#tbh i use him as cryo application
fishareglorious · 2 years
I want to make Rosaria a physical dps with the Dragonspine spear, but I do want to raise her crit rate with the Primordial jade spear because her elemental burst raises the entire party’s crit rate. 
Whatever shall I do.
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bluexiao · 2 years
#Character Reviews (2.4 Reruns)
—reminder: these are mainly my experiences & observations throughout the times i use them. i main them on my accounts and i am looking at this without any bias at all.
—if i were asked which is better than xiao or ganyu, i’d say it depends on you. but if between the three and you don’t have all three, i’d say zhongli.
—i am speaking based on “practicality” especially for those who doesn’t mind getting either and wants to know the pros & cons of each.
—this thread includes builds, tips & other stuff that can help you in building
Pick GANYU if:
- You’re lazy and you just wanna go aim and shoot. (I’m not lying ksjsjs)
- You are F2p. After all, her second best weapon is a craftable weapon (Prototype Crescent)
- You have a shielder ready (quite needed, but she can tank too tbh)
- Aiming good doesn’t actually matter with her since it’s quite simple to aim with her (even on mobile tbh. I am a mobile user and you just have to aim on the ground most of the time)
- You want Elemental reaction. Obviously because she’s a Cryo and compared to Xiao, ofc you will get an Elemental Reaction.
- You don’t need another shielder/you already have Zhongli.
Pick XIAO if:
- You like polearm (melee) playstyle.
- You don’t mind having HP depletion.
- A straightforward build that doesn’t need your decision-making (lmao djksks)
- You have a shielder/healer ready (Diona works good with him. Also Zhongli)
- His cons are that he’s not f2p friendly. Like I said before, having a crit polearm is BEST for him, but if you have no choice, the ER ones are good, but you’re not going to do much damage unless your artifacts are god tier. His best option for f2p is Blackcliff Pole.
- You don’t mind not having Elemental reactions (no, Xiao doesn’t increase damage with EM at all)
Pick ZHONGLI if:
- You are in deep need of a shielder, he is the best out there
- He’s also F2p friendly because he could work well with ER weapons, but crit weapons are recommended for damage output.
- You don’t need another main DPS.
- You want an Archon and a broken character
- Low investment. Very very low. I think just having 2pc Tenacity is enough (though I do recommend 4pc for endgame players).
#character builds & breakdown utc.
those marked with * are crafted or free weapons (not gotten thru gacha or bp)
i arranged each weapons from most to least btw
-> Recommended: Amos Bow, Prototype Crescent*, Thundering Pulse, Skyward Harp, Polar Star, Blackcliff Warbow*, Hamayumi, Viridescent Hunt
- I don’t suppose the other ATK% weapons that are not listed above are good with her passive wise
Artifacts Sets.
-> Wanderer’s Troupe
- WT is good as an overall build for Ganyu, especially if you want to do Melt
-> Blizzard Strayer
- BS is good for Freeze Comps or Permafreeze
- Endgame wise, I feel like BS is better than WT
Artifact Stats.
-> EM - Cryo Dmg - Crit
-> ATK% - Cryo Dmg - Crit
- Either way is good but people say it’s better to use EM cup with her. I personally have not tried it but if you have better stats with EM Cup then go for it.
- The only thing I want to add is that seeing that she’s a Cryo Character, Crit Rate is not that much needed IF you have 4pc Blizzard Strayer and your team has a Hydro Applicator & Cryo Resonance, and also you’re playing Permafreeze. However, I still do recommend that she has a decent Crit rate and a high Crit DMG.
- Also, even if you disregard the previous bullet, I think Ganyu can still do more damage. She’s just broken like that.
Talent Prioritization.
-> Normal > Burst > Skill
- Like I said, on mobile, you could aim at the ground to hit the enemy, especially with multiple ones. (You could also aim for the head but it depends)
- She needs a built Diona, or probably another Cryo character and a shield character. Diona is actually the best bet imo because she’s a shielder + healer + cryo resonance + battery.
- She’s also a good support DPS btw. If you have a Pyro character like Hu Tao or maybe Diluc I think they’re a good match. Especially Hu Tao since she has downtimes for her skill and during those times, you can use Ganyu and boom problem solved. I think Childe can do good with her as well in a Freeze comp.
- Also, like I said, her Burst can charge up fast anyway so no need for a high ER for her.
-> Recommended: Staff of Homa, Primordial Jade Spear, Deathmatch, Blackcliff Pole*, Skyward Spine, Lithic Spear, Prototype Starglitter*, Wavebreaker’s Fin
- other ER based Weapons are not really recommended but they’re next in line
- edit: I placed in Prototype Starglitter there but it’s beyond my recommendation ksksk. which means I don’t really recommend using it to him, but if you’ve got no other choice, then give him an R5.
- edit: Wavebreaker’s Fin’s passive doesn’t work on Xiao’s burst
- edit: Lithic Spear’s passive is quite good since the min. you can get is 7% additional ATK% and 3% crit rate. imagine if you have 2-4 charas from Liyue, then that would be higher, and more so if you have R5. Its Base ATK is also quite good!
- tbh, you only need 120~ ER for Xiao, mine is even lower. I recommend focusing more on Crit and ATK%
- no, Phys weapons are NOT good with him, you’re losing a lot of damage and wasting his potential
Artifacts Sets.
-> 2 pc Viridescent Venerer + 2pc Shimenawa/Gladiator
Artifact Stats.
