#taira no tokuko
banchagu · 6 months
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hakonohanayome · 1 year
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Heike Monogatari episode 2
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venicepearl · 10 months
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Taira no Tokuko (Taira no Tokushi) (平 徳子, 1155 – January 25, 1214), later known as Kenreimon-in (建礼門院), was the daughter of Taira no Kiyomori and Taira no Tokiko. She was empress consort of Emperor Takakura.
Tokuko was also the last Imperial survivor from the great naval battle of Dan-no-ura.
Her life became a compelling narrative which survives as both history and literature.
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redsamuraiii · 2 years
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Taira no Tokuko (Anime / Drama)
(Fumi Nikaido as Tokuko in Taiga Drama Taira no Kiyomori / The Heike Story)
Taira no Tokuko, later known as Kenreimon-in, was the daughter of Taira no Kiyomori and Taira no Tokiko. She was empress-consort of Emperor Takakura. Tokuko was also the last Imperial survivor from the great naval battle of Dan-no-ura.
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
Hana Yori Dango (Arataki Itto/Reader/Yan!Kamisato Ayato)
A/n: Eyoo it's Feb 3, the Setsubun festival should be happening rn!!! Idk how I thought it was feb when I uploaded this on SEPTEMBER. Anywahs, ily Itto. He's not a full-blown yandere here (yet?) but he is my– OUR himbo, comrade. Writing Itto's dialogues is a delight. I took some inspiration and ideas from @leftdestiny-posts and the itto/gorou enjoyer anon for this one! (both characters are technically here but... haha...) Thanks for the ideas ehehe >:D
gn!reader. This is Itto's side story for "Careful, He Bites.", so everything is in his perspective. Maybe it could be read as a stand-alone (?) if you haven't read the previous one for extra mystery lololol. 
An Unreliable Synopsis: There is another thing besides you and your flowers that Itto can't live without, and it's good fricking food. (Fic happens before "Careful, He Bites")
Cw: yandere!ayato, Japanese folklore, and pure biker gang leader!itto supremacy.
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Around the time Emperor Takakura reigned in the country, there lived an old farmer who wouldn't move a hair away from Yamashiro Province. 
They were gentle, and their neighbors consistently portrayed them as extremely dense. They did not care to dream big for themselves, and opted to worry only about the plate they'll have once the sun sets.  They didn't pay attention to whispers that would soon become the country's history; they hardly heard of the latest gossip regarding Taira no Tokuko. They lived blissfully secluded and unaware, and it was the life they chose to live.
Unaware may not be the best word to describe them, but unaffected.
███ was alone in their household with no spouse to care for them nor children to raise, and in turn, no one thought to accompany them.
Yet ███ never once considered themselves lonely. The moonlight may wax and wane, but the monsters that lurk nearby would never leave them pondering in the dark.
The moon was beautiful that night, too.
"–Won't you be a dear and fetch me a bottle of sake?" 
Their voice echoed inside the empty and dilapidated house. The █████ Clan had long been silent, so no human would answer their calls.
"HAHAHAHA!!! Off to drink again, eh? Leave it to the one and oni Arataki Itto to keep you company!"
But a yokai might.
This particular yokai, Arataki Itto, had grown accustomed to pouring drinks for the farmer, in a way, they consider him their grandson. Itto sat by the floor beside them. He was small in stature, not much taller than their knee, but they considered his heart to be much bigger than an average human's. So, how could they ever turn down his offer of joining his cute little gang?
"But seriously, grand-y," Itto grinned. "I don't understand why you drink so much when you could never beat me in a drinking competition."
And oftentimes, a bigger heart comes with a bigger pride.
"Oh, Itto..." The old farmer gently ruffled the young oni's hair. "You ought not to be proud of such a feat! You're too young to be downing these drinks."
"But grand-y!"
"Do not argue with me, young oni."
"Why not, especially when you sound like a total sore loser?"
The oni stuck his tongue out.
The farmer sighed, endeared.
Itto wasn't happy with the way they'd been acting over the previous month. Their movements have become terse and rigid since they returned from visiting Yae Miko. And right now, they're being awfully silent for a drunk person. Itto also didn't like how their clan's Kagura Bell Wand is also neatly boxed on top of the table with the kitsune's name on it. It's as if they're planning to give their family heirloom away. Does that mean no purification spells are working on their illness?
"Yo, grand-y. Is something up?"
He doubted it was because of ordinary human struggles. Their father had long perished in a failed rebellion and their mother had hopelessly succumbed to an undiagnosed illness. She left her child the heavy weight of carrying a disgraced Clan's name. Almost nothing can trouble the farmer. 
The farmer succeded most of their previous hardships. If "succeeded" also meant abandoning the Kuruma-dera temple and becoming a recluse entangled with yokai, then the old Sojo would be rolling in his grave right now. But the point is, Itto doesn't think the old farmer would act this way simply because of a menial problem like relationships and lack of entertainment.
"Oh, nothing. I am just... Pondering over my distant relatives' wellbeing. Nothing too personal."
"Do ya want to visit them? I can help you pack up! I've been getting stronger!!!"
The imperial court may be their cousin's home, but it is not their place to stay. Especially for a hakaiso like them. If their cousin wasn't merciful the usual Banishment Laws would've been in full effect on their trial and they'd be sent to Izu Province. They don't want to burden their subordinate clan-- the Kaedehara clan-- more with their presence.
So they digressed.
"Itto, I want you to have this."
They procured a small violet flower from the vase on top of their table. Itto's nose scrunched. The child never expressed any interest in flowers, so their affectionate gesture doesn't reach him.
"Eh? What am I gonna do with that, grand-y?" Itto was visibly unimpressed. 
"I have something to ask of you, won't you take this as a reward for that request?"
"HMPH! I don't even know what the request is!"
"Ahh... Fair point." 
They gazed at the moon.
"Can you look after the Kamisato siblings for me?"
The young oni tilted his head. Why would they ask that? The two bakenekos are already capable of taking care of themselves anyways. Particularly the oldest. Itto often played with Ayato, and all their games ended with the cat outsmarting him one way or another. The only fault Ayato had was being overtly clingy and jealous whenever another yokai steals their attention. 
"But why? It's not like Ayato needs help--"
"I'll be leaving soon."
"--raising his sis– HAAAAAH?!"
They cleared their throat.
"As a human, it still feels as though I'm abandoning my pets, even if they are intellectual yokais who can handle themselves. I'm worried about Ayato especially, he'll probably carry the weight of the world on his shoulders even if he could share the load. Our little himegimi doesn't even have a proper name yet." They muttered, melancholic.
"Hold up grand-y oni! Where are you going?! You're just going out of town... right?"
They laughed humorlessly and patted his head once more. "It won't be long. I'm sure I'll crawl home to you in a few more years. Don't cry, young oni."
So it's not a visit to the capital, it's...
Itto gulped.
"What... What did miss Miko say?"
"It doesn't matter. I am already tired of thinking about talking about it, what more if we discussed the subject?" They shook their head. By the sound of it, they refuse to talk not because of the emotional strain, but because successfully explaining things to someone like Itto would take too much effort.
"NO! Let's talk about iiiiiiiiitttt!!!" He incessantly tugged on their sleeves. "Is it your heart again?! As your gang leader, I already ordered you to stop purging wraiths!!"
They gave him a small, patient smile. For a brief, enchanting moment, it was as if the world slowed just for the oni to process an epiphany.
They tucked a wisteria behind his tiny ear.
"The moon is beautiful. Itto, thank you for making me the first member of your gang." They closed their eyes, breathing shallowly.
And then, a complete yet abrupt silence.
Young Arataki Itto lightly shook the old farmer.
Young Arataki Itto shook them a bit more forcefully.
"Grand-y oni?!"
They didn't reply.
Young Arataki Itto helplessly yanked them by their collar.
You toppled forward as a heavy weight pressed forcefully against your back. 
"Oomph– Goodness– Itto?" 
"Oh, thank God you're alive!" He sobbed.
Arataki Itto, your best bud, wept over your shoulder. You did not shove him away. Itto is way too strong for you, and you wouldn't ask him to carry rice sacks for you if that weren't the case. 
Itto had always been an obnoxious eccentric, often barging into your flower shop and leaving his muddy footsteps on the floor without any reservations until you surprisingly snapped. You commanded him in silent anger that he should make himself more useful to society. Hearing your low-toned voice was the scariest experience Itto had. Itto swears it was downright traumatizing. Distraught, he begged to be your "temporary" delivery boy to calm your nerves. His plan worked. 
