#the 'ideal' relationship betwen himself and others
zrllosyn-art · 25 days
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Happy birthday to!! my own oc!!
(May 8th is Haru's birthday)
He gets to have some introspection. This references a whole bunch of character arcs he's gone through that uh. I haven't, posted, anywhere.
But its mostly coming to terms with loss and lingering attachments, and learning you are loved, in the end.
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skypxllar · 4 years
Hilda, Hero of Ideals
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Hilda, the protagonist of Pokémon White, is now a major muse! Hilda is a wandering trainer who cares deeply about meeting new people, finding new experiences, and going to new places!
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Here’s some information about her life:
Hilda is from Nuvema Town in Unova. She, Cheren, and Bianca started their journey together in Unova to catch and discover Pokémon and become the very best trainers.
Hilda has had several run-ins with Team Plasma and, eventually, had several encounters with N. Over time, she and N became close friends, yet their differing ideals prevented them from speaking with each other.
Hilda was the one chosen to become the Hero of Ideals. She had become Zekrom’s trainer in order to stop N and Team Plasma from releasing all Pokémon from their Pokéballs.
N left the region to rediscover himself. Hilda, however, did not search for him at first. She stayed behind in Unova to help Looker arrest the Seven Sages, battled against the Swords of Justice, and helped to motivate Iris to eventually become Champion.
After some time, however, Hilda left Unova with Zekrom, determined to find the friend who changed her life forever, as she never had a chance to properly thank him. After months of travelling, Hilda caught up with N in Kalos. After being friends together and finally catching up on lost time, N decided to return to Unova while Hilda decided to continue travelling the world.
Hilda released Zekrom sometime in her travels. She didn’t want to force Zekrom to travel with her indefinitely. She could tell that it was becoming homesick. Thus, she let it go and promised that, one day, when she returns home, she will search for Zekrom again so that they may, one day, return to being close friends.
Some notes about Hilda:
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Hilda has a one-track mind. Whenever she has an idea, she’s determined to see that idea through, no matter how silly or unfeasible it is.
Hilda does not go into battles by constructing strategies beforehand. Instead, she improvises, letting her emotion lead her to victory.
Hilda is also very oblivious. Because she cares so much about bonds and friendships, and because she doesn’t take time to consider various possibilities, she is completely unaware of anyone that has a crush on her. It’s not like she’s against relationships or anything, just that she doesn’t really think about them.
Hilda can get forgetful. In fact, she frequently forgets to call home. While her mother knows that she’s okay, Hilda’s mother still is concerned for her daughter because of this.
While Hilda has captured many Pokémon during her travels around the world, Hilda’s main team consists of Emboar, Haxorus, Eelektross, Reuniclus, Gigalith, and Excadrill
Note: Each of them a nickname: Emby, Haxy, Trossy, Duo, Gigy, and Drilly. She switches betwen both the species name and the nickname depending on the situation.
Yes. She calls Zekrom “Zekky” and Reshiram “Reshi”. She loves them both, but they both equally hate their “nickname”. They put up with it though because she’s always like this, and that she thinks it’s endearing (They secretly find it endearing too but shhh).
Hilda doesn’t favor a particular type. She’s a large fan of Fire-, Fighting-, Dragon-, Ground-, Electric-, and Steel-type Pokémon. Her least favorite type is Ice, but even then she likes many Pokémon within that type like Vanilluxe, Cubchoo, and Mamoswine.
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stovmborn-arc · 4 years
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**  this blog will not be following any of the events post episode five, unless plotted otherwise. for the general arch of daenerys in my portrayal however, her ‘end’ was incredibly different. this does not mean to say that i am opposed to exploring narratives where jon attempts to murder her, or where she does turn mad but i will not be explicitly portraying that theme throughout my writing in general plots and threads. this is my canon divergence, the original post which is mostly a rant written after watching the final season can be found HERE but for the sake of my new blog, i thought i would type it properly  !!!  this is likely to be an incredibly long post as i have it in my head that daenerys deserved far better so thank you for sticking through and reading this. its hugely important to me. **  in my head, i truly believe that daenerys was not mad. george r. r martin did not write her to be mad and her storyline will hopefully take another route after the butchering of her narrative in the final season.. she was simply doing what she thought was right and best for the people of westeros in a way where she got her justice and unfortunately, she did lose her way and became wrapped up in what she believed her ideal world to be. we completely saw in her final scene with kit beside the throne that she was still very much human and not insane. she was genuinely a human being, asking him to create a better world with her and … my girl. i would also like to put it out there that i am happy with the ending ( for a handful of the other characters and the justice they received ). i know there were a few loose ends that could have been tied with more time and less rush to crack on with star wars, cough cough d&d. but i think everybody is where they are meant to be. solely talking about jon’s ending but i won’t clog this post  !!! give that like button a  ♡  if you do read this  ––  just so i know for future plotting  !!!
