#that first diluc was a lost 50/50 on childes banner and I will never live that down
waylouder · 2 years
me: I used to be f2p you know
my pulls:
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aedan-mills · 3 years
OKAY, I had to do this:
Dead Poets play Genshin Impact and who they Main
Neil: Jean, Xiangling, Xingqui, and Bennet
- He has the WORST 5 star luck, literally only gets 4 stars or JEAN (his Jean is c3)
- Loves playing Co-op, especially to help Todd Grind for materials
- The moment he got Qiqi, he felt bad that he had to take out Jean if he needed her on the team, so he puts Qiqi on his spare party (because he got attached to Jean)
- Really wants Venti and Zhongli on his team, he cries about it all the time
- Also Mains Razor, Chongyun (when he plays with Todd), Beidou, and Kaeya
- Type of guy to do single pulls everyday (doesn't really save up a lot UNLESS he knows who he wants in a banner)
- He likes to try imitating the voices of the characters randomly
Todd: Xingqui, Chongyun, Mona, Diluc
- everyone is jealous he has a Diluc
- he doesn't know how to build Diluc but he's happy Diluc can do 3k hits
- He mains Xingqui more because he feels like they're similar
- He always has Chongyun with him because they're bffs
- Todd hates doing domains or bosses alone (especially Wolf and Oceanid) so he asks Neil to help him with his bennet
- Todd also got Zhongli and Venti but he doesn't wanna tell that to Neil
- He rarely pulls so he has 4k primos just rotting away
- REALLY invested in the story/lore <3
- Takes a lot of time with his Tea pot <3 (named on of his dogs Neil)
Charlie: Eula, Lisa, Ningguang, Beidou
- His team is more "aesthetics" than practical
- HE ALWAYS MAKES LISA CLIMB, even if he loses energy a lot
- Really enjoys beating up bosses, since he has a C5 nigguang built his Eula's PHYS DMG so high, he's a one hit kind of guy
- ALWAYS IN MORA-HELL somehow???
- he likes to back seat game Todd whenever he sees him use Diluc wrong but just really wants his own
-his alternative party is Kaeya, Zhongli, Childe, Traveller
- He will always use Zhongli to make Dong statues
- If you don't tell him off, he will steal your resources when you're not looking
- has no self control with wishes so he wishes everyday too
- is willing to buy genesis crystals (already did for Childe and Zhongli and Eula ;) )
Knox: Traveler, Amber, Kaeya, Lisa
- He's that kind of guy who will use the original team just because SOMEONE said Amber/ the og party sucks
- Will actually defend Amber with his life (She's at least c3 now)
- If he's not using Traveler, he'll use the Xiao he accidentally got cuz he feels like he kins this emo boy a lot
- has 6k primo gems rotting away and EVERYONE is LIVID
- He enjoys playing with Todd and Neil more than Charlie and the others since they don't complain about his fighting style
- He likes to skip dialogues because he just wants to fight
- prefers playing the events or side games more than the actual story, but when he plays in each story, he will always switch to Traveler so he doesn't see the weird switch out
Meeks: Venti, Hutao, Ningguang, Diona
- All of his characters, even 4 stars, are AT LEAST lvl 60-70
- even Amber
- He also mains Mona, Bennet, Eula, Jean, Sucrose, Albedo
- Really enjoys the lore so he, todd and pitts like to theorize about the Moon, the archons, khaenri'ah, timmy
- He knows when to save up for Pity, almost always wins 50/50
- Does Dailies really quick and does domains, ley lines, everyday, and organizes weekly boss co-ops with the others
- Speed runs the Spiral Abyss, of course he does
- He taught Charlie how to build, he regrets it now since Charlie will always ask him to do domains with him
- He and Pitts do a lot of Co-Op together since they both World level 8 now and 2 characters for each is better than 1 each
Pitts: Yanfei, Venti, Qiqi, Beidou
- Memes the shit out of the game
- He'll always send the group chat the stupidest genshin memes yet they never get sick of it
- plays it in Japanese Dub
- He once saved up for Hu Tao (his fav character) but lost 50/50 and still sulks about it until this day
- Aside from being really good at builds, he tends to be the type to invest a lot in his teapot
- He and Todd had the prettiest Teapots <3 <3
- Whenever stories come up he switches back to Eng Dub because he can't be bothered to read important info
- depending on the character he wants, he'll make a physical, literal SHRINE for them (as a joke) but it actually worked when he did it for Yanfei and Venti so....
