dirtykpopsnaps · 11 months
Dirty Kpop Snaps
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Molly, call me Admin. 23. INFJ. ADHD and anxiety. Politically moderate/fairly conservative, but openminded
Snaps on HIATUS
Blog Rules
Note: My masterlist got too long and has not been updated recently (last updated May 2022). I still make snaps. To find specific idols/persons on my blog, search their name. I always add tags
Other accounts: @mollyg25 (main)
@strangerthanstrangerthings (mostly inactive because of no interaction)
New! @hockeysnapsgalore (for my new obsession with hockey)
Buy me a coffee or request an audio. I’ll do my best!
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hockeysnapsgalore · 5 months
Hockey Snaps Galore
Molly, call me Admin. 23. INFJ. ADHD and anxiety. Politically moderate/fairly conservative, but openminded
Other accounts: @mollyg25 (main)
@dirtykpopsnaps (the blog I'm most active on other than this one)
@strangerthanstrangerthings (mostly inactive because of no interaction)
Buy me a coffee or request an audio. I’ll do my best!
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How It All Began - Eddie Munson
Warnings: This chapter does not contain 18+ material, but this series will. I am not certain when it will be included. I will always leave a warning here for 18+ material.
Requested: No
Words: 2058
New Character - Monica 'Monnie' Henderson
Monnie will be turning 21 at some point during the year. She is a junior in college and, when this story starts, she is home on spring break. Monnie looks very similar to Dustin. She is fairly short, standing at about 5'2 and has a curvy figure. Her hair is curly and medium brown. It reaches about her mid-back. Monnie prefers to wear comfortable clothes instead of dressing to impress.
As for her personality, Monnie is very passionate. She has a bit of a temper and is very protective of her little brother, Dustin. If anyone bothers him in front of her, it's immediate hands. When people get to know her, she can be very sarcastic and could be considered goofy. She can be a little blunt at times and will just outright say whatever she's thinking. She really likes rock music, especially groups like Bon Jovi and Journey.
(An image of something Monnie might wear)
The First Meeting
The scenery flies by, my eyes focused on the long road ahead of me. Just ahead, a bright light shines up on the ‘welcome to Hawkins’ sign. I smile softly and sigh as I finally enter my hometown again. The sun is just setting over the horizon, scattering beautiful pinks and oranges across the immense sky. The engine’s hum and Jon Bon Jovi’s vocals keep me company as I drive along.
The further I drive into Hawkins, the more I start to recognize some of the sights. Buildings pass and people hurry along the sidewalks—same old Hawkins, just as charming as always. I follow the roads leading toward my house. At every turn, I take it a little slower than I usually would. I don’t want to knock over my bag from school. Thankfully, it’s not as much as it would be if I were moving back for summer, but I still had to pack a bit for spring break.
Finally, I pull into the driveway of my home and look toward the front door. Mom must’ve heard my car because she opens the door and comes running out. “Oh, Monnie! I missed you, sweetheart!” She exclaims, throwing her arms around my neck once I’m out of the car. I giggle softly, hugging her back just as tightly.
“I missed you, too, Mom,” I smile.
Looking around, I suddenly realize that someone is missing. “Where’s Dustin?” I ask, trying to look through the open front door.
“Oh, he’s at school. He had his Dragons club tonight,” she chuckles sweetly. I laugh lightly, remembering how excited Dustin had been when he realized the high school had a Dungeons and Dragons club. When he started becoming friends with the members, he would write me letters at school, talking about everyone. But, these letters mainly focused on his newest idol, Eddie Munson.
Now, when I started hearing Dustin talk about Eddie, I was skeptical. Obviously, I went to Hawkins High, as well, and I graduated in 1983. Even three years ago, Eddie was someone that everyone avoided. I wasn’t exactly what one would call ‘popular,’ but even I avoided him. I did everything I could to stay away from the guy. I never knew him well, but his attitude and the way he carried himself freaked me out. Plus, on the rare occasion we interacted, he was a fucking asshole.
Calmly, my mom looks down at her watch. “Actually, it’s about time to go get him,” she says. I take a look in my car and make a quick decision.
“If you give me a second to get my bags in the house, I can get him,” I say casually.
“Really? You would do that?” She asks.
“Yeah, of course! I haven’t seen Dustin in a few months, so I’d love to,” I smile at her. She quickly says thanks to me again, then helps me carry my bags into my bedroom.
