#thank you for the message <3333
dinerfries · 4 months
Hi!! Saw your art request are open and your art is pretty cool!! If you want you could draw one of your favorite characters or maybe Yinyang!! Hope your day/night is well btw ^^
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thank you for such mind comments awawawa <33333 heres your yinyang my friend!
alts under cut
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 2 months
you did it you crazy son of a bitch because of you im gonna write again i used to write with passion as a kid and i lost that but you and so many others inspired me again to write
thank you now if you will excuse me im writing fanfics
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That's genuinely such a sweet thing to send me??? If you feel comfortable, I'd love to read some of your fics!!
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shepherds-of-haven · 1 year
I've got a playlist titled Shepherds of Haven ✨️but its found family vibes only ✨️
and honestly I feel the need to gush because found family is one of my absolute favorite tropes.
And I adore the romance in this game so much, but what really has me inlove with this story is how fantastic you write the FF vibes, it gives me the absolute fuzzies in my heart.
The scene after the group escape's the dreamworld and fall asleep in MC's room? ✨️ AMAZING ✨️
The group all just sitting around and communicating? ✨️ TEARS ✨️
Them checking on MC in chapter 3 and all of them accepting MC? ✨️ GORGEOUS ✨️
All of them piling into the infirmary after MC wakes up? ✨️ BEAUTIFUL ✨️
And all the added stuff I've read from your tumblr? The get togethers? ✨️ SOBBING ✨️
I've read a lot of IF's in my opinion and on so many scales yours is a pure favorite, but especially in terms of them fuzzy, happy, amazing and warm found family vibes and moments we get.
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This... this whole message...
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singsweetmelodies · 7 months
i want to thank you all for organizing these little fic exchanges because even if this fandom is alive and well, with them we get a sudden influx of fics and it is really a treat for us ❤️❤️❤️ (a reader who wishes they had the talent to write)
this is THE kindest, most thoughtful ask, anon - thank you so so much for taking the time to send it!! <333 it makes me smile so much to hear that all these events are doing what i always hope they will: creating a little flood of content that's a treat for everyone! that's all i've ever hoped to achieve with any of these events & exchanges, and it means the world that it's happening!!
so anon, you really are MOST welcome ❤️ but it would be terribly remiss of me if i didn't give a shoutout to the incredible people who have worked on all of these events with me - @boxboxbrioche, @welightitup, @redyellowstupid, @duquesademiel, @wolfiemcwolferson, @river-ocean - because all of the piarles events i've been involved in have been team efforts in the best way, so any thank-you to me absolutely has to go to all these wonderful people as well. i'm tagging you all here because to me, it's messages like this one that make all the admin and nonsense so well worth it - and i hope you all feel the same way ❤️ LOVE YOU LOADS!! and love you too, anon - thank you so so much for this very kind message, i really do appreciate it so much more than i can say!! <3333
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 8 months
Your art makes me want to smile 🥹
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your WORDS make me smile omgg muah muah you better be having an amazing day rn or i'll make you<3333
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if-mirrormine · 1 year
I love gralex and the name has kind of grown on me but whenever I see it, I feel like it sounds like the name of a condom brand fhfjfj/hj. :'))
I do love it though, it's kind of corny but cute! ❤️❤️
The demo is super enjoyable btw!
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cowcowwow · 8 months
Hey y'all. So, you guys might have noticed that I've been kinda inactive/not responding to messages quickly. I wanted to apologize, but also warn that this might not get better soon?
The main reasons I haven't been responding is because either, my wrists are hurting so bad that I can't type for long (or my other chronic pain is acting up), I'm so tired that I can't think of interacting, I'm helping out my family, or I'm having a bad episode(?) (Not entirely what's going on on those days, to be real)
I'm sorry, but I do have a happier note!! I want to say, thank you all so much if you have messaged me, interacted with me, reblogged from me, anything, recently. It makes these days so much lighter, makes me so much happier, even if I can't respond.
And to my friends who message me frequently: thank you. I love you all so, so much. I really really want to reply soon hopefully, but in the meantime know that you guys are so sweet, so fun, so awesome, and I love you 💙💙
(And to my friends who I haven't talked with in a bit, love you guys too <333)
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matan4il · 1 year
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OMG! Thank you so much, to both of you lovelies! And to you, if you celebrate it, if you read this, I am wishing you a very happy Passover.
This is when our forefathers were emancipated, this is when they had to wander through the desert, this is when they had to unlearn all the wrongs of Egypt. If you can, leave one empty chair at your Passover table for all those who are not yet emancipated, or those who have been, but are still working on unlearning everything that had hurt them before.
I'm sending you lots of love and endless blessing for this yearly celebration of renewal and freedom! *hugs* חג פסח שמח!
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jockpoetry · 4 months
For the oc ask: 14 & 19!
14. How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
I don't think he wants to be seen at all. I think that if he could vanish and never be noticed again he'd thrive. He would love to be the invisible man. It's why he has become so many other people in his life because anyway to not be himself. Anyway to keep himself from being seen. Anyway to not be noticed. Where the story kind of ended, at it's farthest point of progression (where I don't know if I'll return to, or if I can), he had gotten to a point where he wanted to be seen as Powerful. He wanted to have control, he wanted to be seen as the version of himself the world was allowed to view because the more power he gained the more privacy in his real life, the less visible the real version of himself became. Which I think is potentially one of/his end goal. He'd love to just disappear into the ether.