Cameron: Zhongli, Barbara, Jean, Rosaria
- at first he didn't like the game
- He's not used to playing video games but he eventually got really attached to Venti's story
- He also really likes Barbara because she's so nice ;u;
- When he got Jean, he was fully invested on building her
- When he got Zhongli, he became fully invested in the game (especially the liyue story)
- He doesn't like to ask for help from his friends so he self-studies how to build and ends up showing Meeks really useful stuff
- He and Meeks are the best players of the group even if Cameron doesn't always Co-Op
- The only time Cameron really asked for help was during Twisted Realm and Azdaha
- ever since, he'd ask Neil or Meeks for help because they don't shit on him for the game
- He's the type to be updated with every banner so he reports to the others on who to save for
- Source of all the Redeem Codes <3 He watches all the live streams
Sticks: Kazuha, Venti, Eula, Hutao
- is the one who introduced them to the game
- source of some of Pitt's memes
- builds just as good at Meeks but is just as modest as Neil
Chris: Klee, Diona, Qiqi, Sucrose
- She likes the baby characters so much <3
- she mains Diluc on the side but doesn't really show people because she wants to be known as the chibi collector
Ginny: Xiangling, Bennet, Xingqui, Chongyun
- uses the national team because someone said so (she mastered them too)
- she's really good at spiral abyss haha
- will let you steal her mats if you help he with oceanid
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sairenji · 2 years
Genshin shenanigans
So, I’m partial f2p in Genshin. I only buy the Welkin Moon and the Battle Pass once a month. I do not whale on banners; I did it once for Xiao’s debut banner...most painful $65 ever spent, never again. 
I skip banners on character I’m not interested in, even if I want the 4*s featured, I hold back...occasionally I’ll do one 10 pull if I’m interested in at least 2 out of the 3 4*s featured. So, I’m pretty good about saving up my primos. 
When Itto’s banner happened (i saved up for months), I hardcore wanted him and his weapon. I pulled on Itto first, naturally, and if I recall correctly, I lost my 50/50 to Diluc (C0). I ended up pulling and within I think 30 pulls I got guaranteed Itto. Yay! Now...I think I was down to maybe 11k primos? I was fighting the mighty urge...to pull on the weapon banner given pity and the system in it is very different from regular character event banner. But I was stubborn and I wasted all of my primos...sorta...I ended up getting Primordial Jade Spear...WHICH WASN’T EVEN THE FEATURED 5* WEAPON. It was Itto’s claymore and some bow, I can’t remember. It wasn’t a total loss, I own Xiao so I slapped that shit on him and I only had to do some minor adjustments to his artifact set. 
I kept pulling for Itto’s weapon until the very last day of the banner...every time i got 160 primos, a new wish...anything! I would keep trying. Needless to say, his weapon did not come home. I think I went up to maybe 70-ish pity. 
Since then, i skipped every banner after Itto until Yae’s and won 50/50 on day 1 of the banner being released. Banner currently has 2 days left, I’ve got roughly 10k primos (and 9 wishes)...I’m itching to make a 10 pull at least. Weapon banner interests me, I wasn’t aiming to get Yae’s catalyst, I kinda just wanted another Stringless and Sacrificial Swords cuz you can never have too many Sacrificial Swords. I did 1 10 pull...fucking Yae’s weapon comes in. What is this luck? It’s like this game hates me! Now, I’m happy! Don’t get me wrong, but I could have lived without her weapon, I was gonna slap Solar Pearl or the new f2p event one that is currently available on her. 
I haven’t leveled up Itto at all because I got so discouraged and feel like he won’t be good without his signature weapon (I know that’s not true...it just feels that way). 
Now I feel motivated to build Yae (hadn’t built her cuz I was trying to improve Raiden’s artifact set...but RNG gods aren’t being too nice to me right now). 
I’m still on the fence about pulling for Ayato, I’m waiting for Kazuha’s rerun cuz he is my top wishlist character right now (along side Mona and Childe). I’ve got time to think about it, there’s been several rumors that Kazuha won’’t be in 2.7 anymore but I’ll have to wait and see if that is true or not. Been seeing around that it’ll be Venti instead. 
I’m skipping the 2nd half of 2.5, I’ve already got Raiden and I’m not interested in Kokomi. I would like some Sara constellations but it’s not worth risking it since I’ve already got c6 Xinyan (which I don’t use) and c6 Benny boy (not activated, I stopped at c5).
Anyways, this was just rambles for myself, thanks for reading and if you happen to understand my slight frustration with this game. :’)
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