sa-ni-nna · 1 year
Ich teste - eine neue Runde!
Sah, ich habe lange nichts mehr getestet! Ich muss aber auch ehrlich sagen, dass ich auch nicht wirklich zum shoppen gekommen bin, seit mein Kind auf der Welt ist. Zu meinem Geburtstag war ich aber unterwegs und habe tatsächlich etwas entdeckt, das meine Neugier geweckt hat: Syoss Direktziehende Tönung / bis 10 Haarwäschen Halt Ich hab damals, als Syoss frisch auf den Markt kam, bereits ein…
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schnaddeltestet · 1 year
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[Werbung] Dieser Produkttest kam wie gerufen ☺️ dank @trnd_dach darf ich bei dem Produkttest der Syoss oleo intense Öl Coloration in Schokoladenbraun dabei sein. Die Plex-In-oil-technology baut kaputte Bindungen im Haar wieder auf und verbessert die sichtbare Haarqualität und eine bessere Farbhaftung für langanhaltende lebendige Ergebnisse. Die sanfte Formel ist ohne Ammoniak,duftet angenehm und ist leicht anzuwenden. Byebye graue Haare 🤗 #trnd_oleointense #syoss #oleointense #ölcoloration #produkttest #coloration #schokoladenbraun #haarfarbe #trnd #schnadditestet #produkttest #produkttester #shampoo #haarpflege #drogerie #kosmetik #produkttest #produkttester #shampoo #produktproben #produkttesterin #probieren #kostenlos #cashback #geldzurück https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp2wG2ltr96/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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herzchentestet · 2 years
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artemispt · 1 year
Why every combing cream for curly hair that I like gets discontinued?
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basslinegrave · 1 year
went to buy hairdye yesterday, i also wanted to buy dry shampoo but i gave myself a 5€ budget thinking hey i saw some of it being sold for around 1.50 so thats plenty of wiggle room since the dye i get is around 2.50
the dye was 4.50?????? i went to this diff store and they were like way too expensive. last time they didnt have what i needed but since its omw home i went in again
ended up buying a different dye which was like 3.50 and didnt even look around for the dry shampoo cuz their hairsprays were 7€!! those are like 3 max normally?? or is it really just the one store. idk.
anyway i got one that i believe i had before and didnt like it, i usually get this semi permanent washout dye, gotta reapply it more often but its expected, this one is permanent but lasts up to 8 weeks (their words) i remember last time i used it it was brown in like a month.. but its the cheapest cool black they had and im tired of my hair turning out dark brown i want the fakest looking black its the only way
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sar3nka · 2 years
This black dye is so strong it makes my hair look like a little void when it's not exposed to direct light O_o
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girltomboy · 3 months
Just saw someone with bangs and black hair while I have another photo of a person with a similar hair style and color that I've been holding on to for about a year and wanting to use as a reference for my own #look but I'm tooooo scared to make such a change, even though my mom has been a brunette with bangs for the longest time (even when she was my age or younger) and she EATSSSS that look and we have similarly colored eyes & skin tones but I'm still afraid........ plus I've been growing to love my long hair lately, it's so luscious and thick and it's not a hassle to care for it at all. How long will I find myself regretting not buying that brunette bob wig last year until I finally snap and turn my own real hair into it?
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fujimen · 2 years
fucking syoss took away my favorite hair dye. I have only 2 left that last for 1 dyeing session. The fuck am i supposed to do now
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stuck-in-limbo · 5 months
xmas wishlist:
- dildo
- knife replacement blades
- xans
- syoss conditioner
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rainbow-demon503 · 6 months
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schnaddeltestet · 1 year
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[Werbung] Vielen Dank @tryit.sampling für die tollen Colorationen von @syoss 🤍 Ich habe mich für die Farbe Dunkelbraun entschieden 🤎 #tryitsampling #syoss #color #colorful #haircolor #schönehaare #haare #haarfarbe #haarefärben #produkttest #dunkelbraunehaare #beauty #schnadditestet #produkttest #beautyblog #beautybloggers #produkttest https://www.instagram.com/p/CohEMG6s-dG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Weil sich @tessaaaaa das gewünscht hat. Hier auch noch die Haircare Routinen des Spatort Teams. 😄
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Genauso wie bei Skincare hat Leo auch eine ausführliche Haircare Routine. Shampoo, Conditioner und regelmäßig eine Kur müssen sein. Dazu kommen noch einige extra Pflege bzw. Styling Produkte. Er hat natürlich auch ein Bartpflegeöl und einen Aftershave Balm um die gereizte Haut nach der Rasur zu beruhigen. Er gibt auch hier gerne Geld aus und nimmt sich Zeit für Pflege. Natürlich ist er auch hier ein kleines Verpackungsopfer und mag es wenn die Produkte fancy aussehen.
Seine Basics:
Rituals Homme Strengthening Caffeine Shampoo
Udo Walz Power Detox Matcha Conditioner
Udo Walz Strong Chia Hairperfector Haarserum
My new hair Keratin Haarmaske
Syoss Invisible Paste Haarcreme
L’Oréal Studioline Spurenlos FX Liquid Gel
Murdock Sea Salt Spray
Rituals Homme Beardoil
Dr. Severin Body Aftershave Balm
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Esther legt auch bei Haircare wert auf Pflege hält es aber simpel und praktisch. Unter der Dusche stehen Shampoo und Conditioner. Beim Thema Styling muss es auch eher schnell gehen, ein Anti Frizz Styling Spray und ein Leave-in-Conditioner zum sprühen vor dem Föhnen müssen reichen.
