#tbatf sucks
fany-the-bunny · 1 year
So! I again, was going to make a rant of the TBATF comic but i decided to make another compilation of panels i actually liked, cause im just really lazy
Anyway, heres Ringo being a man eating beast (also, Paul and Patrick being dumb)
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Tord going trough a situation that i already expected he was going to go trough, karma really hits him like a truck on those panels, don't they?
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And another panel with a silly little face of Tord, that time protecting one of his....whatever the hell is their relationship.
What a gentleman (not really)
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And for last but not least!
This soldier having the time of his life (just look at him go)
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Anyway, that was all the panels i actually enjoyed from that hot garbage of a comic, maybe there are others who are funny but who cares? Im gonna make that rant when i feel like it, i don't really know when, but i have a lot of thoughs on it
Anyway, heres a picture of my dog
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four-bastard-bustle · 2 years
what's your opinion about tbatf
i dont know anything about it other than the general consensus that it sucks and i refuse to learn anything about it
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tenetson · 5 years
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its edds world we’re just living in it
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childecock · 5 years
okay so the tord on the right is my friends ( really great person whom i love & appreciate SO much ) para and she asked me to add him in here with this bc tbatf fucking sucks. their tord interp also is shit so he's going to get beaten by ours. thank you have a nice day.
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into-loser-ville · 5 years
god DAMN can we please get an eddsworld fancomic that’s actually good
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zombiepirates · 2 years
tbatf already sucks but like why did they have to make tord aggressively heterosexual to an uncomfortable extent
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mxttellion · 3 years
is tbatf slander allowed? because i need to get this off my chest:
especially how selfish they made edd and matt like. AH
we get it!!! green guy likes his coke, ginger likes his face, but there is No Excuse for matt and tom getting their asses beat while edd. completely ignores them over a FUCKING VENDING MACHINE
and then tom gets his ass beat over matt, and matt just. completely ignores tom's existence, let alone edd, and goes "QUEST TO SAVE MY FACE :DDD"
like. no. no! NO!!! your friend got so distressed seeing you hurt that he turned into a monster and tried to protect you, STILL LOST, and. there's not a thank you anywhere??? huh?????? like tom can't be the only good friend out of all of them jfc
not to mention tord's fucking face looks like someone's half grated old dry cheese. tord in general in that was fucking weird i didn't like him
and. the weird fucking thing with his anime girls, like. so many people have said this and it can be summed up to FUCKING GROSS.
last thing, and this may just be me, but all the unnecessary blood and gore??? like eddsworld and cartoons like do have blood and stuff but. tord throwing tom around and the blood flying after him, the whole thing with the clones being torn apart, it's. it's weird to me
anyway tldr tbatf fucking sucks lmao
BUT ALSO BASED!!! I apologize for the long rant I'm about to do but.
Look, we all love assholes, and the ew gang is just made of 4 bastards who would probably beat eachother up over petty shit, but if we have to APPARENTLY feel something for them and take them seriously, maybe you should write them as likeable assholes? You know, a character you enjoy watching because. They're entertaining? Instead of making them selfish dickheads?
Idk if I can really talk about the ew characters being ooc in general, since let's be real: none of the eddsworld characters have a set personality, they change based on the eras
But at the same time, if you're giving them a specific personality or just fit with the general gist the fanbase has for certain characters (Edd being the "tired dad who still cares for his friends" person, for example), and you expect the audience to understand their actions..... DON'T MAKE THEM GO OOC FFS
If you've established that, in this case (then again I might be wrong since I've never completely read tbatf and I refuse to) Edd looks for his friends even if he might be an ass at times, you can't just have him ignore them literally bleeding to death for whatever reason (was it character development? really lol). If anything, you can still have the gag, but let him go "aw fuck my friends are probably a bit more important than cola"
Tom is either ignored or used for dumb jokes and honestly, good for him, at least he isn't tainted
Does Matt even have some character beside "ahahahahahhahahahhahaha vain ginger says he's pretty"?
