#thats knives’s leg if that wasnt obvious
akayourqueen · 9 months
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Obedient Bluesummers
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neganandblake · 5 years
Just shelterin’ from the storm, Darlin’ - A Negan & Blake AU PART 3
When Negan returns to the place he once ruled over, will he find anything there worth sticking around for?
Part 1 here
Part 2 here
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Negan scratched at this bearded cheek as he followed the blonde down the eerily dark hallway.
Memories of this place, once bustling with life filled his mind and flooded his senses. But here and now, apart from the three of them, the place was otherwise quiet and still.
Upturned and ruined furniture littered the long corridors, the two adults almost dancing along to avoid them in the near darkness.
Negan wondered what had happened here so long ago. Had the place fallen straight after he had been locked up, or did the ruin of the Sanctuary come long after?
But his thoughts on this subject were short lived, his short-term memory forcing its way to the forefront of his mind instead.
What the shit had that thing been back there?
Hell, that was like no damn rotter Negan had ever seen before? Had they learned to use goddamn knives now?
What the fuck had happened to the damn world in the short few years the dark-haired man had been locked up for?
“Hey, that shit back there? With that damn biter? You seen anything like that before, Darlin’?” asked Negan, speeding up a little on his long legs and closing the gap between him and the blonde woman, coming to walk at her side now.
He noticed her hold the little girl tighter to her chest for a moment, and her eyes never met with his as she answered.
“I’ve heard rumours...but…...I don’t know…” she murmured, trailing off and shaking her head, as though not wanting to talk on this subject anymore,  as they reached a large and familiar staircase that led up to the upper levels.
Another rumble of thunder crashed overhead, sounding closer this time in the empty, echoey hallways.
“We found a room upstairs,” she explained with a nod, as she gestured for him to follow her up the large metal staircase. “The only one with carpet.”
He caught her green eyes flicker up to his a little nervously, looking almost embarrassed by her circumstance.
But Negan just nodded, narrowing his eyes at her, not really listening to what she was saying, merely pondering as to why this woman, with such a young child would end up here, seemingly all alone.
“So...where’s your baby-daddy?” Negan asked, his voice sounding harsher than he meant it to.
But Negan watched the blonde flinch suddenly at his words.
She didn't answer for a moment. But when she did, she sounded pained, as though trying to put a barrier up against the memories that sat in her mind.
“Dead…” she said what was barely a whisper now. “...I hope.”
Negan stared at her, his eyes roving across her side profile.
Shit. What the hell had happened to this gal?
Whatever it was, it was mirrored in the heavy purple bags that sat under her eyes, and the whiteness of her knuckles as she held, what Negan could now only presume was her daughter, oh-so tightly to her.
“So it’s jus’ the damn two of you?” Negan asked with a small, sorry frown.
And at this, the woman chanced a glanced up at him.
“It’s better this way,” she said softly. “This way we’re safe.”
She shook her head, her long caramel hair fluttering around her as she did so.
The pair were silent as they climbed the remainder of the stairs up to the third floor. Negan’s thoughts on nothing now but this woman and what the fuck she had been through.
Apart from the visible tiredness, she and the kid both looked good. Fucking healthy even.
It was obvious she was a good Mom, despite the hardships she had likely faced out on that road.
“I-Its just down here,” she said quietly, nodding down the lengthy corridor ahead of them.
Even in the darkness and the gloom, Negan recognised this hallway very well indeed, and he stopped suddenly in his tracks as the blonde reached a large set of oak double doors he had not seen in a long, long time.
But seeing him so still, both she and the little girl offered him a curious look.
“You...uh...you coming?” she asked tentatively. “We're just in here.”
And with that she disappeared into the room.
Negan’s room.
Well, his old fucking room at least.
It had been the biggest, plushest room in this whole place, with a large four poster bed, the slickest leather couches, and of course carpet.
He should have figured it out sooner on that basis alone.
And so giving a gulp and allowing his adam's apple to slide up and then back down his throat, Negan turned the corner and peered into the large, expansive room.
It certainly wasn’t as nice now as Negan remembered it once being.