Ihre Basics:
Wahre Schätze Shampoos Kokosöl & Macadamia
Guhl lang und lebendig Conditioner
John Frieda Styling Spray Frizz Ease Traumlocken
Schauma Sprüh-Conditioner Feuchtigkeit & Glanz
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Pia macht sich auch um Haircare keine großen Gedanken. 2 in 1 Shampoo und Conditioner unter der Dusche müssen reichen. Wenn sie mal wieder bis nachts um 3 im Büro war muss es auch mal Trockenshampoo tun. Sie besitzt auch eine Haarkur die sie unregelmäßig benutzt wenn sie Lust auf ein bisschen Selfcare hat.
Ihre Basics:
Nivea 2 in 1 Pflegeexpress Shampoo & Conditioner
got2b Trockenshampoo Extra frisch
Schwarzkopf Gliss Haarkur 2 in 1 Repair
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Adam benutzt ein 3 in 1 Duschgel und wäscht sich auch ab und an das Gesicht damit (“Leo, da steht für Körper, Gesicht und Haar drauf, das passt schon”) Nach dem Haare Färben holt er sich manchmal diese einmal Haarkuren für 95 Cent bei dm, weil Vincent ihm mal gesagt hat dass das nach dem Färben wichtig ist. Er besitzt ein Haargel das er manchmal benutzt wenn er sich etwas mehr zurecht machen will (oder muss).
Seine Basics:
Duschdas Duschgel for men 3 in 1
Balea Professional Intensiv Kur more blond 1-Minute
Balea Men Maximal Power Styling Gel
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vvolkulja · 11 months
hating my hair again it doesn't want to stay parted anywhere but the main problem id that i used syoss to wash it and syoss is shit so i look greasy already and my fringe falls so fugly on my face.
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lostlovepunk · 2 years
since some people are actually interested, i will do it:
hair dyes and alex' most educated opinion of them
(all pictures are photos of the hair dye in question, i am unfortunately not in a condition to describe them better for now)
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sante's plant based hair dye in black
disappointing. i can't read apparently because i noticed too late that it was for dark brown till i was home and opened it. smelled like herbal tea. my mum used to use this when i was a kid and i nearly threw up from the smell. i didn't put it in my hair. 3/10
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syoss' blueish black
does what it promises. no way to control the portion sizes, so i always had to throw away about half of the bottle because i didn't need thatuch for my short hair. the smell is trying and failing to kill your respiratory tract. the hair has a nice shimmer in the sunlight, and it doesn't fade. easy to apply. 7/10
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manic panic's 30 volume bleach kit (i know this isn't a hair dye technically)
the only bleach i bothered to remember the ne of that didn't come industry sized packages. it starts to burn slightly at around minute 15, increases the burning for about 10 minutes and then stays at that level. not nice,but could be worse. all five of my hair dye brushes come from those kits. there's also a plastic bowl that's completely useless inside. my hair went from black to a reddish white-blond in about 45 minutes. is a bit more successful in its attacks on your lungs. 6/10
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manic panic's electric lizard
i might be biased but this is the best color you could put in your hair. you're easy to find, it's slightly fluorescent and it won't clash with anyone's skin tone. it works in combination with black (hey ecoanarchist flag) or on its own (enough to make anti-flag decide to ask you to model for their instagram story). i need to redye after about 4 weeks of normal inside/outside behaviour, or two weeks of festival, but i can't recommend it enough for festivals. you'll never lose your group again and look fabulous. also it smells only very faintly, and you're hands are more or less clean if you wash them fast enough. 10/10
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manic panic's atomic turquoise
a bit more blue in the beginning than i hoped for (neon green was sold out so i bought this as a second best). went more in a green direction as it faded. the assistant manager at the edeka i worked at told me it was the best hair colour i ever had. i disagree, it made me look a bit like i'd support a cdu/afd coalition. also the nazi security guy there liked it. also the colour is more or less impossible to get out by bleaching and dying it another color. redye after 6-8 weeks. 8/10
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headshot's toxic absinth
green in theory, turquoise in praxis. it gets more blue with every time you wash your hair, so if you wanna keep a deep forest green, never wash it again. it doesn't do well against residues of the aforementioned turquoise, and only stayed green for a week at most. it will look cool, but not how you want it. also kinda boring on its own, looks better with a few light streaks (or purple). 5/10
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manic panic's mystic heather
if you wanna look like the joker with a mohawk for two weeks, follow these steps:
1. have mohawk
2. split dye with black involved
3. decide you want more color but worry about green and red clashing as the black leaves a bit of red when bleached
4. order two hair dyes from manic panic
5. get half your money back, they don't have dark green anymore
6. bleach everything and put this over the formerly black side
7. enjoy
it looked great for 1.5 weeks and then streaks began to go mouse brown. too much redying to be worth it. 6/10
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manic panic's cotton candy pink
this wasn't in my hair but my partners. feels nice on the hands, doesn't smell bad, but your hair needs to be really fucking light to have this work. their hair was orangey before and salmon coloured after. this salmon color left us soon after, too, and it became an orangey yellow. wasn't my hair tho and they liked the colour, so 7/10
soon to be added: voodoo forest by manic panic
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fictionalred · 2 years
I went to the hairdresser today to get a haircut and she had a little panic because she thought she'd caused my hair to go green (I put red on top a while back since I'm back to work but it's about washed out)
Yeah, green and blue don't ever leave you. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You can put regular store bought brown on top (like SYOSS), but then your hair might be a different shade of brown so then you have a new problem. But yeah that kind of dye is the only thing strong enough to cover it properly and it won't wash out.
Pity that you had to cover the green! I liked it!
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gorls. the cosmic blue (which is basically a blue tinged black) syoss hair dye has been acquired. i think im gonna just do it lowlights style dyeing and see if that works and if it doesnt. theres always shaving my head <3
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