You pay him generously for his service, especially since he is missing his birth certificate and therefore can't be employed officially, but that doesn't change the fact that your floors are still muddy now that he's always back.
Itto squished his cheek against your neck as he bawled. You first assumed he was here for his part-time job but he's more interested in sharing his story. You accepted your fate and listened to the biker's performance.
"You would not BELIEVE what kinda nightmare I had last night– like hoo boy, it was INTENSE!"
"Is that so?" You chuckled, slowly diverting your attention back to your previous task, which was watering your plants.
"Trust me, man! It was so strange, it felt like it was some premonition from a distant past or something."
"I'm almost certain that premonition refers to an omen of what might happen in the future, but do go on."
"I can't remember the details, but apparently I was talking to this old farmer– and then they died in my arms! Like bleugh!" Itto bit his tongue and closed his eyes, trying to mimic what the corpse did but it's obviously an exaggeration. "I don't even remember what we were talking about, but I felt so small."
"Oh, wow. How horrifying." You spoke with your voice dripping with disinterest.
It kinda blows that you see him as just an annoying kid-like figure, but at least you let him pull you close like this. Maybe you'd compliment his muscles one day (or not, he lowkey skips arm exercises).
"Right?! Get this– the old grandperson-guy gave me a sumire! A FLOWER!!!"
"This is most certainly the first time you're excited about flowers. Hmm..." You placed a finger on your chin. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but are your dreams trying to tell me that violets will sell well this season or...?"
You cast a glance at your reserved flower stock. Because none of them are violets, it appears that you cannot tease him by offering a bouquet. You would've joked about sending some to his funeral, but Itto is rattled enough without your misplaced sense of humor.
"What?! DUDE! Why is that your interpretation?!"
"It might be because I happen to be a florist, Itto."
Itto looked back at your flowers with an open-mouth expression that says "oh, right." 
He quietly noticed that most of your flowers have become more colorful since Ayato began generously giving you bonemeal as gifts. He sent jars nearly the size of a skull. It was pretty creepy. Nobody knows what that gentleman meant when he said he personally acquired and ground those bones for you, but at least they're great fertilizers.
"Well, yeah, I guess. But that's beside the point, compadre! I'm telling you all this because I wanna know what sumire, violets, mean in flower language or somethin'!"
"Violets in our country are often given as a sign of gratitude or love. Perhaps the old figure in your dreams only wishes to thank you before they regret not doing so." You sighed. Itto noticed how you looked perplexed amidst your ramblings, as though you were remembering something you shouldn't have. "Your fear of ghosts is seriously affecting your wellbeing, Itto. I fear that your cowardice will affect you one day."
'Itto, thank you for making me the first member of your gang.'
Itto shuddered. 
Nope. No way. There's no way that dude was a ghost.
"W-What?! Me? Afraid of GHOSTS?! HA!" He laughed emptily. "No way."
He paused, eyeing you with his face going way past your comfortable personal space.
"And you know, (Y/n)... Now that I took a good look at ya, you kinda look like the old person from my dreams."
The two of you went silent.
You chucked a half-filled plastic watering can directly into his head.
"OW!!! What was that for?!"
"Old-fashioned as my speech and knowledge of the world may be, that does not mean I appear old myself, thank you very much!"
"WHAT?! I didn't mean it like THAT! C'mon, (Y/n)!" Itto blew a raspberry beside your neck. "I wasn't saying that. I was thinking about how you have this wholesome grandpa or granny type of vibe-- not saying that you're cute-- well I mean, you are cute-- but not in a MEAN way-- like, you're giving endgame lover vibes--"
You gently pushed Itto's hug away and passed on the next batch of flowers before he spirals when defending himself. It's a trick you used against him frequently, which helps you drown out Itto's nonsensical ramblings that are often borderline flirting. He doesn't seem to notice that he'd take anything off your hands whenever he's speaking. Doing this prevents him from realizing that you're asking him to deliver flowers to a sleazy love hotel. You have to thank his biker gang's deputy leader– Kuki Shinobu– for that "life hack."
"This next bouquet is for a client in Kabukicho. Paimon was kind enough to inform me that there is a 10% possibility of rain, but it might pick up by 6 pm so use caution."
Itto furrowed his thick eyebrows. It's cute how you talk like P.A.I.M.O.N is as a person but– "It's just an AI..."
You shrugged.
"Any friend of Lumine is a friend of mine."
Itto perked up. Lumine. It's been a while since the three of you had the pleasure of spending the afternoon indulging in sweets with her in Bistro Ichiya. He wondered how she's been lately. 
She stopped responding to your calls the same summer you all became friends with Ayato. Itto thought it was such a bizarre turn of events. It lead you to wonder if your inadequate knowledge of technology had put on quite a formidable communication barrier, but it turns out your mutuals were unable to talk to her as well. Even Yoimiya offhandedly mentioned that it had always been in Lumine's nature to travel and forget her previous commitments. 
You highly doubted that Lumine would let it go this far, however. It's been half a year. You had been casual friends for longer than that and know that she's not as fickle as dandelion seeds. 
Itto pities your faith in her.
"... Still no calls?"
"Unfortunately no." You sighed. "Not even Paimon knows where she ended up in all her traveling endeavors."
"I'll try searching TeyvatBook again for you."
"Thank you. 'Surfing' the web must be incredibly taxing for both you and your device. I appreciate the effort, Arataki. Do make sure to replenish your phone's energy afterward."
You have the intonation of an aged soul. Itto assumed he'd be used to your manner of speech by now, but it's so eerily similar to the elderly person in his nightmares that it's bordering on the uncanny valley. He wouldn't be astonished if you were ever a docile monk in your past life.
"G-Geez. You make it seem like P.A.I.M.O.N's human. Kinda freaky."
Your silk-like laughter filled the gaps of silence, drowning his distress. 
"I am the type of florist who believes talking to plants helps their growth, aren't I?"
Itto smiled softly.
"Yeah... Yeah, I guess you are, grand-y."
"Call me later, big guy~–"
"Thank you for your purchase, have a nice day!" 
That was the last order for today. Itto would've boasted as usual, but he has your best interest at heart, so he refrained from doing so to keep a good name for the Sakura Bloom flower shop. Following a script is out of character from a man like Itto, but he did most of what you commanded effortlessly. 
On a side note: he looked quite adorable sporting a little green apron– clearly your size– instead of his usual bad-boy leather jacket. The look barely complimented his muscles but he's confident that he's still oozing charisma. He can't be too sure though-- he'll gel his hair extra later, and MAYBE you would say he's smokin'. 
Itto stepped away from the hotel's porch and walked toward his bike. he never would've guessed you take customers from this side of Shinjuku too. That lady earlier was unforgettably promiscuous, to say the least. As he was about to comb his hair and reach for his helmet, he stopped abruptly.
"Hol' up– Was that Ayato?"
It was unmistakably him. He looked off, though. Itto only saw him for like a split second from afar but Ayato's expression looked nothing like the gentle warm smile he usually sports.  Seeing Ayato without you nearby is rare since the man frequently accompanies you in public like a servant or a pet. That's not to say that Ayato lacks a social life. It's just that Itto never had the opportunity to speak with him one-on-one.
Itto became excited simply thinking about it, and the thought of asking why Ayato would be seen in the red light area didn't occur to him. Instead, he had another priority in mind.  He always wanted to know where Ayato got his niku-dango ingredients because he wouldn't answer when you asked Ayato or Thoma (but Thoma looked nauseous that day, so Itto couldn't blame the guy). Itto didn't care for the meat dango's recipe, but the ingredients made it delectable—the pork especially! If he was being poetic, it tasted nostalgic. It was as though he had relished in it fresh from his muddled memories. And he's craving for more.
He left his bike and ran after him just before the light turned from yellow to red. But when he reached the other side he couldn't find a hint of his light blue hair amongst the crowd. 
Itto cursed to himself as quietly as he could muster, still aware that he was wearing your apron. 
He spun around. The voice didn't sound anything like Ayato's, but the tone pointed at him. The stranger wore an obi that did not match the century he was in and two protruding azure horns that were hard to miss. It was like he came out of a Setsubun festival. Yet, for some inexplicable reason, Itto felt as if those horns were real and not at all out of place.
"Arataki Itto." The stranger's nose scrunched, voice dripping with unadulterated disdain. "The pathetic red oni that stained our pride just for a sinful runin." 
Itto stared back, his face blank and his eyes hollow.
Itto froze as the name slipped out of his mouth. How did he know his name? And why is he so sure that's his name?
"How was it? How was the taste? Was it as good as you remembered?"
"I... Who are you, man?!"
