#thank you @leos-regression-cove for help coming up with some of these :3
Age Regressor Thor Headcanons
He never wants to sit still and he doesn't like being cooped up inside. He loves forests, and finding all sorts of creatures, and picks things up and eats things he shouldn’t.
He’s like a fairy tale princess, but only at heart, because he’s so loud that all the animals run away... It makes him sad so he likes to find smaller animals he can catch instead. (Though occasionally, when he’s quiet enough, he loves looking at wild animals like deer and big cats) 
He adores animals of all kinds and taking care of them, especially his goats, chickens and rabbits. Thor is always searching for more animals and critters. He sneaks them into his pockets; the snakes, frogs, ducklings, worms and bugs especially. 
Sometimes these critters are Loki, and they play a game in which Thor tries to guess which critter is/or if any are really Loki.
He likes to play with wooden swords and his plush toy Mjolnir, because play-fighting and going on quests is his favorite. He loves exploring and going on adventures- he prefers actual exploring to playing pretend because he doesn't like coming up with stories by himself very much (though he still will and has a big imagination. But he prefer having toys or things to do with his hands) 
Regressed Thor gives the same seriousness and attention to a quest for sneaking sweets from the kitchen as Thor in adult headspace gives to “serious” quests like hunting or ‘protecting the realms’
Thor is LOUD and loves making noise! Whether that be with obnoxious musical toys, or making his own music with pots and pans, or stomping his feet. 
Thor loves to dance. He has fun moving around, not letting his bad rhythm stop him and it’s a bonus if he gets to embarrass Loki while doing it. 
Thor has a gentle side as well, and sometimes when he’s outside he will spend time collecting wild flowers, to give to people he cares about. 
He asks questions about various things constantly, but only listens to the answers about half the time and WILL ask the same thing again (and again). 
He’s made a game of stealing food from his brother, but he only gets away with it if he’s quick enough (though Loki always catches him). He comes to regret it sometimes because even if Loki has a soft spot for him, they are still brothers. 
Thor loves to take care of his little brother, regardless if Loki is regressing younger than him or not. He’s got to show off his baby brother to everyone he meets because he’s a PROUD big bro! Loki is resigned to this treatment at this point- he may act irritated sometimes, but only because Thor is far too charming and it’s just not fair to let him get away with everything. 
Loki being his favorite person, one thing he will stay (mostly) still for is doing Loki's hair up with braids, pins and clips. But he doesn’t like to sit still long enough for anyone to put his hair up, even if he asks Loki to ‘return the favor’, so Thor’s will always be lopsided unless Loki fixes it with magic. 
Sometimes when he’s really tired all he wants is some physical affection, whether that’s hugs or cuddles, and some sweet warm milk. Especially cuddling with his brother, whether in his aesir or jotun form, cat or snake form… etc.
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