#tbh they are more of a qpr to me but still. til the ends of the earth
luminouslotuses · 3 months
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c!clingyduo and the mutual, unwavering appreciation of best friends
chalcedony on gentle.earth // @felixirr // dream smp - one last time twitch stream // white guy coaches a filipino basketball team // best friend by laufey // @routeriver // best friend by laufey // white guy coaches a filipino basketball team // the man who gave us all the things by adam smiley poswolsky
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toytulini · 10 months
I saw Barbie last night, I dont think i have a long film review of it for yall but idk I'll put some thoughts under a readmore I guess?
-Right off the bat, I enjoyed it, it was fun. It was a fun pink poppy romp. Thats about what I expected of it, and thats pretty much what I got
-Its not particularly radical in its gender/feminism takes, its very basic, which, I saw a number of ppl mention that before I saw it so I wasnt expecting anything radical. It couldve done better. it was. fine. im shrug about it i guess.
-My mom enjoyed it and was apparently not expecting any sort of emotional depth or story at all so it caught her off guard. I heard her crying. she cries easy at movies. I'm glad my mom liked it. Maybe she'll absorb some of the very basic feminism it drops idk.
-I knew the Kens adopted patriarchy and introduced it to Barbieland but it felt lile that happened very fast, idk.
-The ending....I. is her going to a gynecologist supposed to be like. shes gotten a vagina by deciding to be human?? or is she trying to schedule a surgery or something? that felt pretty weird to me if im honest, i thought it was gonna be a job interview or smth... Especially with how everyone was like "Barbie is ace (heheeh i agree) cos she has no genitals! (sorry what. excuse me. wanna run that by me again?)" like okay that makes that headcanon reasoning even more dewply uncomfortable that it already was?
-I enjoyed weird Barbie. i wish theyd cast someone else cos iirc ka/te mckin/non was a transmisogynist? unless she apologized or said she changed her mind on the topic since like 2017?? but i havent seen anything? idk. just. annoying to keep platforming these ppl. i guess theres probably other actors involved that have shit views of trans ppl. whatever i guess.
-I did dress up a little. i feel like my outfit had Weird Barbie Vibes. maybe ill post a pic.
-I did enjoy it and it had a number of shots and or transitions i liked, i think the one with the disco ball to the moon or whatever was enjoyable.
-god we really are so weird about barbie
-it just feels factually incorrect that all dolls pre barbie were baby dolls? idk. im sure it was the most common kind. but idk. not to be weird about The History Of Dolls but like. the porcelain dolls from the Victorian era. idk if those count as baby dolls. iirc those were to help young girls practice prepping dead bodies of loved ones for funerals or smth??? but i guess porcelain dolls have a sort of babyish look about them. and are fragile so you cant play rough with them.
-Like i Know its a 2hr long toy commercial for mattel but also god that cant be right. even if they werent filling the same niche as barbie as idk basically a fashion doll? there had to be other dolls right?
-I know the flat foot thing is Supposed to be over the top and silly for them all to get upset about but also tbh. as a bitch with falling arches the way some of yall make jokes about flat feet still is uh. well. rude. but also lmao man. the day my arches started hurting for no reason while i was barefoot did sorta feel emotionally like her feet falling to the ground lol.
-i want to introduce barbie to margot robbie's harley quinn owo. i think that would be Fun :3
-i want Ken's job. how do i do Beach as an occupation.
-I actually liked how they handled Ken and Barbie's rship til the end. i feel weird about that ending overall and also it feels weak wrt her dynamic as Ken. they make him grapple w her not reciprocating his feelings the same way but then she just leaves barbieland anyway?? and ig they dont get to explore a friendship or qpr dynamic. ok. its fine i guess.
-her saying she has no genitalia felt so transgender in a way im not sure it was intended to. ken saying he has all of the genitalia felt even more transgender. headcanoning them both as extremely transgender in fun weird new ways and no one can stop me.
-Allan is my favorite character i think. bro me too
-bibbleless movie. add bibble.