Once everything is out of my car and in the house, I grab my keys again. “Alright, I’ll be back soon,” I say, heading out to my car again. My mom quickly tells me where Hellfire is held and I nod my head, climbing into the car. As I pull out of the driveway, my mom waves from the door. I wave back and head in the direction of the high school.
On the way to the high school, I see almost no one. But, as soon as I pull into the parking lot, my eyes widen. It looks like half of Hawkins is here! The lights in the gym are on and, even from my car, I can hear shouting. Rolling my eyes, I assume that it’s a basketball game and park right near the side doors. Mom said that’s where Dustin usually comes out of Hellfire, so I just lean back and wait. But, nearly an hour later, I’m still waiting. I groan loudly, smacking my hand against the steering wheel. “Dustin, I love you to death, but where the fuck are you, you little brat?” I mutter angrily to myself.
Checking the clock one more time, I huff angrily and climb out of the car. I slam the door behind me, shoving the car keys deep into my pocket. Stomping up to the side entrance, I yank the doors open and head inside. Immediately, I can hear shouting and screaming coming from down the hall, but this doesn’t sound like the cheering from the basketball game. Still incredibly pissed, I follow the yelling and find myself outside a large room. From a single glance inside, I can see my brother and several other people gathered around a table. At the head of the table, an older guy with long fluffy brown hair is seated and watching everyone with a smirk on his face. I roll my eyes, recognizing him immediately. Eddie Munson.
Not even bothering to knock, I yank open the door of the room. Immediately, all eyes land on me and I see several shocked looks written on some of the faces. “Monnie?” Dustin asks, pushing his chair back from the table.
“Dustin, I’ve been waiting outside for nearly an hour for you. What the fuck is taking so long?! Mom told me it ends at 8!” I exclaim. Honestly, I probably shouldn’t be taking my frustration out on my brother, but I can apologize later.
Dustin opens his mouth to respond, but someone else speaks up first. “I’m sorry, who are you? Did he just call you ‘mommy’?” One of the other members asks, soft laughter starting to break out. I turn my gaze on the speaker, my lips pressed into a hard line.
“No, he didn’t call me fucking ‘mommy.’ He called me Monnie. It’s short for Monica. And, to answer your other question, didn’t you just hear me tell him our mother said this ended at 8? What does that tell you if she’s not his mother, but our mother,” I ask, my hands resting sassily on my hips. The guy’s eyebrows shoot into his hairline and he holds up his hands in defense.
“Monnie, please just a little longer. We’re almost done, promise,” Dustin says, giving me his puppy dog eyes. He knows I can’t say no to his puppy dog eyes.
Silence falls around us and I huff in annoyance. “Fine,” I sigh, grabbing a random chair off the wall and sitting down. From the head of the table, Eddie calls out over everyone.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you doing?” He asks, giving me a shocked and slightly frustrated look.
“What’s it look like? I’m waiting,” I say, gesturing to the chair. He shakes his head wildly, making his hair flop back and forth.
“Oh, no, you’re not!” This statement is immediately followed by arguments from the rest of the group.
“Eddie, let’s just finish,” someone sighs.
“Look, she’s not gonna bother anything,” another interjects.
“Oh, come on, Eddie. It’s just my sister,” Dustin complains. Eddie rolls his eyes, glaring over at me.
“It’s just my sister,” he mocks in a high-pitched voice.
Almost immediately following this, I jump to my feet again. “Don’t mock my brother,” I say flatly.
“Or what?” Eddie frowns and crosses his arms over his chest.
“Do you really wanna find out?” I ask, cracking my knuckles.
“Oh, you’re gonna fight me?” He asks, throwing his head back and laughing. I go to stalk up to the table, but Dustin catches my attention again.
“Monnie, please don’t,” he pouts, giving me those eyes again. Even with just that single look, I can see how much he just wants to finish.
Sighing again, I sit back down in the seat and cross my arms. When no one goes to continue the game, I gesture toward the board on the table. All of the members look at Eddie and he just sighs, deciding to continue. With nothing else going on in the room, I’m forced to sit and listen while they play. But, it’s honestly not that bad. As soon as I start feeling a little bored, I see Dustin’s face. He’s so absorbed in the game that it’s kind of sweet.
