#tab akademi
Tıbbi ve Aromatik Bitkiler Akademisi online eğitimleri başlıyor
Tıbbi ve Aromatik Bitkiler Akademisi online eğitimleri başlıyor
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#Antalya, #AntalyaIlTarım, #AntalyaIlTarımVeOrmanMüdürlüğü, #OnlineEğitim, #OnlineTabEğitimi, #OnlineTıbbiVeAromatikBitkilerEğitimi, #TabAkademi, #TıbbiVeAromatikBitkiler https://is.gd/3toycH https://www.tibbivearomatikbitkiler.com/haberler/tibbi-ve-aromatik-bitkiler-akademisi-online-egitimleri-basliyor/
Tıbbi ve Aromatik Bitkiler Akademisi eğitimleri Antalya İl Tarım ve Orman Müdürlüğü tarafından çevrimiçi olarak 13 Ocak’ta başlıyor.
Ücretsiz olarak yapılacak olan eğitimler 7 Nisan’a kadar sürecek. Müdürlük tarafından yürütülmekte olan tüm eğitimlerin ders kayıt videoları Youtube Antalya Tarım Online kanalında yayınlanıyor. Kanala abone olup bildirimleri açarak tüm videolara erişmek mümkün.
Eğitime başvuru yapanlar Antalya İl Tarım ve Orman Müdürlüğü’nce oluşturulacak ve çeşitli bilgilendirme mesajlarının gönderileceği whatsapp gruplarına eklenecek. Eğitim sürecinin işleyişinde teknik ve/veya idari gerekçelerle meydana gelebilecek değişiklikler whatsapp gruplarında ve/veya derslerde katılımcılara duyurulacak.
Yapılacak derslerden bazılar şöyle: Tropikal tıbbi ve aromatik bitkilerin yetiştirme olanakları, çoğaltma teknikleri, sürdürülebilir hasat, yeni ürün geliştirme, yabancı ot sorunu ve çözüm önerileri, tıbbi ve aromatik bitkilerin gıda sanayisinde kullanım alanları, tıbbi bitki kullanımında dikkat edilmesi gereken noktalar.Ücretsiz olan eğitimler zoom platformu üzerinden düzenleniyor.
Katılımcılar zoom ve canlı ya da kayıttan Youtube Antalya Tarım Online kanalından eğitimleri izleyebiliyor. Eğitimlerin canlı katılımcıları derse özel oluşturulan whatsapp gruplarından bildirildiği şekilde yazılı ve sözlü konuyla ilgili sorularını sorabilecek.. Eğitimlere katılmak için herhangi bir koşul yada formalite bulunmuyor.
Kaynak: Dunya.com
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isara0408 · 3 months
Another headcanon for Homu, which involves Kaga and his cloning machine. It's another emotional headcanon for Homu.
Homu stepped inside the science club to find it empty. She glanced at the spot. Kaga always stood there and researched on his super computer about Saikou Corp as he always did. He always tried finding ways to get hired by Saikou Corp just like his parents. Homu didn't blame him. Saokou Corp is the wealthiest and most powerful company in Japan. Who wouldn't want to work with Saikou Corp?
Homu's eyes spotted a certain tab opened on Kaga's large super computer screen that he most likely forgot to close up,"And he forgot to close it."She mumbled. She made her way towards the computer and slid her index finger against the glass mouse pad. She was able to click the red X in the left upper corner but stopped once her eyes landed on a certain word that caught her attention.
"Clone?"Homu whispered out. She started to read the entry on the screen, skimming through it.
"Research on clone 1431 'Midori Gurin' has been a success. No human has noticed the difference between the real Midori and the clone. Midori has been behaving just like the real one since the moment she was released from her tube. She's exactly like the original. How fascinating. I wonder if the other clones will behave the same. Will they behave differently? These clones feel just like the original person... as if the person was brought back from the dead or had a twin. This is a success! I'm sure Saikou Corp will hire me for this!"
"As if the person was brought back from the dead... or had a twin."Homu repeated the words she read mentally as her eyes widened as big as they could go,"All this time... I was just wasting it on a robot to bring my twin back, but I can actually bring her back. I can bring her back as if she never died."Homu whispered to herself, keeping the same widened eyes. Her body immediately started to tremble at the thought of her twin sister being back to life as if she had never died in the first place. Her hands gripped onto the edge of the table of the super computer once she felt her breathing becoming uneven.