-> ATK% - Anemo DMG - Crit
- like i said, he has a pretty straightforward build
- and no, he doesn’t need EM
Talent Prioritization.
-> Burst > Normal > Skill
- On mobile, it’s difficult to control his burst at first, but I guess it just depends on how you’ve gotten used to jumping up and then plunging down. (Its control is quite the same with the increased jumps on Albedo’s event.)
- His skill CD is quite long, but if you want to make high damage, then use his charged attacks. His charged attacks are quite good since he makes smaller opponents stumble, plus it has high damage.
- You can actually use his skill to charge his own Burst, however if you really need his burst fast, having an Anemo battery will be helpful, or any elem battery (like equipping someone with a Favonius weapon). For me this is why I also use Diona with him because she has an R5 Favonius Bow.
- If you noticed, I placed Staff of Homa higher than his own BiS weapon because Homa gives lots of Cdmg. Cdmg with Xiao is always better, plus it’s easier to just have Crit rate for his Circlet if you have Crit DMG Weapon. Having Crit Rate weapon would mean you have to build up lots of CDmg from his artifacts, which is quite hard.
- I recommend 60/70 CR : 200 CD for his crit. (My Xiao has 70:250 I think and he can do 50k per plunge alone.)
- Actually, R5 Deathmatch is way better than R1 Primordial Jade Winged Spear. If you compare the two, the stats are very similar and reaching just R3 Deathmatch is enough. The only difference would be the high Base ATK from a 5* like PJWS, but then you can compensate that with the passive buffs with an R5 Deathmatch.
-> HP reliant build (Purely Shield): Black Tassel, Staff of Homa, Vortex Vanquisher
-> Burst reliant build (Mostly DMG): Lithic Spear, ER Weapons
-> Hybrid (Shield+Burst): Staff of Homa, Primordial Jade Spear, Skyward Spine, Deathmatch, Blackcliff Pole, Vortex Vanquisher, Black Tassel, Lithic Spear, Favonius Lance, Prototype Starglitter, The Catch
- by “build” I also am including the Artifacts. for example, you have HP-HP-HP on artifacts, then that means you have a HP Reliant build. If you have HP-GeoDmg/HP-Crit, you have a hybrid build. burst reliant builds prioritize a lot on ER but honestly I doubt a lot of people only use Zhongli for his burst damage and not with his shield.
- it is purely by reference, honestly. but if you’re on endgame, then I would suggest a hybrid build, especially if you also have a healer on the team.
- you can actually exchange weapons each time if you’re on Hybrid build (i do that too when I’m in deep need of HP), it’s better if your build is flexible like that.
- the tip with Zhongli is that the higher the level of his weapon, the better it is to have a Crit Weapon instead of Black Tassel.
Artifact Sets.
-> Tenacity
-> Archaic Petra
-> 2pc Noblesse (4pc not reco)
-> 2pc Gladiator (if you have 2pc ToM/Archaic/Nob)
- Now like I said he has different builds so I think you should rely more on your rng luck when it comes to deciding Arti Sets & your overall build.
- I do recommend 4pc Tenacity for a hybrid build since it can raise damage for a few seconds as well with its bonus. It’s good for an overall build since it can help your main DPS too.
- Archaic Petra is good… I used it with Tenacity before and it has good damage. If you want a good synergy with your main DPS, go for 4pc Tenacity. For a good support Zhongli who can do his own damage, then 2pc Archaic or maybe Glad with Tenacity.
Artifact Stats.
-> HP - HP - HP (HP reliant, pure Shielder)
-> ATK/ER - Geo - Crit (Burst reliant)
-> HP - Geo/HP - Crit (Hybrid)
- Like I said, I doubt a lot would even do a Burst reliant build unless you’re a boss and just wants to do it for the sake of it, go and lmk how it went hehehe
- I for one use a hybrid build with a Geo Cup and his burst can hit around 60k~ with crit. Tbh if you have a good Main DPS, you won’t need to build his burst much. His burst has a Petrify effect that is very useful especially in Abyss—it’s the most important aspect of his burst in my opinion.
Talent Prioritization.
-> HP Reliant/Hybrid: Skill > Burst > Normal
-> Burst Reliant: Burst > Skill > Normal
- Actually, Zhongli’s cons are one of the bests out there. If you’re looking for someone to put your primos on, I’d definitely recommend him.
- I only have him at 80/90 and he’s in tip-top shape. I don’t recommend getting him to 90 if you don’t bias him that much since the important thing in ascending him is just his Skill.
- He’s the best in solving the cube puzzles in Inazuma (he’s the one I always use and I promise he never disappoints)
- I think I already said this but having a hybrid build will make him good with a crit or hp weapon. I for one just switched his weapon while exploring Inazuma before with a low level Tree (i forgot its name ohgod).
tbh if I’m the one who doesn’t have all three of them, I’d probably choose Zhongli. i couldn’t imagine having not pulled for him when i did since i barely could fight without him hahah. 
however, if you don’t need a shielder anyway, i’d say pick on your style. ganyu is more for those who crave for meta and wants to dominate the game far easier while xiao, on the other hand, despite being a meta himself, is quite difficult to build. he has more specific details that needs to be done to attain the “perfect build” and high damage, but if you’re lucky and have the perseverance, then why not?
out of everyone, xiao is still my favorite since i like his overall playstyle and he’s by far my strongest character on main. a character is strong depends on how you build them. there’s no weak character imo. question is, how strong are you to survive the farming god tier artifacts? :)
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