#thank you to my wife who loves football & helped me with some of this terminology LMAO
gallawitchxx · 10 months
A.U.gust 2023 | DAY NINETEEN - Sports
thanks to @gallavichthings for hosting! 🥳
Between the confetti and the crowd, the once pristine playing field has been absolutely wrecked; and for good reason—Mickey Milkovich, number 33, just ran forty-five long yards for a game-winning touchdown in the final seconds!
“Quite a play,” yells reporter Ian Gallagher. “How will you celebrate?”
Milkovich smirks, but his response is cut short by a deluge of sports drink being poured over his head.
Later that night, Ian gets his answer as he helps Mickey wash up, whispering praise and worship into the lather, then spreading him out on their shared bed and kissing his new championship ring.
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