#thanks anons for unintentionally spawning this nightmare
yonpote · 1 month
ok i know i answered those hypothetical phivorce asks hours ago but i cant stop thinking about it. congrats anons ive decided i AM gonna jump down this rabbit hole, im gonna 100% seriously take this entire idea to its logical conclusion. this isnt even out of anger anymore i am just insane.
so, i'm gonna say dan would be the one to announce a relationship with another person. i think if phil were in a new relationship, he would not share that, whereas i think dan wouldnt be able to keep it to himself as per the nature of the yapper. are they also continuing to make content in this scenario? like on the gaming channel and as a duo? ok right off the bat, this is already an existing fanfic that was written in 2017. it's called Disturb The Universe so if you'd like to see another person's interpretation of a similar scenario, go read that LMAO. but here is essentially my own fanfic of how i personally interpret this scenario.
they continue to make content and it is the same caliber of gay that it has been since the return, but now with added knowledge that dan (and maybe phil) has a boyfriend who, presumably, doesn't want to be involved in dan's career life. OR is this a scenario in which the new bf DOES want to be involved? is he a fellow Content Creator? or maybe just a guy who wants to support his weird famous boyfriend and his weirdly close ex?
ok let's put ourselves in the mind of the new boyfriend for a second. how would you feel if you started dating this guy, whos really nice and nerdy and cute, but he just cant shut up about all his escapades with Some Other Guy? you go look up his name and find all of the work he's done and continues to do with this dude, and ok lets ignore all the written porn cuz thats just fan nonsense right, but just the sheer amount of content on this guy you went on a second date with, maybe even shagged, and the entirety of his adult life is not only publicly available but also INTENSELY tied up with another person, with whom he is still living and in fact Shares A Mortgage and even FULLY DESIGNED THE FLOORPLANS AND DECOR TOGETHER TO MATCH THEIR COMBINED TASTES AND AESTHETICS. like assuming you're not just gonna dump this guy for leading you on, what are you gonna do, just accept that you're always gonna be second place? and even if this were a scenario which you, dan's unrealistic hypothetical new boyfriend, are totally fine with not being dan's number one man, well that kind of non-monogamous relationship HAS to be something that is brought up before ANY flirting even happens. like dan's bio would need to say "polyam + partnered" or ANYTHING because otherwise dan would be a piece of shit.
ok now stop being dan's new boyfriend, and be you. you watched the twenty minute long announcement instagram reel that was apparently just a teaser for the 3 hour long youtube video that should be released at some point this decade. you'll always be a phangirl deep in your heart so a piece of you is extremely saddened by this, despite how many times in 2016 you said you would be happy for dnp even if they weren't together. but in the announcement, he made it pretty clear that he's not going to stop making content with phil. so wait, what does that mean? are they gonna post another gaming video in which the vibes are exactly the same as before? you wanna believe in your heart that dan's new bf doesn't mean that what he has with phil has suddenly changed, but (again barring this being a polyam situation, and let's say nothing about dan's announcement insinuated any ENM) that is logically not possible. so something in their content HAS to shift with this announcement. but it doesnt appear that they stopped living together, their latest video has none of their flirty antics toned down, and let's say the new bf is not a content creator and dan didn't disclose his full name and even his first name is possibly a pseudonym or so common there would be no way of tracking him down outside of straight up stalking dan, and the only public photo dan has with him has his face covered with a sticker.
so like, what would even be the point of this announcement? in terms of dan's public life, nothing would actually change, other than all of us constantly thinking of this new boyfriend in the back of our heads as we watch dnp consistently flirt with each other. i can understand where that anon is coming from, this WOULD feel like a weird betrayal. it could be a betrayal of us as fans that have enjoyed being in this little "we know you know" bubble suddenly having this sprung upon us with seemingly no benefit to us OR to dnp, a betrayal of phil who seems to be perfectly content with all of this happening but you just know can't be handling a sudden change like this all that well, especially when pertaining to his closest person in the entire world, or a betrayal of this new bae who just has to deal with the fact that dan is just constantly showing off his life-long best friend and self-admitted SOULMATE that he finds so fucking special when, even if new bf does prefer privacy, all he got in terms of public affection is an instagram reel. but again, this is all under the assumption that dan is the kind of person to do something like this, which is the point where all of this scenario is fully destroyed and this just becomes fic.
so basically, everything here falls apart because when it comes down to it, some aspect of this has to involve dan and/or phil being pieces of shit, and personally, i do not like that scenario outside of the realm of pure fiction. but i'll say it was a fun little writing exercise, unironically feel free to steal these ideas for your phivorce / phreak-up fics.
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