#thank you again!! i really love your takes and hc on fyodor :D
irritablepoe · 10 months
I'm leaving a random Fyodor hc at your doorstep 🙏
He reflexively agrees to things in order to get what he wants out of situations, knowing he can quickly think of ways to use it to his advantage or just lie to get out or things he doesn't want to do. It is a bad habit though and he does it with people he cares about and in situations he really shouldn't as well where it doesn't actually benefit him, causing misunderstandings in relationships and a tendency to be bad at expressing his true wants and needs (at least the first time around). Especially if those around him don't have the forethought to dig deeper/question him or care to pay attention to things beyond surface level. He feels resentment when someone he cares about doesn't at least make an effort to see beyond the smoke with this behavior, even though realistically he knows it isn't their fault and he shouldn't act like this with people he isn't trying to manipulate. It is just a strong force of habit.
Kind of complicated but it goes along with the whole "Fyodor gives people what they want/tells them what they want to hear" thing that has Shibusawa and Nikolai acting a fool over him in canon lol.
jeyyy thank you lue! <33
yes yes, i can absolutely see him doing that! I also think that he takes great pride in his intellect and that he's always searching for someone who's on his level. That's why (i think at least) he doesn’t hate dazai – at least not like dazai hates him. Idk if you saw that one post but they basically said that he seems actually kinda „sad“ to lose the person that can match him in his intelligence, even though he’s still greatly enjoying the game (like with the poison and stuff and showing off their ability to trick each other)
Regarding the expression of his true wants and needs i would also add that he probably often ignores his own needs in order to pursue his „greater purpose“ (or whatever you would like to call what he does lmao). maybe he has a quiet hope inside of him that some day someone will see what he needs/wants without him having to actually say it out loud. i can see him struggling with that fr!
The „fyodor gives or promises others what they want to get what he wants“ thing also fits to what he does to ivan and nathaniel – i mean we don’t know exactly what he does to them but yk, maybe it's just his manipulation and not a lobotomy?
i also wonder if he ever had a moment of peace - like not having to think about manipulating people all the time and to always be one step ahead. must be very exhausting. maybe that's why he finds nikolai fascinating actually. bc nikolai is pretty impulsive in how he acts, always trying to be free and not tied to any responsibilities and rules or feelings even. (i mean we don't actually have prove how he feels about nikolai but i'm speaking off of subtext and hc's here (which is probably a bad idea when it comes to analysis but there's so little to go by with them ahh))
also a silly hc of mine: he loves cozy socks. i'm sure of it :3
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kaeyas-beloved · 4 years
Hi!! May I request some fluff headcanons for Fyodor from bsd with a female s/o and they both have two cute daughters? owo
Hello Anon! You may absolutely request this (and thank you so much for doing so)! Thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy :D
*Quietly chants “soft Fyodor, soft Fyodor, soft Fyodor!”*
Also I hope it’s okay that I made the two daughters twins!
And I’m really sorry if these aren’t the best because I’m still getting the hang of doing HCs and Fyodor is one of these characters that I’ll write for while still being a bit unsure of his character... So I’m sorry for any OOCness, if it’s not fluffy enough or just not good altogether T_T There’s some fluffy bits but still if they you can always come back and request again!
~~~ Fyodor & a F!S/O w/ Twin Daughters
First and foremost - Fyodor had little to no plans to start a family with you. Not because he didn’t love you, but more so because he’s a busy man with his ‘purging of ability users’ plan
Though the day that you told him you were pregnant a new feeling blossomed in his chest
It wasn’t anything grand but he felt a twinge of happiness mixed with some form of pride as the smallest of smiles graced his face
Not a sadistic smirk or a teasing smile but a real one
Dare we say, he may have been excited for what was to come.