And last but not least, Tord is literally a 101 on how to NOT write villains, the fanbase is filled to the brim with better representations of Red Leader lmao
And regarding the gore, it's so unnecessary even for eddsworld, that thing is so weird and makes me uneasy at best
Yeah I don't like this comic either is that clear
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tomee--bear · 3 years
What are your opinions on tbatf?
probably not quite as angry towards it as others (i'd assume most ppl's issues w/ it are towards the creators), but after having read through all of it a few months ago i can def say it just outright sucks from a story perspective
i'll try not to make this post too long, but out of the stuff i can remember from it:
the comic's abt three years into it's run and barely anything has happened beyond 3 chase sequences (and currently it's just been matt, paul and pat goofing off around the army base)
4 ppl are apparently working on this comic, and i feel like that's contributing to how stifled/all over the place the story is (it feels like everyone has an idea/gag for the story, and instead of streamlining the better choices they're including all of them)
the strip format is a terrible choice for the story they want to tell (i get that it wants to mimic the actual EW comics, but gag strips & traditional comics are two very different forms of storytelling)
adding onto that, the panels are too busy and trying too hard to cram as much bg detail/gags as possible, again this could've been improved slightly w/ a standard comic layout (or just omitted altogether, most of it's not relevant anyway)
tord's RL design is ugly (the purple streak on his shoulder pad makes 0 sense to me and clashes w/ the other colours)
too many OCs added in that don't serve much of a purpose beyond comic relief for a couple of strips (i know some ppl took issue w/ some of the female designs being a bit too "sexy", but afaik said characters are the creators' self-inserts/OCs so i'd assume it's just self-indulgence on their end, idk)
take this as you will, i've only worked on 2 comics myself & both were written/commissioned by tom, so i'm by no means an expert on storytelling/making comics, but overall there's a lot of improvements i think would be needed to make this comic better :P
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Which one is worst, in terms of writing? Dear Star Boy! Tord or tbatf! Tord? Discuss
i think it comes down to whether you'd rather watch paint dry for eternity and do nothing else or be overwhelmingly angry at everything all the time
tbatf tord is flat, lifeless character with no charm/humor/complexity/entertainment value. every scene with him is either a boring waste of time or painfully unengaging and unfunny. he's not menacing or intimidating, he's just a really bad joke that we have to put up with and doesn't get any sort of character development
dsb tord. the fic's writing in general is fucking terrible and tord is the pinnacle of it. he exists to feed the stereotype of "uwu soft boy in a relationship with a serious edgy man" and also fetishize depression because it's quirky. he's basically the written equivalent of a car crash: it's horrible to witness but you can't take your eyes off it.
personally, i think dsb is worse but let's be honest they both fucking suck
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eddsmoped · 3 years
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fany-the-bunny · 1 year
So! I was planing on making a rant of the TBATF comic cause for some odd reason i decided to readed it to fullfilled my morbid curiosity on how this hot trash is gonna end but im really tired and i sorta don't want to write to much right now so i decided to take a bunch of screeshots of some of my favourite panels, staring with:
This little silly face of Tord
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Half of this comic is just Edd not having a good time and the rest is Tord not having a good time (and that's honestly the best part of the comic)
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Edd and Ringo reunited after some long time (honestly, every panel with Ringo is amazing)
Also a little series of screeshots of tiny Matt and tiny Tom playing in the background while tiny Edd does all the world domination work for tiny Tord
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"i had spy bot for a day and a half but If anything happened to him, im gonna kill anyone in this room and then myself"
- Tord Larson, 20?? (probably)
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Matt just being himself while Dick get some headpats (every panel with Matt is also great)
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And then we have him just being a cold mf (really, how is he alive?)
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And to finished, here's my reaction when i got to read this comic for the first time as a 15-16 year old right after reading Crisis AU:
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(I still don't know how i confused both but i did, and that's a very memeble picture)
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depressed-fr0g · 4 years
I fucking hate the eddsworld fandom but I love it. They never make tord a functioning member of society and they never fail to give me tea of TBATF drama to read up on cause holy shit am I happy to know that there are even more things happening to that shitty ass problematic twat face eddsworld fan comic blog shit, I don’t care if they have good artwork, they suck and I wanna murder the guy who told a peaceful minor to jump off a roof. If I ever find them I will drown them in a pool of piss from a 30 year old man with alcoholism and then take their dead body into a meat grinder and make them into a burger and feed them to the TBATF fans who like their content and will defend their stupid asses.
