#thanks ahdri! <3
boysbeloving · 2 years
10 Fandoms, 10 Characters, 10 tags
tagged by @ahdriking thanks babe! Sorry this is super late!
okay....i might not hit 10? lol but i've also cheated twice 🙃
the following list is in no particular order
Supernatural: Castiel
Yes, yes yes...SPN...sorry...but Cas really is VERY close to my heart...the journey this angel goes through...learning about humanity...learning with humanity...and everything Cas experiences on earth with and without the Winchesters (Misha's portrayal of Cas definitely adds to why Cas is my fav)
2. Queer As Folk: Brian Kinney
This bitch istg...so i watched QAF after it ended and it was during a very difficult/tumultuous/uncertain time of my life...and then having Brian enter my life made it worse 🙃 (in the best possible ways)...He's so annoying, so rude, so slutty, so hurt, so alone...and i just...want to tell him that it's okay to love...okay to feel hurt...okay to reach out...okay to ask for help...no one will think any less of him...'you'll always be young, you'll always be beautiful, you're brian kinney for fuck's sake' okay i'm gonna go cry brb
3. Spirited Away: Haku
He dragon
4. Howl's Moving Castle: Howl and Sophie
They are BRILLIANT!!! as individuals and as a couple...love them so so much...their combined badassery is unparalleled...Howl will be a dramatic bitch and Sophie would be like 'i gotta go save my dramatic bitch'...also..Howl SO gets pegged by Sophie (i know she told me)
5. Kuroshitsuji: Sebastian Michaelis
uuuufffffff.....he's the devil....what more can i say....
6. Goblin: Goblin
okay when eun tak writes 'he has a sad smile' and they ACTUALLY run a montage of his sad smiles...bestie i died....i cried SO MUCH during THAT scene (no spoilers)...he's immortal, he's so done with your shit, he's hurt, he's in pain, he's burdened with life and all you want to do is hold this immortal being and rock him back and forth (also Gong Yoo ssi is just phenomenal...if you haven't watched it then please watch this kdrama)
7. Moon Lovers: Wang So
another hurt man....wow i have a type don't i...it's the 'i can fix/fuck/accept/love him' trope...he was never accepted for who he was, never loved, and it's this lack of familial love in the formative years of his life that fill him with unimaginable rage...and how he still simply moves forward...he achieves a lot later in life (but at what cost uuuffff)...i love the angst....right up my alley...(Lee Joon Gi the actor you are...again please watch this kdrama if you haven't already)
8. Kinnporsche: Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakul
*waves hand* this entire blog is effectively dedicated to the man...just check my pinned post lol
9. The Untamed: Lan Wangji and Xue Yang
okay...wow...Lan-zhan <333 (i know i'm not supposed to call him that, only one person has the right hehehee)....his stoicism, his no-nonsense persona, his pride, his sophisticated rebellion, his loud and proud declaration of love (and it's not words....it's his actions), his hair, just everything <33 (and the absolute gremlin Wang Yibo portrays him in the live action....boyo!!! it's whiplash y'all hheeehehe...and yibo is my baby btw)
AND Xue Yang...he's one of the villains....he appeared on screen and i was like 'this one....i'm gonna take this one'
so ya...i like one of the heroes and one of the villains...i got range y'all...i got range...hhheehehe
okay now to tag others...do i even talk to 10 people here? hahhahaha i'm not sure lol....but here we go (as always please do this only if you feel like doing it!)
@sereinartemishan @discluded @rainbowcolored7 @aayuthaezhuthu @skamskada @domsaysstuff @mickolo @deliciouswastelandgoddess @matan4il @nattaphum
and anyone else who wants to do this!
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ahdriking · 2 years
Ahdriiii while i sit and process your 'just the tip fic', i would love your Kinnporsche (or VP) thoughts on Top Drop! ive only ever read a miniscule amount of fics that have ever had it - usually obvi people write subdrop - but is there anything that comes into that gorgeous head of yours?