All this time, the answer, the solution to my pain was right in front of me. All this time, it was in front of me.
Homu slowly turned around to face Kaga when she snapped out of her thoughts. Kaga had a smile on his face like he always did during the day in Akademi. Something Homu was already used to, just like everyone else. Homu stared at Kaga with the same widened eyes as her chest rose up and down rapidly. He's my tool. He's the solution I needed.
Kaga noticed Homu's strange change in attitude. He raised an eyebrow,"Homu, are you alright?"He questioned.
"Clones. You're making clones of Midori."Homu spoke out with a trembling voice while she pointed at the screen of the super computer. Kaga glanced over at the screen behind her,"Ah, of course I am. Midori volunteered for me to clone her. So far, the clones are doing well."
"Why didn't you tell me anything?"
"Uh, because it's my business?"Kaga slowly said, staring at Homu again. He watched Homu's body trembling more by the answer he gave her. Homu's hands slowly turned into trembling fists,"All this time, I was trying to bring back my twin sister through a metal robot for months. My goal was to bring her back to me by a metal robot that who knows how long it will take me to finish while you make clones of a person that looks and acts exactly like the original individual. As if the person was brought back from the death... or had a twin."
Kaga stood there listening to her. Homu immediately grabbed onto the collar of his lab coat, bringing Kaga closer to her. Kaga's eyes widened as the eyes of Homu were filled with rage, a rage Kaga hadn't seen in Homu,"All this time, you were the tool I needed to bring her back! You kept this a secret from everyone! You're my only chance I have to actually bring her back! Flesh and blood! Bring her back as if she ever died! A mistake that can be fixed!"Homu shouted at him with trembling hands still holding onto his collar of his lab coat.
"Homu, I can't bring your sister back. The clones are still under testing. There's many things I need to look over and make sure nothing goes wrong. Just because a clone Midori is out of her tube doesn't mean she's perfectly fine. She's a clone. Not the real person. Many things can go wrong-"
"I don't care! I want my sister back, and you're the only person who can do it! I need her here with me!"
"I can't do it!"Kaga glared at her,"I can't risk it. I'm already risking myself with Midori! The clones need to be tested and make sure nothing is wrong or goes wrong with them. You need to understand that I'm the first person ever to clone a human being and even make cloning possible. I need to test, I need to research, and I need to make sure nothing goes wrong with these clones or the process of making them."
"You have no idea how long I've waited to bring her back. How many times have I cried just to see her again and be here with me since that crash! I saw her with my own eyes, her life leaving her eyes! I was the last person she saw! I had no strength to save her that day! You have no idea how it feels to lose a loved one because you have your parents with you. You never suffered a loss before, especially from a family member's passing. Your family is complete, but mine isn't. I've worked hard to plan out that robot over there to resemble my twin! I don't know how long it will be to fully finish her and to even make her act like my twin! My other half! You're the only person who can bring her back! I can finally have her with me as if she never died..."Homu cried out as her eyes crowded up with tears. Some escaped the corners of her eyes,"You're my only chance to finally have her here with me after trying so hard to make a metal robot to bring her back..."Homu's grip loosened slightly. She glanced down as her body continued to tremble.
Kaga stared at the woman in front of him, listening to the quiet sobs of desperation, heartbreak, and pain.
"Take my DNA, take my blood, take anything you need to bring her back, please. Bring my other half back. Please, I just want to see her spark again. I want to see her again..."Homu sobbed out, watching the tears fall from her face to the floor,"She's everything to me.... please."
Kaga's expression softened at the sight of his closest friend being in an unstable state," I'm sorry, Homu. I can't bring her back. Not at this moment. I need time with the cloning machine. I need to make adjustments, testing, and make sure no major problems come."
"But I want her here now..."Homu cried, still holding onto Kaga's lab coat for dear life.
"I know. All I need is time."
"How much...?"Homu slowly glanced up at Kaga again with tears still rolling down her cheeks uncontrollably. Kaga replied with unsureity, "I'm not sure." Homu stared at him before slowly looking over at the robot on the assemble holder. How long do I have to keep waiting? How long...?
Kaga pushed Homu's hands from his lab coat before wrapping his arms around her tightly, giving her a tight embrace. Homu leaned her head against his shoulder as her eyes remained on the robot. She wrapped her arms around Kaga, returning the embrace and burying her face onto the shoulder of her leader. A painful sob escaped Homu.