Itto already knew his name. He knew he just said his name but he still asked out loud because he couldn't understand what the hell is going on. 
"Why don't you still remember...?"
Takuya seemed at a total loss on what else to say, unlike his heavily contorted expression. 
Arataki Itto is for being easily provoked, and Takuya took advantage of his simple flaw.
"It's been years since you made the deal. Why don't you remember who you were– who you are? Don't you remember the pact?!"
"Theeee– what now?"
Don't get him wrong, Itto feels guilty but he's stumped. He doesn't know what he's guilty of exactly, and this man isn't doing him any favors by continuing this guessing game.
"You promised– you red onis made an oath that you will live ALONGSIDE humans. Why did you eat them? Why did you start living AS a human?!"
Itto's breath hitched at the sound of Takuya's screaming, causing him to nervously run his fingers through his hair. As he reached for his scalp, a phantom pain seared where two things should've been. 
"... The hell you talking about, man? Are you a chuunibyo or something?" His voice came off as hoarse and strained, reflecting that an invisible force is harming him in ways he can't prove to himself or others.  
Takuya sucked air between his teeth. But just as he was about to break down his list of grievances, another voice interrupted the conversation.
"Ah, there you are, my friend! I have been looking everywhere for you."
The two stopped and Takuya froze. It was almost as if the stranger shrank as the taps of footsteps amplified in each stride. 
"Oh, my bro Ayato. There you are." Itto faintly greeted him.
The third person smiled weakly. 
Ayato always had excellent timing, it seemed. He curved a hand above Itto's shoulder and gave the stranger a cloudy sideways glance. His eyes were trained on the person in front of them, and in response, Takuya stood defensively. The horned "man" stepped back, preparing to sprint, while Ayato inserted two more steps into his space. 
Ayato got in between both Itto and the stranger faster and more forceful than what the biker gang leader anticipated.
His voice was similar to yours when he spoke. It was dangerously low with unmatched vigor and sharpness above all else. "Excuse me, sir, but we're in a hurry. We will be taking our leave immediately."
Takuya nearly sighed in relief as the elegant man shut down the possibility of continuing a conversation. His trembling form bowed quickly while his foot was already turned in the opposite direction. They have to have known each other. Itto had never considered himself as astute, and yet he discovered that this "Takuya" isn't the real threat out of the three of them. 
It was none other than Kamisato Ayato. 
"Y-Yes... Yes, of course, sir. Farewell."
Takuya scurried away.
What was that all about?
What kind of stunts did Ayato pull around Shinjuku for him to come off as intimidating without his knowledge? Itto furrowed his eyes as he looked at Ayato's back. Children don't even find Itto scary, and he had the stereotypical troublemaker look. Ayato appears kind and gentle, maybe a bit standoffish, but his soft appearance shouldn't be able to scare some weird grunt away.
Ayato turned to face him. 
Ah. So that's why.
His look of displeasure changed Itto's misconceptions immediately.
Ayato softened his expression once he realized Itto was staring, dumbfounded. He chuckled and tapped the biker's shoulder as if reminding him that the scary look wasn't aimed at him. Itto laughed nervously. Sure, it wasn't, but he made a mental note not to piss Ayato off, ever.
From that, Itto learned that Ayato can be as scary as you when he wants to be.
This man definitely got a dark side. Noted.
"Hey, uh, Ayato, did you see that?"
The light-haired man gave him an indifferent stare. "Saw what, exactly?"
"He had horns, my guy." 
Itto began ruffling the top of his head– something he normally wouldn't do since he adores his hair– and created two triangular air shapes. His friend watched him, amused, but perplexed about what he was trying to communicate.
"Like, that dude got those devil horns going on– don't tell me you haven't seen it!"
"Hmm." Ayato hummed, a small grin plastered on his face. 
"What would you do if I said I haven't seen anything? You're not afraid of yokai, aren't you?"
"What– C'MON!!!" Itto groaned loudly. "NOT YOU TOO– GAH!!! What's with you and (Y/n) today– enough with this "oooh-you're-afraid-of-this-aren't-yooouu" bullcrap! HELLO?!? I'm ARATAKI NUMERO UNO ITTO! Monsters and ghosts should be afraid of ME."
Ayato closed his eyes and shook his head, but his sly smile had not left his face. "Ah right, my apologies. How could I forget the unsurmountable one and oni Itto, how foolish of me."
One and oni?
Itto both liked and didn't like the sound of that. Much like the taste of Kamisato Ayato's food, the phrase itched the nostalgic part of his brain. He couldn't tell where he first heard it. Ayato didn't even look like he made a mistake in saying "oni" instead of "only", rather, it slipped out of his tongue so naturally. Like he was hoping Itto would catch on to whatever he was implying.
Well, he didn't. He had no idea where Ayato was getting at and he only has about 2 brain cells left after that terrible migraine.
"And don't even joke about yokai stuff! I don't wanna get bad luck this Setsuban Festival." 
Ayato raised an eyebrow.
"...I thought you were allergic to beans?"
"Yeah I am," Itto said. "And that's precisely I don't want any bad vibes for tomorrow. Can't have beans to save me from those onis, you know?"
Ayato muttered something Itto didn't hear.
"So you aren't fully human yet as well, hmm..."
"Say, why are you in the red light district? Don't tell me you're picking chicks around here."
Ayato refrained from rolling his eyes while Itto laughed.
"I'm not here for that, I'm trying to find a sist-- my little sister."
"Oh, oh! Tag me in! Lemme help. What does your sister look like?"
He appeared troubled when Itto volunteered to help. Ayato carefully chose his next words.
"She's shy and quite the formidable escapist. You wouldn't be able to find her unless you're looking at every nook and cranny."  
"Sounds like bullshit."
Ayato technically didn't lie.
Itto continued. "Do you have a sister complex or something? Bro, I won't do anything to her. Just give me a description."
He shrugged. "Himegimi looks like me."
"Well, duh, of course, she does. Can't you be more specific? Like her height, hair, and eye color maybe--"
"Never mind it. Once she's tired of searching, she'll be back home soon enough."
"But, dude, your little sister is in the RED LIGHT DISTRICT! Aren't you worried--"
"She'll be fine."
"But men would--"
"She's small, they won't notice her."
Itto's unsure whether Ayato's brain is too advanced or he's acting stupid because that answer didn't make sense at all. Aren't smaller girls supposed to be in more danger around these parts? His head hurt. He always treated anyone smaller than him as kiddos-- and he can't imagine a kid can protect themselves from kidnappers.
Suddenly, they heard a strangle rumbling nearby.
Ayato looked at Itto and his stomach accusably. 
He scratched his neck with a snobbish frown.
"Fiiiiine, I take it back. I'm hungry so I'll leave you searching for your sister. Alone. Without my help. At all."
Ayato, familiar with his antics by now, started leading Itto to walk alongside him.
"You're in luck then. I was planning to cook today. I haven't ordered Thoma to butcher the meat yet– but we will tonight. Perhaps you'd want to join me for dinner?"
"Holy shit, are you making those niku-dangos again?"
He nodded.
"For real? Hold on, let me tell grand-y first." He began messaging you.  
"Haha, so you're back to calling our (Y/n) "Grand-y", I see."
Itto looked up from his phone. "Back to?"
Ayato nodded solemnly. Once again, he had that look that hints that he's trying to get Itto to remember something on his own, but Itto REALLY doesn't have the patience at this point. He's so dog-tired plus he's starving. Itto doesn't have time for any more mind games, whether it's that Takuya guy or Ayato. 
Itto was surprised that you replied fast. Albeit, it was the default thumbs-up emoji and you might've mis-tapped but nu-uh, no takebacks allowed here, boss! Itto giggled like a preschooler as he bombarded you with smug Thank You stickers and emojis while you were (very slowly) typing a reply. 
"From that look on your face, I am guessing that they agreed."
"Hell yeah, man! I can't wait to grab a bite of that sweet sweet taste of perfection, baby! C'mon, free delicious food? Count me in!"
Kamisato Ayato's lips contorted into a Cheshire cat-like grin. 
"Let's eat him, together."
Dango over flowers/hana yori dango: means "substance over style" or preferring a practical gift over something superficial.
Hakaiso: a monk who had sinned/had been considered depraved.
Himegimi: word for princess.
Sojo: a high-ranking Buddhist priest.
Setsubun Festival: a festival focused on purging houses of misfortune (b e a n s), often associated with oni imagery.
Runin: an exiled individual.