AAAAAAAH I hope you enjoyed it, it was made with a lot of horny, horny love 🙈💕
I FIND IT FASCINATING. I had never heard of the concept before until quite recently, actually, when I read a fic that had top drop in it (fuckin can't remember which fic it was right now, someone link me if you can think of it!) but it really got my mind going. As a sub myself, I find the dom headspace quite interesting to delve into, because it's a world apart from my personal experience and it's full of very interesting nooks and crannies to tease out. A sub taking care of a dom in the way a dom typically takes care of a sub is a really interesting subversion to me that you don't usually get to see- and I love things that are parallel subversions.
I dislike the idea of top drop being exclusively related to guilt, because I find guilt a little triggering, but more so related to an intense aftermath of heightened awareness of ones partner and being the cause of pain and pleasure. Being so attuned to and responsible for someone's experience sounds intense, and that's something I can see being really interesting to explore in a fic about top drop.
You've got my mind going aaah!! I feel like there are lots of interesting ideas worth exploring on the topic. I need to do more research into it tho!!
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ahdriking · 2 years
i LOVE the fact that you made porsche tell kinn about the spying thing. i usually despise when writers create a situation where the protagonist has to hide about spying or going behind their love interest's back just for the sake of angst. and i literally screamed when porsche told kinn the truth. not only was this in character of porsche but we could focus on the other aspects of their relationship and the plot as well?
anyway i love you, you really are a reader's writer does that make sense? also ive been dreaming about that kp punishment pwp wip you've been working on and i can't wait to devour it multiple times a day once it comes out ^^
I'm so glad you liked that!!! It was definitely something I didn't want to become a huge factor in the story and take over focus from the other plot/character points. Plus, Porsche is a fucking nightmare, can you imagine him trying to do any actual spying as in trying to covertly gain info on Kinn ITS LAUGHABLE the poor boy wouldnt know subtlety if it knocked him out ahaha
I'M SO TOUCHED being called a reader's writer is actually one of the highest compliments i've ever received and I'm just like thank you?? so much??? that's so damn sweet of you!
THE PUNISHMENT FIC IS COMING, I work on it a little bit every day, it's just taking a hot minute. Can't wait to share it with you 💕💕💕💕
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ahdriking · 2 years
hellooo for the ask tag how about 10, 11 (especially like, types of pairings?), 14, 30 and 42? (also im about to read the blue blood update and i can not WAIT im so exited)
5 QUESTIONS YOU SPOIL ME ANON!! I really hope you enjoy the blue blood chapter 💕💕
10. How do you decide what to write?
WELL it's honestly different every time! I tend to be the kind of writer who latches onto an idea/vibe/topic that just speaks to me and takes over my brain, and then I spin that out into a fic. Sometimes the idea comes to me organically, but most of the time it comes to life in collaboration with others 🤣 Usually I start off with gathering some kink ideas that I want to explore, and then I start to build the details of the scene around moments that jump out at me that would be really hot.
I also turn to tumblr/twitter polling to help me decide 🤣
11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is?
I tend to become very partial to a single pairing and obsess over it religiously! I do still like the occasional side pairing, or giving some love to some rare pairs, but generally speaking one relationship will just spark for me and light a fire under my ass that i'll inevitably be consumed by. I reckon it's because I hyperfixate, and also because once I've got the feel for characters down and how to write them, it's actually quite tricky to get out of the mindset of their mannerisms/headspace and work with another character.
14. Are there any tropes you would only read if written by a trusted friend or writer?
HMMM. Well, I'm generally a very open minded person when it comes to tropes/kinks/stuff like that, but when it comes to my squicks/DNW's i'm so Hard No with it that i'm not sure! Honestly, the two that jump to mind are MCD and mpreg, and they're... I genuinely don't see how I would be able to enjoy either of them, but!! There are quite a few (cough kurtstiel cough iffervescent cough yeetlegay cough mirrorofprinces cough cough) who could probably get away with it, they're just that fucking talented. I would trust them with it.
30. Have you ever written something that was out of your comfort zone? If so, what was it, and how did it affect your approach to writing fic thereafter?