"I need time. That's all I ask for."Kaga spoke, keeping his arms wrapped around the sobbing and trembling woman.
"Okay..."Homu whispered emotionally. Her sobs continued, keeping her face buried onto Kaga's shoulder to muffle her loud sobbing.
Meanwhile, Meka, Yaku, and Horo stepped inside the science club, talking among themselves. Once they stepped inside, they stopped on their tracks to see Kaga hugging Homu and hearing the sobs of Homu as well. Yaku's visor displayed question marks,"What happened?"
Kaga shot them a glance as a sign that he would tell them later. The three noticed the message and nodded before making their way towards them and started to comfort their friend.
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Yandere Simulator AU Idea: Ayano being Kenchi's Twin.
Had a weird thought but what if Ayano was Kenchi's twin and she was kidnapped by Ryoba because both her or Jokichi were infertile but desperately wanted a kid (Jokichi because he wanted a child to love after the whole mindbreak and Ryoba both to fulfill her darling's wishes and to continue the Aishi bloodline). Maybe originally they had planned to adopt but Ryoba somehow found the twin babies of the Saikou family and was infatuated with one of them so she planned arduously and managed to get her hands on the one she wanted.
Of course they had illegal means in order to make sure the Saikou family wouldn't find out what happened. Since Ryoba had used the Yakuza in order to eliminate or gain cash, she contacted them and paid a hefty fee in order to hide and scramble Ayano's information. Jokichi helped, at this point he was mindbroken but he too fell in love with Ayano and desperately wanted to have her as his child.
In order to make sure Ayano wouldn't be connected to the missing Saikou child, her birth year was accelerated one year and until her hair could be dyed, she was homeschooled and thus her only world was her "parents".
When Ayano could go to school she had to dye her hair and her parents would repeatedly tell her the dangers of the outside world to dissuade Ayano from reaching out for help in case she realized how unhealthy her "family" was but because of the conditioning her "mother" did and the suffocating affection her "father" gave she becomes emotionless and instead acted out emotions. The only one who she couldn't act emotionless was her parents, Ryoba because she knew what it was like, and Jokichi because Ayano could still feel emotions with him and did love her father.
When Ayano attended Akademi High and met with Taro, she became obsessed with him. It wasn't because of romantic reasons, no, she became obsessed with Taro because he looked like her father and her mother always told stories of how Jokichi saved Ryoba from a life filled with pain and Ayano wanted that, she wants to run away from her life and be whisked away from the life she has.
However, Ryoba finds out about it and is delighted so she would force Ayano to kill/sabotage/matchmake her rivals with extra help from Info-chan (who knows what the Aishis have done despite Ayano not being an Aishi in blood) and from Ryoba who keeps tabs on her daughter and wants to fully immerse an outsider by the Aishi's "curse".
Throughout the weeks, Ayano is being coached, watched over, and forced to eliminate her rivals when she instead just wants to go up to Taro and ask for his help. The pressure of Info-chan taunting Ayano to kill using blackmail (that being the Aishi bloodline) and Ryoba's motherly and gentle voice telling Ayano what to do in a sort of sickening enthusiastic way wormed itself within Ayano that, eventually, this culminates to Ayano killing a rival and feeling immense guilt and trauma that she further retreats into her shell, with every kill/sabotage she slowly loses her obsession with Taro instead becomes fearful.
At first Megami looks at Ayano as a dangerous person because of her "mother" and has the rest of the Student Council watching over, until one day one of the members say that the most peculiar thing happened.
Ayano's roots were silver. In a moment of carelessness on Ayano's part due to exhaustion from Muja because she clearly didn't deserve the fate that befell to her, she forgot to dye her hair when it showed hints of her original hair color but nobody sans the Student Council knew because the latter were focused on Ayano. Megami takes a closer look at Ayano and realizes those sharp eyes resemble more of her father's eyes and her facial structure resembled closely to her mother. Shaken, Megami uses the remaining weeks investigating Ayano's origin and finds the dodgy history she has that had been covered up by the Yakuza.