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mushroomminded · 4 years
Don't ask about the newest drama- the fandom only gets more tiring the longer is lives past its expiration date,,
the responses so far have been “nothing, there’s no content” and “tbatf still sucks” so obv things have been very exciting 
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tbatf-callout · 5 years
I know a big problem with tbatf is the over sexualization of woman, so I wanted to ask something. I draw alot of bigger breasted and curvy woman, it's just fun for me. But, with all of this discourse I wanted to know; am I a bad person? I feel really bad for liking to draw over exaggerated woman, but should I feel bad?? aAA??
Well the TBATF crew already are bad people. Their art just sucks along with them. Now we aren't here to gatekeep a whole community on how to draw characters, so maybe look at your art and have that discussion with yourself?
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kaiokentimesten · 4 years
In case you're all wondering, TBATF still sucks and idk why I'm keeping up with it
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apparently this blog’s still a thing woah
‘Kay, so... a LOT of thing about me have changed. Like, a lot. Mostly opinions, so I’ll get to those first.
1. I no longer support TBaTF. Mostly because the comic sucks now (it started sucking after that page where they reference the Eddsworld fanfiction Dear Starboy), but also because, well... I’ve gotten a bit more mature and thought about all the stuff people have talked about regarding the creators, and... yeah.
2. I don’t like Sanders Sides that much anymore. It’s just one of those things where I was like “oh cool! i’ll check it out!” then I was like “neat! i love this series! i check every new video!” and then I was like “meh." and kinda forgot about it. A lot of blogs should probably expect unfollows related to this.
3. Homestuck. Not sure whether I like it or not, either way I’m mostly here for the shitposts.
4. Eddsworld in general. I really only like things that are pre-legacy, because, well... Legacy!Eddsworld just isn’t that well done. I can probably point out more errors there than I can in Classic!Eddsworld. Red Leader/Future!Tord is a cool concept, though, and I hope someone can make a version that A. doesn’t connect very much to Legacy's Tord as that depiction of him was... not good, and B. isn’t anything like TBaTF/the entire rest of the fanbase’s version. (I get it. Tord is an edgelord. It’s not cute or quirky anymore. It’s just annoying.).
5. My Little Pony. Okay, this one’s coming right out of the blue, since I haven’t really talked about it on here. I kinda like G4 but I kinda don’t, my favourite is probably always gonna be G3, though.
6. Moomin. ‘Nother one that I didn’t talk about much on my blog. Before this year, I had no clue what this was. I’d see art of it sometimes, go “what is that hippo-lookin’ thing from?”, and keep scrolling. Aaaand... now I’m a total sucker for this show. It’s so cute! :3
7. I think astrology is pretty neat. There’s probably gonna be a few reblogs popping up here and there related to it.
...Okay. I think that's all the stuff that’s changed, opinion-wise, anyways.
Now, uh... more personal stuff!
1. I now identify as male. Probably gonna get a few ter"f”-y blogs telling me about how much of a “pOoR mIsGuIdEd BuTcH lEsBiAn” I am, but giving a fuck about that is not something I have the capability to do. I’ll just block you.
2. I am also gay. If anyone says I’m just “a StRaIgHt WoMaN fEtIsHiZiNg GaY mEn”, I’ll block you. Because if you seriously believe that, fuck you.
3. I’m gonna go by “Lance” now, which means if anyone decides to post about Emmasworld should definitely separate me and the main character. For satan’s sake, she’s a demon catgirl with wings now.
4. I’m fine with being called ‘they’ as well, and might have some days where I'm more comfortable with that than with ‘he’. If I am having one of those sorts of days, I’ll probably go as "Starboy”. No, I have no idea why this is a thing. Yes, I’m just going to accept it rather than wondering why this is a thing.
Okay, and last thing, it’s related to this blog...
The other thing:
This blog is probably not going to have much Emmasworld stuff. I already have welcometocartoonia.blogspot.com for that. (shamelessly mentioning the blog I have on a completely different website, ‘cause why not?)
And... that’s about it.
I guess I’ll post again here soon... maybe.
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