#submision china
zodiacs-web · 2 years
I never request from anyone so this is weird, but i am desperate bc theres nothing :'/
What about Qin Shi Huang with a fem!reader who kind of reminds him of his mother?
Smile/outfit/long hair (pls the long ass hair, i am a sucker for long asf hair😩)
But she is chaotic,careless,doesnt take anything seriously,laughs all the time, and flirts with everyone and everything.
(But not the submisive "blushes😳💅🏼" type, if he tries to flirt with her she'll be like "careful boy, i am ovulating😩" like a sly confident,'arrogant'(for humor purposes) strong beautiful woman who was also a fighter(¿???
Basically the: "the world could be ending, but i am going to spend my last minutes in bliss with this margarita" "he can be a psycho but he can also be really hot" "I think i just busted an ovary" "Omfg i am so hot" "Are you the EmpEror? NOBODY TOLD ME HE WAS THIS FINEEEE- CHINA TAKE ME WITH YOU"
But the similarities she has with his mother is that despite enjoying annoying people,having no morals and doing whatever she wants, her actions aren't actually damaging and she's honest and purely kind at nature(but you never get to see the kindness?)
I'm sorry, i am a very detail oriented person so i wanted to make sure i described it right, sorry if it's too much i kinda got carried away
I currently have my corrector in spanish so forgive my weird english
Have a wonderful day Queen👀❤
My Type of Queen
𖥔 Qin Shi Huang x F!Reader
𖥔 Synopsis: Chaotic reader
𖥔 What's in the web: swearing, dialogue from the ask, unedited
𖥔 A/n: I love the way you worded your request anon. You have a wonderful day as well!
𖥔 Reblogs are Appreciated!
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Arrogant winds flown from the bottom of the mountain, a long day after keeping the guards grubby hands off a rich man. You spotted the nearest and familiar little cart that always housed you. Long hair swung from side to side as you finally made it to the area with your body in hazardous pain.
"What a fuckin' pain! Hey! Baldie, gimme your special!" You groaned as you sat on the flimsy wooden chair.
"Haha! (Y/n), always having a mouth against me. Anyways, how've ya been?"
"I've been doing well. But the man was loaded with riches, and YET, he tried to scam me by giving me half of what he offered. After all that help, and he does THIS!! Ugh."
"I bet he was a pain! No one can get past you with that attitude." He laughed as he passed a plate of peking roasted duck to the woman.
"Thanks, baldie!"
"You're never gonna drop that nickname, are ya?"
Giving him a signature smile, you grabbed the chopsticks and started prodding at the duck. The cut pieces shone as you moved them off the plate and into your mouth. A pleasure filled sigh left your lips as the flavors of the duck filled your senses. Suddenly, you remember something from the encounter again.
"Hey! Ya know, he also tried to flirt with me." The man before her nodded, amusing you in any way. "He got his panties in a twist when I did it back to him. Saying women shouldn't act like this. Shut up!"
The man laughed, knowing your arrogant nature was somewhat disbelieving, yet amusing. You then slowly chewed on your duck, feeling an unusual yet strong presence growing near. The sounds of those around you quickly caught your attention. They let out gasps from the sight before them.
You grabbed hold onto the shelf, that hung out of the cart, and leaned back. The view of people covering the street pissed you off like make some room, your view is more important. You leaned back into your original position and stared as the baldie prepared even more food.
That could either mean two things: 1) Somebody important was nearby or 2) there's a festival and he could get money from both. Doesn't matter. After all, his way of living was in the trash can. A giggle left your lips as you went back to feasting on your duck.
As you ate, the whispering and moaning of the crowd grew louder. Covered eyes stared in dread as your appearance quickly entered his view. You looked just like her, the hair, the outfit and smile all looked just like her.
Though some parts of you were much different yet, that didn't change anything. Of course, his curiosity got to him. Despite the fact that he was going to dine in another place that was much more rich and fancier for him, according to his advisors.
Silently, he sat down on one of the chairs next to you, eyes giving glances to you as the cover helped him hide it. Soldiers positioned themselves around him. You stared down at the duck while you saw him in your peripheral view. Slowly chewing on the soft skin before swallowing it to start a conversation.
"Who're you? And what're ya doin' causing a ruckus here?" You interrogated him all while grabbing a piece of duck and shoving it into your mouth.
"Me?" He grabbed a small menu from shelf in front of him, skimming it as he pondered. "I just wish to feast, why does my status matter?"
"You brought a town to us. Why doesn't your status matter?" You responded, body turning to face him.
You were serious, and you never got this serious so fast. There was just something about this guy who screamed, "Well, everything." But there was this curiosity too that made you want to know more about him.
"What are the soldiers here for?"
"Protection," He responded.
Your eyes glared at the man causing the soldiers to tense.
"Hey sir. I think I'd like Xiao longbao (soup dumplings)."
Baldie nodded before preparing the dumplings.
"How important are you that you need soldiers?"
"Well, as an emperor, I think all the protection I can get."
The emperor.
"You're the emperor!!!?? Ah~ I NEVER KNEW YOU WERE SO FINE~ HEY! HEY! TAKE ME WITH YOU!!!"
Your sudden outburst caught him off guard as well as his soldiers. You acted so different, that was he expecting just a few seconds ago. The serious type that turned out to be so chaotic, yet so lovable. He just loved the energy you gave. A smile decorated his face as he relished in it.
"What makes you think I'll take you?"
"I'm hot. Don't you see?"
Baldie laughed, the emperor taking a glance before looking back at you.
"Heh. That's true. Maybe I can take you in some ways."
He smirked, head turning to face you. A grin appearing on your face.
"Oh? Careful boy,...I'm ovulating."
Of course, he was taken aback, again, by your words, you were so out there that he couldn't believe it.
"Before we go on our way, can I perhaps have your name?"
"(Y/n) (l/n). And you, pretty boy?"
"Qin Shi Huang."
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foodforyourbody · 5 years
via RSS feed - SEOCheckOut Do you want to show your website in Chinese Search Engines ? Was your website indexed by these top Chinese Search Engines ? What search engines do Chinese use? Google? It has been blocked since 2014. You probably know Baidu, the Chinese Google, but what about the others? If you want Chinese Search Engines index your website page, the first step is submit your URL on these SE's Submission pages ! We will MANUALLY submit your site home page URL to 10 top Chinese search engines for only $10. Manually done guaranteed (Using bots may get your website banned by search engines) Screenshot the submision. NOTE: 1 URL per gigChinese search engines DO index English sites. Usually Chinese Search Engines will index your home page in 1-12 weeks.Only submit your site to Chinese top Search Engines, DO NOT guarantee or promise that Chinese Search Engines will index your pages. by: hokgca Created: -- Category: Local SEO Viewed: 21
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foodforyourbody · 5 years
via RSS feed - SEOCheckOut Do you want to show your website in Chinese Search Engines ? Was your website indexed by these top Chinese Search Engines ? What search engines do Chinese use? Google? It has been blocked since 2014. You probably know Baidu, the Chinese Google, but what about the others? If you want Chinese Search Engines index your website page, the first step is submit your URL on these SE's Submission pages ! We will MANUALLY submit your site home page URL to 5 top Chinese search engines for only $5. Manually done guaranteed (Using bots may get your website banned by search engines) Screenshot the submision. NOTE: 1 URL per gigChinese search engines DO index English sites. Usually Chinese Search Engines will index your home page in 1-12 weeks.Only submit your site to Chinese top Search Engines, DO NOT guarantee or promise that Chinese Search Engines will index your pages. by: hokgca Created: -- Category: Local SEO Viewed: 1
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