Megami comes to the horrifying realization that Ayano is her sister and desperately wants to protect Ayano when she uncovers what has happened. Ayano would avoid Megami due to her being a Saikou and her parents always warned her about them especially with her mother continuously reminding her never to be close with them. Megami can't even say anything to Ayano because not only is Ayano avoiding her, she is too deep into her despair. With Megami realizing what has happened, she instantly calls Kenchi who had been wrought over his sister's disappearance and desperately wanted her back because the pressure his family has given him is too painful and he can't seek out comfort to anyone/anywhere, Kenchi thinks if his sister is with him then everything will be alright so he desperately tried to search for her but because Ichirou had experience with this from his own siblings, he instead locks up Kenchi with Megami the only one able to go out as "freely" as she could which grows Kenchi's resentment over her.
Megami wants to work together with Kenchi, not only to retrieve their sister but to also mend the bond between older sister and younger brother. However she gets news from the Saikou family that Ryoba found out that Megami figured out Ayano's true identity and has thus returned back to Japan to get back Ayano before the Saikou family can.
During Megami's week, instead of it being Ayano eliminating Megami it is instead changed to Megami trying to take back her sister as much as she can.
And that's about it~! Good lord I've been watching too many What If Yandere Simulator Aus...
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belitonginfo · 1 year
Snapchat Luncurkan Bot Obrolan AI "My AI" Ditenagai ChatGPT OpenAI
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BELITONGINFO - Snapchat, platform media sosial yang terkenal dengan layanan perpesanan berbasis foto dan video, sedang berupaya untuk memperkenalkan chatbot AI baru yang di tenagai oleh ChatGPT OpenAI. Fitur ini akan membantu pengguna Snapchat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari mereka.
Bot AI Terbaru Snapchat
Bot obrolan baru Snapchat akan di juluki "My AI" dan akan di sematkan ke tab obrolan aplikasi di atas percakapan dengan teman pengguna. My AI bisa membantu pengguna dalam melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari, seperti mencari rekomendasi makanan, mengatur jadwal, atau memeriksa cuaca. Baca Juga : Teknologi AI Terbaru di Mesin Pencari Bing Microsoft Perusahaan berencana untuk memperkenalkan My AI kepada pelanggan Snapchat Plus yang membayar 3,99 dollar AS setiap bulan. Namun demikian, Snapchat berencana untuk membuat bot AI ini tersedia untuk semua orang dari 750 juta pengguna bulanan Snap chat.
Snapchat Berupaya untuk Memonetisasi Layanan Gratisnya
Snapchat berharap dengan memperkenalkan bot obrolan AI baru ini dapat meningkatkan jumlah basis pengguna pelanggan berbayar dalam jangka waktu yang lebih kecil dan mencari cara lain untuk memonetisasi layanan gratisnya. CEO Snapchat, Evan Spiegel, menyatakan bahwa My AI akan menjadi fitur yang sangat berguna dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Di bangun dalam Snapchat, "My AI" adalah versi ChatGPT ramah seluler yang sederhana dan cepat. Namun, perbedaan utama antara ChatGPT yang sebenarnya dan "My AI" adalah bahwa My AI di Snap chat akan di lunakkan dalam hal fungsionalitas. Dengan kata lain, pengguna tidak dapat menulis laporan akademis atau esai tentang berbagai topik. Snap chat juga berencana untuk memperkenalkan bot obrolan AI baru yang di tenagai oleh ChatGPT OpenAI. Bot ini akan membantu pengguna Snap chat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, seperti mencari rekomendasi makanan, mengatur jadwal, atau memeriksa cuaca. Perusahaan berharap dengan memperkenalkan My AI, dapat meningkatkan jumlah basis pengguna pelanggan berbayar dalam jangka waktu yang lebih kecil dan mencari cara lain untuk memonetisasi layanan gratisnya. Jangan Lewatkan : ChatGPT Palsu Beredar, Waspada Terhadap Malware Ayo Yang Mau. Kepo Dengan. Perkembangan. Berita Terbaru , Berita Terkini , Berita Hari ini , Berita Teknologi , dan Berita Viral lainnya di belitonginfo.com Dapat Mengklick Link. Di. Bawah. Ini : Facebook (Dengan Kamu Mengklick. Link. ini. Kamu. Akan. Masuk. ke Facebooknya belitong Info) Ayo Klik Sekarang Juga Atau Kamu Juga Dapat Melihat Instagram , Twitter , Linkedin , Tumblr , Medium Kami atau bisa mengunjungi Google News Kami Kami Juga Ada Channel Youtube Untuk Melihat Berita kami Secara Visual Ayo Sekarang Juga Bergabung Bersama Kami. Read the full article
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anovelforme · 1 year
chapter 1 : awakening
