#thats the other famous theory i've read
bsd-verse · 1 year
Okay so I have a new theory of Fyo's ability, hints specifically coming from chapter 107 and the Dead Apple, and I feel like it's better than my previous one (in terms of making sense) and which might be connected to what I'm going to explain. By the way, I'm not exactly sure if it's been said by another person, so feel free to tell me if this was made before.
❗️Spoiler warning in case.
So looking through the last panel of the newest chapter, we are soon to learn about what Fyodor's ability is or maybe his backstory. The fandom has been coming up with many different theories about his own. And now that we might get an answer finally, let's firstly take a look at this panel.
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We see Fyodor kind of pissed off in the first one, and later on Sigma says that his ability can activate via touching which we already know, so he asks what his ability is and after a second of studying him, he asks what he is. Interesting enough, to be honest a question I wasn't waiting for. So this leads to my new theory of,
What if Fyodor is half an ability?
Sigma didn't ask who he was, rather asked what he was. As you see, Sigma is created by the book and him asking this was intriguing. Maybe he sensed something about him.
My reasonings as why I think that, in my first theory (which I've tagged in the beginning) I talked about what his possible ability is and why he wants to get rid of ability users. Let's sum it up shortly, so according to my thinking, Fyodor's ability works like the name of it, he only can kill people and perhaps animals, which is a crime, and for the punishment part, he shows how terrible abilities and ability users can be. But he can't kill gifted people like him, I mean the other ability users. So in order to God to erase his sins, he has to get rid of everyone who has one, and even including himself. But with chapter 107's dropping, I feel like it'd slightly -maybe- make sense.
We see in Dead Apple that unlike some others, Fyodor's ability doesn't even fight with him nor he is like others. It's pretty chill and also finishes Fyodor's sentences as well.
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And then he becomes one with his ability, as if it was his whole personality, his own self. It's like, as he said, his one self is crime and the other one is punishment. But why wouldn't it affect him? Maybe, it's because he has the whole control of it, perhaps because he isn't human or just halfly, it might be because that's what he is. His crime self can kill whoever he wants, apart from the ability users, and he might have another side as well. He is very smart, manipulative, can show these off to others. That can explain why he didn't get to do anything in Shibusawa's fog. He didn't need to fight himself, if he is half ability and has fully aware of it.
And let's say if it's correct, what would happen if Dazai touched him? I don't know if they ever had a physical contact but maybe? Would it create a singularity? Or maybe that's what Fyodor actually is? There are many questions for that tbh.
Anyways, that was all it. What are your thoughts? Share them with me!
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communistkenobi · 3 months
thank you so much for the transmisogyny reading post! im definitely gonna be reading into those. in a similar vein, do you have a recommended reading list for decolonization/anti-imperialism?
Do you mean molsno's post? def cannot take credit for that but yes I have a couple!
high-level recommendation is discourse on colonialism by aime cesaire (this link goes to a pdf that is a collection of essays, you can skip to cesaire's essay). probably one of the most formative essays for me personally in terms of how i think about colonialism
decolonization is not a metaphor by Tuck & Yang is a famous article in decolonial scholarship and will likely come up pretty frequently if you're reading academic work. if you read that article, i recommend following it up with Slavery is a Metaphor by Garba & Sorentino - its a Black critical commentary by two marxist scholars i believe on Tuck & Yang's work, working through the anti-Black thinking that is present in the work, particularly the deeply problematic conceptual attention given by Tuck & Yang to slavery when historicising and analyzing settler colonialism in North America. These are both academic articles and they're both jargon-laden so your mileage will vary
I originally included decolonizing transgender 101 by b binaohan on here before realizing that it's already in the linked post above lol. in that post is a link to the full book that i'll repost here (usually you can only find the introduction online) so definitely make use of that. anyway great work, very accessible and insightful, makes direct linkages between white supremacy, settler colonialism, and transmisogyny in a way i found extremely helpful
i read beyond white privilege: geographies of white supremacy and settler colonialism during my master's about four years ago (jesus christ the passage of time!!!) and found it very insightful - the authors talk about white supremacy as a process rather than a historical event, as well as talk about some of the conceptual limitations of the popular focus on white privilege (as opposed to white supremacy) that i found very helpful for me personally. its another academic article
I've been recently introduced to Anibal Quijano's work, particularly the Coloniality of Power. this is an extremely theoretical work that focuses on the construction and universalization of race, the 'invention of Europe,' modernity as a colonial construction, and a bunch of other pretty dense topics. thats not to scare you off, but its probably the most theory heavy article i've linked here
this list skews towards academic work because that's what im most familiar with (all the links i provided are open-access links so you should not need institutional access to read them). For books, you can read Wretched of the Earth by Frantz Fanon or Orientalism by Edward Said, they're both pretty foundational decolonial texts and are also pretty formative for me. Fanon's work is on decolonial struggle and the pathologization of colonized people, Said's work is on the construction of "the East" to justify and reproduce Western hegemony.
Hope this was helpful! I'm by no means an expert and this is only scratching the surface of scholarship on the subject. I'm still in the process of reading, but hopefully this is a good starting point for you!
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i-do-as-i-want · 7 years
Illumi texting Hisoka; So your full name is Hisoka Morow
Hisoka: Um mm~
Illumi: I've known you the longest and yet I didn't know you had a proper name.
Hisoka: Jealous~?
Illumi: I wouldn't use that word-
Hisoka: Well illumi~ you never asked.
Illumi: This is another one of your games isn't it? Thats not your full name.
Hisoka: Oh illumi~ I have no reason to lie about it. No one bother to ask, it is as simple as that.
Hisoka: People act like i'm this big mystery~! It flattering honestly but
Hisoka: There no grand story~! I grew up poor, my mother was a street walker, I killed the only father figure I had
Hisoka: I joined the circus, just because. I have an unhealthy obsession with the comfort items of my youth. Leading to why i named one of my most powerful movies after it.
Hisoka: I lacked security as a child so I became strong to counter my insecurity. And now seek out violently strong opponents, because I secretly have a death wish.
Hisoka: People I know, genuinely like my personality, even if they are all Carney's
Illumi: I find that hard to believe, and who was this father figure?
Hisoka: The father figure i killed was the ringmaster of the circus, I was staying with. I stole one of his famous moves and killed him. Not like it matter. He was a serial killer anyway, a very weak one at that.
Illumi: Why are you telling me all this now?
Hisoka: Because so sweet Illumi~ if you told anyone, they wouldn't believe you. Maybe your father and grandfather would, but we both know you aren't suppose to have such imitate relationships with other people~
Illumi: You would be correct. . irritatingly so.
Hisoka: I'm being honest with you Illu~ I am, the way I am, because I wish to be. An that whats scares people~
(Along with my to deep 4 you hisoka theories. I also have a theory Hisoka is very self aware. An is very transparent but everyone acts like hes this big ol mystery when their nothing to solve. Human feel the need to justify their actions to give meaning to something. An Hisoka doesn't do that.
All informations is some what canon if you read hisoka backstory. (Note* he was lying somewhere in that conversation)
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