#tag: aloto
grnolan · 2 years
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Carson Shaw [+] Being A Cocky Little Shit On The Baseball Field
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bugsongs · 2 years
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Roberta Colindrez and Kelly McCormack as Lupe García and Jess McCready in A League of Their Own (2022)
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plastic-pipes · 2 years
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patreon || twitter || instagram || ko-fi
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rhaenyratargaryns · 2 years
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BLACK WLW IN 2022 MOVIES & TV happy happy birthday kate @maxchapman!!!!!!!!!!! i love you so much ♡
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youmearepeaches · 10 months
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Jesslupe go to pride dressed as cowboys during the 70s, a collage
Edit: you can get a print or sticker (and other stuff) here <3
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s0ftpining · 10 months
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jess and lupe for holly, the winner of my giveaway!! ⚾️🩷
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idec · 3 months
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7central · 9 months
alright I've seen a post about the headcanon that Greta speaks French (seductively, even) because she said she lived in Paris and I don't wanna hijack the post so here are my immediate thoughts on that.
first, I'm a big fan of the idea that Greta was in France for a grand total of 3 weeks as a runaway and actually speaks absolute shit bare-minimum-to-survive French. I enjoy the headcanon that she is fluent, but I think it's funnier if she is confronted about her time in France someday and it turns out she absolutely cannot speak French.
I ALSO think that it would be funny if a few people on the team assume that Jess has some French because she's Canadian and they don't know anything about Canadian geography, so Saskatchewan might as well be Quebec to them. Let's say perhaps Greta and Jess both allow people to falsely believe they speak decent French because they think it's funny. then both think that the other one speaks French and live in fear of the day that their roommate tries to have a conversation with them in a language they've lied (by omission) about knowing.
but the day they realize that neither of them speaks French, they move on from simply lying by omission to full on lying for real. because now they can back each other up and it's hilarious. especially w how Carson fawns over the idea because she's read American romance books that make French out to be the most romantic of languages. Jess is realizing that this American conception of the language could be utilized to pick up women at the bar and makes a plan to learn how to say pick up lines in French. (Lupe--who did not fall for any of this--thinks this is a stupid idea)
anyway Greta and Jess' bragging lasts about two glorious hours until Shirley catches wind of the rumor and tries to strike up a conversation with the two of them. turns out she's been fluent in French this whole time.
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bookwyrrm · 1 year
 The acting and the blocking in episode 7 after Greta and Carson come back to the house is so good. We can feel the tension in the room. Jess, Lupe, and Esti have been back long enough for Lupe to start a game of Dominos with Maybelle, but none of them have changed clothes, so I think we can infer that they returned still pretty recently.
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In this scene, Jess is full of nervous energy, pacing behind Lupe’s chair as well as rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet. Given how we’ve seen this character act just last episode in two spaces where she feels really comfortable (the bar and the team house after they win), the fact that Jess is standing all by herself, not touching any of her teammates, really shows how shaken up the atmosphere of the team is after Jo’s transfer. Because when Jess is happy, she’s touchy - she hugs her teammates and grabs or pats their shoulders. In the bar, she’s hanging off of Lupe almost every time they’re on screen. In the scene above, she’s staying close to Lupe, but even though we can almost feel how much Jess wants to reach out for physical comfort, she’s stopping herself and trying to keep busy in other ways, like drinking or pacing.
I think that Jo’s arrest is not only a disruption of Greta and Carson’s bubble (Oz), but also Jess and Lupe’s. As they’ve grown more comfortable and the team has grown closer, some of the walls they have to protect themselves have come down. What happened to Jo is a devastating reminder that it’s not safe for Jess and Lupe to be visibly queer and link themselves together. The blocking in this scene illustrates just how isolated they must feel now.
For example, here’s a screenshot from Episode 6. (I think this is ep 6. Also I’m sorry about the subtitles. I was so focused on getting a good screenshot that I totally did not notice the text until making this post.) Anyway, there’s Jess and Lupe standing together in the corner as they usually do.
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Now here’s a scene from Episode 7. This is where I really credit whoever did the blocking for this shot. The other girls are clumped together similarly closely as they were in the locker room one episode earlier... except Lupe and Jess, who are standing abnormally far apart.
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Are these the same people from the previous episode?? Yes, BUT the environment of the team has changed now that people are reeling over Jo 1) being queer 2) being arrested 3) being traded. In this screen shot, Lupe and Jess - also the only ones obviously wearing pants - are doing everything they can not to draw attention to their friendship, because the team is no longer a safe space for them to be their authentic selves.
They are standing so far apart, there’s room for a whole other person in between them. That’s why I think this is a brilliant blocking decision, because it not only shows the strain that Jess and Lupe are obviously feeling, but it also calls attention to the fact that Jo is missing from this tableau.
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tarobumma · 2 years
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putting her in my pocket
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elkdiaries · 7 months
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grnolan · 2 years
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Carson and Greta [+] Whatever This Dumb Gay Thing Is That They Do
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moghedien · 2 years
I know I ain’t got no friends on this site because I haven’t seen a single person post this
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ladyorlandodream · 1 year
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Maybelle Fox - A League of Their Own 1x07 (2/4)
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thundergrace · 1 year
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No way they waited this damn long and they're gonna play games like this IS IT RENEWED OR NOT DAMMIT?
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gretsgill · 2 years
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Gretson + holding hands
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