All of the soft furnishings had likely been looted by the rest of his people after his capture, but the sofa, armchair and the enormous bed remained, likely too big and heavy to be removed.
But compared to the four damp walls and creaky old camp bed Negan had been used to for the past seven years, it looked like a paradise.
The little girl was now sat on the squishy leather couch ahead of him, sucking on her damp sleeve again and watching him, as he entered the room, closing the door behind him with a  snap.
He noticed for a second the blonde woman, who was on her feet lighting a small gas lamp, flinch at the noise and glance over at him, still looking a little nervous about him being there.
But fuck. Negan couldn't blame her for that.
You couldn't trust anyone in this fucking shit-show of a world. So why should he be treated any different?
“So,” Negan said his hazel eyes looking her up and down as she worked, trying to break the obvious tension and silence that filled the room. “You got a name?”
But she didn't answer, silence consuming them all once more.
Once the lamp was lit, the woman set it on the carpeted floor in front of the couch where a coffee table had once stood, long-gone by the looks of it.
She stood up straight, brushing her hands down on the hips of her black jeans, before parting her lips and staring at Negan.
For second it looked as though she was about to say something but she quickly changed her mind, instead tucking her hair behind one ear and dragging her eyes hurriedly away from him, and instead, setting her attention on a large black rucksack that sat on the floor next to the sofa.
Reaching down into it, she pulled out two cans.
“We don't have much,” she said, her cheeks reddening profusely, her gaze lowered away from his as she held one of the tins out towards him. “You can have the peaches, she doesn't like them.”
The blonde glanced back at the little girl say on the sofa, before shuffling away and taking a seat beside her.
“Thay slimay!” the baby girl suddenly exclaimed, causing Negan to grin, as her Mom shushed her gently.
“Come on, eat your veggies baby,” hummed the woman in a voice like goddamn honey.
Negan gazed at her for a lengthy moment. At the two of them in fact.
Shit. They didn't deserve this life. Neither of them.
For Negan had known that he was darkness, even before the damn apocalypse. Apart from Lucille there had been nothing good in his life and Negan had made everything he touched, even her, that much darker, plunging them into a dismal gloom-filled existence with him.
But these two….well, to him there were light, and goddamn music, and everything good in this world. It was like a glow emanated from them both, cuddled up together on that couch, in that same seat Negan had sat in, so many years ago, barking commands at his damn men and giving the orders for people’s communities to be burned down, giving the order for people to be killed.
But where there once was darkness, there was now something new and good, and somehow, here and now, it was all Negan could see.
But he dragged his eyes away, staring down at the battered old can in his hand with a faded old image of plump and juicy and syrup covered peaches peeling off of it.
“Darlin’....you don’ need to give me this,” he said with a hard sigh.
But the woman glanced up at him.
“We’re not gonna eat it,” she simply shrugged, offering him, for the first time since they had met, a tiny smile. “It’ll just be left here for someone else if you don't.”
Negan pondered this for a moment, before giving in.
Fuck, well, he was fucking hungry as shit, his stomach giving a loud rumble as if on cue.
And so, being careful not to knock over the lamp, Negan paced across the small space and with a stiff groan he slumped down into the armchair opposite the two girls.
He noticed the woman’s eyes immediately flutter up to him and in a second, with a flush crossing her cheeks,  she leant across the space between them and passed him over a fork.
Negan took it graciously, before lowering his own eyes and peeling off the lid of his can.
Normally Negan didn't shut up But right now with these two girls, he found himself at a  complete loss for words.
Shit. What the hell were these gals doing to him?
But he glanced up again at them, as he took one of the slippery peach slices onto his fork.
“I’m Negan by the way,” he offered, causing the blonde to pause in feeding the girl at her side to look up at him.
He waited for her to respond with her own name, but she merely looked away again.
“Come on, Sweetie…” she whispered instead, spooning just a little more cold vegetables into the her baby girl’s mouth. “That’s it.”
But the tiny girl made a face, swallowing down her last mouthful before pouting. “No mor!” she said bossily, causing the blonde woman to sigh tiredly, rubbing her face with her hand before setting down the can disheartenedly.
Negan blinked, lowering his fork into his can.
