#talking shit is a love language of theirs ❤️
marsberryart · 8 months
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dormary 💞
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painterofhorizons · 3 years
❤️💚💓💢🛌 for Alex!
Thank you very much for your ask, my dear! <3 I'll go for Alex in her relationship with Dave and probably include Dave here and there as well.
From this Emoji Character Ask, please feel free to send in more.
It got long so it goes under the cut.
❤️— How do they most often express their love? Verbally or through actions?
Both! I mean, Alex is the least romantic person on earth (Dave, on the other hand, is quite a romantic). But she loves people, and she loves Dave, and she loves how they're in love. And after a long time of being idiots-with-benefits, when they finally get together, she tells him that she loves him on a very regular basis (same goes for him). In a very unkitschy, rational way, but very reglarily. But both of them, Alex in particular, are VERY physical and touch oriented persons. So there's a lot of random and not so random touch, especially when they are in private (they are clearly not the type to hold hands in public and act out all couple). It's seaking the closeness of the other, leaving their personal protective barrier and letting the other near and in, that is their primary love language, I would say. And domestic, rational stuff like making sure the other person has their needs fulfilled, has eaten and is hydrated, slept and stuff like that. Not so much romantic nonsense, gifts and sweet talk, though.
💚— How do they make their partner feel better?
Alex is a very rational, problem solving oriented type, and she often jokes she's an emotional cripple. Of course she is not, but she is (or at least: feels) not really good at comforting others with words or gestures. She's the type to be there any time, listen, and help looking for solutions if the other one wants that - but all on a very brainy level? Like, she is very empathetic, but she doesn't feel empathetic, if you know what I mean?
Thing is, Dave especially is someone who also doesn't want comfort and empathy. He has an even harder time opening up and being vulnerable around others than Alex, so he's not the type to show her when he's in need of feeling better. So they fit together well in that regard. Both learn to open up with time (not because they force each other, but because they learn that oh, it's actually nice to have someone to rely on again, they didn't have that in a long time). And then it's a very casual making each other feel better, things like bringing them a cup of tea or a short hug from behind or some silent down time on the couch running her fingers through Dave's hair with his head resting on her chest.
💓— What could their partner do to make their heart race?
Answering this one straight for Alex: Alex is just utterly, utterly, utterly in love with Dave. And whenever he shows or reassures her with the tiniest gestures that he, too, is very much in love with her (because for the time being she never fully understands why and what she did to deserve someone like him), it just makes her stomach do things. Like when he will randomly textmessage her when he's on a case, just writing her "I love you"? That makes her heart race like shit. Or when they are somewhere in public, like at a festivity at the club for example, and she catches him just looking at her like he loves her? Her stomach does things, I tell you. She doesn't want or need more. Just knowing that yes, the man she loves so dearly loves her back and continues to actively decide that he wants to be with her? Enough to make her heart race. She never understands how she gets to be that lucky.
💢— What are some habits of theirs that would take some getting used to?
They actually have very little conflict potential! There are some area where both are fundamentally different - but they know that from the start and both are mature enough to know hey, we're adults and we won't change anymore about fundamentals, so we just have to make that work. And they do. One major thing e.g. is that Dave is a person of comfort and luxury: he enjoys pretty things, expensive things, fancy restaurants, to quote him: he owns art originals that cost more than his first house costed (stress: FIRST house, dude owned/owns several houses), he has a huge ass house filled with lots of cool and interesting stuff - and he has an eye for interior decoration. Alex is the complete opposite: the stuff she owns fits in very few boxes, she doesn't need anything pretty in her flat, she's okay with literally nothing. But they make it work with something in the middle without any problems. And all the small stuff and habits other people might have a hard time to "get used to"? Both are way too chill to bother. They like each other for exactly the person they are and have no problems accepting that the other person comes in as a whole person with all good bad and ugly. And that's fine. Nothing they need to "get used to". Despite, before they fully became a couple they have known each other for more than 10 years and been best friends for a long time so when they become a couple there's nothing new they would need to get used to anyways.
They are just really chill people at heart.
🛌— What’s their pillow talk usually like?
I have to admit that that's an english expression I am not familiar with. I looked it up and someone described it as "'pillow talk' is the small talk you make with someone after sex." ? As for that... Alex and Dave are both very rational and head driven people and excel the ability to talk about ANYTHING before, while and after sex. Job, life, grocery list, politics, anything. And they are absolutely not into dirty talk or even sweet talk or anything, so there's no real "pillow talk" at all - there's just normal talk? Despite making sure the other one is okay. "pillow talk time" for them is just quality time actually shared together, because due to their jobs they don't get to spend too much time together, so they will just use that to talk about whatever needs or wants to be talked about.
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