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atopearth · 1 year
Birushana: Rising Flower of Genpei Part 5 - Tomomori Taira Route
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Last boy is best boy? Let's see! Tomomori is the toxic man everyone should stay away from in real life but dang his CGs are beautiful already. I don't know why but Tomomori sighing all the time wondering where Shanao is now is just so funny and cute lol. I've always liked Shigehira and his obsession with following after Tomomori. Maybe it's not exactly healthy, but I can really relate to the feeling and desire of always wanting to follow my siblings around and just hanging around with them. So, when Shigehira seemed sad over Tomomori being so interested in Shanao when he never shared such sentiments towards him was kinda sad. It's also sad to think that they all used to use their powers to play together in their dreams but eventually, Tokuko and Tomomori left Shigehira all alone, that's so sad.. Another feeling I can relate to.. Being the one abandoned still wanting to play the things you used to play with the people you love but never being able to because everyone has already "moved on" to something else. Nice to know that Tomomori is nuts enough to send an army to attack just so the general can get captured and give his gift to Shanao like dudeee!!
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I knew Shigehira and them were heartless, but to think that they used their own men's lives as bait to trap Kagetoki and surround him? Wow. I can see why Kagetoki wouldn't expect that. It's so cruel. He let them get slaughtered and killed in order to get Kagetoki. Honestly, saying Tomomori is nuts is probably an understatement lol. It's kinda endearing how Tomomori never fails to piss Shanao off lol. The CG of her pouring him tea was quite nice, a very different vibe especially since she was thanking him for helping her control her power. Kiyomori's a nut too, can't believe he made Tomomori fight in the Heiji Rebellion as a literal child, he was like 7 years old. Although I'm not really sold by Tomomori and Shanao's slow build up of fondness of him, I do think he can be sweet. Honestly, I always thought Kiyomori got assassinated but it seems like he really was sick! What a crappy time for that to happen. Wonder why he was so agitated with Shanao's appearance though. Tokuko acting rational and smart is very unexpected.. Anyway, it was pretty sweet to see Tomomori be able to support Shanao and help her not succumb to her powers. It's sad that she ended up accidentally sucking Shungen's spirit nearly killing him.
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Seeing Tomomori expressing his emotions so much was nice, especially when he finally got to see her cry again but he wasn't happy about it at all and just wanted her to not be in pain anymore. Little Tomomori is so adorable!! But I feel so bad for him. He basically experienced what Shanao has recently experienced when he was a kid, and not only that, he actually took the lives of people he cared about without realising so he understands the pain and how much Shanao shouldn't ever experience something like that. I actually find it hilarious that this game made Yoritomo not Shanao's real brother but basically make them think they're siblings the whole route so then it's pretty much "forbidden feelings" anyway, and then do this with Tomomori where Shanao is actually related to him lol! Doesn't help that Shanao is the child between Rengetsu (Kiyomori's sister) and Kiyomori so she's the product of an incestuous relationship?? (EDIT: Apparently, they’re not siblings but the vibes though hahaha) Anyway, wild ride for a route lol! Personally, I'm not too into the random reveal near the end of the story especially since seeing Shanao basically triggered the Rengetsu who took over Tokuko's body to remember who she really was and that's their excuse for Tokuko being the spoiled silly child she was in all the other routes. Honestly though, I really liked how you could see how much Tomomori cherishes Shanao that he's willing to do whatever he can to find a way to save her. Anyway, I didn't expect to fight a god of some sort as a finale to this game lol. Ohh okay, Tomomori and Shanao are thankfully not half siblings lol, just cousins I guess. I wonder why she can use her powers now but couldn't use them before when she was killed? Did imprisoning her weaken her? I feel bad for the real Tokuko.
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One thing I've been trying to ignore in this route but have been unable to is the amount of typos! It's glaringly obvious in this route because there's so many and it's honestly distracting, sigh. I kinda felt bad for Rengetsu when Shanao betrayed her and consumed her spirit. I'm not exactly sure when Tokuko was Tokuko and when she was Rengetsu so it felt kinda random when Tokuko appeared after hearing her child cry. I thought Rengetsu took over and was amnesiac but I guess not? Oh well, whatever. The CG of them under the moon was really pretty! They're quite silly but cute as husband and wife but I guess it's to be expected considering how possessive Tomomori can be of her lol. Although I found it rather random for Shanao to commit suicide in the Tragic Love ending considering how much she's endured and how much she knows Tomomori has endured, I still really liked it because I think it quite a fitting end to have Tomomori die with her.  The other bad endings were rather predictable so I didn't feel too much for them, but I did feel bad for Shanao that one of her worst nightmares ended up happening, since she essentially devoured all of Tomomori's spirit.
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Overall, I'm probably considered one of the weird ones because all I've read are positive reviews towards Tomomori's route but I honestly found it disappointing. I feel like a lot of the charm that Tomomori had in the other routes didn't show here and since the story focused more on the supernatural elements that I've never really liked, and they gave it quite a boring conclusion so it was even worse lol. I found Rengetsu's existence quite pointless and I honestly thought Kiyomori's stepmother had a better reason to wanting to kill the bloodline than just because they're "inhuman" because it felt like she had a deep rooted grudge and I was all in for it, only to be quite disappointed haha😅 The last battle against Rengetsu was also not very engaging compared to the other routes. Anyway, in terms of romance, I don't think I really felt it between Shanao and Tomomori because even though they did have good moments such as when he expressed his emotions, but in the end I don't feel like I ever felt it go beyond the surface. I still like him and I really feel for him considering his past, but I feel like the route jumped around too much with it's random pacing that I couldn't feel the love I should have felt for Tomomori🥲
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shiroandblack · 2 years
Me, still fucked up from the Heike Story but also reading Silm fanfics: :)
My brain: wouldn't it be funny if Tokuko was in the Silmarillion? She'd probably be able to cool things down between the House of Fëanor and the House of Fingolfin but at the same time baffle people with her Heian era sensibilities and it'd be hilarious. It'd be nice if she was in Fëanor's house so she gets stuck with a narratively fucked family once more. And so Fëanor cries a lot.
Damn, just imagining it like:
Maedhros: *stares at floor length hair* okay, time to cut your hair.
Tokuko: but I don't want to be a priestess of Varda..?
Maedhros: Nu-uh, we're cutting your hair.
Tokuko: *runs to Fëanor and Nerdanel and prostrates in front of them* Dear lord father and lady mother, I have served you both from the bottom of my heart and it seems that I have made a mistake that you have deemed worthy of you disowning me and for that I apologize. I understand that I must now become a priestess because of this, but I must sincerely apologize as I refuse to, hence I shall receive any punishment you so desire.
Fëanor & Nerdanel: We - what..?
(They spend two hours explaining to her that no, they were not disowning her or sending her to become a priestess of Varda and it's just her hair was getting too long and it was going to become a safety hazard. She relented, but only allowed it to be cut until her ankles because ultra long hair = beauty in the Heian era. *Insert relevant epessë related to long hair*)
Tokuko: *stops calling Fëanor and Nerdanel Atto and Ammë unlike her brothers because in her mind, Fëanor is the Crown Prince of the Noldor first before her father (here comes 'lord father' and 'lady mother')*
Fëanor: *starts crying because his baby is suddenly so formal with him*
She doesn't budge on that front lol.
Curufin: Indis isn't actually our grandmother. Our father's mother is Míriel.
Tokuko: I see. *Calls Indis in front of the court as 'esteemed grandmother' but in family gatherings 'Queen Indis' or 'Lady Indis'*
Indis: ???!?
Finwë: *in a family gathering* why do you call her like that?
Tokuko: *goes on to explain how Indis is his 'official wife' while Míriel was his concubine but there's no such thing as 'concubine' in Quenya so her translation sounds more like 'side-hoe' or 'Mistress'. Since Indis is the 'official wife' she is the 'matriarch' of the entire family regardless so to put a show of unity in the court, she addresses Indis as 'lady grandmother' (still super polite and formal) but since Indis never adopted Fëanor nor has given her explicit permission to call her 'grandmother' in private then Tokuko addresses her by her title*
Everyone: *shooketh*
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He then gently interrogates her on who the fuck told her that Míriel wasn't a queen like Indis, all the while glaring murderously at Fingolfin who is just as shooketh as everyone and had nothing to do with it. Because he had nothing to do with it and is genuinely curious on who the fuck is saying things like that, he also asks her where she heard that from. Meanwhile, Indis just didn't think the kids needed permission to call her 'grandmother' so tells Tokuko that she's totally okay with it.