◈     with still writing her, it is clear that in my portrayal that daenerys doesn’t die. whilst daenerys presented jon with a difficult choice to make, she asks him to build the new world with her in a throne room that is still intact and not burned to ashes. this would happen in the scene which he comes to her, only the turn in events does not follow the route of the show. how this does unfold however is dependent on my writing partner ( if writing with somebody who portrays jon ). 
◈     tyrion urges that she invites the great lords and ladies of westeros to the dragon pit so that they do not feel uncomfortable or on edge with seeing her on the iron throne  –––   a woman that they have only ever heard stories of. the idea of bringing them to a place where her dragons were once held as prisoners is a metaphor for the freedom that she wants to instil upon the seven kingdoms. now that the war has been won, they discuss the nights watch and other worldly issues, including northern independence because as somebody who has had everything taken from her, she recognises the loss that the stark family have also faced.
◈     the main reason that she grants the north their independence is because she knows how much eddard stark meant to jon and how the north has been a staple of his childhood and his narrative and she also respects that. she respects everything that he has lost much like her and i think it is important to note that daenerys respects and understands where sansa is coming from. she wanted to take her rightful throne and in the process of obtaining her families kingdom, she wants to give the stark’s what is rightfully theirs too. i would also like to imagine that somebody has brought it to her attention that this man whom she did not know fought for her life against his king and best friend in the earlier storyline when robert orders for her to be killed. 
◈     in episode four, she urges jon not to tell his siblings about his parentage. whilst portraying daenerys and jon romantically, i feel most comfortable writing in a context where jon is not the son of rhaegar. if threads do follow the rhaegar and lyanna storyline, whether a romantic relationship is involved or not, daenerys would still be incredibly concerned about jon telling people of his heritage. not because she believes he would ever dethrone her but more so, because she cares about him and knows that kingship is not something he has ever sought after. there is something within her that worries for the throne too, which is completely okay. daenerys is allowed to have that burning dream in the back of her mind as it is all that she has ever known. 
◈     “ because of everything she has been through, because of everything they have done to her. ”  this is something that she says to jon, in relation to sansa. in my portrayal, daenerys does not feel threatened or anger towards sansa. instead, she actually feels disheartened and she understands it in a strange and peculiar way. she acknowledges that sansa has concerns for a reason, she absolutely understands that sansa has a vision ( similar to her own ) where she wants the best for her people. in my mind, i see a friendship and alliance forming betwen the pair  –––  particularly on daenerys’ behalf as she has not come to westeros to form enemies. theyshare hardships and more importantly, have both blossomed into two powerful women who deserved better. i think they would be perfect together, as the southern and northern rulers. 
◈     daenerys’ small council will have been heavily planned with tyrion by her side. in my canon, jorah, rhaegal and missandei are still alive. however, dependent on the threat and plot  –––  if it aids the other person that i am writing with, i am not opposed to exploring the themes and troubles that their deaths may bring daenerys. sharna likes to live a world of angst, hurt and upset so bring me these heartbreaking, gut wrenching plots  !!!  please.
◈     as the queen of the six kingdoms, daenerys would absolutely appoint master of war to jon snow. in her eyes, there is not a single person more deserving of the role given every battle he has faced. she would not expect him to take it because canonically, targaryen or not, she knows that he has and will always be a stark inside. if it pleased him to travel back to the north and live his days back in winterfell with his family, then she would accept this, even if it did hurt her. an alliance between the southern and northern regions of westeros would be incredibly important to her, whether it is jon or sansa ruling as the king / queen in the north. failing this, greyworm would be appointed as the master of war with being the leader of her armies. 
◈     bronn would remain her master of coin at tyrion’s suggestion, though at first daenerys would be sceptical due to him being part of the sack on highgarden. she does not feel comfortable with the idea that bronn was a part of the sack, murdering her allies and then claiming the castle for himself. but in this  ‘ new world ’  she is trying to build of forgiveness and second chances, it only seems right that bronn is given the opportunity to prove himself worthy. in any verses with margaery writers where she is still alive, margaery tyrell is very much the heir to highgarden.
◈     lord commander of the queens guard would be jorah mormont. although daenerys has faced betrayal from him, she has forgiven him. there is not a single person in both westeros and essos that daenerys would trust with her life above jorah. not only that, but he has been by her side for the longest and it would give her no greater honour than presenting him with such a title after he has heavily protected her from the moment they met in pentos. daenerys’ knowledge of westeros and essos is not simply made up of what she has learned from characters like viserys and magister illyrio but a majority of it has come from jorah mormont, who has been by her side apart from the small timeframe in which he was exiled by her. 
◈     davos seaworth will be granted the title of master of ships. i would like to think that daenerys had formed a bond with him, due to him being the one to bring jon to dragonstone. she admired his humour for what it was and more than anything, she admired his bravery as she knew that he had never fought in many fights. i would like to think that they shared memories of dragonstone and seeing as she does not know the castle very well, he would have offered her insight and knowledge of her ancestral home … telling her stories that shireen had taught him about the night she was born and her families history here. master of ships would also be a way to commemorate his son, in his death through the battle for blackwater bay. 
