#talk to me ever again 🥲 whatever fuck her I really don’t think I did anything wrong I’m tearing up as I type this lmao
concoulor · 10 months
still upset about my friend breaking up with me & that happened almost 2 years ago now
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Hola Dani 👋🏼 ¿cómo estás? ¿Que planes tienes para el fin de semana? Say hi to your mom from me!! 😌
My clases are going great, I only have female students and they are nice, way more confident that I have ever been but is fun!
I would absolutely love to watch a show or movie with you but you should know that I have been described as a "live meme generator" whatever that is 🤣🤣
The One with the Exile
“The whole of Scholomance does,” Amira chuckled. “It’s a miracle Anjali doesn’t yet.”
Maybe she does but like the magnanimous queen that she is she's going to wait for Rafe!!
Would he get demon ichor in his system again? How was that happening anyway?
I'm going to stick with my poisson theory until proven wrong 😌
“Every time I bring up Gabriel, he pretends to get a phone call and walks away,” Selena rolled her eyes. "Nobody calls him!"
Oh Jace sweetie NO! 😔
“But I’m glamoured!” Selena said in surprise.
I don't like this!!! 😖😖😖
Especially after shit when down with Marcus.
Fuck Marcus, I hope he gets a tight hug from fire while conveniently covered in gasoline... Burn bitch buuuuurn!!!!!!!!!
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“Camila. This is the shadow world. There is always serious shit going on,” Gigi chuckled. “You have to find the time to do your own shit or it will never get done otherwise.”
So true!! These people don't even know what peace feels like!!
“He literally pointed a gun at Anjali!” Gigi said incredulously.
Exactly!!!!! Only an evil psychopath would do that!!!!
But she didn’t feel that way. Not after what Marcus did.
Everybody look at my smart child and take notes
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Mama had told Gigi that there was nothing and no one more dangerous than a man who refused to admit he was wrong.
Del tal palo, tal astilla 😌
“Um,” Camila said, grinning madly. “Your good luck charm is standing behind you.”
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“Oh,” Camila said as she stared at the tiny gadget over Gigi’s shoulder. “Oh shit.”
Oh shit is correct! Oh shit very much!!!
It could get him kicked out of the institute.
Or it could keep you safe, TALK!!!!!
The shiver on his skin died almost immediately.
They were gone.
He felt it. He knew it. 
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David sighed. He stared at himself in the mirror. The one in front of his bed.
Cover that shit... you're not supposed to have mirrors in front of your bed, that's how the evil spirits get to you, my abuela told me this and she is always right!!!
Granted she also thinks that if you step on salt you will have bad luck and never get married sooo...
Magnus’ face was unreadable. “I’m sure it was just shadow market gossip.”
I need to know EVERYTHING about this prince like yesterday!!!!
Magnus laughed. “That’s a great theory. Except demons don’t poop.”
Also Chopin is a cutie pie and wouldn't do that to you!
“Don’t repeat what you heard from the faeries in the shadow market,” Magnus said.
But whyyyy??????????? 😫😫
Magnus’ cat eyes hardened as he looked at the tea again. “It wasn’t a ghost or a demon. Someone has been intentionally poisoning you.”
I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!
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“It seems Marcus has told us many misleading things,” Anjali said quietly.
I told you so!!!! Wait why am I getting so many things right so soon...!! Oh no... 😭 things are gonna get really bad, I can feel it!!
“Amor,” Rafael whispered. “You need to take a break.”
I agree!!! I'm worried about Anjali 😭
He should probably propose first.
Yeah, you should!! Also how do I get invited to an Indian wedding?? There are not a lot Indians in Venezuela 🥲
“Take selfies?” Rafael shrugged. “That’s what Max does.”
Marcus strode into the living room, seemingly not in the mood for small talk. “I assume you’ve invited me here to reconsider your decision about my proposal.”
Listen here you little shit!!!! 😡😡😡😡
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He knew their history. He knew their world. He knew the law.
He just didn’t care.
What had happened was not a mistake.
I told you he is an evil bitch but you never listen to me!!!!!!! Kill him NOW!!!!!!
Marcus gives me republican vibes, if he were in TLND he would be one of those evil senators that work for the NRA 🤬🤬🤬
“No,” Marcus whispered, pointing the gun. “You can’t take the shadow world from me.”
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“Should we have removed his sight?” Rafael sighed. “Why give him another chance? We should have just-”
Yes!! Yes you should have!!! Sometimes you need to be those people!!! Not only demons are evil you should know this by now!!!!!
He felt the weight of the ring all over his chest.
He looked at her.
He smiled.
O mai gaaaaa!!! It's happening!!!!
Nooooo!! What is that?!?!?!?!
“It’s Nicolas Thorn,” Anjali said. “He is coming to Idris.”
