#that way we have a reason for putting her in the chasm during perilous trail so that she can meet ushi :)
adeptus ik who is part ox spirit (maybe geo vision for the earth ox?) - upon meeting belphie he feels this strange Magic Bovine Solidarity™ towards her. he is very (tsuntsun) upset at it and huffs in the corner like "lucifer must have done this on purpose so i couldn't harm the human, this is CHEATING"
in this au belphie tries so hard to keep up his human-disliking thing (though now that i think about it, adepti aren't human are they?? maybe ik would only be half adeptus then), but the instinctive Magic Bovine Solidarity™ just will not let him and in the end he just gives in. he goes from 'i hate that i'm befriending this child without my permission' to 'i am adopting this child and i don't need permission to do so'
and then ik gets him out of the attic and communicating properly with his brothers without any collateral damage!! no angst in this au!!!!!! finally ik gets a break
you know that study that revealed cows actually do form dedicated friendships and gets stressed when they're separated?? belphie and ox adeptus ik end up being the very best of friends like that <33
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