Enid walked across the akademy hall,every one whispers and points their finger,some averted their eyes while other pretend like nothing is happening,as a helpless girl dragged by the hair trailed behind closely with Enid leading her,the girl screamed and yelled for help but no one dared to do a thing,as the blonde haired girl looked around at the people who proclaimed to be her friends she felt immeasurable hatred for Enid
Silently she cursed the black haired girl,how can someone change so much in a year?!it doesn't make sense!she used to be a push over!someone even the servant could look down on but how?!when?!why?!! all these questions floods Sinclair's mind as she glared daggers at the other girl
abruptly Enid stopped moving but her grip on Sinclair's bright purple hair remained tight,still struggling Sinclair let out a frustrated groan trying to free herself once more
"you think I didn't notice?" Enid said her voice no longer bubbly like it used to be,now it's replaced with cold monotone and distant, Sinclair's bright blue eyes widen as the Enid slowly turned around her purple eyes held a crazed look akin to a tyrant "your glare... it's really annoying you know that?" Enid said as she crouched down meeting Sinclair at eye level
yanking Sinclair's hair forward she pulled her head closer "maybe we should gouge your eyes out hmm?" Enid suggested her eyes show no signs of wavering it remained and retained that crazy psycho look it always had
Sinclair screamed for help as loud as she could,for once she felt truly helpless
1 year ago.
Name : jae Joon iseul
ID NUMBER : xxx xxx xxx xxxx
AGE : 23
A 'normal' Korean university student,she attended the prestigious soul academy a private university,is known to be one or the bullies and often took things too far with other students,but because of her family prestige and money People often turned a blind eye on her wrong doings
She often got name checked on suicide notes and often got questioned if any suspicious activities were happening near the school
Everyone knew her,and everyone was scared of her,she lived a life of a spoiled diva never once having to do chores or lift a sponge to wash dishes,everything she wanted got served to her on a silver platter not because she deserve them,but because she wanted them
for someone with such a bad reputation to have no one atall to attend her funeral is not surprising even for her,as iseul stared at her funeral scene from the afterlife she only raised an eyebrow as if she'd been expecting it
"well I have been a bitch afterall" she reasoned when asked 'why aren't you sad?' by the gods
"so I'll go to hell now?or...how does this work?" She asked as she rest one hand over her hips
The gods stared at her in disbelief,never once had they met a mortal so brazen,some felt they were disrespected but one laughed
"oh my, you're fun!" They yelled out,"say why don't we let her test 'that'" they suggested
The other gods nodded letting out a pleased hummed "test what?!oi I'm not your fucking guinea pig!,just send me to hell already!" iseul said pointing her finger up at the gods
"oh we have something for you,take it as a special offer for amusing me!" they said
"I don't need your special offer"
"aaaw but you haven't heard it yet!"
"hard pass"
"oh but I think you'll like it!"
Just as they said that image of text flashed over Infront of iseul "what you're seeing is...erm...in your human term a system this thing will keep tabs on how much good AND bad you've done" the text changed again this time showing a number
"oh my that's....a lot of bad things" the other gods said,iseul rIed an eyebrow "so what?"
"oh it meant you'll have to live in purgatory reliving your worst nightmare over and over and over again!" They said in a bubbly voice,that doesn't sound very appealing
"but!if you agreed to this, you'll be granted the chance of cleansing your sins"
the text changed again,this time with the option accept or decline
"and if I decline?"
"oh by then we'll have no choice but to made you relive your nightmare over and over again forever" they said in a matter of factly voice
"Fine,fine,how do I accept this dumb shit" iseul asked,even without their face visible somehow she could tell all of them were grinning from ear to ear
"well just thought of it" they said,she did exactly that and before long everything became black,she felt as if she was falling down slowly
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Tıbbi ve Aromatik Bitkiler Akademisi online eğitimleri başlıyor
Tıbbi ve Aromatik Bitkiler Akademisi online eğitimleri başlıyor
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Tıbbi ve Aromatik Bitkiler Akademisi eğitimleri Antalya İl Tarım ve Orman Müdürlüğü tarafından çevrimiçi olarak 13 Ocak’ta başlıyor.