Very suddenly, I’m pulled out of my thoughts when everyone starts cheering loudly. Erica is standing triumphantly and Eddie is still sitting at the end of the table, laughing slightly at their enthusiasm. Dustin’s eyes meet mine and he smiles, sweetly standing up from the table. I smile back at him, putting my chair back where it started. Everyone else is standing up and gathering their things to head outside. But, as everyone gathers their material, Eddie puts away the board and characters. I sigh softly, feeling a little bad about my anger earlier. “Hey, Dusty. Why don’t you head out to the car? I’ll be there soon,” I say. Dustin’s eyes flash between Eddie and me, but I just roll my eyes, walking over and pushing at his shoulder. He giggles lightly and finally starts heading out to my car.
When everyone has left the room, I take a deep breath and walk up to Eddie. He’s still busy cleaning up, but I know he can feel my presence. “So…I just wanted to say…sorry about earlier,” I say softly, twisting the tip of my shoe on the floor. Eddie sighs, brushing it off.
“It’s fine. I’m used to it,” he grumbles. I tilt my head, frowning slightly.
“No, I just…I didn’t expect it to go so long and I was a little frustrated. And then, you mocked Dustin. I just…he really looks up to you,” I tell him. Eddie finally looks up at me, his eyebrow raised.
“No shit?” He asks. I laugh lightly, shaking my head.
“No shit. I think I’ve heard more about you in the last six months than I did during all of my high school experience,” I chuckle. Eddie snaps his fingers, a goofy smile tugging at his lips.
“That’s why you look familiar. Thought I recognized you,” he says.
“I’m sorry. Please don’t take any anger at me out on Dustin. I didn’t mean to come off as so rude,” I say softly, pulling my fingers through my messy curls. Eddie brushes off the apology nonchalantly.
“As I said, I’m used to it. No hard feelings, Henderson,” he says. Just listening to the words, it’s like I can hear the honesty in his voice.
A silence falls between us and I nod once, heading out to the parking lot. Once I’m outside, I can see Dustin leaning against my car. “What was that about?” He asks, gesturing his head back toward the school. I shrug my shoulders.
“Just wanted to apologize for my behavior,” I tell him honestly. He suddenly gets a guilty look on his face.
“Sorry you had to wait so long,” he mumbles softly. I laugh lightly, tugging him into a headlock.
“Are you kidding? You’re my brother. I would’ve waited anyway, just didn’t know I’d be waiting so long,” I laugh. Dustin struggles out of the headlock and pants, leaning against the car.
“And…thanks for sticking up for me,” he says again. I just laugh lightly, shaking my head at him.
“What did I just say, Dusty? You’re my brother,” I laugh, climbing into the car’s driver’s seat.
Dustin doesn’t respond to my comment, which is fine. With that, we head back to our house.
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Back From the Dead
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Warnings: None.
Requested: No.
Words: 2068
A/N: This fic contains an OC named Monica/Monnie. She is Dustin's older sister and is just finishing her junior year of college. She has helped with everything in Hawkins in the past. This is not the start of Monnie and Eddie's story, but I just wanted to write this. Other fics including Monnie and Eddie will be added later.
All around us, sirens are blaring. Paramedics scurry around, pulling Max’s limp body into an ambulance. Even with everything going on around us, I’m focused solely on Dustin. I stare at my little brother, tears brimming in my eyes. Even as I look at him, he’s still jabbering and trying to explain, but I can’t even focus. All my thoughts are on a single thing...Eddie. I’ll never see him again. “Monnie...Monica! Are you even listening?” Dustin asks, running a hand through his messy curls again.
“H-Huh?” I ask, finally focusing back into the conversation. Dustin gives me a sympathetic look, his eyes big and sad.
“I’m sorry, Monnie. I tried. I tried so hard to get him to hang on, but…he couldn’t do it. He just…died in my arms,” Dustin says, his voice dull and lifeless.
“It’s-It’s okay, Dustin. Th-Thanks for being there. I’m sure he appreciated it,” I mumble, the tears finally starting to spill. Dustin tries to rest his hand on my shoulder, but I just brush it off. I don’t want to be comforted right now.
Giving him one last look, I walk to the trailer and sit down, leaning against it. My head bumps against the trailer’s metal with a soft ‘thunk,’ but I don’t even feel it. My mind is too busy. There’s just so much going on. Steve, Robin, and Nancy check on all the kids, ensuring everything is okay. I had started doing that, too, but then I saw Dustin come out of the trailer…only Dustin. Everyone had begun asking about Eddie, and Dustin couldn’t even keep it together. He burst into tears, sobs wracked his body as he tried to tell us what happened. When he finally calmed down enough to tell us, he was still crying a little and his voice was shaky. But, as soon as he said that Eddie had died, everything else fell away.
