#that shit is NOT easy and for u to perhaps throw away those qualifications for someone bc they have been unfaithful to you
saetoru · 1 year
ok i have what is apparently an unpopular opinion but i honestly think a lot of the revenge things ppl do to ppl that cheat on them that i see on tik tok are too far
#i seen one when someone quite literally ruined their ex boyfriends chances of getting to med school or working anywhere in the health field#i saw one where they literally threw a family ring of generations into a lake bc her husband cheated#like yes he cheated and that is SO wrong and u deserve so much that he does not#but that is still a person and to a degree you still have to treat them w basic levels of decency#such as not ruining their career that is just#idk that’s rly not the flex you think it is#the suicide rates of med school is wild#that shit is NOT easy and for u to perhaps throw away those qualifications for someone bc they have been unfaithful to you#is not rly the evening of the playfield u might think it is#idk maybe that’s just me but#heartbreak u do bounce back from#some things are too permanent to be ‘morally-just’ revenge in my eyes#maybe this is just me#idk i don’t like to think i have sympathy for cheaters#i don’t. i’ve been cheated on#but i do have sympathy for people as people#IDK I RLY DONT#the comments are always praising them#but that med school one made me sick to my stomach#literally i felt genuinely nauseous#u have to understand that#something like that#it’s bigger than just#oh haha i broke his car window now he has to get a new one#my cousin is in med school and his parents have worked TIRELESSLY as immigrants#to save up for med school or wtv he chose to pursue#ruining something like that is not something that just affects one person#u might just like#put multiple ppls lifes worths of sacrifice to no use#like idk. rough up his car a bit !! put a glitter bomb in his stuff !! don’t mess w ppls entire futures it’s just…so wrong beyond cheating
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austinpanda · 5 years
Bangor Bound, Ch. 8
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Here’s where we are now: I’ve accomplished my three goals for today, and I’m still concerned, as Zach is concerned, about the fact that we don’t have a place to live yet. Allow me to explain in greater detail. 
This morning I wanted to take out the trash and recycling. Zach took care of that while I snoozed, the lovable butthole. Second, we wanted to throw away an exercise bike. Throwing something away when it’s large, awkwardly-shaped, and heavy, is difficult when you live on the third floor of a building with no elevators. But the exercise bike had four feet upon which it rested, and two of the feet were casters (wheels). It was a recumbent bike and it was designed to be picked up from one end, and moved on those casters like a wheelbarrow. Once we got it down all the stairs, which just took a bit of slowness and care, it was easy to wheel it out to the dumpster. I should have put a sticky note on it, saying that it works. We’re not getting rid of it because it’s broken; we’re getting rid of it because we don’t want to move that shit 2,200 miles, and, more importantly, we want to get actual bikes once we’re in Bangor. We want to get fat-tire bikes and ride them in the snow, and ride them to the store, and ride them everywhere, and get healthy, and live for a hundred years.
The third and final chore was installing The Great Divide™ pet net barrier thingy! To cut a long story short, it is done. It was pretty easy to install, and it fits nicely. There are some gaps, and I will address those. I’ve already purchased a couple of disposable litter boxes pre-loaded with litter and placed one in the floor of the back driver’s side. I’m beginning to wish my kitty had the capacity to appreciate how much money and energy I’m spending making sure he’s as comfortable and chill as possible for this three-day car trip. I’m starting to feel like I’ve accomplished something here. This is some seriously first-class kitty transport, complete with restroom facilities! That’s the last I’ll bitch about that. 
Now it’s about 9:30 in the morning, my three icky outdoors chores are complete, and my thoughts turn to our house hunt. 
Our house hunt is going poorly, I would say. Or perhaps I should say it’s going wonderfully; it just hasn’t produced a new home for us yet. And I have to admit, and you’re going to probably spit out your coffee and yell at me at this point, but I haven’t made any phone calls yet. We’ve been doing it online. Look, here’s the thing: we both hate making phone calls. It takes time to work up the courage. It’s embarrassing! It’s one of those shortcomings for which the only solution seems to be, “How about just stop being a pussy and DO IT, m’kay?” But that solution has produced mixed results. 
Here’s what we do. We find a place that’s in our price range ($850 or, preferably less), allows cats, and has washer/dryer connections. The only other qualification is that it has to be as un-murdery as possible. We don’t want to live in a terrifying, shoddily-built apartment that’s just going to make us sad. We want a competent dwelling. We want something clean, with no bugs, and no windows that are half in one room, and half in the adjacent room, because the people converting it from one house to several apartments just did not give a shit. (Yes, we’ve seen this.) Another thing these people do is carve out a bathroom by putting a few walls around a toilet and shower, but they don’t extend the walls all the way to the ceiling! It’s like a bathroom stall in a gas station, but it’s your home! You’re pooping out loud, for everyone in the place to hear, FOREVER!!!!!
Anyway, once we’ve found the place that meets our requirements, we use whatever mechanism that website provides to contact the landlord and/or apply to live there. If there’s more than one way to apply, without calling them, or more than one way so submit information to them, without calling them, or more than one way to nag them, without calling them, we do it. So far, we don’t have a place, and the Cumberland Street apartment has been rented to someone else. We’re down from three possibilities to two.
So the search continues. Zach and I, despite having heroically done a combined three things already this morning, are going to dedicate the rest of the day and tomorrow to searching like mad, online, for a place to live. 
If that doesn’t work…
...then next week we start calling places. And that means mostly me doing the phone calls, because of Zach’s speech impediment. Also, we start looking for an extended-stay hotel, or some super-cheap weekly efficiency apartments. Because, and this is hugely important, we really, seriously, absolutely MUST have a place to drive TO once we get to Bangor. Since we’re using the pods, our stuff will come later, and be brought to a Bangor U-Haul place, and we can direct it to our new home once we have one. But we literally have to have a place, even if it’s a temporary one, to drive to. We need a bed and a bathroom and something resembling a kitchen. 
Ah, friendos, I grow nervous. Zach now fears that he left his job too soon, and that our lack of employment will prevent us from getting the kind of place we want. My thoughts were always, “How about we just offer them a pile of money, in the form of a few months rent in advance, instead?” But we haven’t had many opportunities to make that offer yet, because we’re here with our pile, and they’re there with their employment demands. We’re working on it, and we’re working hard. 
But! You know me, I can’t give ten negatives without at least a head-fake toward something positive. From within this cauldron of dog shit that is my current existence, a genuine gold nugget has emerged. A wonderful thing happened, and I have my sister to thank for it. 
I read Stephen King’s book “Doctor Sleep,” a few months ago, and thought it was fine. It’s the sequel to The Shining; little Danny Torrance all grown up and alcoholic. Then I saw a trailer for the movie, which is coming out on November 8th, and I thought, “Maybe I should listen to that audio book again. It had a couple of cool parts in it.” Then I listened to the book a second time, and fell in love with it. I’ve talked about it online already; the book has such heart, such an amazing capacity for kindness, such beautiful, supportive relationships. I just loved the shit out of it. So, I recommended it to Stacy. And she read it! And she liked it, and said it had a lot of heart! And she got Dad to read it, and now he likes it!
This morning I got an email from dad which just contained a link to the second trailer for the movie Doctor Sleep. I’ve already seen it a dozen times, because at this point, I’m a fan, but it’s awesome to know he’s into it too. My dad, who had trouble liking me because of insufficient sports, is enjoying a book I enjoyed. And Stacy digs it too. I’m like Moses over here, bringing my love of this Stephen King book to the whole of humanity. Hope you accept Doctor Sleep into your life. And I hope the movie is very good.
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