#tell me cassidy was not kevins future wife in the writers minds while they made The Guitar Man
This is a less dangerous statement bc the TIU fandom is basically dead at least here but. The This Is Us writers made themselves responsible for fan's headcanons instead of writing what they knew was best for their characters and we ended up with "I've had you valentine's letter in my wallet for 40 years 🥺🥺🥺" instead of a meaningful relationship between Kevin and Cassidy that should have been developed at least through season 6. But probably actually in season 5. And the writers knew that but they abandoned it bc they read too many tweets by the wrong people
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wallofweird · 4 years
What are your thoughts on kevison from the new episode this week?
So I’m gonna give an in-depth opinion about this in the future, gifs and all, as soon as I have the time and energy to write a quality post about it.
Anyway, I overall loved it. I gotta say I was quite nervous at first based on the promo, promotional pictures and sneak peek, but it turned out pretty great. I love that Kevin and Madison keep having big scenes (part of them are and forever will be some of the most relevant moments of their entire relationship!) on each episode. I particularly suspect that will be a pattern this season (fingers crossed!).
I know some people are nervous because they weren’t as physically close or bubbly like they were on the first episodes and they kept referring to themselves as ‘strangers’. However, I’d say that was completely intentional. The writers want their relationship to be more complicated than everyone else’s. That doesn’t mean they want it to be any less romantic, but they want to show a couple that goes through more obstacles than most people do and will still work out and stay together. Which is exactly what they did on this episode.
It started with them being a little off, physically distant, not communicating well and having tense moments for teasing sake (they will probably keep doing it until they decide to answer the ‘wife’ question), to boost their individual storylines (their insecurities being exacerbated by the pregnancy, age, being locked inside for most of the time etc and the family problems) and develop their romantic relationship. Madison and Kevin were individually in a bad state of mind and also had sort of an ‘argument’ (I don’t really see it as argument, but you get what I mean), so of course they wouldn’t be smiling and touching like they did on the premiere. As for the fact they kept calling each other ‘strangers’, I take it as another indication they’re endgame. Because they do know each other and we aware of that, they have known each other for over 2 years, they have been navigating through the pregnancy for around 6 months and living together for at least 3. Madison was able to tell when he was worried about something, they already had a couple routine and made decisions as a team. They just happened not to know about each other’s biggest demons yet. The fact they kept referring to each other as strangers actually was 1) a callback to season 4′s concept of strangers playing a big role in your life (specially with Jack and Rebecca’s and Jack and Lucy’s love stories), 2) both realizing there are stuff that they still need to unpack and 3) Madison blowing it out of proportion because she was stressed. 
As any relationship, you reveal your biggest flaws and problems as it gets deeper. They are engaged now, so that’s expected. And the stuff they were dealing with, those are their biggest flaws and issues, the things that have shaped them during their entire lives. It’s not something like being worried about his mother’s health (which Madison already knew enough about and could notice), but internal stuff, things that are part of their core, their identity, a baggage accumulated for 33/34/40 years. So as they progress as a couple, they delve into the bigger stuff. It only makes sense. Take Jack and Rebecca as an example, they were together for around 25 years and she never knew about Nicky being alive. Jack would hardly talk about his brother, his family, Vietnam or even his addiction with her. Rebecca respected that because she knew how hard it was for him and they managed to stay together for decades, but you could still see it was a problem for the entire family and how moved she was every time Jack revealed something about his past and vulnerabilities to her, because those moments were extremely rare. Randall and Beth are more open with each other, but there are still things they don’t or take a little bit of time to bring up. Even Kate and Toby, Kate spent a while not being able to talk about Jack’s death and Toby needed time to open up about his suicide attempt. 
What can take couples YEARS or a LIFETIME to achieve, and in Jack and Rebecca’s case never fully happened (as beautiful and shippable as they are), they have started to accomplish in MONTHS. And the ‘argument’ itself didn’t even extend to the night, they began to solve things on that same afternoon. Also, they were COMPLETELY HONEST AND RAW about everything. Madison didn’t try to camouflage her eating disorder by saying she only binge-ate, she used its name and revealed it was so bad that it almost took her life once. Kevin was incredibly open about all of his problems: his drinking addiction, his obsession with working out, his self-consciousness around his body image, age, career and parenthood. He unleashed EVERYTHING. I’ve never seen Kevin share ALL of his fears like that, he’s talked about drinking, his insecurities regarding his talent and career and he’s hinted at his issues with his body, yes. Still, he’s never fully said he was insecure about it, that it is one of the reasons why he works out so much, that he counts calories, that the fact he got famous by taking his shirt off makes him second-guess his career, his talent, his body image AND that he worries about aging as well. Madison was the first person he told EVERYTHING to, every single one of his demons that haunt him every single day, that shaped his identity and life for 40 years. That was the most vulnerable not only Kevin and Madison have ever been with each other, but everyone. 
To sum up, I believe it was a terrific episode for them, they reached a milestone in their relationship here and things are likely to just keep getting deeper and deeper as the episodes pass by. However, I wouldn’t be surprised if the writers still tease or even make them break up at some point (like they’ve done with every other couple) and bring Sophie, Cassidy and/or Zoe as red-herrings (as they intended and almost did on 4x18 if it weren’t for Melanie not being available to guest star on that episode), but once they get passed it, they will be alright. And they might end up being the most open and communicative couple in the entire show.
By the way, this got way longer than I expected it to be and it also took me way longer than I anticipated as I started writing this post, lol. Sorry about that and thanks for question!
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madsdefencesquad · 4 years
Hey, I really love your posts and I see we have similar points concerning Mad and Kevin. :) However, I wanted to ask you if you're confident she will be Kevin's endgame. I personally think she is the most likely contender considering all the hints the show has given to us, Justin's and TPTB's interviews and everything... I just try not to expect anything to avoid disappointment, but there's indeed more evidence to Madison being his wife than Cassidy or Sophie. So, what are your thoughts?