Softly, I let the sobs just slip out. My head falls into my hands and I don’t even try to stop the crying. The hurried conversations turn into whispers back and forth. Suddenly, I feel someone sit down next to me. I swallow thickly and lift my head the tiniest bit, peeking to see who it is. I recognize Robin and finally lift my head, wiping away the tears, even as they’re replaced with fresh ones. “I-I’m sorry. I just…I don’t know. I n-never thought that w-would be the last time I s-saw him,” I sob, my shoulders shaking. Robin sighs, wrapping her arm around my shoulders.
“I’m so sorry, Monica. It’s hard for all of us, but…I can only imagine what you’re feeling,” she says softly.
“I-I didn’t even tell him, R-Robin! I p-promised myself I would! And now I never can,” I cry, my head falling back into my arms.
A thick silence falls between the two of us and I feel her shuffling next to me. She sighs again before speaking. “I know this… doesn’t change anything. But…here. Dustin thought you might want this,” she says softly. A second later, she presses a soft material into my hand. I lift my head ever so slightly, just enough to make out what she gave me. A fresh wave of sobs wrack my body when I recognize the bandana that Eddie had been wearing over his hair. I squeeze my hand around the bandana; all I have left of someone who completely changed things for me. Someone who made me fall without even trying.
Very slowly, everyone starts to move towards the police cars. We had already done as much talking as we could. Thankfully, the police were kind enough to allow us a ride home. I climb in the back of one of the cars with Dustin and tell the officer our home address. Some of the group is going to the hospital with Max, but I convinced Dustin it would be better just to go home. We’ll be able to visit Max tomorrow. Besides, we wouldn’t be able to see her for a while, and only so many people are allowed to stay at one time. Finally, he agreed, but only on the promise that we would go to see Max first thing the following day.
As the police car pulls up in front of our house, our mom comes running out the door. I push open the door and climb out, keeping it open for Dustin. Immediately, she pulls us into a tight hug, completely forgetting her worry about my brother’s ‘demon cult’ club. “Oh, Monnie, Dusty!” She exclaims, relief clear in her voice. Thankfully, my sobs have lessened so that I can talk normally.
“We’re okay, mom. But, I think Dustin needs some first aid. He got hurt pretty bad,” I say, stepping back to gesture to Dustin’s hurt leg. Mom instantly turns her attention to Dustin, nearly dragging him inside as he limps behind.
As I watch them head inside, I tuck my hand in my jeans pocket. My fingers immediately meet the soft material of Eddie’s bandana. I rub it softly between my thumb and forefinger before heading inside. ———————— 2 days later “You’re sure you’re okay?” I ask nervously, eyeing him up and down. Dustin rolls his eyes at me, a frown etching itself on his features.
“I’m fine, Monnie. It’s nothing!” He reassures me. Even after a couple of days, he’s still limping just as much. I’m starting to wonder if we should get it checked out. But, whenever mom or I ask, Dustin shakes his head and insists that ‘it’s nothing’ and ‘barely even hurts.’
Sighing softly, I hand him a tray of cups of water. Right now, Steve, Robin, Dustin, and I are helping out at the high school. People are milling everywhere, trying to help as many injured survivors as possible. There’s food, clothing, toys, anything you could imagine to help those who lost everything. We had just planned to stop in and drop off some donations, but as soon as we saw everything, we all agreed that we needed to help. This was partially our doing, anyway…kind of. Dustin and I had been given jobs to hand out water, but I’m still worried about his limp.
Clearing my thoughts, I begin to walk around and hand out cups of water to patrons. I walk up and down the isles, offering water to everyone. I get many ‘thank you’s and even stop to have short conversations here and there. When there are only a couple of cups of water left on my tray, I look around the room for Dustin. My eyes finally land on him across a vast sea of people. He’s talking quietly to an older gentleman and I watch him hold out something to the older man. It only takes a second for me to realize that it’s Eddie’s guitar pick necklace, meaning the older man must be his uncle.
Just at the thought of Eddie, my eyes prickle again, but I fight back the tears. I hurry through the sea of people, finally getting to my brother and Mr. Munson. Dustin has his arm around Mr. Munson’s shoulder, comforting him as he cries. When I walk up, Dustin’s eyes meet mine and I see the exact same sadness that they held only two nights ago…just as he was telling me about Eddie’s fate. I swallow thickly, rubbing the edge of the bandana tied around my wrist. Very slowly, I kneel down and join Dustin in comforting Eddie’s grieving uncle.
