#tdp Sarai
nerd-with-a-cause · 4 months
Do you ever think about the fact that Sarai died saving a man who went on to try to murder both of her children?
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sorenkinnie · 1 year
"they make me insane" and it's a fictional ship
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favficbirthdays · 6 months
Happy Birthday
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Sarai (3rd December)
The Dragon Prince
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0multifandomweirdo0 · 10 months
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hermitmoss · 2 years
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something something cycles & narratives about love being misconstrued as being about strength
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arcadialedger · 5 months
Sarai 🤝 Sally Jackson
Telling their neurodivergent sons to just breathe through their anxiety.
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ac0531 · 11 months
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The fact Sarai is pregnant with Ezran during the events of Puzzle House 🥹🥹
Super excited for the full release of this graphic novel! The first look at it was amazing!!
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bisexualenbyblueberry · 7 months
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Hahaahah. Rayllum. Wait, no, that actually happened, this is too dark.
Hahdhahaha. Karim and Miyana. Wait no, that also happened. Try again.
Hahahhaa. Harrai. Wait NO-
hahahahahhhashah. Clauderry. FUCK
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madou-dilou · 2 months
"Gods -Sarai, get up. Just -what am I going to tell them ?"
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I've seen it and I can't UNSEE it, okay?
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m4rs-ex3 · 1 month
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well i guess we know where callum gets it from
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nerd-with-a-cause · 3 months
Miscellaneous Amaya and Sarai headcanons:
Amaya and Sarai constantly caused trouble as kids. Sarai was better at not getting caught, which gave adults the mistaken impression that she was the responsible one.
Sarai was bisexual. She and Amaya had similar taste in women, but Amaya did not understand Sarai's taste in men at all.
Sarai left to join the military as soon as she was old enough. She joined partly out of idealism, partly because the family needed money and the military paid well. Amaya felt abandoned and was furious at Sarai for going. It was the first and only time they fought.
Amaya didn't answer the first three letters Sarai sent after enlisting. It took a long time for her to forgive her sister for leaving.
By the time Amaya followed her sister into the army, Sarai had taught Katolis Sign Language to everyone willing to learn. Amaya and the other new recruits had fun using KSL to secretly talk shit about the officers.
Amaya took a long time to warm up to Sarai's first husband. She felt like the two of them rushed into marriage. Once Callum came along and she saw how much Sarai's husband loved their child, she changed her mind.
Amaya and Sarai taught Callum KSL together. The first word Callum signed was "more" in a request for more hugs.
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themistdragon · 7 months
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Mmm mmm mmm! Love me some highly implausible theories!!
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tell me why i just learned that amaya and sarai are asian ?????
who was gonna tell me???
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0multifandomweirdo0 · 7 months
Not people on tiktok starting theories about this elf being Sarai
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Oh also top 5 Dragon Prince episodes!
Oh thank you so much for asking, I could talk about each of these episodes forever!
I know the early episodes aren't the most popular, but Echoes of Thunder remains my all-time favorite. I just love the vibe of it and the way it sets up the characters: Rayla sparing Marcos and having to save face with Runaan, how clearly Callum and Ezra love each other and Harrow, and even Callum and Soren. When Soren realized Callum was trying to impress Claudia with his swordsmanship, I was so ready for him to be a jerk about it, but instead he was like "don't worry, I'll help" and I immediately knew the show had hooked me
Speaking of fantastic early episodes, Moonrise is another one of my favorites because it lays out the stakes so well. That battle between Rayla and Runaan? Finale-worthy stuff and it was the third episode of the series. Callum calling Harrow "dad"? Still makes my chest hurt. Plus I love how ride-or-die Rayla becomes for the boys like fifteen minutes after trying to kill them
There wasn't a single sentence of Harrow's letter in Heart of a Titan that didn't blow me away. I also really love how everything came together in the end, with Harrow telling Callum about Sarai's death the same way Callum tried to tell Ezran about Harrow's and Aanya's absolutely iconic speech. Also the key of Aaravos reveal. It was so much in such a short time
Breathe is an absolute masterpiece and I will not be taking notes. Rayla almost confessing to Callum, the music that played when Callum figured out the sky arcanum, the exposition on Claudia's and Soren's mom, the way the two of their arcs developed and how that contrasted with Callum's and Ezran's development... life-changing stuff. I also really love Sarai's speech to Callum in his dream. I still say it to myself sometimes when I'm especially anxious
Finnegrin's Wake, obviously. It's such a good episode for everyone involved. The rayllum is top-tier, of course, but I also love how it showcased the strength of the friendship between the (extended) dragaang, and it had some standout individual character moments like Soren helping Deadwood and Callum's epic speech about the ocean arcanum
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