#talk about how sasuke stans hate naruto cause he would't let him run off to a predator and kill anyone he wants lmaoo
chiefninetails · 10 months
sasuke stans will come up with every reason under the sun as to why naruto stans hate sasuke EXCEPT the fact that he tried to kill him multiple times for dumbass reasons while he was trying to help him and never once wanted to kill him in return like wow, that doesn't sit right with people, who would've thought lmaoo. He literally tried to kill him on his birthday right after his dead father said goodbye like hello?? Yeah some people are just bitter and jealous and self inserting but to act like that's all there is to it? And so what if naruto stans don't think sasuke deserved all that love and effort? naruto was letting himself get beat black and blue for a man who tried to kill him and joined a criminal organization that specifically targeted people like him, nobody irl doing that shit for someone like sasuke cause it's borderline insanity. That's not a lack of understanding it's common sense. sasuke was an antagonist for almost the entirety of shippuden and yall will get on here and cry about people not liking him, it's in the job description.
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