#tagging it because I talked about it implicitly bahahahahah
ran-orimoto · 10 months
If you were to give crests to Zoey and J.P from the og which would you pick and why
Thank Heavens you haven’t asked me about the whole Frontier group because I wouldn’t have been able to write a single word. Maybe I would have said both Takuya and Tomoki would share the Courage Crest, and ,honestly, I won’t hide I’m kinda in the same situation now, because Junpei and Izumi seem so perfect for the same crests as well.
I’d give them a mix of Friendship and Sincerity, because their arcs are two sides of the same coin and also deal with them starting to be more sincere to themselves, more genuine. They have got opposite yet complementary issues about friendship, so that crest spontaneously came up in my mind. However, let’s also talk about the fact their problems were lingering because they derived from a stagnant state in which they stubbornly refused to change or, as far as concerns Junpei, refused to accept they needed to change, pretend there was no need to.
In my opinion, Junpei could also be perfect for Love. No guys, not Knowledge. Junpei is a bad student. He might be kinda wise sometimes and have an academic knowledge, but the very first drama states he becomes a maths genius when he fuses with Bolgmon. Returning to the Love Crest…Yeah. I’m not saying it only because of his crush and devotion for Izumi, but also because this kid really didn’t know what bonding with people truly meant. He couldn’t really open his eyes in front of the fact friendship is one of the many shapes of love. Friendship led by shallow intentions and pursued with, again, shallow methods is nothing without love, which is what Junpei lacked at the beginning of his journey. I’d say Junpei’s path to discovering friendship is something that’s much deeper than what it is for Izumi. Izumi mostly discovers herself and her flaws through her development in DW; Junpei discovers what creating bonds with people, bonds of any nature, is like.
Still, I guess a Love Crest would be interesting for an older Junpei embracing unconditional love tbh. I can personally see him as that kind of person when he’s grown up but don’t mind me🤣💕.
I’l stand with them being a mix of Sincerity and Friendship, yes, -which is hilarious when it comes to the Sincerity side, since both Izumi and Junpei have got a lot of Mimi in their personality-.
Thank you for the ask and sorry for being late💕!
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