#thats miles’ first failure! that’s SPIDERMAN. miles’ spiderman is PERFECT. hes a hero! a role model! he grew up seeing him on TV!
megamindsupremacy · 9 months
I know a common conception of Miles’ Peter Parker is like. If only Peter had survived, he would have understood me. Peter wouldn’t be treating me like these other Spider-men. My Peter would have understood. Which is, of course, an idea I love, because Miles desperately needs more people in his corner after the events of ASTV.
But what if Miles’ Peter wasn’t like that? What if RIPeter came back and he was just like all those other Spider-Men, but different? What if Miles if convinced Peter is going through a “came back but wrong” plotline and Miles just has to find some cure to make Peter magically understand but Peter didn’t come back wrong. He came back exactly where he left off- watching some scared little kid who doesn’t know how to handle his powers get in way over his head. So Peter is handling it exactly like he handles every other problem he faces- confidently, perfectly, because he’s been Spider-Man for the past sixteen years and even though it killed him he’s still good at his job.
What if Peter is also convinced he’s different? He’s not like those other Spider-Men, he’s different, he died and came back, he’s in this kids’ corner even when nobody else is because same-universe Spider-Men have to stick together, right kiddo? And Miles is so desperate for validation and he trusts his Peter implicitly like no other Spider-Man because he’s built him up in his head as a perfect Spider-Man who doesn’t make mistakes. But even if they’re together against the Spider-Society, that doesn’t mean Peter is respecting Miles as Spider-Man in his own right like he needs to. And now Miles can’t acknowledge it either
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