“What?” said Negan suddenly causing the two girls to stare up at him. “You don’ like peaches…”
He sat up a little peering over into the can held in the woman’s hand.
“... or carrots now?”
The tiny girl blinked at her a couple of times before shuffling in her seat.
“Noh...Noh...I laik...I laik carrits!” she said almost a little scoldingly now, which caused Negan to grin widely.
“Then you gonna finish what’s left for your Mom, Beansprout?” he tried.
And for a moment the little girl pondered this before shuffling her tiny butt towards her Mom once more.
“Okway, littul bit mor, Mama,” said the baby-girl opening her mouth white in an o-shape.
The blonde glanced at once to Negan and offering him an appreciative look, before quickly turning back to her daughter and spooning a little more supper into her awaiting mouth.
Silence soon filled the room once more and Negan went back to his peaches, finishing half the can before placing it down onto the floor beside his feet.
And it wasn't long, after finishing her food, did the little girl give a tiny yawn, smacking her lips together tiredly.
“I think someone’s ready for bed,” said the woman in a kindly voice, hauling the toddler up by her armpits and holding her into her chest as she stood and made her way over to the large four-poster bed in the corner of the room.
In a blink, she had plonked the little girl down and tucked her in, sitting down beside her and whispering gently to her, words that seemed secret between the pair that Negan couldn’t quite hear...
….until the tiny girl was fast asleep.
Want more? Let me know if you enjoyed this chapter. Like and reblog! :)
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ecotone99 · 4 years
[MF] Nadias Story
I'd love feedback! I did my best with english spelling and grammar, but most of what I know is self-taught, so if you find mistakes, tell me! Other than that, I hope this story fits here, if it doesnt, Id love a suggestion of another sub where it might. Also, not sure what tag fit, so I went with this one.
I dont know anymore when had the idea of leaving. I know it was a long time before I actually did, but ever since that idea, that possibility of leaving it all behind sprang into my mind it never left. Some days it was sleeping, dormant in the back of my mind, other days I couldn't think of anything else. I made plans, scrapped them and made new ones, wrote down a list of things I needed that was soon full of crossed out items or added notes to some. In time, over several years, I prepared my backpack, hidden from those I wanted to flee from, my "family".
Then, quite suddenly I saw an opportunity and instinctively knew it was now or never, it wouldn't ever be as easy to run as now. No-one was home except me, as always, little 17 year old Nadia was always left behind. So I grabbed the envelope with the money they had saved, took my backpack, some water and walked.
I walked for several hours, I didnt dare to look back. It was a peaceful, sunny day, but it was the end of winter, so it was still cold. The day was calm, but I was everything but. For hours my heart was beating fast, I expected every car, every truck every sound to be my family catching me. I walked near the street, but not on it, so it was slow going but I needed that bit of safety from being spotted.
When it got dark, and much colder I found a dry spot and set up my little tent, ate some bread and snuggled up in my sleeping bag. I had cried many nights before, and this night I cried too, but they were tears of relief, not of pain, fear and anger like before. It was just after sunrise when I woke up, quickly ate something and packed up.
I knew the distance to the next city only roughly, so I wasn't too sure when I'd reach it. I hurried, I didnt pack very much food or water, not enough for many days. My feet hurt, I never walked that much with a heavy backpack before and I was exhausted. I was cold, and scared I wouldnt make it to the city on foot, so I decided to try to wave down a driver to take me with him. I knew stories of things like this going wrong, but I didn't have anything to lose, nothing I really cared about anyhow.
I walked for a while at the edge of the street, waving at every driver who was going in the right direction. I still know the exact number of cars and trucks who passed me without stopping; thirteen cars and five trucks. It wasn't a busy road, so that was a while, but the sixth truck, a big one with some kind of water tank on the back stopped. He asked me if I was lost and I just asked if he could take me to wherever he needed to go. I could see in his face that he was thinking, so I added I'd be good company, or invisible and quiet if he wanted. If I knew anything, it was making myself invisible and not noticed. I was so relieved when he agreed, so I climbed in, put my pack between my legs and sat down.