At first, Mr. Munson seems hesitant to talk to me. But, with Dustin’s quick explanation and a look at my wrist, he also accepts my comfort. However, only seconds later, hurried footsteps run right up to us. I lift my eyes and meet the frantic gazes of Steve, Robin, and Erica. “Come on! No time to explain, come on!” Erica says quickly, gesturing us toward the door. I stare at her in surprise, looking around at everyone else.
“Wasn’t…she with Lucas?” I whisper quietly. Erica gives me an ‘are you kidding me’ look abs rests her hands on her hips. Dustin and I slowly get up, starting to leave Mr. Munson, but Erica shakes her head. “Him, too!” She says, immediately turning on her heel again. Dustin and I share a quick look with Mr. Munson before he gets up and starts following Erica, too.
Several questions fly through the air, several posed by Mr. Munson, but Erica keeps hurrying off. The five of us can barely keep up with her until she reaches the car lot. “Where’s your car?” She asks Steve. He gestures towards his car and she hurries in that direction.
“How did you even get here?” Steve asks.
“Yeah, weren’t you at the hospital with Max?” Robin jumps in. Erica rolls her eyes, pulling open the car door when Steve finally unlocks it.
“I was, but then Mike called on his walky-talky. He just…showed up!” She exclaims, throwing her hands in the air.
“Who did?” Steve, Robin, Dustin, and I ask in unison. Erica shoots a look straight at me.
“He did,” she repeats, but she won’t say anymore.
Quickly, Erica tells us just to drive towards Hop’s cabin. I share a look with Dustin, both of us just as confused as the other. Though, I don’t think either of us are as confused as Mr. Munson. The poor man hasn’t said a word since we all were running after Erica to the parking lot. Without even bothering to question it, Steve starts driving toward Hopper’s cabin. Questions are spinning in my head, but my thoughts are all focused on the look Erica gave me. What could that mean?
With my thoughts so full, the drive seems to take only 5 minutes. There are several cars parked outside the old cabin when we finally arrive, but it seems like everyone is inside. As we climb out, hurried voices fill the air, spilling from the cabin. Mike comes running out the front door and stares at us with wide eyes. Very quickly, he gestures us inside and we all hustle in.
Finally inside the house, I can see everyone else. I see Joyce and Murray and almost do a double-take when I spot Hopper, but I don’t have time to question anything. Steve and Robin have started talking. “What the hell is going on?” Robin asks, looking around at everyone. A tense silence falls, but it’s quickly broken.
“Why don’t you ask him?” Erica says, gesturing towards the bedroom door. Everyone around us is silent and waiting tensely.
When no one else moves toward the door, I sigh softly and walk over to the door. I push open the door, incredibly curious about what ‘he’ they’re all talking about. But, once the door opens, my voice disappears. Tears spring immediately to my eyes and my hand flies to my mouth. “Oh, my God. Oh, my God!” I sob, staring at the small bed within the room. Sitting right on top of the bed, heavily bandaged and smiling softly back at me is…Eddie.
Thankfully, it only takes a moment for my legs to react. “Eddie!” I scream, rushing into the room and over to the bed.
“Easy, easy, easy!” He exclaims, bracing himself for the impact. I hug him tightly, resting my chin on his shoulder. Tears are dripping down my cheeks and falling onto the leather of his jacket, but I don’t care. Let him scold me. He’s actually here! Sobs continue to wrack my body as I refuse to let go of him. I feel more bodies joining the hug, almost pinning Eddie against the flimsy bed. The only thing that makes us finally pull back is when he lets out a pain-filled hiss.
As Mike and the others relay how Eddie had just…randomly appeared in the forest, bloody, bruised, and shaking, I sit next to him and play lightly with his long hair. Mr. Munson is seated on the other edge of the bed, his hand squeezing Eddie’s tightly. Even though I know the story is probably important, I can ask for it again later. Right now, I just want to focus on Eddie. I don’t care how it happened, but he’s back and that’s all that matters.
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dirtykpopsnaps · 2 years
For anyone interested, I’ve decided to make a separate blog for my Stranger Things content. Rules from here apply to there. Check the bio for information. @strangerthanstrangerthings
- Admin
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dirtykpopsnaps · 2 years
Not me hyping my other blog again, but if anyone on here is interested in Stranger Things, I have a Stranger Things blog, as well. I have quite a few smuts/fics posted already. Check it out at @strangerthanstrangerthings
- Admin
Warning: I do have a fic that I just added that is a SPOILER for Season 4’s end
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