The only fic i've ever written that genuinely isn't something I'd call one of my own kinks, and therefore takes me out of my comfort zone is Nature, my capri fic with omega!damen and MILKING (LOL I HAVE WRITTEN ABO BEFORE its just,,, unconventional ABO) the thing in particular with this fic that I was uncertain with was the milking/lactation aspect which I'm pretty sure was part of a prompt? It's definitely not one of my kinks, so I really had to challenge myself to try and understand it, what works about it, what appeals about it, and try and make that shine in the fic. It honestly taught me to approach kinks from multiple perspectives; there's my own, the initial and most instinctual perspective that's largely based on my horniness, but then there's also a more analytical perspective that takes the broader audience into account. This fic definitely taught me to try and balance those two aspects.
42. Have you ever received a comment that particularly stood out to you for whatever reason?
Oh god there are so many lovely, wonderful comments that I remember and cherish that stand out to me for all sorts of reasons. Most of them written by @elmindredaniq 🤣. But to give you an example of one in particular recently, I was reliably informed by an avid fan of dark!fics that blue blood is one of the best out there. That really put a smile on my face.
Ask me something!
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ahdriking · 2 years
5, 17 and 19 for blue blood!
5. How important is plot to your story?
Surprisingly more important than you'd think! The predicating inspiration for Blue Blood was very much a combination of the following 3 things:
Porsche fighting people to the death in gladiator style combat.
Kinn snorting cocaine off a boys ass.
The whole thing taking place over 5 matches (you know, 5+1 style)
Those 3 things make for a decent enough plot, probably could have had it all written up and finished in like 10 chapters, just a nice fighting/fucking balance with a basic structure to keep it all together. And then I had to go and get ideas.
I'm honestly not sure WHEN it happened, but at some point after deciding I would invent an OC (Prawinn) to fulfill the villain role of the story, somehow an entire convoluted scheme began to take shape behind the scenes. Prawinn was originally meant to be a very black and white, boring bad guy with basic motives who'd be easily defeated, BUT SOMEHOW HE HAS BECOME A MONSTER (who we all very much love to hate) AND HIS PLANS HAVE SHOCKED EVEN ME. JUST WAIT TILL YOU GUYS SEE WHATS COMING.
tl;dr the plot for Blue Blood has become a monster, and it's VERY important to the upcoming story 😏
17. What was your favourite chapter to write?
Can I be super lame and say the first one? I dunno, there was something about sitting down to write that chapter that was just magic. I could viscerally picture the nightclub, I could smell the smoke and booze, feel the cloying sweat and humidity, sense the blood and the danger. Everything about the fight scene was just so easy to write, I saw it all playing out in my head like a movie and all I had to do was transcribe it as best I could. It was a lot of fun, and no chapter has been quite as simple since 😂
17. Do you have a favourite scene in the whole fic? What is it, and why?
Other than the vegas torturing scene previously mentioned as being one of my favourites, it's gotta be the restaurant/date scene. It was a BITCH to write, and honestly if i go back to it i'll still probably not be happy, but peoples reception to it in general has been so lovely? and sweet? I can't help but retroactively fall in love with the scene just because people like it so much. Plus, Porsche playing 'footsie' with Kinn is Iconique in every universe, it was a privilege to include it in my own 😂
Ask me something about blue blood!
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ahdriking · 2 years
ahhh I'm glad your back online the latest chapter of BB was delicious I love a little hurt comfort although I do kinda wish they fucked anyway lol. I saw the list of Q's about fic could you please answer 12 & 13
Aaah I'm glad to be back! Thank you 🥰 I'm glad you liked the latest blue blood too!! DON'T WORRY, THEY'RE GONNA FUCK SOON I PROMISE!! And it'll so be worth it.
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
MANY. Recently, and not entirely through my own choosing, ABO has started to grow on me more and more. Didn't used to touch the stuff with a ten foot pole, but now i'm writing omega!porsche fic and discussing oral knots with the discord 🤣 PERSONAL GROWTH
13. Are there any tropes you used to like but don’t anymore?
Hmmmmmm. I used to eat up found family stuff, but it honestly? Doesn't do a whole lot for me anymore? I'm firmly in the dark!fic bin sharpening my angst knives. No time for fluffiness here. Everyone has to die.