When Tokuko sees Aredhel and Galadriel hunting or being athletic her first thought is probably: so I've been reincarnated into a family of onna-bugeisha. And she thinks that in addition to being a well-educated and well-loved princess, she has to be an onna-bugeisha as well. She then slaps her Hōjō Masako pants on and signs up for Tulkas' Warrior class.
Tulkas sees her and her loose, ankle length hair and goes: oh hell no girlie, go to your cousins and have them do your hair.
Galadriel and Aredhel do her hair after arguing for 30 minutes because Galadriel wants to weave Tokuko's hair into a crown while Aredhel just wants to pull it back into a tight braid because her hair "is too fucking long to weave into a crown, she'll get headaches from the weight". Aredhel wins the argument only because Galadriel got to braid her fringe and wrap it around the front part of her head.
And then she pulls this kind of shit;
Finrod: The Two Trees shall shine for all eternity.
Tokuko: The sound of the Gion Shōja bells echoes the impermanence of all things; the color of the sāla flowers reveals the truth that the prosperous must decline. The proud do not endure, they are like a dream on a spring night; the mighty fall at last, they are as dust before the wind.
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b3crew · 3 years
REVIEW | "The Heike Story" | B3 - Boston Bastard Brigade
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Nearly nine centuries ago, The Tale of the Heike began to makes its rounds. Its origins — based on the rise and fall of the Taira clan — have never been found. However, some claim that the narrative originated from word-of-mouth, with the best assumption being from performers of the stringed biwa instrument. Science SARU (The Night is Short, Walk on Girl) and acclaimed director Naoko Yamada (A Silent Voice) have taken that hypothesis into consideration with their own adaptation, aptly titled The Heike Story.
This version places most of its focus on the original character Biwa (Aoi Yuki), whose father is killed by Taira agents after she insults them. Feeling horrible about the situation, the Taira head Shigemori (Takahiro Sakurai) offers Biwa a place in his home. Reluctantly, the young girl accepts, as she is given a front row seat to the goings-on of the most powerful clan in Japan. Biwa also has a special power to see into the future, thanks to her mismatched eyes. However, it’s clear early on that she sees this “gift” more as a curse, as Biwa is forced to see the fates of the people whom she’s become close with.
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Despite her being an original character, Biwa plays a very important role in The Heike Story. All tales have a narrator, and this is Science SARU putting a face to that voice. Thanks to her foresight, Biwa plays a role into helping Shigemori make some important decisions, some of which bear fruits and other others crop dust. It’s this aspect that makes some weary of what Biwa sees, even if what the future entails isn’t in their favor. This is very evident with Shigemori’s monk father Kiyomori (Tessho Genda), whose mannerisms bring plenty of trouble to their parts.
Yet despite her “gift”, Biwa finds some fates best not told. One of those is that of Shigemori’s half-sister Tokuko (Saori Hayami), whom Biwa sees drowning in the future. The vision becomes all the more troubling when she bears the child that later becomes an emperor at a very young age. At Shigemori’s passing, the dominos that the Taira clan have placed begin to fall, as many nations and clans have a turn at the game of backstabbing.
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Click here to read the rest of the review!
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So last spring I wrote a 30-page final paper on omens in The Tale of Heike (aka Heike monogatari), a classic japanese epic novel. During the course of the months I spent on the work, I became fascinated by this colourful and passionate story, and the many ways it was still relevant to my life after so many centuries. (Almost 7 since it was written to be exact!)
That being said, there’s a new anime based on the book that comes out January, 2022, after streaming exclusively on Funimation on 15/09. The introduction on the official site says (roughly):
The tale of a prayer that crossed over 800 years
"The bells of the Gion monastery in India echo with the warning that all things are impermanent. The blossoms of the sala trees teach us through their hues that what flourishes must fade".
The final years of Heian period [late 12th century - trans.]. The Taira clan was revelling in prosperity in every respect: political assets, military might, and wealth.
Shigemori Taira, a man with an eye that can see ghosts, meets a travelling lute performer – a girl called Biwa – who has an eye that sees the future, and receives a prophecy: “Before long your family shall perish”.
From an aristocratic society to a warrior one –
The curtain lifts on the tumultuous period of 15 years, as Japan undergoes historical change.
Here are some immediate thoughts
Love the art, looks great, almost like something from an illustrated scroll or an ukiyo-e print. And from what I gathered from MyAnimeList the production team seems rather impressive. Not that i know anything about anime these days
At first, I read the tagline and thought that they decided to make a secondary, modern time-line in the 1980s, but judging by the trailer that isn’t the case. Probably it just means that the tale is very old. Wouldn’t have minded some time-fuckery though
And what's with the prayer? Everybody and their horse prays in that book, so I really'd like to know if they had a specific one in mind. Considering there is a Tokuko (a daughter of the Taira patriarch, Kiyomori; the emperror's wife) in the main cast, maybe it's a reference to the last chapters where she's a nun? Or it's the prayer of Shigemori, which would be sad, too...
The “The bells of Gion monastery…” quote is from the poem that opens the book, a classic, beautiful move. (You can hear the same lines at the beginning of the trailer)
Shigemori Taira (the oldest son in the Taira clan) is introduced like he’s going to be one of the main heroes. My base requirement was for Shigemori to be featured at all, so I’m obviously through the roof. This gentleman is both a good person and a drama queen. we have no choice but to stan
An original character is introduced. Biwa seems very sweet, I like her already. Also her name literally means ‘lute’, as in biwa hōshi, the Japanese name for her profession
Biwa hōshi as a cultural phenomenon probably didn’t happen until after the Gempei war, but it’s like mere 50 years, who cares if the story is good (and I hope it is)
Speaking of fictional elements, the eyes-that-sees-things are new, but tbh in the book they did see things alright. I just hope that this superstitious/spiritual mindset gets reflected in the anime at least a little. Give me those prophetic dreams and visions of literal gods or give me death (╬ Ò﹏Ó)
Also some official pictures
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uhhh it’s getting late, so for now that’s it, but I’ll try to get a closer look at that trailer tomorrow
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newsintheshell · 3 years
Heike Monogatari, presentata la nuova serie animata di casa Science SARU
L’anime vede riunito parte dello staff che ci ha regalato il film La Forma della Voce.
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SCIENCE SARU ha svelato di essere al lavoro su di una serie animata chiamata “Heike Monogatari” (The Heike Story), che verrà distribuita in streaming dal 15 settembre, in anteprima sulla piattaforma giapponese FOD di Fuji TV e all’estero da Bilibili e Funimation. 
Assieme al film d’animazione intitolato “Inu-Oh”, che la prossima settimana verrà mostrato in anteprima mondiale alla 78ª Mostra internazionale d'arte cinematografica di Venezia, questa è la seconda produzione dello studio fondato da Masaaki Yuasa (Lu e la città delle sirene, Ride your Wave, Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!, Devilman: Crybaby) ispirata all’omonimo romanzo storico firmato da Hideo Furukawa.
La serie debutterà ufficialmente sulle tv giapponesi da gennaio 2022 e vede riunito parte dello staff de “La Forma della Voce”: la regia è infatti affidata a Naoko Yamada (K-On!, Liz to Aoi Tori), la sceneggiatura è curata da Reiko Yoshida (Non Non Biyori, Violet Evergarden) e le musiche sono composte da Kensuke Ushio (Devilman: Crybaby, Ping Pong The Animation). 
Per quanto riguarda il character design, quello adattato per l’animazione da Takashi Kojima (Flip Flappers, Ride Your Wave) si basa sul concept originale della mangaka Fumiko Takano (Dormitory Tomkins).
L'epopea originale racconta la storia dell'ascesa e della caduta del clan Taira durante la guerra Genpei. Nell’anime, le vicende sono narrate dalla prospettiva di Biwa, una ragazzina cieca che si guadagna da vivere come menestrello. Durante uno dei suoi viaggi, la giovane fa la conoscenza di Taira no Shigemori, il futuro erede del proprio clan. L’uomo possiede una vista sovrannaturale ed è in grado di percepire i fantasmi. Dopo il loro incontro Biwa ha una visione, profetizzando la caduta del clan.
Il cast principale dell’anime è composto da: 
Biwa: Aoi Yuki (Tanya Degurechaff in Saga of Tanya the Evil)
Taira no Shigenori: Takahiro Sakurai (Arataka Reigen in Mob Psycho 100) 
Taira no Tokuko: Saori Hayami (Yumeko jabami in Kakegurui) 
Taira no Kiyomori: Tessho Genda (Shingen takeda in Sengoku Basara)
Altri doppiatori, attualmente senza un ruolo confermato, sono: Kikuko Inoue; Miyu Irino; Yumiko Kobayashi; Nobuhiko Okamoto; Natsuki Hanae; Ayumu Murase; Koutaro Nishiyama; Nobuyuki Hiyama; Subaru Kimura; Yu Miyazaki; Inori Minase; Tomokazu Sugita; Yuki Kaji.
