#the '70s circle
tophsazulas · 3 months
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moodboard: the '70s circle
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driftsart · 12 days
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I love him sm you guys don't understand...
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claraoswalds · 15 days
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It's racist, my dear, to be blunt. People come from outside, they think we're all witches and druids. For God's sake, child, you walked into a piece of string!
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faunandfloraas · 30 days
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fav skz // Seungmin's dance break in 'Scars'.
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thelastharbinger · 2 years
Tenoch Huerta on why the idea that “hard work always reaps its rewards” isn’t true. Talent and hard work alone doesn’t guarantee entry into certain spaces (you’ll always be sidelined even when you’re included), but it will determine your longevity once you force your way in.
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thegroovyarchives · 5 months
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1972 Kellogg's Sugar Frosted Flakes Advertisement Detail From the May, 1972 issue of Family Circle Magazine
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seefasters · 2 years
i love that hawkeye is a big wimp and that he doesn't understand cars or machinery and that he cheated his way onto a sports scholarship and he's effeminate and that doesn't make him question his masculinity even once and that he's a brilliant surgeon and a giant flirt and is kind and brave when it counts but is still the worlds biggest coward and hates exercise and lousy at sports and has the worst posture known to man. the guy ever <3
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hydejackieb · 3 months
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Here is a set of various personalities 🔥
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tophsazulas · 7 months
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Est: 1972/1973
First Generation: Eric Forman Steven Hyde Michael Kelso Fez Donna Pinciotti Jackie Burkhart Kitty Forman (kitchen) Red Forman (kitchen)
Second Generation: Leia Forman Gwen Runck Jay Kelso Nate Runck Nikki Velasco Ozzie Takada
Third Generation:
Anne-Marie Kelso Jonah Shaland-Mitchell Martin Martin Kira Kwan June Guzman-Queimada Lois Clarkson Cleo Joy-Martelli
Laurie Forman Mitch Miller Schatzi Mr. Wilkinson Etienne Marshall Leo Chingkwake Andrew Jill Alice Cooper Steven Tyler (cutout) Joe Perry (cutout) Bob Pinciotti Midge Pinciotti Mrs. McGee Jackie's plush unicorn Coach Ferguson Jerry Thunder The Station Manager Waitress Sarah Mitchell Fatso The Clown Schatzi Mitch Miller Delilah Reed Kristie Forman Darline Joy Kelly Shaland Serena Marotti Betsy Kelso
The Circle is a way for the creators to showcase a vital component of the '70s – smoking weed. According to the show creators, the blunt or joint is passed around ahead of the person speaking on camera, thus never shown. The circle usually takes place in the basement and features four people, though these rules are bent on occasion. On special occasions, the circle has been used to show the characters partaking in consuming other things than weed, such as dinner, alcohol, ice cream, cigars, hash brownies (accidentally) or nothing at all. During such scenes, adults also participate.
On occasion, the circle scenes are followed by scenes where the characters act sober while being still high, but more often that not, no one seems to suffer any ill effects after the fact. A notable case was the second-to-last episode where a particularly potent "stash" was acquired by the gang when Fez's friend from his homeland visited. Hyde, who was unquestionably the most frequent pot smoker in The Circle, actually quit smoking for a period of time because he got too high.
The Circle also remained in the '90s and '2000s, where the gang would still smoke and occasionally drink.
The circle is not:
An area where people can talk about their feelings.
A place where people can cry.
For the faint of heart.
A place where people can grope each other.
But it is:
Where laughing occurs.
Where random stuff is discussed.
Where some of the dumbest decisions are made.
Very candid.
One of the most well-known elements of the show.
A place to sing random songs.
That '70s Show
Hyde – I would be so pissed at you if I had the ability to feel anger right now...thank God I don't!
Fez – You know guys, sometimes I wish we were cartoon teenagers
Hyde – Zoinks. That'd be super, Fez
Kelso – Alright, guys...I have a confession...I do shave my legs. I just love the way it feels!
Hyde – Man, when two people break up, it's the saddest thing...except for right now, when it's funny!
Hyde – Dude, I can't close my mouth...This is freakin' me out, man!
Hyde – Hahahaa, ohh weather kicks ass
Hyde – No way is Samantha hotter than Jeannie! Hey, I heard there was an episode they never aired.. where Jeannie gets totally naked! The government banned it.
Kelso – You know what's a funny word? Pickle-Weasel!
Kelso – You guys are never gonna believe this. Jackie cheated on me. With the cheese guy!!
Hyde - (dramatically pretends to be shocked) No!
That '90s Show
Gwen - "You're fun!"
Nikki - "You're fun! Should we be funyuns?"
Gwen - "Funyuns!"
That '2000s Show
Anne-Marie - “Oh my god. I just got stoned. Did I get stoned because I feel like I got stoned?
Cleo - Try this leafy mint. It tastes like Fruit Loops
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digitalfossils · 8 days
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anactualpancake · 3 days
My Siffrin cosplay is almost done! Done enough for a sneak-peak pic, at least! (Better pics later.) Still need to actually sew the cone on (it's just pinned for now), but after that, I just got the dagger and finishing touches. Speaking of, anyone know of anyone taking cosplay prop commissions? This dagger is driving me insane,,,,
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i'm so sorry to splatoon 3 player "Bag" but i think this is genuinely the funniest thing that's happened to me in all my years of playing splatoon
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70s-show-diary · 3 months
Graphical depictions of the That ‘70s Show Circle data generated by @tht70sblog
Check out the details of the carefully curated data and links to all of @tht70sblog’s corresponding gif sets here!
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thegroovyarchives · 1 year
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70′s Closet/Storage Design From the Family Circle Do-It-Yourself Encyclopedia, 1973.
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thatseventiesbitch · 1 year
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You never forget your first circle 😏
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Eric and Leia
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Kelso and Jay
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forever70s · 6 months
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Family Circle - July 1975
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