Ücretsiz olarak yapılacak olan eğitimler 7 Nisan’a kadar sürecek. Müdürlük tarafından yürütülmekte olan tüm eğitimlerin ders kayıt videoları Youtube Antalya Tarım Online kanalında yayınlanıyor. Kanala abone olup bildirimleri açarak tüm videolara erişmek mümkün.
Eğitime başvuru yapanlar Antalya İl Tarım ve Orman Müdürlüğü’nce oluşturulacak ve çeşitli bilgilendirme mesajlarının gönderileceği whatsapp gruplarına eklenecek. Eğitim sürecinin işleyişinde teknik ve/veya idari gerekçelerle meydana gelebilecek değişiklikler whatsapp gruplarında ve/veya derslerde katılımcılara duyurulacak.
Yapılacak derslerden bazılar şöyle: Tropikal tıbbi ve aromatik bitkilerin yetiştirme olanakları, çoğaltma teknikleri, sürdürülebilir hasat, yeni ürün geliştirme, yabancı ot sorunu ve çözüm önerileri, tıbbi ve aromatik bitkilerin gıda sanayisinde kullanım alanları, tıbbi bitki kullanımında dikkat edilmesi gereken noktalar.Ücretsiz olan eğitimler zoom platformu üzerinden düzenleniyor.
Katılımcılar zoom ve canlı ya da kayıttan Youtube Antalya Tarım Online kanalından eğitimleri izleyebiliyor. Eğitimlerin canlı katılımcıları derse özel oluşturulan whatsapp gruplarından bildirildiği şekilde yazılı ve sözlü konuyla ilgili sorularını sorabilecek.. Eğitimlere katılmak için herhangi bir koşul yada formalite bulunmuyor.
Kaynak: Dunya.com
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sadiesavestheday · 5 years
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ikoko · 2 years
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TINGGAL LAGI 1 TASK! . Untuk Challenge 4 ni, tinggal 1 task je lagi belum selesai. . Semalam kami semua kumpulan KMJ selesai semuanya untuk semua task kecil. Kami diberi pilihan untuk selesaikan task terakhir nanti pada hari apa. Saya akan beritahu kelak. . Saya nak cerita sikit kisah semalam. Saya bertugas sebagai Moderator untuk kali kedua. Formal yang tak formal. 😂😂😂 Siscuba memformalkan diri tapi masih tak dapat 200% formal, 85% formal je semalam. 😆 . Ya Allah, saya memang penakut bab jadi MC/Moderator/Pengacara sebab memang tak biasa & tak pakar bab tu. 😂😂😂 Nasib ler KMJ okey je. Risau tau. 😂😂 . By the way, gambar yang korang nampak ni, yang macam private chat tu kan? Tu di belakang tabir Streamyard. Kami masuk ikut tingkap, link invite. Private chat tu hanya kami di konti je boleh baca. Ada tab “comments” di sebelah kanan tu, untuk kami view segala komen yang ditulis di Youtube presenter @zulyna77 . Lama dah tak post ngomel panjang-panjang macam ni. Semoga kami semua dan semua Batch 4 dapat melepasi semua cabaran yang ditetapkan oleh Akademi Youtuber dengan jayanya. Demi anak didik. Ilmu yang kami dapat, boleh bawa bekal untuk tugasan di sekolah pula. Fokus pada pendidikan. . Moga ini juga boleh jadi bekalan di akhirat kelak. Amiiin. (at Malacca) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWOovavhsDR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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monochrome-nocturne · 6 years
Yandere Simulator Theory regarding Info-chan
After listening to all the tapes and reading theories about the journalist being Info-chan's father and she actually helps Yandere-chan to take revenge for her father, I think that's absolutely true. Because why does Info-chan actually help Yandere-chan at all? For panty shots? I don't think so. I mean sure, it may be beneficial for her to sell those panty shots to gain money but I think the reason is much, much deeper than that...