◈     master of whispers. in this divergence, varys did not die or betray her because she  ‘ went off the rails ’.  varys may have lost faith in her but daenerys’ kind nature and desire to give second chances was what gave him the opportunity to see something else in her  –––   a fire. he could see that daenerys knows what she needs to do in order to make this world far better than she found it and he believes in her to do so. master of whispers has always been a role he fulfilled in kings landing below kings that he has not necessarily believed in, so she would like to present him with the chance to work under her, having chosen her as his queen. 
◈     grand maester is something which would be offerered to samwell tarly. in this canon, daenerys did burn randyll tarly and other soldiers as punishment for the sack of highgarden and their distaste in taking her opportunity to fight for the winning side, especially as somebody who had an allegiance to house tyrell and decided to dishonour that for the premise of gold and serving under the lannister’s. she knows the hard work he endured throughout his time at the citadel and feels as though this is the perfect opportunity to honour the time that he spent there, as well as providing a safe place for gilly, sam and their new child to live  –––   under protection.
◈     master of law is something that i have not yet thought of and whilst tyrion would likely be perfect for the role, he is her hand. i am going to leave this one open as a plotting device to other people so if anybody would like to do a thread surrounding that role, then be my guest. this is also open to OC characters  –––   including females as we need some more woman on this  small council. i am also open to other suggestions for this role  !!!
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benrleeusa · 6 years
[Ilya Somin] Thoughts on the Kavanaugh Racial-Profiling E-Mails Revealed by Sen. Cory Booker
Conservative support for racial profiling is deeply problematic. But the e-mail leaked by Sen. Cory Booker actually shows Brett Kavanaugh advocating "race-neutral" post-9/11 security policies.
The big seeming bombshell of this morning's Senate confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was Democratic Senator Cory Booker's release of a series of e-mails on racial profiling in post-9/11 security policy that Kavanaugh wrote in 2001-2002, while he was working in the George W. Bush White House. Booker leaked the e-mails even though they were marked "committee confidential," and therefore not supposed to be released to the public. He stated that he would release the e-mails despite the potential risk of punishment, including even potential exclusion from the Senate.
I think Booker was right to suggest that this e-mail chain should never have been withheld from the public in the first place. There is no classified national security information there, or anything else that, as far as I can tell, needs to be kept secret. More generally, Booker and other Democrats have good reason to suggest that the decisions on which documents to release should have been handled by a neutral body, not by former Bush Administration official Bill Burck, who is also a lawyer for several prominent figures associated with the Trump administration.
Substantively, however, the e-mails don't seem to be a major damaging revelation. If anything the contents should be reassuring to critics of racial profiling, myself included.
In the most notable e-mail in the sequence, Kavanaugh wrote the following:
The people who favor some use of race/nat[ional] origin obviously do not need to grapple with the "interim" question. But the people (such as you and I) who generally favor effective security measures that are race-neutral in fact DO need to grapple -- and grapple now -- with the interim question of what to do before a truly effective and comprehensive race-neutral system is developed and implemented.
The e-mail is part of an exchange betwen different Bush administration officials, some of whom apparently favored the use of racial and ethnic profiling in post-9/11 security policy, and others who oppose it. Kavanaugh quite clearly includes himself in the latter camp. He did, potentially, leave open the possibility that there might be racial profiling in a temporary "interim" policy. That is problematic, but somewhat understandable in the hectic, fearful atmosphere of the immediate post-9/11 period. The e-mail in question was written on January 17, 2002, just four months after the 9/11 attack.
Few mainstream judges and legal scholars contend that the government should abjure racial classifications in every conceivable situation, no matter what. A tightly limited, short-term "interim" policy might pass even the rigorous "strict scrutiny" standard the Supreme Court imposes on governmnt policies that discriminate on the basis of race and ethnicity.
What is most notable here is that Kavanaugh did not favor the routine, institutionalized use of racial profiling, which was apparently supported by some others in the administration. Had the e-mails revealed that Kavanaugh was an advocate of routine racial profiling, I think that would have been a serious strike against him as a Supreme Court nominee. But the messages revealed by Booker actually suggest the exact opposite.
I have long argued that racial profiling in law enforcement is both unjust and unconstitutional (e.g. here, here, and here), and that conservatives who support it are undermining the ideal of color-blindness in government policy that they claim to espouse elsewhere. The policy is also counterproductive in that it predictably poisons the relationship between law enforcement agencies and minority communities - the very people whose coooperation is often essential to effectively combat criminals and terrorists. See also this critique of racial profiling by my George Mason University colleague and prominent conservative legal scholar Nelson Lund. I take the issue of racial profiling very seriously, and I would not want a Supreme Court justice who gives law enforcement agencies a blank check in this field.
The e-mails revealed by Booker provide only a partial window into Judge Kavanaugh's thinking on this subject. But what we do have indicates that he strongly prefers "race-neutral" law enforcement policies. If Booker and other senators have material showing that Kavanaugh actually does support racial profiling, I hope they reveal it. But what has been released so far strikes me as far more reassuring than not.
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