Finally!!!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
Next week, a hot new warlock enters the villa!!! I can't wait... next Tuesday is my birthday so I'm gonna claim chapter 9 as my birthday present, you have been warned homies!!!
Thank youuuu Dani!!!! I swear this story feels like a suspense movie!!! I LOVE IT!!!!! 💚💚💚💚
Hi, Alex 💚
I had an incredibly stressful day and your ask was one of the few things that put a smile on my face today.
Thank you so much. SO MUCH.
Love you 🥺
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rabbit-reveries · 2 years
Hello!! I was wondering if I could have one of those hp matchups, please :)
My name’s Lucy, I identify as female, I use she/her as my pronouns and I’m a ravenclaw
I’m a taurus sun (scorpio moon and virgo rising), and my personality type is infj
My ideal date I think would be a trip to a nice museum, especially if it’s art, history or natural science related, but expect for me to stare at whatever’s in front of me for a LONG time (I just like taking things in ok!!), oh and I’ll definitely buy at least something at the gift shop (ahh plushies, journals and posters, my beloveds). Other than that, I’m pretty cheap, I’d be more than happy to just have a walk around, exploring and chatting the day away
Three things I look for in a partner would probably be passion, wit (very important), and maybe upfront or sort of a leader? I’m kinda non confrontational so someone who will confront me (or others) when necessary and help me get used to it would be appreciated 🥲though it’s not necessarily a must
My biggest flaws are, as mentioned, my non confrontational nature and people pleasing tendencies (I’m getting better at handling them tho!), I’m also kinda stubborn and sometimes I tend to get closed off when I don’t feel my best or when someone hurts me, instead of talking about it, I need time to really think things through before I speak up about those kinds of things (unless I’m especially close with you, then I’m usually more upfront). Also, I’m very introverted, I don’t consider it a flaw but when my social battery runs out I can get a bit snappy and irritated
My biggest qualities are my compassion and empathy, which allows me to know others’ perspectives and know what to say to ease or even persuade others. I’m very perceptive, non judgmental, honest and introspective. I’m also pretty optimistic most of the time, I believe most people are inherently good and that things usually work out in the end. I’m also very artistic and creative, I’ve always been and will always be eternally curious. The world is just so full of wonders! Besides that I’m pretty practical and responsible as well :)
This was so much fun!! Please take your time, no need to rush, after all; your health comes first! Have fun with it, thank you for this! Have a wonderful day <33
I would match you with...
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At first, you didn't care for him or his attitude, and shared the opinion most had of him - just a spoiled brat trying to make Hogwarts his playground -, but, you know things change. And the time you walked in on him having a panic attack tucked inside a broom closet changed everything.
You knew you shouldn't, you knew what your friends would think... Time and time again they'd tell you you were too good for your own good. You knew you shouldn't, and yet, there you were, exchanging glances with the school bully, Draco Malfoy himself. His gaze was almost murderous, trying to intimidate you into staying quiet about your encounter, but yours had something soft in it. He wanted to kill it and let it rot.
The stare down continued for a week or so, until the boy finally got tired of it and confronted you. "What is it that you want? Money? I'll pay you if you promise to keep your mouth shut" he said, arms locking you in place against a wall. "I don't want anything. I just want to know if you're alright. Do you need somebody to talk to?" you replied, and he couldn't believe his own ears. What the fuck did that mean. He'd never had someone say those words to him before.
He didn't take you on that offer that day. Or that week. But he did come to you, eventually, and opened up to you the best he could, having no practice in talking about his feelings and fearing sharing too many secrets of the family.
It took a lot of work, but he came to trust you, more than he'd ever trusted anyone.
Romantic feelings began to bloom in his chest, and it scared the fuck out of him. He didn't want to mess up what you had. He didn't want to make his mess your mess. But Merlin, did he want to your mess.
The way you talk, the way you laugh, the way you always know what to say. He is in awe with your mind, your ability to find beauty in things. He was raised with only the best of everything, and you found more joy in trivial stuff than he could ever dream to feel in his lifetime. Draco wanted nothing more than to see the world from behind your eyes.
For weeks, he'd vent to you about this mysterious girl, so much you found yourself getting a bit jealous. Who was she? She seemed to have him mesmerized.
"It's you. It's always been you." said the blond, holding your hand one night when it was just the two of you on your way back from a butterbeer.
You didn't know what to say. The boy always had everything he could ever want and he was telling you he wants you. But there's a storm coming, you can feel it. You know he's part of it. Do you want to meddle with the things he's bound to bring? No. But you can't walk away from him... You wish you could, but the soft thing insists on your ability to save him from himself.
Your relationship is rocky. He wants to be a better person for you, but being good goes against everything he was told to believe in. It doesn't come easy. With the war, it is even more difficult, having to pick a side.
He picks, if only because he has to. He doesn't choose you, even if he chooses to be with you. In the end, Draco chooses the man he wants to become. You couldn't be prouder, holding his hand as you fight.
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