Oh my goodness, likewise! Absolutely love your posts about them too
I am pretty much 99% certain that they are endgame. And I’m not just saying that because of the overwhelming foreshadowing in the show itself and Justin’s interviews, etc., but because it makes the absolute most sense for the show itself. This Is Us is a masterfully crafted show about the realities of life that weaves different storylines and characters together in a way that makes ridiculous sense once revealed but without taking away from the conversation and the build-up and the questions/debates for the fans to pore over between episodes and seasons. And that’s why the whole Sophie and Cassidy (and really, all of Kevin’s other women) are in fact, red herrings to Madison being his greatest romantic love. They are part of Kevin’s journey, but not the destination. It has and always have been Madison all along.
The 1% doubt I have of them not being endgame is if 1. the writers suddenly go “Oh well, I guess Sophie’s a fan-favourite and we better please the super loud Sophie and Kevin shippers and/or the hopeless romantics” and honestly, I really don’t think they’re going to go this route because never once have they apologised for the decisions they’ve made in the past controversial or not (esp. regarding Miguel); 2. if they do a completely off-kilter writing decision like kill off Madison (which they won’t because this isn’t some soap opera, for crying out loud) or 3. if they decide to throw away all of Kevin’s character progression in all 4 seasons and by goodness, are we really going to go full Game of Thrones again (or HIMYM) because I will be 10000000% done. I trust them enough to not make such a devastating writing decision.
Season 4 was the season that really cemented it for me that they have planned for their eventual coming together all along. This season, we saw the opening and closure of Cassidy who, mind you, is actually not even that relevant to Kevin’s life apart from making him realise that he wants to have a family that he can take care of. Sure, they can bring her back again as a romantic rival or whatever but logically, how would that even make any sense? Kevin’s not going to all of a sudden leave Madison behind while she carries their children. He’s going to be spending all of his time and energy with her. He is all in. And also, they’re in a completely different state to them and I doubt Cassidy will just leave her own son behind for the sake of pursuing a romantic relationship with someone who is also expecting children with someone else. LOGIC, sis! They were also never in love either!
And even more importantly this season, we saw the closure of the Sophie arc. This may be controversial for a lot of stans (mind you, I loved Sophie too), but if they still believe they’re going to end up together, then we may be watching a very different show altogether. Sure, we can argue that Sophie looking at the ring may play a part in that like, the writers may make Sophie break off her engagement after realising she wants to be with Kevin, and hey, they can use it as another “obstacle” for Kevin and Madison but let’s put our logical hats on, shall we? So, let’s say they do go that route and Sophie comes back to the picture, do we seriously actually want Kevin to leave the woman, who is the mother of his children and the person that he fell so in love with that he went about and proposed to her so they can get married and raise their family together? Not to mention how much of a blow this is for Sophie’s character too. Do we really want her to only exist in Kevin’s life? Like, she can’t have her own happiness with Grant and the future they’ll have together too? That shot of her smiling/laughing upon seeing Kevin’s perfume ad was the biggest giveaway. Like Nicky, she found it amusing because she knew Kevin, not because she was pining. If you saw that as pining then, we are definitely not watching the same show lol Also, during the “What If” ep with Randall, I was so keen to see what would happen to Kevin and I told myself that if he’s married to Sophie in this What If, then that’s it. Sophie’s 100% not gonna be his endgame. And sure enough, she was. And I was like oop there it is.
The only other reason that I can think of for them to not get together is if Madison decides to not go through with getting married. But again, logically, why would Madison, who already told Kevin that she will not ask anything of him when raising the kids even say yes to marrying Kevin in the first place? Some can argue it’s because of the hormones and how overwhelmed she may have felt during the pregnancy but really, I’ll only understand this route after season 5 because right now, we have zero evidence on how they are like with each other as they navigate this pregnancy together. And even then, I’ll still be hard-pressed to believe that she’ll just say yes to Kevin, let alone have Kevin propose out of nowhere too. The fact that he didn’t pursue Sophie at her mother’s funeral showed that he’s grown. He knows how his decisions can hurt others. He didn’t promise Madison that he’ll fall in love with her and become her husband when he said “all in”. He said “the love of my life will be my child” to assure her that he will be there for their baby/ies; it was the responsible adult response for the woman, who is carrying his child. CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT (please don’t throw it out the windowwww).
Also, the amount of times they’ve tried to make us think that Madison and Kevin are not going to be each other’s endgame to the point of ridiculous is another huge reason as to why they are going to be. Like, why emphasise it so much? Madison literally talked about it TWICE in one dang episode! If they really aren’t going to be, SHOW US, DON’T TELL US. Because right now, we’ve got two seasons left of the entire show and since next season is all about them getting to know each other that leads to them falling in love and to the proposal and then the rest is navigating this new relationship they have WHILE parenting AND leading up to getting married PLUS Kevin and Randall’s fight and Rebecca’s situation, and to do all this in TWO SEASONS ONE OF WHICH IS THE FINALE THAT CONCLUDES EVERYTHING, then they have absolutely no time whatsoever to bring back another woman in Kevin’s life or introduce another one (!!!!). We’ve already got enough characters and storylines as is.
Anyway wow, this is soooo long (I’m soo sorry!!) but I just have sooo much to say! But TL;DR they make the absolute most sense in a logical, realistic, foreshadowed, mega-hinted, clued-in, stop-emphasising-that-they’re-not-endgame-in-every-scene-because-you’re-making-it-obvious-that-they’re-going-to-be kind of way and that is why they are going to be endgame. 
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