He was big, burly with a big beard, but he had nice eyes and talked in a very kind way, so I thought I was lucky with him. We talked a bit, at first he asked me about myself, why I was all alone, but I dodged the questions or gave very vague answers, so he dropped the topic soon enough and we talked about other stuff. He told me about himself, his family and his dog. I soon knew that he wasnt going to the city I originally planned, but it was all the same to me, further away was better anyway. We talked for maybe two or three hours, then got quiet and he turned on the radio and I could feel my eyelids getting heavy, my exhaustion settling in. When I woke up, it was dark and we were stopping at a reststop. Tomorrow evening we would arrive St. Petersburg he said, thats where he'd have to drop me off.
The next day was as exciting for me as the ones before, but it was finally settling in, that I was free now, no family to tell me to shut up, or how to dress, noone to hit me for slightly burning the food, just me, my pack and freedom. It was also scary, but I told myself everything was better than before, no matter what happened. I enjoyed the scenery, the radio, talks with Alex, the driver. Evening came all too quickly, and I found myself in the outskirts of a big city, bigger than any I had been to before. I thanked Alex and went on my way, thinking if I could just set up a tent here or if I could find something solid to stay in.
In the end, after walking around for a while, I found a group of homeless guys under a large bridge and decided here was as good as anywhere else. Didnt need my tent, so I just got out my sleeping bag, put the backpack in it at my feet and slept. I could feel the others watching me, but pretended not to notice. I slept uncomfortably, and woke up early in the morning before the sun. I checked my stuff if everything was still there, and found everything where it was supposed to be, so I packed up and went on the search for food. I had told myself I wanted to use as little money as possible, so I had more for the times I had no other options.
I went into a few stores, and took little things at each one. An apple here, some water there, bread at another, you get it. It was surprisingly easy, no-one paid me any attention so as long as I wasn't acting obvious it would be easy grabs. The next days went by in a haze, I slept in a different spot each night, mostly stole food and sometimes paid for things that were too risky. I talked with other homeless people, the nice ones gave me some tips, most tried to flirt with me or outright groped me, which I absolutely did not know how to deal with, so I always just kind of let it happen and walked away as soon as I could.
After a while I had a routine. but I didnt want to stay on the streets. So I figured I needed a job, something to make money. I didn't really care what, so I asked around and after some persistent nagging I was referred to a Club. I am not going into detail here, but basically after that I was a maid for everything. Some days I was a courier, others I was a lookout, on others I had to clean. I was "mentored" by one guy throughout this all, and after a few weeks he let me stay at his place, provided I'd make sure it was kept clean. He taught me how a lot of things worked, at first basic things, then how to defend myself. He gave me a knife and taught me how to use it, how to keep it hidden but always in reach, where to use it on someone for what effects. I did that job for about eight months, and as I got better and more reliable, I got other assignments too. Vadim showed me how to exploit people, how to make them trust me, how to use my body to get what I, or my boss wanted. Throughout the time I lived with Vadim, he rarely expressed interest in me. He watched me a lot, and occasionally touched me in a weird way, but never made more advances. I think teaching me to use my body, and seeing me practicing with him changed things for him, because soon after, he started demanding other "favors" for the privilege of staying with him. I figured it wouldnt hurt me and I didn't really have a choice, so I agreed. I didn't hate it, but I definitely didn't like it either, especially when he got home drunk or high and got really rough.
But I endured it, the warm home was worth it I told myself. And, at some point I asked Vadim to share what he took with me, so from then on most times I was high when things happened or got heated, and only really knew about them when my body hurt the next day. Months passed like that, and I quickly got hooked on worse stuff, willing to do more and more for my next fix. I could see myself falling, slipping, but I just didn't care. At some point, I even wanted it to end, I wanted to take too much, but never did, and Vadim never gave me more than I could take.
It was midwinter, nearly two years after I ran when Vadim and me where running errands and the one we were supposed to bring things to started acting weird, aggressive. They said we brought them false stuff and got out knives, and as we were only two and they six or seven, we ran back to the car. I was first, so i got in at the drivers seat and started it, waiting for Vadim to get in, afraid, but also, for the first time in a long while feeling alive, like that first few days after I ran.