Ask me something!
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boysbeloving · 2 years
your top 5 kinnporsche fics!
Nini!!! <333
tbh i haven't read many KP fics 🙈 but i'll try to come up with 5!
i turn to you like a flower leaning toward the sun by @rainbowcolored7
okay...so i'm gonna be a little shameless here 🙈 i had a tiny hand in the conception (😉) of this fic ehehhehehe....but all credit is due to Jen for writing a BRILLIANT pregnant!porsche getting fucked by kinn...thanks Jen 😘
2. Watch Me by @ahdriking
okay so i've mentioned this many times in the tags but let me say it here as well...ahdri's smut is right up my alley...ahdri babe your writing always presses the right buttons for me! this fic is a result of a galaxy-brained anon's message and the galaxy-talented ahdri fucking delivered! not giving any more spoilers for this...go read it!
3. KinnPorsche 1x08: All of the (Implied) Sex Scenes by Xemantics on AO3
i don't know if the author is on tumblr but this compilation is SO GOOD!!!! the title is quite self explanatory...i can imagine every scene so vividly...wow
4. Teasing you is My Favorite Past Time by @rinkitsune
Nini you had recommended this to me! and i fucking loved it! i love the premise and the execution of it...porsche enticing kinn with a striptease....uuuffff!!! amazing amazing
so yaaaa....just 4 for now lolooollol!!
special shoutout to @domsaysstuff who has the best fucking ideas that she keeps unleashing on the world! (she has an extremely soft coffee ship au going on so ya...)
ask me my top 5 anything :)
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ahdriking · 2 years
tagged by @boysbeloving DAISY you're the sweetest, thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk more about myself
NAME: Ahdri!
SIGN: Aries ♈
HEIGHT: 5 ft 4-5 (on a good day)
BIRTHDAY: April 6!
FAVOURITE ARTIST/BAND: You know I've never really been big into band culture or like,,,, stanning artists that much, but in terms of which artists i can comfortably say 80% of their songs I would happily listen to or like,,, i would watch out for new releases for them, then Keaton Henson, Florence + Machine and Saro
LAST MOVIE: RV (rip mr williams)
LAST SHOW: The Sandman (ME TOO tho it was all in a fever dream im gonna have to go back and rewatch it to understand the hype lmao)
WHEN I CREATED THIS BLOG: GOODNESS GRACIOUS IT'S BEEN A WHILE. I created this blog in 2016? Just after I'd finished reading Captive Prince and AFTG, and started writing fanfic for the first time.
WHAT I POST: Mostly my writing, my thoughts, and any asks I get! At the moment it's mostly all Kinnporsche flavoured
DO I GET ASKS: Yeah, every so often! Whenever I ask for them I usually get quite a few prompters. I LOVE ASKS THO. SEND THEM TO ME. ABOUT ANYTHING.
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: PFFFFFFT bold of you to assume I have anything even vaguely resembling a sleep schedule (anywhere from 3 to 17 honestly)
DREAM JOB: I honestly would just love to be a writer. I wasn't made to have a regular 9-5 or a boss, I'm too eclectic and scattered at the best of times, but when I'm inspired I'm so capable of being productive. Being a writer, working on my own terms to a large extent, is the dream.
FAVOURITE SONGS (and quotes from them, just for some spice):
smoke by BOBI ANDONOV and Son Lux
"You could be my first, babe, I could be your last."
when will I belong by Geographer
"Cause I've been walking my life to the beat of a drum they gave me when I was far too young."
Boys like you by tanerelle
"It shouldn't feel this good being weak on my knees."
It's only by ODESZA and Zyra
"It's only slaughter, we're only liars, it's only blood."
Passing this along to @i-got-the-feels, @kissporsche, @elmindredaniq 💕
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ahdriking · 2 years
Hey Ahdri, I have just read chapter one of Blue Blood and I am HOOKED. today will be spent reading the next 3 chapters and crying when it’s over 🤧
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I'm so glad you're enjoying it, it makes me so happy to hear!!! You have to let me know what you think of the next 3 chapters 💕
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