#still on my gui dao isn't harmful agenda
Gui Dao - A Brilliant Subversion
Gui Dao is set up as evil, corrupting cultivation from the beginning, and it is a very deliberate misdirection.
I have spoken before about how Gui Dao is not harmful, about how the popular fanon of recasting it as the main issue that led to Wei Wuxian's downfall completely dismisses the extreme trauma and stress Wei Wuxian went through and so on.
And while CQL is a major factor for why this fanon is popular, everywhere, I think another reason is that Resentment, or Gui Dao, is set up as what caused Wei Wuxian's downfall.
For much of the novel, in fact, right up to the Second Siege where we get the Burial Mounds arc flashback, the novel gives a heavy impression of the story being about a hero who fell, committed crimes, and the present timeline is his redemption arc, or him realizing his own faults and becoming better, his second chance, what have you.
But it is not.
Because he cultivates the Demon Path, Wei WuXian’s powers had backfired and he was ripped to pieces.
This proves that one can only cultivate by following the right path. Using these dishonest practices would only seem beneficial at first glance. Look, what happened in the end? Not even a whole corpse was left of him.
I think we all know that a lot of the opinions about WWX in the prologue is, well, utter nonsense. However, the prologue does give us the general belief of the public, and certain facts as well, regarding the Siege, it is simply that it does not give the whole story.
The storyline of the present is very much in a mystery setting. What did WWX do? Why did he do them? What the hell is that arm? Who's the guy he's running from?
Something MXTX does a lot in MDZS is 'showing without telling' and she kicks it up a notch by telling us, almost the exact opposite.
So we are meant to realise from the moment the prologue describes WWX as a vengeful monster and WWX wakes up with no desire whatsoever for the same, that this book is not going to be a straightforward one. MXTX uses this in multiple other instances, like WWX's optimistic and devil-may-care attitude in the face of being hurt, LWJ's care for WWX, JC's claim that he can't protect WWX (What bullshit) when he absolutely could have and was morally obligated to, and so on.
A lot of fanon spawn from the telling, which is disproved by the showing, but people simply... disregard it? Don't see it?
Anyway. Moving on.
JC's first scene and the consequent Dafan mountain scenes also tell us that Resentful Cultivation was what led Wei Wuxian to his downfall and to becoming the monster he was described to be, especially when we pair it with his comment in the CR arc. But, like in the Mo Manor, it also shows us that the same cultivation is being used to save the junior ducklings, who apparently are always in close proximity to imminent death.
And in a similar vein, also shows us, that while JC does hold resentment for demonic cultivators, it is not because WWX became a demonic cultivator that he killed him, in fact, JC wants to kill and torture demonic cultivators because they could be WWX, and he'd rather torture a thousand suspects than letting the tiny possibility of WWX live happen. His hatred is centred around WWX, not the cultivation.
Jiang Cheng spoke grimly, “Break his legs? Haven’t I told you? If you see this sort of evil and crooked practice, kill the cultivator and feed him to your dogs!”
He thought that, after so many years, no matter how much hatred Jiang Cheng had held for him, it would have disappeared long ago. He didn’t expect that not only did it not disappear, it became richer as if it was a jar of aged alcohol. At the present time, his hatred had grown to affect even people who cultivated like him!
Jiang Cheng warned, “That’s enough. It’s fine if you talk about it, but don’t actually walk such a crooked path.” (CR arc)
When you reread, these are especially scenes I hardcore side-eyed, because JC had no issue, none whatsoever, with WWX's cultivation path when it benefited him, and the YMJ. And even then, it was his jealousy and general selfishness which leads him to abandon WWX, as opposed to hatred for the Cultivation path.
Now, regarding Gui Dao itself, we get this, said by WWX, as a response to JL thinking that MXY has fallen to demonic cultivation.
Although the cultivation method that he used in the past was often criticized and, in the long term, it harmed the cultivator’s health, it could be mastered quickly. It was also especially attractive because there were no limitations as to the cultivator’s spiritual powers or talent, making it so that there were always people who secretly practised it to find a shortcut.
Basically, this goes in with the general belief held by the cultivation world about Gui Dao. That it's easy, its a shortcut, its harmful blah blah blah, which when you look at their fear about WWX, and WWX specifically wielding that power really sounds like a bad case of sour grapes, and for multiple reasons. (I'd be more willing to care if the cultivation world wasn't openly using WWX's inventions based on the same, so-called, crooked path to aid their night hunts, but here we are.)
