stormydreams · 1 year
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i can't believe this was actually canon :0 i thought it was a filler anime thing but i guess the manga really has some funny moments!! (kind of obvious maybe but it's fun to see what is what)
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stormydreams · 11 months
this used to be one of my favourite adventure time moments~~ especially look at finn's eyebrows when magic man says that; finn not happy
haven't really announced that i'm doing a whole rewatch where i'm screenshotting things and noting them to make a huge document in thingz that haven't been noted in the wiki.
the wiki is pretty extensive but there are still lotsa stuff not mentioned... anyways.
(magic man is a mean character :((( )
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stormydreams · 1 year
me writing something out into the open is long overdue...
//naruto spoilers
first, let me get to the subject of uchiha madara. i am at approximately chapter 615 in the manga naruto, so i am nearing the end. i am at the "climax point" as kishimoto said in the introduction page to his book.
anyways... madara. i don't know what it is about him... i find him very attractive. like something about him attracts me to him, idk. he has a certain elegance and nonchalance that somehow makes me root for him. how he says that things are "ugly", (original translations say "pathetic"... but i base this off of fan translations?), how he sometimes refers to fighting as "dancing", how he childishly freaks out and gets excited when he sees hashirama, how he lazily crosses his arms in the middle of a fight and sits there.
one thing i found absolutely charming that both he and obito did, was speaking out loud to himself whilst observing a fight about how thee fight was going.
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a few pics of madara just charming me with his ways...
anways. an update on how i'm doing? mh maybe i do that as a next post. cheers!
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stormydreams · 1 year
//more naruto manga thoughts
this battle with pain... (and the conversation with minato) it's one of the things i really like about the manga. kind of a "you know i think it's our entire [shinobi] system that's fucked up and i don't have the answer and it's complex and it's not as easy as just 'conquering the bad guy' "
also one of the things that made that original first fight against zabuza & haku so precious.
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