Planting a soft kiss on your lips he uttered a “what a pleasant surprise” before going on with his day, you doing the same
And for the next little while nothing changed in your daily routine, almost like he was never told that he’s got a baby on the way
You knew better, this was just how Fyodor was 
Really though he’s working from the shadows and making sure you stay safe, ranging from sending out one of his men to watch over you anytime you go out to just out right eliminating potential threats that are spotted
Fyodor also (subtly) spends just a little less time on his computer as well
A little more than half way through the pregnancy, when a bump has appeared, you two were in bed, back to back and your hand was on your stomach 
Then you felt it
“Fyo!” you called his name, voice a whisper in the dead of night as you sat up. He hummed, turning over to face you, “give me your hand” watching silently as you guided his palm to where yours was just a few seconds ago, Fyodor waited for something to happen.  
And then he too felt it - a strong kick
“It means he’s healthy” he told you simply, looking up into your shining eyes. Oh he’ll never forgot the way you looked that night with a smile that lit up the dark room spread across your face
When the due date drew near, it’s in his best interest when he tells you that he wants you to stay in the house less anything happen to you or the babies
Right - oh you should’ve seen the momentary (and I mean momentary) wide-eyed, shocked look on his face when he was told that he wasn’t going to have one kid but two - both of them being girls too!
When the two little bundles are born surprisingly Fyodor is the one that takes care of them quite a few times when one or both start to cry at ungodly hours of the night
Usually he’ll tell you that you can go back to bed and that he’ll calm them down since he’s up and awake anyway, allowing you the much needed sleep.  
Another surprise? Fyodor can calm his daughters easily. You’ve chalked it up to it being the slightly serene and calming aura he gives off. It’s a trait you’re very thankful for in these situations
During the times that he might be just lounging on the couch (assuming he does such a thing from time to time) Fyodor will let one or both of his daughters sleep on his chest (if he can manage)
When they’re a little bit older Fyo’s a fan of having them sat on his lap while he works at his computer, humming and gazing down at them if they want his attention
You once told him off for having them near a screen so much and so close too, claiming that it’ll damage their eyes
As a form of affection/praise Fyo tends to pat their heads a lot
Is the absolute king at not giving into their puppy dog eyes or pleading smiles 
They want sweets before dinner or want to stay up past their bedtime? Hahaha nope~
He might even tease them with this too. Like he’ll act like he’s thinking about saying yes then go and plainly say no with a teasing smile or something along those lines 
Something he does let them get away with though is wearing his ushanka
Just the mere sight of one of his little girls enjoying wearing it has his a tiny smile emerging and lavender coloured eyes softening the slightest, appearing almost relaxed
That was until both his daughters began to fight over who go to wear it and you and Fyo had to go and buy them their own
You’ve tried to sneak a picture but Fyodor never gives you an opening T_T
100% plays the cello for them as a form of entertainment or as a lullaby on nights when neither of them can fall asleep
Also might teach them how to play the instrument if they show any interest in it
Can also teach them skills that he thinks will help them in the world they live in, like how to catch someone in a lie or how to outsmart them
Concerning his... occupation in the underworld, Fyodor doesn’t outright expose them to it, but also doesn’t make a huge effort to shield his daughters from it either
However, that in no way means that if anyone, anyone thinks it’s a good idea to lay a single finger on his family that he’ll let them get away with it.
Lets just say that they won’t escape without proper punishment 
I believe that Fyodor is the kind of dad to allow his kids to roam free, they can do nearly anything they please of their own free will (if that makes sense). 
Like they can go anywhere they’d want to when they’re older, they can have whatever hobbies they please and Fyodor wouldn’t mind what it is
But! That excludes his daughters finding a s/o - perish the thought entirely 
Even if they do get one expect them to have a very thorough background check done on them. Fyodor will know everything about them to ensure his little girls are safe
And if he finds even one thing wrong or believes that this s/o is just using his kid? Someone’s getting a visit from Mr. Rat Man (and no likes when that happens)
Bottom line Fyodor is a relatively mellow dad that will tease his daughters but still be there to comfort them (like the lullaby bit) and try to keep them safe in his own Fyodor Dostoevsky way 
I hope these were okay and sorry again if they weren’t!
Right now requests are open [check my bio though to be sure]! Don’t forget to check the rules too for the fandoms/topics I write for (which are linked in my masterlist)!  
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