 Info-chan is the only person who knows about Yandere-chan's true nature aside from her parents, Akademi High's headmaster Kocho Shuyona and the Saikou family. If you don't count Yandere-chan's parents (since their reason for knowing it is pretty obvious), you're left with the headmaster, the Saikou family, and Info-chan. Both the headmaster and the Saikou family know this fact because they seem to have been working together to put an end to the Aishi bloodline since Phantom Girl's murder at the hands of Ryoba Aishi (Yandere-chan's mother) in 1989. So... Where does Info-chan fit into through all of this? The story of 1980s Mode has three major parties against Ryoba's actions: The headmaster (since he's responsible for the safety of the school), the Saikou family (since they founded the school) and the journalist (since he was the one to find the culprit through his investigations). The journalist is a depressed and alcoholic widower who is the father of a high school-aged daughter who earns her own money (and according to her father, has too much money on her hands for her age, hinting that she is possibly the main provider of the family), spends most of her time on her computer (that she bought herself with her own money) and possibly earns her money by doing shady things, although her father knows little about her private life since he both respects her life and fears what she'll do if he interferes. Now, who else spends most of her time on a computer, does shady things and has little to no information regarding her identity? None other than Info-chan. The evidence is too clear to deny. Also, in the old opening, Info-chan was stated to be the former leader of the NEWSPAPER Club. Newspapers and journalism go hand in hand. The truth has been staring at our faces this whole time.
If she really is the journalist's daughter, she must've found the tapes her father recorded as he hid them specifically for her to find. Being her father's daughter, her detective skills are top-notch so she finds out documents and articles about the trial incident and the names of the people involved in it with ease. Since Info-chan and Yandere-chan attend the same school and Yandere-chan has her mother's last name, she connects the pieces together and hatches a plan to destroy Yandere-chan and her family for good.  Also, if you listen to the recordings about the journalist's wife, you'll notice that she was quite possibly a yandere as well: "She wouldn't let me out of her sight, and got possessive if another woman so much as looked at me." But I think Info-chan's mother was a different yandere than Ryoba Aishi: I think she wasn't as emotionless or deranged as Ryoba and actually cared about her husband's feelings. She didn't force him to love her just because she loved him, he also came to genuinely love her and was devastated when she passed away.
So... Where am I getting with this, you ask? Well, I think Info-chan is even more dangerous than she already seems to be. She has a mother who was possibly a yandere and a father who is a former investigative journalist, a job which requires searching, finding and gathering information, the very skills that define Info-chan. Her personality on the official website is listed as "unscrupulous", meaning she's willing to do anything to reach her goals as her description even says: "If she wants a favor from YOU, you'd better do exactly as she asks...or else." The journalist states in one of the tapes that his daughter sometimes returns to home with blood on her clothes and he doesn't know whether it's her own blood or the blood of someone else...
Remember the mysterious hand that's about to attack Yandere-chan from behind that YandereDev often brings up to hint us towards something? I think that hand is Info-chan's hand. I think just as how Yandere-chan is the protagonist of the game, Info-chan is secretly the true antagonist. YandereDev mentioned that there'll be multiple endings depending on how you've eliminated the rivals, how much damage has been done to Senpai's sanity, so on and so forth. What if you get an ending where Info-chan successfully exposes you to the whole nation with concrete evidence if the most used elimination methods are lethal?  What if she wants you to do bad things to people because she wants to record it and use it as evidence against you? What if she secretly tracks your every move from the services tab and records your murders with it? What if you're already lured into the trap she's set for you since the very beginning?
Also, take this fact into account: "YandereDev has also not revealed if Yandere-chan will officially meet Info-chan in real life in the future. Apparently, it will be a plot twist." A plot twist, eh? Well, what is a bigger plot twist than Info-chan revealing herself as the daughter of the same journalist whose life was ruined by Ryoba Aishi and taking a bloody revenge on Yandere-chan? Especially after listening to the last tape recording, in which her father is basically telling her his last goodbye...
"I searched for you. But I couldn't find you. I can't wait for you to come home. I have to leave immediately. I'm going to gather all of the recordings I've made so far and put them where I know you'll find them. That way, at least you'll know why your father disappeared so suddenly. I only hope that she won't try to get revenge on me by harming you. I don't know when I'll be back. I don't know if I'll be back. I don't know if she's willing to cross oceans to hunt her prey. If she is, I'll try to lure her into a trap, try to expose her true nature in front of the police. It's my only hope. I know you can take care of yourself. If I had more time, there are so many things I'd say to you, but I can't - not now. Stay safe... I love you..."
Or maybe I'm wrong. Info-chan's primary character color is red, so it could be a case of "red herring" symbolism. But maybe, just maybe, it could be a symbol for her spite against the woman who ruined her father's life. Also, I've seen a comment on Info-chan's page on the Yandere Simulator wiki regarding two possible real names for her and one of the names really caught my attention: Oyashi Naruka. Oyashi's kanji characters mean "parent-knowledge" and Naruka is a transliteration of "narc". So, if this is canon, the name basically foreshadows Info-chan's true colors...