19. How does your OC behave when enraged?
He gets real ugly. He lashes out verbally, he is someone who will get the last word in and he will make it count. He is also someone who gets physically violent, there are levels to his rage. I think he is quicker to physical violence when he's feeling attacked. The quickest way to shut someone up who is maybe saying things you don't want to hear is a punch to the face. When he is made angry because of feeling lied to, feeling like he's being used, feeling like he has been played then it is the biting words, the throwing of faults back at the other person. He also usually exits the situation as quickly as he can, a flash in the pan but not a long burning one. But the like final level of his anger is silence. He is very good at silence, and when his rage peaks he just retreats to that space. Simmering, blindingly angry, and silent. It's uncomfortable, and takes a long time for him to calm back down from. The other angers are ones he can turn on a dime from. Being angry is easy for him, he's been angry for a very long time, but it's shortlived usually. It takes a lot to get him to that silent rage.
send me an ask about my oc!
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ur an amazing writer. do what u want. fuck the haters.
You can fuck the haters, I’ll continue to fuck @epiclamer ;))))
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jeanmoreaux · 4 months
wait you have a masters in psych?….. tell me more
i do!! finished my degree last semester! idk what more to tell you jfjdjdjdj errrrr i specialised in neuropsychology BUT also dabbled in other stuff like clinical psychology & some organisational psychology. rn i am trying to figure out my next steps. there are so many options that interest me; i’d love to go into teaching (and maybe doing a second master’s degree) but i can also see myself doing a master of advanced studies or maaaybe a doctorate (most unrealistic option tho). even changing fields is in the cards. idk idk even with a degree i am STILL just kind of trying to figure out what comes next for me it literally never stops djjdjdjdjdj
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dailyfigures · 1 year
so so so sorry for the spam but i went through your entire blog and saved a bunch of figures i plan on purchasing. it also helped me find some new anime, video games, and manga to look into. also, just wanna say, your blog is AMAZING and i love it so much. it's so well organized and i really appreciate how you include the source name, character name, and manufacturer on each post. sending much love ! ♡
no worries i don't mind spam at all! i'm really glad you like my blog, thank you so much for your sweet message!!!! <3 i honestly find it very relaxing and satisfying to make the posts and have the layout and look of each post the same, i'm glad you like it and it's useful for you!
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sweet-star-cookie · 9 months
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HELLO??? OMG???? THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! I’ve legitimately been sitting at my desk for several minutes now just staring at this ask trying to articulate how to answer it well, seriously this is SO sweet of you to say aaahhhh!!!!! ;;;;;;;u;;;;;;;; <33333
First of all, EEEEYYYYY welcome to the space/zodiac brain rot club :D It’s always so wonderful to see how the concept is interpreted every time I see someone else tackling it! There’s so many ways to take it so it’s way different every time and it’s awesome!!!
Second, I also saw your post about doubting your lore and I totally understand that feeling, I’m still figuring out my mess of lore and characters too haha! I saw how much love and work you’ve put into it thus far though, so please keep going!!! The world needs to see it!!!
I know I said a lot of words just now but seriously my brain is just going AJKSHDJKAHJDKA???? and running around the room right now haha!!! :’D I’ve been fighting a bad bout of burnout this month and haven’t been able to work on this project for a while as a result, but I can confidently say that this ask just cured it!!! I feel like I can jump back into it today, so thanks so much again <3333
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
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you drew the girl!!! the skele!!!! thank you thank you thank yOUUUU :'Dc <3333
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if-mirrormine · 1 year
Apologies if this has been asked before, I just found this IF and haven’t had time to go through the blog fully yet (which btw AHH!! 💕💕💖💕💕💕💖💕💕💖💖💖 it’s so good!!), but which of the ROs like petnames? What kind of petnames would they use with MC and which kinds would they want MC to use for them?
i actually don't think ive ever gotten an ask like this before lol
grayson loves petnames but he has no preference for which petnames. he doesn't care what you call him just as long as you call him. as for petnames he'd give the mc, he leans more towards traditional (?) nicknames like baby and honey.
kennedy likes petnames but she uses them very sparingly and only for people she loves. for the mc, she'd use things like my love and darling. for herself though, she only likes being called by her nicknames ken or, if you're really lucky, kenny.
alex uses petnames like its their job. they'll use the more obscure things as well, like my little flower pot or honey baked ham. they kinda expect to get the same energy in return but they'll accept normal petnames too.
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maandags · 7 months
are u alive?
haha hi anon, i'm alive! i just don't post on here anymore and i don't think i really ever will again--my fanfic era is over for now, i'm afraid!
thanks for checking in, though, i really do appreciate it a lot. i still get notifications from this blog every so often, from people liking a fic here and there, and it always makes me smile! this blog was a huge part of my life for a handful of years, it's wild to think that it started out as a collaboration blog with a couple of other blogs who ended up bailing after like a month lmao (zero shade to them btw, we never had any bad blood!)
fanfic really opened the door for me into writing and tumblr and writeblr specifically absolutely changed my life. i met some of my best friends in the world through writing (shoutout to @panda-noosh, who is absolutely 100% the reason why i decided to post my own fanfic in the first place and is pretty much the reason why this blog exists as is), i met my actual honest to god partner of 1.5 years on here through writing, i'm not kidding when i say it changed my life.
i'm leaving this blog up for as long as i'm active on tumblr, i'll still be responding to asks and stuff when i get them, and hey, who knows, maybe i'll have a surge of inspiration one day and post new stuff on here!
that being said, if you wanna keep up with me and my original work, check out my writeblr, @ghostcasket ! i'm not posting a lot of my og writing there atm but i plan to in the future, and that's where you can read the first part of the hallmark christmas boyfriends story and its sequel when i post it. i am very active over there though, so if you feel so inclined, please do come say hi!!
again, thanks so much for checking in, it was an excellent opportunity for me to give y'all a bit of an update on where i'm at haha. love y'all.
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