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Autore: SilenziO)))
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fujiwara57 · 6 years
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“Taira no Kiyomori stopping the descent of the sun”, c.1876, de
Tsukioka Yoshitoshi 月岡芳年 (1839 - 1892) - - aussi connu sous le nom de  Taiso Yoshitoshi 大蘇芳年.
Note : Taira no Kiyomori 平清盛 (1118-1181) fils de Taira no Tadamori 平忠盛 (1096-1153). En 1156, lui et Minamoto no Yoshitomo 源義朝 (1123-1160), Chef des Minamoto 源氏, répriment la rébellion de Hōgen no ran 保元の乱. Kiyomori était dans une position unique pour manipuler la rivalité entre les retraités de la Cour souveraine Go-Shirakawa (77) 後白河天皇 et son fils, Nijō (78) 二条天皇. En 1167, sous Rokujō (79) 六条天皇, il est nommé Daijō Daijin 太政大臣.
En l'an 3 de Ère Nin'an 仁安 le 11ème jour de la 11ème lune (1168) à l'âge de 51 ans, il se fait religieux 出家 et prend le nom de Jōkai. En 1171, Kiyomori arrange le mariage entre Takakura (80) 高倉天皇 et sa fille Taira no Tokuko 平徳子 (1155–1213), Leur premier fils, Prince Tokihito 言仁親王 est né en 1178. 
En 1180 Kiyomori force l'empereur Takakura à abdiquer et met sur le trône Tokuhito, devenant ainsi Antoku (81) 安徳天皇. Cependant, l'arrivée sur le trône d'Antoku provoque un appel aux armes du fils de Go-Shirakawa, le prince Mochihito, ce qui plonge le pays dans la guerre Genpei gassen 源平合戦 ou Gempei gassen.
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hakonohanayome · 1 year
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Heike Monogatari episode 2
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"Jakko-in (Taira no Tokuko)" by Mizuno Toshikata (1866-1908)
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redsamuraiii · 2 years
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Taira no Kiyomori (Ep 38)
Taira no Tokuko (Nikaido Fumi) shows you that you can be strong and brave, being selfless and making sacrifices to defend and protect your family and Clan, without even being a Samurai.
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japonesices · 7 years
White Crape-myrtle  / Kyoto Ohara Jakko-in Temple
<strong>White Crape-myrtle / Kyoto Ohara Jakko-in Temple <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/100016856@N08/">by Masako Ishida</a></strong>
Locatiion : Kyoto Ohara Jakko-in Temple,Kyoto city,Japan
This temple,a convent of Tendai sect,was established in 594 by Prince Shotoku to pray for the soul of his father,Emperor Yomei. The principal image here is Rokumantai-Jizoson,which is believed to have been created by the prince.
The third nyoin ( the Empress Dowager) who lived here was Kenreimon-in Tokuko ( a daughter of Taira-no Kiyomori, one of the wives of Emperor Takakura and the mother of Emperor Antoku). She started to live here in September 1185, to pray for the soul of her son( Emperor Antoku),as well as member of the Taira clan, who were lost in the Genpei War and destroyed in the Battle of Dan-no-ura. She continued to live here for the rest of her life. - Jakko-in temple
Emperor Antoku
Emperor Antoku (安徳天皇 Antoku-tennō) (December 22, 1178 – April 25, 1185) was the 81st emperor of Japan, according to the traditional order of succession. His reign spanned the years from 1180 through 1185.[1] During this time, the imperial family was involved in a bitter struggle between warring clans. Yoritomo, with his cousin Yoshinaka, led a force from the Minamoto clan against the Taira, who controlled the emperor. During the sea battle of Dan-no-ura in April 1185, a member of the royal household took Antoku and plunged with him into the water in the Shimonoseki Straits, drowning the child emperor rather than allowing him to be captured by the opposing forces. The conflict between the clans led to numerous legends and tales. Antoku's tomb is said to be located in a number of places around western Japan, including the island of Iwo Jima, a result of the spreading of legends about the emperor and the battle. - wikipedia
✰This garden is associated with the Tale of the Heike
The garden( on the left side of this picture) has maintained since the time of the Tale of the Heike平家物語 (13c) it features Migiwa Pond with a 1000-years old pine tree named Himekomatsu, moss covered rocks and cherry trees.The old pine tree is described in the Tale of the Heike.:)
Thank you everyone that's taken time to view,comments and fav... :) Very much appreciated ..*** ✰
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missmyloko · 7 years
The 2017 Miyako Odori - Complete
My laptop is back so writing is MUCH easier now (and there’s less crashing!). I did promise a week full of informational fun, so today I’m going to list out the deban (listing chart) of who’s participating in the 2017 Miyako Odori and who’s doing the tea ceremony. The 2017 Miyako Odori will be running from April 1st to 23rd, with breaks on the 10th and 17th. It will be located at the Shunjūza Theatre at the Kyoto University of Art and Design. Participants Natori Geiko: Mamezuru (まめ鶴), Koman (小萬), Sonomi (そ乃美), Mamehiro (豆弘), Takazuru (孝鶴), Mameka (豆花), Korin (小りん), Fukue (フク愛), Mamechizu (豆千鶴), Terutoyo (照豊), Mameryō (豆涼), Fukuha (福葉), Satomi (里美), Mameya (まめ弥), Kokimi (小喜美), Sonoe (その恵). Geiko: Fumikazu (章佳司), Kogiku (小菊), Mayuha (満友葉), Mamesuzu (まめ鈴), Koai (小愛), Mihoko (美帆子), Mao (真生), Yukako (有佳子), Makiko (槇子), Katsugiku (佳つ菊), Ichiyuri (市有里), Koyō (小耀), Kosen (小扇), Sakiko (紗貴子), Sayaka (紗矢佳), Tsuruha (つる葉), Mamesome (豆そめ), Makino (真希乃), Koyoshi (小芳), Mamemaru (豆まる), Chisako (千紗子), Fumino (章乃), Satsuki (紗月), Katsutomo (佳つ智), Masaki (真咲), Ayako (亜矢子), Eriha (恵里葉), Mameroku (豆六), Chiyoko (知余子), Katsuhina (佳つ雛), Ichitomi (市十美). Jikata Geiko: Emiji (恵美二), Kimiya (君彌), Komomo (小桃), Danyū (だん祐), Mamechiyo (豆千代), Yoshimame (芳豆), Kimizuru (君鶴), Danka (だん香), Fukunami (福奈美), Masuho (ます穂), Yukizono (幸苑), Koemi (小恵美). Maiko: Katsue (佳つ江), Kiyono (清乃), Mikako (実佳子), Shōko (彰子), Katsusen (佳つ扇), Shino (柴乃), Ichiharu (市晴), Marika (茉利佳), Mamesumi (豆純), Mamechika (豆千佳), Mameryū (まめ柳), Mameharu (まめ春), Koeri (小衿), Katsuhana (佳つ花), Mamekinu (まめ衣), Mitsuki (美月), Mamekoma (豆こま), Tomoko (朋子), Kohana (小花), Konami (小なみ), Mametama (豆珠). Tea Ceremony Only: Tatsuha (多都葉), Yuriha (ゆり葉), Mameaki (まめ章), Mamesaya (豆沙弥). Tea Ceremony Schedule Due to the short schedule every tea ceremony will be performed by one geiko who will be assisted by two maiko. April 1: Mamesome (豆そめ) with Katsusen (佳つ扇) and Marika (茉利佳) April 2: Makino (真希乃) with Shino (柴乃) and Mamesumi (豆純) April 3: Ichitomi (市十美) with Ichiharu (市晴) and Mametama (豆珠) April 4: Katsuhina (佳つ雛) with Katsue (佳つ江) and Tatsuha (多都葉) April 5: Chiyoko (知余子) with Mikako (実佳子) and Yuriha (ゆり葉) April 6: Masaki (真咲) with Shōko (彰子) and Mamechika (豆千佳) April 7: Sakiko (紗貴子) with Kiyono (清乃) and Tomoko (朋子) April 8: Mameroku (豆六) with Shino (柴乃) and Mitsuki (美月) April 9: Kosen (小扇) with Ichiharu (市晴) and Mametama (豆珠) April 11: Ichiyuri (市有里) with Mameharu (まめ春) and Mameaki (まめ章) April 12: Eriha (恵里葉) with Katsusen (佳つ扇) and Tatsuha (多都葉) April 13: Satsuki (紗月) with Mamesumi (豆純) and Yuriha (ゆり葉) April 14: Fumino (章乃) with Kiyono (清乃) and Kohana (小花) April 15: Koyō (小耀) with Koeri (小衿) and Konami (小なみ) April 16: Mamemaru (豆まる) with Mamekoma (豆こま) and Mamesaya (豆沙弥) April 18: Koyoshi (小芳) with Mameryū (まめ柳) and Mameaki (まめ章) April 19: Chisako (千紗子) with Mikako (実佳子) and Tatsuha (多都葉) April 20: Ayako (亜矢子) with Shōko (彰子) and Yuriha (ゆり葉) April 21: Sayaka (紗矢佳) with Marika 茉利佳) and Mamesaya (豆沙弥) April 22: Katsutomo (佳つ智) with Katsue (佳つ江) and Katsuhana (佳つ花) April 23: Tsuruha (つる葉) with Mamekinu (まめ衣) and Mameaki (まめ章) The Scenes The parts in parentheses are the backdrop that set the scene Scene 1: Oki Uta (Gin Busuma) - 置歌 (銀襖) - Opening Scene (Silver Screen Door) Group 1a - April 1st, 7th, 14th, 21st Group 1b - April 4th, 11th, 18th Sou Odori (総をどり): Koyō (小耀), Mamechika (豆千佳), Koeri (小衿), Katsuhana (佳つ花), Makiko (槇子), Mamekinu (まめ衣), Mameroku (豆六), Chisako (千紗子), Yukako (有佳子), Mamekoma (豆こま), Makino (真希乃), Mitsuki (美月), Katsutomo (佳つ智), Konami (小なみ), Chiyoko (知余子), Ichitomi (市十美). Group 2a - April 2nd, 8th, 15th, 22nd Group 2b - April 5th, 12th, 19th Sou Odori (総をどり): Satsuki (紗月), Kohana (小花), Ayako (亜矢子), Mamechika (豆千佳), Masaki (真咲), Mamekinu (まめ衣), Mamemaru (豆まる), Tsuruha (つる葉), Mihoko (美帆子), Mamekoma (豆こま), Mameryū (まめ柳), Kosen (小扇), Mameharu (まめ春), Mametama (豆珠), Mao (真生), Tomoko (朋子). Group 3a - April 3rd, 9th, 16th, 23rd Group 3b - April 6th, 13th, 20th Sou Odori (総をどり): Katsugiku (佳つ菊), Kohana (小花), Koeri (小衿), Katsuhana (佳つ花), Sakiko (紗貴子), Koyoshi (小芳), Fumino (章乃), Sayaka (紗矢佳), Ichiyuri (市有里), Eriha (恵里葉), Mameryū (まめ柳), Mitsuki (美月), Mameharu (まめ春), Konami (小なみ), Mamesome (豆そめ), Tomoko (朋子). Scene 2: Kifunegawa Doku Nōryō (Kifunegawa) - 貴船川床納涼 (貴船川) - Enjoying a Cool Evening on a Dining Platform Over The Kifune River (Kifune River) Group 1a - April 1st, 7th, 14th, 21st  Geiko: Mameryō (豆涼) and Kokimi (小喜美). Maiko: Katsuhina (佳つ雛), Katsue (佳つ江), Shōko (彰子), Shino (柴乃), Mamesumi (豆純). Group 1b - April 4th, 11th, 18th Geiko: Mameya (まめ弥) and Sonoe (その恵). Maiko: Mikako (実佳子), Kiyono (清乃), Katsusen (佳つ扇), Ichiharu (市晴), Marika (茉利佳). Group 2a - April 2nd, 8th, 15th, 22nd  Geiko: Mameya (まめ弥) and Sonoe (その恵). Maiko: Mikako (実佳子), Kiyono (清乃), Katsusen (佳つ扇), Ichiharu (市晴), Marika (茉利佳). Group 2b - April 5th, 12th, 19th Geiko: Mameryō (豆涼) and Kokimi (小喜美). Maiko: Katsuhina (佳つ雛), Katsue (佳つ江), Shōko (彰子), Shino (柴乃), Mamesumi (豆純). Group 3a - April 3rd, 9th, 16th, 23rd  Geiko: Mameryō (豆涼) and Kokimi (小喜美). Maiko: Katsuhina (佳つ雛), Katsue (佳つ江), Shōko (彰子), Shino (柴乃), Mamesumi (豆純). Group 3b - April 6th, 13th, 20th  Geiko: Mameya (まめ弥) and Sonoe (その恵). Maiko: Mikako (実佳子), Kiyono (清乃), Katsusen (佳つ扇), Ichiharu (市晴), Marika (茉利佳). Scene 3: Kuramayama Ushiwaka Ikusa Shūgyō (Kuramayama) - 鞍馬山牛若兵修行 (鞍馬山) - Ushiwaka (Later Yoshitsune) Trains on Mount Kurama (Mount Kurama) Group 1a - April 1st, 7th, 14th, 21st Tokiwa Gozen (常盤御前): Takazuru (孝鶴) Ushiwaka (牛若): Satomi (里美) Big Tengu (大天狗): Fukue (フク愛) Small Tengu (小天狗): Mayuha (満友葉) and Mamesuzu (まめ鈴) Group 1b - April 4th, 11th, 18th Tokiwa Gozen (常盤御前): Korin (小りん) Ushiwaka (牛若): Fukuha (福葉) Big Tengu (大天狗): Terutoyo (照豊) Small Tengu (小天狗): Kogiku (小菊) and Koai (小愛) Group 2a - April 2nd, 8th, 15th, 22nd Tokiwa Gozen (常盤御前): Korin (小りん) Ushiwaka (牛若): Fukuha (福葉) Big Tengu (大天狗): Terutoyo (照豊) Small Tengu (小天狗): Kogiku (小菊) and Koai (小愛) Group 2b - April 5th, 12th, 19th Tokiwa Gozen (常盤御前): Takazuru (孝鶴) Ushiwaka (牛若): Satomi (里美) Big Tengu (大天狗): Fukue (フク愛) Small Tengu (小天狗): Mayuha (満友葉) and Mamesuzu (まめ鈴)  Group 3a - April 3rd, 9th, 16th, 23rd Tokiwa Gozen (常盤御前): Takazuru (孝鶴) Ushiwaka (牛若): Satomi (里美) Big Tengu (大天狗): Fukue (フク愛) Small Tengu (小天狗): Mayuha (満友葉) and Mamesuzu (まめ鈴) Group 3b - April 6th, 13th, 20th Tokiwa Gozen (常盤御前): Korin (小りん) Ushiwaka (牛若): Fukuha (福葉) Big Tengu (大天狗): Terutoyo (照豊) Small Tengu (小天狗): Kogiku (小菊) and Koai (小愛) Scene 4: Enkōji Nishiki No Momiji (Enkōji) - 圓光寺 錦の紅葉 (圓光寺) - Brocade of Red Maple Leaves at Enkōji (Enkōji) Group 1a - April 1st, 7th, 14th, 21st Group 1b - April 4th, 11th, 18th Sou Odori (総をどり): Koyō (小耀), Mamechika (豆千佳), Koeri (小衿), Katsuhana (佳つ花), Makiko (槇子), Mamekinu (まめ衣), Mameroku (豆六), Chisako (千紗子), Yukako (有佳子), Mamekoma (豆こま), Makino (真希乃), Mitsuki (美月), Katsutomo (佳つ智), Konami (小なみ), Chiyoko (知余子), Ichitomi (市十美). Group 2a - April 2nd, 8th, 15th, 22nd Group 2b - April 5th, 12th, 19th Sou Odori (総をどり): Satsuki (紗月), Kohana (小花), Ayako (亜矢子), Mamechika (豆千佳), Masaki (真咲), Mamekinu (まめ衣), Mamemaru (豆まる), Tsuruha (つる葉), Mihoko (美帆子), Mamekoma (豆こま), Mameryū (まめ柳), Kosen (小扇), Mameharu (まめ春), Mametama (豆珠), Mao (真生), Tomoko (朋子). Group 3a - April 3rd, 9th, 16th, 23rd Group 3b - April 6th, 13th, 20th Sou Odori (総をどり): Katsugiku (佳つ菊), Kohana (小花), Koeri (小衿), Katsuhana (佳つ花), Sakiko (紗貴子), Koyoshi (小芳), Fumino (章乃), Sayaka (紗矢佳), Ichiyuri (市有里), Eriha (恵里葉), Mameryū (まめ柳), Mitsuki (美月), Mameharu (まめ春), Konami (小なみ), Mamesome (豆そめ), Tomoko (朋子).
