#temporary amnesty to enter her office despite being firmly team keeley
altschmerzes · 8 months
🌹🌹🌹 This is super super random, but I'm rereading wriggle up and theres a few references to Jamie being kinda small for his age, is this something thats going come up again? Like you've got me wondering if this is just a comment on his genetics or if it'll be brought up later re neglect etc I may be over thinking it lol I am just so obsessed that I'm over analysing every detail
he's just a little on the small side for his age at this point!! it's probably a combination of 'it just be like that sometimes' and neglect, he'll just wind up hitting a growth spurt later than most of his peers. there's definitely gonna be a point where ted and roy look at him and are like what HAPPENED you were not that tall two minutes ago. i go to my little cousin's soccer games whenever he's in town and his age bracket is where jamie would be at this point and it's wild to look at the range of those kids. some of them are over six feet tall and some of them look about twelve, it's fascinating.
this is from far faaaar down the road, after this fic's version of the jamie trying to hug roy and getting pushed away and 'forgot how skittish elderly people can be' comment in early season 3. roy swatted jamie's arm away when jamie took him by surprise trying to hug him, and it was a nothingburger of an event that jamie - now seventeen - completely shrugged off, but roy is uh. not having a good one about it.
Roy has to talk to someone about it because if he just keeps it all to himself he’s going to lose it, and so here he is. He’s in Rebecca’s office because he doesn’t want to talk to anyone else. Keeley obviously just isn’t an option, and he selfishly doesn’t want to tell Ted what he’s done, so there’s them right out. Beard would just tell Ted. And then there’s Higgins, who is such a good fucking parent that the sheer force of his good parenting would probably set Roy on fire as soon as he entered the room. Not even Dr. Sharon is around anymore, and so Rebecca it is.
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