When he finally got in I wanted to drive back to our place, but one of the guys had thrown his knife and caught Vadim in his thigh and it was bleeding like mad. Vadim died next to me, before I could reach a hospital, so I turned and drove to our boss. I told him what happened, and he took care of Vadim and the car, and told me to stay at his place for a while. His place, as he called it, was a huge upgrade to Vadims place, even though that wasnt shabby either. But this place was all clean and tidy, with style that just fit together, so I didnt mind staying there at all. Three days it was before he got back. He had my backpack with him, after I told my story he and vadim agreed that it was good to keep that updated and ready.
He seemed distressed, told me we needed to go. I learned not to question things, so I agreed and helped him pack the rest of what he needed. Not an hour later we got to his car and drove out of the city, and soon, out of the country...
submitted by /u/Major-Bother [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/3azYZrh
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bxckbcne · 7 years
dnt reb/l/og this thank you ahead of time ray and i were. a thing that was obvious he would snipe and i would slice with my knife we were connected thats why we called ourselves the r and r connection i mean. really but then he left and disappeared and i panicked i had so many fucking panic attacks and i dont remember if i hurt myself like. really purposefully because i missed him so much or i did it bc i hated myself for missing him jack was really the only person aware of all of it trevor too whenever he came by while geoff or lindsay were busy trevor had insomnia and i do did i so. we stayed up he worked on his computer in the living room and i cleaned my knives in my room he came in one night at like. 2am he asked me what caused my insomnia and i almost. immediately said /my eye in the sky/ but i didnt say anything i just. kept cleaning my knives i didnt have my mask off for months in front of anyone then jeremy showed up. trevor brought him and matt and andy and a few other people on the team while geoff was away and lindsay was busy with michael in jersey dealing with family affairs it was only jack gavin and i at the penthouse in the los santos city center. the first thing i even Noticed was his cowboy hat his stupid fucking cowboy hat and his purple blazer and his orange tank top and tan pants and cowboy boots he never took off his sunglasses kinda like how gavin never took off his shades either vut he was smiling and happy and he. sat with trevor and matt and andy in the living room as trevor explained their jobs and positions lil j, youre our sniper. our eye in the sky. i left the penthouse through my window and down a fire escape with my mask and my knife that ray gave me one christmas day that seens so far away now i left and went to mount chiliad and just. stayed at the top of the mountain for hours flipping my butterfly knife over and over and over again at one point i flipped it too soon and it landed against my fingers the blood from the cuts bloomed like roses to me as the sun set and i watched it drip onto the dirt below me i put the knife away. months and months had gone buy maybe even like two years before i finally was. comfortable around everyone again geoffs tattooed fist around the neck of a bottle of rum wasnt full of anger anymore unlike the last time je did that in front of me and smashed the bottle against the kitchen counter as i said something avout ray hes goddamn dead to me, and he better be fucking dead to you too, haywood! jacks words whispered into my ears during a panic attack on the porch outside the living room of the penthouse i dont remember if i was threatening to jump or not im sorry ryan, im so sorry. gavin rarely came over to me alone but tue one time he did i thought his shoes beside my legs as i sat on the roof near the helipad were rays i jolted and looked up at the golden boy above me and blinked my mask was on c'mon, rye, were going heisting! michael and lindsay tended to approach me together, michael full of anger about my attitude and lindsay full of worry about the same thing michael you cant just fuckin sulk around all day and all night about brownman, ryan. hes fucking gone and i know you miss him, but we miss him too. and lindsay you dont have to be silent about it, ryan. i know geoff gets angry but you dont have to hide all the time. you can talk to us about it. trevor came to me one night, maybe two or three years after all of this. after that night he leaned against my doorframe as i cleaned my butterfly knife the scars from the cuts along my fingers had long since healed. i thought about doing it again one day i didnt know brownman, but im sure he misses you just as much as you miss him. dont beat yourself up over this, vagabond. jeremy walked into my room one night and i told him to get out he didnt he made me sit on my bed and just. look at him i know im not your eye in the sky, but im the crews eye in the sky now. i know its not the same, but you have to trust me. everyone else does. what is it gonna take for you to trust me ? you to trust me.
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