Scene 5: Jakkōin Kai Kyū No Yuki (Jakkōin) - 寂光院懐旧の雪 - Reminiscing About Snow at Jakkōin (Jakkōin) Group 1a - April 1st, 7th, 14th, 21st Kenreimon’in (建礼門院): Mamezuru (まめ鶴) Taira Tokuko (平 徳子): Mamechizu (豆千鶴) Emperor Takakura (高倉天皇): Sonomi (そ乃美) Group 1b - April 4th, 11th, 18th Kenreimon’in (建礼門院): Koman (小萬) Taira Tokuko (平 徳子): Mamehiro (豆弘) Emperor Takakura (高倉天皇): Mameka (豆花) Group 2a - April 2nd, 8th, 15th, 22nd Kenreimon’in (建礼門院): Koman (小萬) Taira Tokuko (平 徳子): Mamehiro (豆弘) Emperor Takakura (高倉天皇): Mameka (豆花) Group 2b - April 5th, 12th, 19th Kenreimon’in (建礼門院): Mamezuru (まめ鶴) Taira Tokuko (平 徳子): Mamechizu (豆千鶴) Emperor Takakura (高倉天皇): Sonomi (そ乃美) Group 3a - April 3rd, 9th, 16th, 23rd Kenreimon’in (建礼門院): Mamezuru (まめ鶴) Taira Tokuko (平 徳子): Mamechizu (豆千鶴) Emperor Takakura (高倉天皇): Sonomi (そ乃美)  Group 3b - April 6th, 13th, 20th  Kenreimon’in (建礼門院): Koman (小萬) Taira Tokuko (平 徳子): Mamehiro (豆弘) Emperor Takakura (高倉天皇): Mameka (豆花) 
Scene 6: Kobu Kaburenjō Sakari No Sakura (Kobu Kaburenjō Teien) - 甲部 歌舞練場盛の桜 (甲部歌舞練場庭園) - Blooming Cherry Blossoms at The Gion Kobu Kaburenjō (Gion Kobu Kaburenjō) The final scene features all performers from that day. Jikata Geiko Performers Group 1a - April 1st, 7th, 14th, 21st Fue: Eriha (恵里葉) and Mihoko (美帆子) Kotsuzumi: Mamemaru (豆まる) and Kosen (小扇) Otsuzumi: Tsuruha (つる葉) Taiko: Mao (真生), Masaki (真咲) Singers: Kimiya (君彌), Mamechiyo (豆千代), Komomo (小桃) Shamisen: Emiji (恵美二) Alternates: Kimizuru (君鶴), Fukunami (福奈美), Danka (だん香) Non-Geiko Singers: Takemoto Ayanosuke (竹本 綾之助 - 1st and 7th) and Takemoto Tohsako (竹本土佐子 - 14th and 21st) Non-Geiko Shamisen: Tsurusawa Hirosuke (鶴澤 寛輔 - 1st and 21st), Tsurukawa Tsukazu (鶴澤 津賀寿 - 7th and 14th), Toyokawa Hinafumi (豊澤 雛文 - 1st, 14th, and 21st), Tsurukawa Tsukae (鶴澤 津賀榮 - 7th) Group 1b - April 4th, 11th, 18th Fue: Eriha (恵里葉) and Mihoko (美帆子) Kotsuzumi: Mamemaru (豆まる) and Kosen (小扇) Otsuzumi: Tsuruha (つる葉) Taiko: Mao (真生), Masaki (真咲) Singers: Yoshimame (芳豆), Yukizono (幸苑), Koemi (小恵美) Shamisen: Danyū (だん祐) Alternates: Masuho (ます穂), Kaito Kimiko (垣内公子), Kubo Fumiyo (久保富美代) Non-Geiko Singers:  Takemoto Ayanosuke (竹本 綾之助 - 18th) and Takemoto Kyonosuke (竹本京之助 - 4th and 11th)  Non-Geiko Shamisen:  Tsurusawa Hirosuke (鶴澤 寛輔 - 18th), Tsurukawa Tsukazu (鶴澤 津賀寿 - 4th and 11th), Tsurukawa Tsukae (鶴澤 津賀榮 - 4th, 11th, and 18th)      Group 2a - April 2nd, 8th, 15th, 22nd Fue: Fumikazu (章佳司) Kotsuzumi: Fumino (章乃), Sakiko (紗貴子), Ichiyuri (市有里) Otsuzumi: Sayaka (紗矢佳) Taiko: Katsugiku (佳つ菊), Mamesome (豆そめ) Singers: Yoshimame (芳豆), Yukizono (幸苑), Koemi (小恵美) Shamisen: Danyū (だん祐) Alternates: Masuho (ます穂), Kaito Kimiko (垣内公子), Kubo Fumiyo (久保富美代) Non-Geiko Singers:  Takemoto Ayanosuke (竹本 綾之助 - 8th and 22nd) and Takemoto Tohsako (竹本土佐子 - 2nd and 15th) Non-Geiko Shamisen: Tsurusawa Hirosuke (鶴澤 寛輔 - 2nd and 8th), Tsurukawa Tsukazu (鶴澤 津賀寿 - 15th and 22nd), Toyokawa Hinafumi (豊澤 雛文 - 2nd, 8th, and 15th), Tsurukawa Tsukae (鶴澤 津賀榮 - 22nd) Group 2b - April 5th, 12th, 19th Fue: Fumikazu (章佳司) Kotsuzumi: Fumino (章乃), Sakiko (紗貴子), Ichiyuri (市有里) Otsuzumi: Sayaka (紗矢佳) Taiko: Katsugiku (佳つ菊), Mamesome ()豆そめ  Singers: Kimiya (君彌), Mamechiyo (豆千代), Komomo (小桃) Shamisen: Emiji (恵美二) Alternates: Kimizuru (君鶴), Fukunami (福奈美), Danka (だん香) Non-Geiko Singers:  Takemoto Ayanosuke (竹本 綾之助 - 19th) and Takemoto Kyonosuke (竹本京之助 - 5th and 12th) Non-Geiko Shamisen: Tsurusawa Hirosuke (鶴澤 寛輔 - 19th), Tsurukawa Tsukazu (鶴澤 津賀寿 - 5th and 12th), Toyokawa Hinafumi (豊澤 雛文 - 19th), Tsurukawa Tsukae (鶴澤 津賀榮 - 5th and 12th) Group 3a - April 3rd, 9th, 16th, 23rd Fue: Makiko (槇子) Kotsuzumi: Chiyoko (知余子), Chisako (千紗子), Makino (真希乃) Otsuzumi: Yukako (有佳子) Taiko: Koyō (小耀), Mameroku (豆六) Singers: Kimiya (君彌), Mamechiyo (豆千代), Komomo (小桃) Shamisen: Emiji (恵美二) Alternates: Kimizuru (君鶴), Fukunami (福奈美), Danka (だん香) Non-Geiko Singers:  Takemoto Ayanosuke (竹本 綾之助 - 23rd), Takemoto Tohsako (竹本土佐子 - 3rd and 16th), Takemoto Kyonosuke (竹本京之助 - 9th) Non-Geiko Shamisen: Tsurusawa Hirosuke (鶴澤 寛輔 - 3rd, 9th, and 16th), Tsurukawa Tsukazu (鶴澤 津賀寿 - 23rd), Toyokawa Hinafumi (豊澤 雛文 - 3rd, 9th, and 16th), Tsurukawa Tsukae (鶴澤 津賀榮 - 23rd)     Group 3b - April 6th, 13th, 20th Fue: Makiko (槇子) Kotsuzumi: Chiyoko (知余子), Chisako (千紗子), Makino (真希乃) Otsuzumi: Yukako (有佳子) Taiko: Koyō (小耀), Mameroku (豆六) Singers: Yoshimame (芳豆), Yukizono (幸苑), Koemi (小恵美) Shamisen: Danyū (だん祐) Alternates: Masuho (ます穂), Kaito Kimiko (垣内公子), Kubo Fumiyo (久保富美代) Non-Geiko Singers:  Takemoto Ayanosuke (竹本 綾之助 - 6th) and Takemoto Tohsako (竹本土佐子 - 13th and 20th) Non-Geiko Shamisen:  Tsurusawa Hirosuke (鶴澤 寛輔 - 20th), Tsurukawa Tsukazu (鶴澤 津賀寿 - 6th and 13th), Tsurukawa Tsukae (鶴澤 津賀榮 - 6th, 13th, and 20th)  
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