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#toy txt post#barbie spoilers#barbie movie#everyone kept trying to get my dad to come see it and like.i get it.but genuinely he would hate it even if not for his conservative bullshit#he hates goofy fun movies. OR. he wouldve actually enjoyed it a little bit and been REALLY ANNOYING ABOUT IT bc he would never admit it#and insist he hated it#and hed enjoy the ken patriarchy thing too much#basically im very glad we didnt drag my dad along cos i have to live with him and i think he would be insufferable about it#he has no appreciation for any kind of whimsy or fun! he would hate this silly movie#also this was the first time id been in a movie theater since pre2020.#i enjoyed dressing up in a silly little outfit. but i think i wouldve been happier to wait for it to be out of theaters tbh. theaters teste#tested my patience even before covid like oh im gonna sit uncomfortably in this chair and crane my neck up at this screen and i cant pause#it and theres no captions and people are Eating all around me and now i go and its all the same but im the only one wearing a mask so i dont#get to have a lil snack either and i still have to hear ppl eating around me and part way thru the movie someone across the aisle was making#some kind of horrible very wet and loud gulping noise with their drink or Something?? and i did feel violent about it#i would never be violent about it but my god do i feel like biting. you know. anyway. not sure if ill bother seeing any more movies#in theater now. i just would like them at home. idk#i will give props to barbie. it was like kovie theater loud but at least it wasnt giant major booms and inaudible ass dialogue
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thewanderingace · 3 years
The majority fandom reaction watching the final episodes Leverage Redemption:
oh no they just no homo'd til our dying day! The ot3 wasn't safe! They've never been canon! This is the worst!! Queerbaiting!
My reaction after watching the finale:
This clearly some form of a poly relationship/QPR and has been since Nate and Sophie left.
I don't know, maybe Eliot has spent the whole time not realizing he's in one and Parker and Hardison have always thought they were a package deal. And Eliot has been clueless this whole time because he still feels like he doesn't deserve to be happy and Hardison and Parker make him happy. So he started to seek out something like they have because he "admires their relationship" but it took Maria leaving him and Parker and Hardison telling him they “are gonna be here for [him] forever.” for him to realize that.
But it's clear that the three of them are a package deal and have been together for a long time.
I mean how can people watch Redemption and see all the little things between these three and be so unhappy?
It is now CANON that Eliot, Parker, and Hardison have spent the last decade living together (sure they didn't outright say "we live together" but its fucking obvious that they are especially when Hardison says "the house" and not "our house"). It's canon that Eliot knows that Hardison is a lightweight drinker and gives him stuff for his hangovers and that Parker knows that Eliot is really mad when his eyebrow start to twitch. It's canon that Eliot feels comfortable to sleep in front of them as evident by the fact that Parker and Hardison measured his head for the robot body and that Hardison made the comment about how "Every single morning [Eliot] still gets up and says I still got more to do". You know Eliot makes them breakfast, lunch, and dinner all the time. Hell that's been canon since the og series. It's canon that Eliot learned Klingon and has watched Star Trek enough times that he can quote from it and understand references. So can Parker. It's canon that Parker gave them both burglary lessons and that Eliot had vent practice. It's clear that Eliot gave Parker some fighting lessons and Hardison taught Eliot stuff about computers and hacking. It's canon that Eliot was upset and missing Hardison as much as Parker. Parker was jealous of Maria because she thought that meant Eliot would want to leave and Eliot tells her that's never gonna happen. That's canon. When Hardisom told Parker he was leaving and Eliot said he agreed it was the right call and Parker left the room? Sophie literally referred to it as "Family business" when Harry asked what was going on. That's canon! I wont even get into their constant unspoken communication.
Maybe it's the not the kind of canon you all were expecting but that just continues to prove to me that fandoms tend to dislike any kind of relationship where a member is not making out or fucking the others. Fandoms hate queeplatonic/aro/aro ships and see platonic love as a lesser form of love (which it is NOT). Always have and I guess always will because this shit keeps happening and I am tired. The same arguments and negativity happened with Good Omens as well. Well, this poly/QPR seeking aroace is tired of it.
The OT3 is still the OT3 whether they label themselves as such. Whether they sleep with each other or not. Whether Eliot chooses to have other partners or not. Because at the end of the day, the most important people to Eliot, Parker, and Hardison ARE ELIOT, PARKER, AND HARDISON. They are and have always been A FAMILY.
Personally, I've never seen the OT3 as a sexual or romantic ship anyway. Parker and Hardison are definitely romantic but I always read Parker as asexual and never assumed they had sex. And they're relationship with Eliot is still one deep love but not sexual and maybe not traditional romantic (I waffle on the romantic part depending on my mood tbh). But that doesn't mean he isn't just as important to Parker and Hardison as they are to each other. It doesn't mean he isn't just as loved or just as included in the relationship as Parker and Hardison. It just means their dynamics with Eliot are a little different. Which is not bad!! A different form of love and family is not bad or queerbaiting or lesser. It's still love and family.
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