1) Gui Dao does not affect someone's health. WWX's health is not good at all when he came back from the BMs, or even during the Burial Mound arc, but that's not because of Resentful cultivation. It's called Malnutrition! And PTSD! 2) This is specifically framed as what JL believes, and JL whose uncle JC goes around dragging back anyone who he suspects for a demonic cultivator, and also because to JL's knowledge, WWX, the grandmaster of the Gui dao, killed his parents. He doesn't have reason to believe it as any good, which he outright says after Yi City.
Finally, Gui Dao is never once shown as being easy, and even Xue Yang the only one we actually see use the same cultivation, is not up to the same level as WWX, even with WWX's personal notes. It seems easy when WWX does it, certainly, but well, again, grandmaster. Also, about the Yiling Laozu imitators, while they are mentioned around 3 times, we never hear about any of these so-called imitators doing anything significant. So WWX's level of control of Gui Dao is not an easy thing.
Now, coming to the CR Arc.
“The essence of exorcising demons and annihilating ghosts is to liberate! You do not study the methods of liberation, and even think about increasing their energy of resentment! You reverse the natural order, and ignore ethics and morality!”
“Then, let me ask you again! How do you make sure that the resentful energy only listens to you and does not harm others?”
Lan QiRen raged, “If you thought of it, the cultivation world would not allow your existence! Get out!”
Hello, foreshadowing. Again, here, Gui Dao is implied to be the very reason why WWX eventually becomes the enemy of the world. Here, WWX is not theorizing or actually thinking of inventing Gui Dao, he saw that LQR was being prejudiced and biased towards him, and he says the things he knows will outrage LQR and his stubborn belief in orthodoxy or whatever the hell he is going on about.
(Also side note, that Resentful Cultivation does not, in fact, reverse the natural order. WWX states it as an alternative to suppression, which doesn't really fix the problem, or elimination, which calls for, well, literally eliminating the soul)
That, being said, a very, very important piece to note, is this response WWX gives to JC, in the prior mentioned comment about resentful cultivation.
Wei WuXian smiled, “Why would I leave the nice, broad road, and walk on a single-plank bridge on a dark, narrow river instead? If it really is that easy, people would have already walked on it."
Again, this points to the fact that Gui Dao isn't something to be invented on a whim, or something easily learned.
It is meant to make us question, of course, why WWX invented Gui Dao in the end?
There is, of course, the whole issue with the Nie Cultivation and its similarity to Gui Dao, and how it causes qi deviation, and while I would love to explore that, this is not the post for that.
Basically, Nie Cultivation causes unreasonable tempers and qi deviation and has since they were established. Gui Dao is never shown to cause these things, especially in the present timeline when WWX is not carrying the weight of the world and the horrific traumas constantly.
Anyway, its similarity does give the impression that it was what happened to WWX; that his cultivation drove him to a murder spree. That he fundamentally changed after his return from the Burial Mounds.
For example, WWX's scene in Empathy, where he is furious at JZX. This seems uncalled for, but when we get the background of the whole soup incident, much later, it makes far, far more sense.
Then the Burial Mounds arc. I have written about how this arc subverts every assumption we make up to that point, but it also subverts what the novel has insinuated from the beginning, that WWX was corrupted by Resentful Energy.
WWX uses resentful energy to save the Wens, to protect them from the world that would see them dead. He uses Gui Dao to protect himself from an ambush of 300 archers who specifically weakened him with the intention to kill him. He uses Gui Dao in a battle declared by the sects on the innocents he protected.
WWX was never corrupted. His heart did not change with resentful cultivation. Wei Wuxian's story is not a redemption arc. He has always been morally good, and the events people held up as his crimes were the victor's side of a brutal killing of innocents.
What resentful cultivation is, is a powerful, powerful tool that the sects salivated over or used and then denounced as heresy. It is not even like the Nie Sabres, that drives someone to irrational tempers and certain death. The wielder decides its nature, like normal cultivation. It certainly is not the reason for WWX's downfall. That would be the entirety of the sects, the classism, JGS, JGY and JC's absolute bs and so on.
I firmly, firmly believe that MDZS is a novel you have to reread. There are so many nuances we miss in the first read, because a lot of the information comes in fragments, and quite literally with regards to WWX's past.
When you talk about Gui Dao, please note that WWX uses Gui Dao consistently in the present timeline, and he does not ever, ever, ever become 'corrupted by it'. He never once is even driven to take revenge on the people who killed him! Instead, he is there, saving them from certain death, because his heart has never changed. The Burial Mounds and the War made him harsher during the Sunshot, and the World turned on him afterwards, and he continued to do what he believed was right in his heart.
Gui Dao is insinuated as WWX's downfall, the corrupted form of cultivation that turned a brilliant young man into an irredeemable villain. But then, it goes on to say, he was never a villain, and the reason for his downfall was his adherence to his morals in a corrupted society, not the corruption of the morals themselves.
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