Anyways, I'd also like to hear your thoughts if you have any.
Note: I know YandereDev has supposedly confirmed Info-chan being the daughter of the journalist but, like I said, it could be a case of her being a red herring. So, just in case, I shall refer to this a theory until it’s official that this is the case.
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elkarifqah · 4 years
Jadi, buat apa?
Masih ingat sekali, akun ini dibuat tahun 2011, saat baru masuk kuliah semester 1 dan masih tinggal di bale. Niatnya untuk mengembangkan dan melatih kemampuan menulis, dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris. Saat itu terpikir kalau menulis adalah kemampuan dasar yang harus dikuasai apalagi kalau sudah menjadi mahasiswa dan nanti jika sudah memasuki dunia profesional. Belajar untuk kritis, memilih referensi, mengambil inspirasi, menciptakan ide, merunut ide dan masalah, hingga menjadi opini yang dapat dimengerti diri sendiri dan yang membaca, syukur-syukur bisa menjadi trigger diskusi dengan teman-teman. 
Terlihat berbobot sekali niatnya ya hahaha.
Kemudian pelan-pelan untuk memenuhi niat di awal tadi, mulai mengikuti akun-akun tumblr yang aktif menulis. Menulis dalam bentuk apapun, riset ilmiah, fiksi, ilustrasi, quotes-quotes lucu, pokoknya, yang menarik saat dibaca, follow-scroll-reblog-follow-scroll-reblog. 
Sekian waktu berlalu, siklusnya hanya berputar disitu-situ saja, memilih referensi, haha, mohon maaf sekali. Bisa dilihat akun ini ya isinya tulisan-tulisan inspiratif orang lain yang di reblog. Ya, dipikir-pikir oke juga kan jadi semacam kurasi tulisan-tulisan keren. Waw.
Sekian waktu yang berlalu itu, ya berlalu dengan berbagai alasan. Waktu yang sebagian besar habis memenuhi kebutuhan dan tuntutan akademis, ketidakpercayaan diri untuk memulai menulis sendiri, berbagai macam distraksi (yang paling utama, tontonan entah Running Man, drama series atau film, dan media sosial). Yah, namanya juga alasan ya. Sampai sekarang, alasan itu masih ada, ketidakpercayaan diri dan distraksi (sudah pensiun Running Man, sih. Tapi kalau media sosial malah makin candu, haha)
Hari ini, malam ini, di saat ada pandemi, ada waktu luang yang lebih dibanding sebelum pandemi, Tiba-tiba tergerak untuk membuka tumblr ini lagi. Hm, bagaimana kalau coba memulai menulis sendiri, yang ringan-ringan saja, yang tidak butuh referensi ilmiah dari jurnal haha. Ya ini, jadilah tulisan sederhana ini. 
Saat membuat tulisan ini, tentu masih saja menikmati distraksi, ups. Sambil buka email, sambil buka Instagram, sambil buka Facebook. Kekuatan untuk fokus menulis masih jauh dari baik. Selesai satu kalimat, freeze, buka tab yang lain, muncul ide, kembali ke tumblr, ketik tulisannya, freeze lagi, buka tab yang lain lagi. 
Semoga ke depan akun tumblr ini makin sering dibuka ya. Makin banyak hal yang ditulis. Saat menulis ini, teringat dengan teman-teman, guru-guru dokter spesialis, peneliti, jurnalis, penulis buku, influencer, dari latar belakang yang berbeda-beda, yang rajin membagikan ilmu di platform media sosial yang mereka punya, memanfaatkannya sebaik mungkin, menyentuh sebanyak mungkin pembacanya dan pengikutnya, menjadi sebaik-baik amal jariyah. Luar biasa.
Semoga suatu hari nanti bisa juga jadi dokter spesialis, aktif membuat tulisan di platform yang bisa menjangkau banyak orang, tulisan yang legit, bahasanya ga ribet, terus, bikin buku deh! (waw semacam doa colongan, bantu aminkan pemirsa).
- Dari yang masih suka buka Instagram dan Twitter, setiap hari. Kadang-kadang buka Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, LinkedIn, update wishlist di Goodreads)
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