential scars from Thangorodrim to self-worth issues, what a novel concept. The guy is the lynchpin holding the Noldor and their resistance together, he is performing and leading better than literally anyone else, there's nothing to be insecure and angsty ABOUT except general war-related unpleasantness).
If it was Maedhros he would have either killed Beren on the spot disguised as an unfortunate casualty once he made clear he wasn't dissaduated by the oath or smiled and waved him off to Angband with a "good luck" and imprisoned Luthien for negotiations with Thingol and a "took care of your suitor problem AND got your daughter safe in custody, what have you got for me in return?" when she came looking for Beren, be for real now.
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